Damn, the Mail’s fast this morning. Heard Kuenssberg on Today this morning say she was told that the Queen said she backed Brexit but didn’t report it as only one source…of course such high ethical and professional standards never stopped her ‘reporting’, or printing the legend as fact, that Boris was only backing Leave as a cunning ploy to snatch the Tory leadership…however the ease and readiness with which he stood down from that contest suggests he wasn’t really that bothered about the top job.
The BBC’s political editor has said she was told that the Queen supported EU withdrawal, but did not report it as she could not find a second source.
Laura Kuenssberg said she was told about the alleged comment months before the eventual appearance of The Sun’s “Queen backs Brexit” headline in March.
The front-page story caused one of the biggest rows of the referendum campaign, leading to a successful complaint to press regulator Ipso by Buckingham Palace, which said it was “misleading”.
The BBC political editor told BBC Radio 4’s Today programme: “In a casual chat with one of my contacts, they said ‘Do you know what? At some point this is going to come out, and I’m telling you now and I don’t know if the BBC would touch it, but the Queen told people at a private lunch that she thinks that we should leave the EU’.
“Apparently at this lunch she said ‘I don’t see why we can’t just get out. What’s the problem?’
“My jaw hit the floor. Very sadly, I only had one source. I spent the next few days trying to prove it. I couldn’t find the evidence.
“Lo and behold, a couple of months later, someone else did. Of course then ensued a huge row between that newspaper and the Palace over what had really been said or not said.”
Interestingly she didn’t say who her source was…Gove was supposedly the source of the Sun’s story so if Kuenssberg’s source was not Gove…????!!! She could just say it wasn’t Gove. Would back up the Sun’s original story.
At the peak of his musical powers, the then married English rocker was spending £1,000 a week on cocaine, £500 a week on vodka, and sleeping with so many groupies that he forgot their names. Pardiff is pictured with third wife….
Yep shocking that ‘Pardiff’ forgot groupies’ names. Like the Mail’s conclusion that ‘he paid the price for his rock’n’roll lifestyle’…he was 68 and had a great life with all the trimmings. I’m sure he’ll be rock and rolling in his grave to think he has missed out somehow….or not. The Mail’s Xmas bashes must be on a level with Status Quo’s.
Contemporary anti-Semitism has been particularly prevalent on British university campuses since 2001 when the UN Conference against Racism in Durban accused Israel of the five cardinal sins against human rights: racism, apartheid, ethnic cleansing, attempted genocide, and crimes against humanity. Since then campus anti-Semitism has been cloaked in the language of human rights and promulgated in the so-called fight for Palestine; and student supporters of Israel have consequently been labelled as Nazis, apologists for racism, apologists for apartheid and racists by student supporters of Palestine. Although student supporters of Palestine may not intend to be anti-Semitic, the effect of their rhetoric has been to harass those students who support Israel, the overwhelming majority of whom happen to be Jewish.
Anti-Semitism on British University Campuses: An Intractable Problem? 2015
A quick one slipped under the Xmas tree to be opened Christmas morn…
We all know what the BBC thinks of those hill-billy crackers in the US, the rednecks who love their guns and their bibles, they’re there to be mocked, derided and denounced in horrified and appalled tones. Imagine then how the BBC might react to the news of what the sockless, slip-on wearing, New York Times reading cosmopolitans are spending their money on…guns and baked beans. The Trump apocalypse is coming. But you know what….it’s OK, the BBC understands.…have all the guns you want because the world needs you to be safe…you are its future…or you were once….
Why US liberals are now buying guns too
Clara, a 28-year-old nursing student, grew up in the Mid-West, where “the folks that had guns were seen as hicks” or were just “culturally different”, she says.
But since the election of Donald Trump in November she has started going to a gun range for the first time and is shopping around for a semi-automatic pistol.
“It’s been seeing the way that Trump’s election has mobilised a lot of the far right and given them hope,” she says, citing a rise in reports of hate crimes and neo-Nazi activity.
So Liberals must arm themselves because of roaming bands of Fascist Trump supporters hunting down Blacks, Hispanics, Muslims, transgender nursing students and Democrat voters. No mention of gas chambers? Surely the BBC missed a trick? Then again it reports of ‘separatist’ movements as it coyly calls them in Catalonia, or indeed in Scotland, but you don’t hear the same language that the BBC uses for Right-Wing ‘separatists’ as in Gabriel Gatehouse’s attack on them in Austria and France in what could be considered hate speech as he called them Nazis and Fascists and claimed their policies smacked of the concentration camp and ethnic cleansing when in fact, if he’d bothered to listen, they were far, far from being anything like the scenario he painted….no mention of gas chambers but he wan’t far off. How different the treatment then for one group of nationalists and another…the difference? One group, the ‘Nazis’, wants to control immigration…the other doesn’t speak so much of it and the BBC doesn’t ask.
What else gets the BBC selective treatment?
How about Israel…the UN voted against the ‘illegal Jewish settlements in the illegally occupied West Bank’. Hmmm…illegal settlers…illegal immigrants? Aren’t they in fact refugees, many, ironically, driven from Europe by Muslim attacks, and so in a way justice is being served as Jews driven from Europe by Muslims end up doing to Palestinains what Muslim immigrants to Europe do to Jews? Maybe ‘illegal Jewish settlers’ should actually be described as ‘undocumented migrants’? You know like the millions of Mexicans who ‘illegally settle in and occupy’ the US? Why are Jews in the West Bank pilloried and yet Mexicans are applauded and defended along with millions of Muslims who force their way into Europe illegally?
If Mexicans can invade and occupy the US and Muslims can invade and occupy Europe then Jews can invade and occupy Palestinian land…no?
Speaking of Jews…the BBC finally got around to reporting that Jews were under anti-Semitic attack in universities…or maybe not…the BBC took a different tack and has decided that there is no story here, Jews are not under attack and Muslims of course are not doing the attacking….and the BBC has proof that there is no anti-Semitism going on….
A claim that Jewish students avoid applying to certain UK universities over anti-Semitism fears has been criticised by a Jewish student group.
Baroness Ruth Deech, the former adjudicator for universities, told the Telegraph that Jewish students felt “unwelcome” on some campuses.
The Union of Jewish Students (UJS) denied that such no-go zones exist.
Note the plural ‘groups’ in the title when in fact it is one group…but is that really the case, is there really no anti-Semitism?…sure the UJS questioned the claim but why? They know Jewish students suffer hugely from anti-Semitism, that is in major part why the UJS exists, to defend against such hate. …
We work with J-Socs and Jewish students nationwide to protect and maintain the welfare of our members and defend Jewish students’ interests on campus. We aim to empower Jewish students to ensure that they can study in a safe, inclusive and fair environment free from Antisemitism. We work directly with the CST in combatting Antisemitism.
Consider this statement as the UJS was being asked to end relations with the ‘anti-Semitic’ NUS…
This motion threatens to reduce Jewish students’ role in NUS to victims of antisemitism, whereas the reality is that Jewish life is so much more – it’s vibrant and amazing. Voting against this motion is about giving ourselves the opportunity to show that we have identities to be proud of which we can’t do from outside.’
You might get the clue that the UJS’s position is political wanting to keep their enemies close so to speak and not make a huge fuss about anti-Semitism….Jews do not want to be seen merely as victims unlike so many other groups.
Note the BBC does not mention the massive furore over the NUS ‘s new Muslim head who was claimed to have made anti-Semitic statements. A strange omission when you consider what the story is about….not so quiet when she was appointed…then it was a celebration of a Muslim getting into such a position.
The Times reported a different tale earlier in the year…
So why has the BBC made the editorial decision to run as the main narrative that claims of anti-Semitism at universities are overplayed? One look at the UJS’s website would show that they are being ‘diplomatic’ when they themselves downplay Deech’s report. One look at news reports about anti-Semitism in universities would reveal the truth. The BBC didn’t bother to get the truth because it doesn’t want to dig the dirt on a story that implicates Muslims and indeed Muslim countries that the BBC, whilst happy to complain about their actions in Yemen, seems reluctant to reveal what their malign influence is here in the UK.
Following the publication of the Institutional Racism Review (IRR) into the National Union of Students (NUS), UJS Campaigns Director Josh Nagli said:
‘It is clear that NUS will face challenges in breaking down the barriers that Black and Minority Ethnic students continue to face when engaging in its structures. UJS looks forward to playing its part and helping to create a more inclusive and welcoming space for all students.
‘However, many Jewish students are likely to be disappointed because, despite the NUS National President insisting that the report would look into all forms of racism, ‘which includes antisemitism’, there seems to be a lack of any in-depth examination of the challenges facing Jewish students.
‘This is especially disappointing in light of the fact that Jewish students continue to articulate the struggles they face when engaging with the NUS. This issue was highlighted by the recent Home Affairs Select Committee report and reaffirmed by Government in its response, and it was expected that this would be addressed in the IRR.
‘The report’s treatment of the media coverage of this year’s National Conference is particularly troubling. In no way should reporting allegations of antisemitism be seen as negative reporting. By comparing the use of the word ‘antisemitism’ to words such as “shock” and “controversy”, the report trivialises antisemitism. This only goes further to delegitimise the real experiences of Jewish students.
Funny how the BBC can always find a tale of the unexpected, the angle nobody else would consider…probably because it’s nonsense…whether its Liberals being hunted down in the US en masse or Jews being the most popular students at university. The BBC can always be relied upon to bring you the news that tells you that everything you thought you knew is wrong.
Good job we have the wonderful BBC to eradicate fake news from the world and keep us so fully and entertainingly informed of what’s truly happening around the world.
The UK economy grew by 0.6% in the third quarter, according to official figures, faster than previous estimates.
Oh and look…
“ONS statistician Darren Morgan said: “Robust consumer demand continued to help the UK economy grow steadily in the third quarter of 2016. Growth was slightly stronger than first thought, though, due to greater output in the financial sector.”
Hmmm…the financial sector doing well and growing…how can that possibly be? Haven’t they all decamped to Frankfurt?
Oh but look at this…..the deficit is out of control and exports are not helped by the fall in the pound…
Separate figures from the ONS showed the UK’s current account deficit rose back towards record levels in the third quarter, with few signs that the fall in the pound in the wake of the Brexit vote has helped to boost exports.
Curious this other far less negative BBC report today says different…the government is on track to meet its deficit target…
Government borrowing fell in November to £12.6bn, down £0.6bn from November 2015, according to the Office for National Statistics.
However, the fall was less than analysts had been expecting.
The monthly borrowing figure had been expected to shrink to £11.6bn, according to an economists’ poll.
Borrowing for the financial year so far is down on last year. From April to November, borrowing, excluding state-owned banks, fell by £7.7bn to £59.5bn.
Despite the smaller-than-expected fall in November’s borrowing figure, economists said the government was on track to meet its less ambitious deficit forecast set out in November’s Autumn Statement.
Then exports…from the BBC itself….do they not take note of their own reports? No…As we pointed out in the last post about Easton they obviously do not….
Mark Easton has always been extremely biased and not worth his salt as a journalist. His ‘journalism’ consists mostly of telling us a very one-sided narrative about immigration….sitting on the BBC breakfast couch one morning a few years ago he treated us to his opinion, presented as ‘fact’ of course, that immigration is good, unstoppable and we’d better just get used to it and learn to like it.
Easton is the one who told us in the wake of the Trojan Horse plot [that the BBC still insists is a hoax] we should allow Muslims to Islamise schools, if Muslim parents want that we should let them have it. Similarly he told us that Muslim extremists should be considered in the same heroic light as Churchill, Ghandi and Mandela.
Now he brings his toxic insights to Brexit in an ‘analysis’ that is beyond parody……did Easton write it or Nick Clegg?
We misinterpret the message of Brexit at our peril
Yes indeed, but not ‘we’ just you Easton who misinterprets Brexit….misinterprets or deliberately lies about it as some might suggest…..Here’s his basic thrust…..Brexit was not about immigration, not about sovereignty….
The vote for Brexit was a thunderous rumble of national indignation, an outpouring of frustrated fury that shook the foundations of the British state. We misinterpret its meaning at our peril.
“Brexit means Brexit” does not cut it.
This was much more than a simple referendum about membership of the European Union. Neither Brussels bureaucrats nor Polish plumbers were really the motivation for a popular revolt unparalleled in almost five centuries.
This was an act of extraordinary defiance against a system that does not and will not listen to people’s concerns and anxieties.
We need to be honest. Our governance, our democracy, does not function properly. It is failing the people of this country. That is the message of Brexit.
Thus we do not need to cut immigration nor our ties with the EU because the problem is ‘us’.
Of course that’s a deliberate twisting of the facts…..people are concerned about the lack of a voice but it was a lack of a voice on immigration and the EU that drove Brexit.
Here Easton tells another porkie…
I was very struck by the attitude of people I met in Port Talbot in South Wales.
Here was a place that has in the last decade received around a billion pounds in EU aid. It was due to receive around a billion pounds more over the next few years – money that is now very much in doubt.
And yet they voted emphatically to leave. Port Talbot is virtually untouched by the waves of immigration that some suggest was the driving force behind the referendum vote. I did not detect any profound ideological concerns over UK sovereignty either.
What I did hear were people who did not think anyone was listening to them. They felt powerless and ignored.
I’m sorry but Wales is strongly anti-immigration as a cursory check of the BBC’s own archives would have revealed to any real journalist not peddling a lie…..
In fact, the suggestion in the research by Wiserd – the Wales Insitute of Social and Economic Data and Methods – is that Wales shares similar, and more negative views, with neighbours in the English Midlands and the north of England.
There was a time when people up and down the land believed they had some kind of control over their destiny. But one by one those traditional connections to power have been snapped.
Trade unionism has been neutered, local government is a shadow of its former self and political activism is, for the most part, simply shouting into the wind.
I’m sorry what? Political activism is simply shouting in the wind? Did he miss the result of the referendum or what?
It is an astonishing feat to write a whole article decrying the ‘elite’ for not listening when he himself, of the self-selected BBC elite, is pumping out what is a Remain piece of propaganda intent on dismissing all the concerns of the Leave voters.
Brexit means Brexit which means controlling immigration and severing the EU’s political and legal control of this country…and yes we know access to the Single Market may be limited …are you listening Easton?
Astonishing no? A very serious statement that Jews are being driven out of universities by anti-Semitism and it is not being dealt with for fear of upsetting Muslim benefactors to the universities isn’t reported by the BBC….only mentioned in passing in the ‘What the papers say’….not on the front page, not on the UK page, not even on the education page…just a note in passing…..
The BBC is massively concerned about what Saudi Arabia is doing in Yemen but seems entirely unconcerned that they are driving and funding a deadly Islamist agenda in the UK. The BBC leapt on the story about Boris saying the Saudis were beyond the pale whilst paradoxically admitting that what he said was entirely true, and yet no interest at all it seems in what is happening to Jews in the UK.
Today has shown perfectly why you should despair if you think ‘radical’ Islam is a problem for Europe.
A Muslim drives a truck into a Christmas [Christian] market killing 14, injuring many in a deliberate attack.
What is the response from the BBC, the intelligence community, Royalty towards a radical Islam that is at war with the West? Not the real threat.
Instead blame the Right, warn of the threat the Right poses, the threat ‘populism’ poses…and conflate them all with violent Far-Right groups. Bury the truth along with the victims of ‘Radical’ Islam.
On the Today programme we were told the problem was not immigrants but immigrants being groomed once they were in Europe….thus you are supposed to conclude that it is a failure of Europe to stop radicalisation that is to blame not the immigrant himself…they are the ‘vulnerable victims’. This narrative was backed up by ex-MI6 spook Richard Barrett who said the real question was why would someone want to spread terror?, telling us that it was alienation, marginalisation and discrimination that disassociated them from Society. So again…it is our fault. Why though is it so often only Muslims who ‘radicalise’, terrorise and kill people? That’s the real question.
Later on John Humphrys wanted to know how we can stop radicalisation…first understand, admit, who and why, but no, all we got was another tale of immigrants being radicalised by people in Germany already. However…the ‘big piece’ we are all missing, is the real problem….’cumulative radicalisation‘ no less. What’s that? The rise of the Far-Right of course. Others might call it ‘self-defence’. When terrorists hit on 9/11 we invaded Afghanistan then Iraq….is that ‘radicalisation of the Far Right‘…is Tony Blair a fascist or worse, a populist? I heard it was a justified response to a terror attack.
Anyway, as said before in the last post, the Far-Right would not be on the rise if the likes of the BBC had not worked to open the borders and flood Europe with people who have no loyalty and no desire to integrate into European societies in their millions. Keep smacking someone around the head for long enough telling them how good it is for them and they’re bound to eventually hit back. What’s that favourite Lefty word? Blowback.
Then we had Prince Charles on Thought for the Day [0748] giving us a highly political sermon that essentially equated the Muslim terrorist and his fellow travellers in Germany with Jesus, Mary and Joseph…the Holy Family being refugees themselves.
If you were not a republican before you probably are now as you were treated to a highly misleading and dishonest interpretation of what is happening in the world. Charlieboy told us of the terrible persecution of Christians, of Christians attacked and driven out of their own lands, not just Christians but Yazidis, Jews, Ahmadis, Bahais and other minority groups. What he didn’t mention was who, what religious group, was doing the persecuting around the world….Muslims. He then went on to raise the spectre of the 30’s again and said it was beyond belief that such a thing could be happening once more in Europe….yes Jews are being driven from Europe once more, but that wasn’t what he meant. He spoke of other refugees coming into Europe who then suffered persecution from the ‘Populists’….a pretty disgraceful grouping of all those who voted for Brexit or want to limit immigration with Far-Right groups who use violence. Again no mention of Muslims or the fact that it is in fact they who are driving the new ‘1930’s’ rise of anti-Semitism, backed by the Left….such as our own Labour Party….and by default those who back open borders like the BBC.
Charlieboy then mentions Islam, or rather Muhammed. He was a refugee we are told, only wanting to worship freely. Yes, just like the terrorists now…they do it to make Islam the dominant religion…so they can ‘worship freely’. Muhammed was a warlord who used the religion to draw in supporters for his wars telling them God would reward them with loot, women and land. He had a tribe of Jews beheaded, the women and children enslaved and engaged in a campaign of conquest and colonisation that has resulted in the mass oppression and the inhuman mentality of such a vast swathe of humanity. Forget to mention that Charlieboy?
Prince Charles has spoken out about the danger of religious persecution, warning against a repeat of “the horrors of the past”.
Delivering BBC Radio 4’s Thought for the Day, the Prince of Wales said the rise of populist groups “aggressive” to minority faiths had “deeply disturbing echoes of the dark days” of the 1930s.
In the Christmas message, he urged respect for those of different faiths.
Then we have the video at the top of this post. A Newsnight film…
Is the “alt right” on the rise in Europe? And if so, is it a fringe movement – or something bigger than that? BBC Newsnight’s Gabriel Gatehouse reports from Austria and France.
Gatehouse didn’t actually listen to what was being told to him. He had a narrative and he stuck to it….what we got was a constant drumbeat warning us of the rise of a new Nazi regime….Gatehouse freely used words like ethnic cleansing, Nazis and references to concentration camps. No analysis of the issues that politicises these people just condemnation and demonisation. In other words just the usual BBC dangerously dismissive and contemptuous treatment telling us these groups had ideas ‘beyond the boundaries of the acceptable’…..er like controlling immigration and stopping Islamisation? Very controversial.
Gatehouse ran through a list of ‘Far-Right’ issues to probe their ‘Far-Rightedness’…gays, Jews, ethnic minorities…er well that would include the Church of Engalnd then as ‘Far Right’ and Muslims of course…only yesterday the BBC was accusing the Cof E of institutional racism….and gays and Jews have never been top of the Christian church’s hit list (or rather…)…nor of the Islamic community’s. Those under the inquisition actually said they had no problem with any if these issues. Damn…Gatehouse had to try another tack.
Gatehouse hilariously asked if the ‘Far Right’ people he was interviewing had any gay friends…and thought it odd, and obviously an indictment, that they didn’t. Yep he really did pull that old chestnut out of the fire….’I have a gay friend…so I can’t be prejudiced’ but turned on its head…’I have no gay friends, therefore I am homophobic’.
Some of Britain’s leading universities are becoming no-go zones for Jewish students because anti-Semitism is so rife, the first ever higher education adjudicator has warned.
Baroness Ruth Deech, a cross-bench peer who formerly held the highest office dealing with student complaints, said that institutions may be failing to combat hatred against Jews as they “afraid of offending” their potential benefactors from Gulf states.
“Many universities are in receipt of or are chasing very large donations from Saudi Arabia and the Gulf states and so on, and maybe they are frightened of offending them,” she said. “I don’t know why they aren’t doing anything about it, it really is a bad situation.”
These ‘Fascist’ ironically want a pan-European identity but with national identities maintained…strong European borders but ‘soft’ and pluralistic within. Almost BBCish….or is it ‘Fascist’?
Hilariously Gatehouse complains that multiculturalism has lost its attractions and now the politics of identity has taken over. Er what? Identity politics is a classic left-wing approach to society…divide and rule, everyone divided up by race and religion and offered policies to suit each and every group in order to win their vote. A famously left-wing tactic. Multiculturalism was all about identity and ‘celebrating diversity’…in other words separate identities. But now it’s a bad thing, in fact a totally diffferent thing, something to label the Right with as yet another example of ‘Fascism’. On the BBC’s ‘Muslims Like Us’ you’ll see the devout Muslims declare that they are ‘Muslim first’. Not ‘Britain first’ then? No shock and horror about that though. It is, apparently, not just Fascism that results from the ‘new’ identity politics but ethnic cleansing as well as Gatehouse goes on to explain as he links to another issue….a group in France says that if immigrants don’t want to integrate they will offer them money and the chance to go to a country where they will feel more at home…not force them but offer them. Gatehouse says this is ‘ethnic cleansing’. Never mind the UK government already does it.
Are you starting to get the idea that Gatehouse doesn’t have a clue what he is saying and what the reality is and has his own agenda to peddle?
You actually struggle to see what the spectre of the 30’s is here…just what are the policies and ideas that Gatehouse says are ‘Far-Right’ or ‘ethnic cleansing’ or have the whiff of the concentration camp about them or have ‘scary connotations’? They all seem fairly mainstream and indeed already put into practise by many governments. Gatehouse comes with preconceived ideas about these people and completely ignores what they actually say preferring to overlay everything with his own narrative, colouring what they say in the darkest tones when such an interpretation, at least from what they said on film, is far from the mark.
Gatehouse in essence has ‘faked’ a film, producing something that is indeed reminiscent of the Thirties…the propaganda films of the Nazis.
Interesting to see that the Right-wingers are all young, educated people….yet another BBC lie laid to rest that it is just ignorant old people who don’t want to see the wonders of the über-Liberal world vision imposed upon them.
The BBC and the Great and the Good bemoan the rise of the Far-Right, the Right itself, of ‘Populism’, that voice of the People so long suppressed and silenced by the BBC and the Great and the Good, now exercising their democratic rights.
They tell us the great Liberal project is under attack, from the Right, and that we are in great danger, the Thirties loom over us again….why? Take your pick….due either to Tory austerity, Brexit or Neo-Nazis on the march…they’re all the same to the BBC.
What they don’t dare say is where the real threat comes from and why the People are refusing to accept the Liberal world view as professed by the BBC et al.
Why are the liberal orthodoxies under threat? Is it because of some nihilistic, irrational, emotional, white supremacist, nationalistic driven rage and prejudice that we are told is the reason? Did this anger and determination to stop the liberal dictatorship come out of nowhere? Of course not but you’d be hard pressed to find the BBC provide you with a true analysis of why revolution is in the air. And is ‘liberalism’ really under threat as the BBC insists or is it the elements of Liberalism that are illiberal, the silencing of debate, the crushing of anyone who dissents from the über-liberal narrative, the labelling of anyone who talks about immigration as a Nazi, the undemocratic imposition of EU tyranny, the bizarre promotion by liberals of that other tyranny, Islam?
Ultimately it is that last subject that is the deal breaker, the one that ends the consent of the people to the liberal project as the BBC et al work towards to a virtual ethnic and religious cleansing of Europe of its Christian, and hideously white peoples by importing millions of people whose culture, identity and ideologies are so implacably opposed to European values and beliefs that a clash is inevitable. They wish to make Christians and Whites a minority in Europe.
The Liberals have caused the rise of the Right by their own illiberalism, their own tyranny of the virtuous. But they don’t see that. The answer they think is to do what the addicted gambler does as he loses his shirt at the tables, double up….all on Black presumably.
The answer to complaints about immigration is not less but more immigration…the happy clappy reason is that once we realise how wonderful immigrants are we’ll come round to accepting them en masse. The real intention is of course to get so many immigrants into Europe as to make it seemingly impossible to remove them or to stop their influence. Hmmm…for people who keep mentioning the Thirties that seems a dangerously foolish and naive notion…and if the Liberals’ policies are leading to the Thirties then they have knowingly created that situation but have buried their heads in the sand about it. Six million Jews are a testament to the stupidity and evilness of the Liberal plan…almost deliberately provoking the very ‘final solution’ scenario that they not so very subtly imply is the endgame if the Far Right were to take power…of course the Far Left would be just as likely to be similarly inclined though the BBC does not raise that possibility. If war breaks out and civilisation is cast aside then there are no rules, no Geneva Convention, no human rights. The BBC et al are creating the situation where that conflict is ever more likely. German and French politicans already state we are at war with ‘radical’ Islam. If anyone has ‘enabled’ Fascism or Socialism it is the Liberal elite.
The other concern is related to that immigration, Islam, radical or otherwise. Again the answer is to double up…the answer to Muslims becoming radicalised is…more Islam. Create a society where Islam is the norm, where Muslims practise their religion as they like to its full extent and of course non-Muslims will have to comply and adopt practices that don’t ‘offend’ Muslims, in effect becoming virtual Muslims and Muslims won’t then feel ‘alienated’. So to stop radical Muslims ‘Islamising’ society we Islamise it first. Good plan.
The BBC et al can bury their heads in the sand all they like. All they will get is one big kick up the backside…Trump and Brexit may just be the start.
When the news broke of the Berlin Christmas market attack, the BBC was right to the fore in initially presenting it as somehow a lorry had attacked the people enjoying the Market. I half expected them to release a photo line up of possible suspects. When they had to grudgingly admit that the suspect was an illegal immigrant, I thought they might cry. 2016 may not have given us that which many of us on this site want to see – namely the BBC detached from the mandatory £3.5bn a year license tax it uses to propagandise BUT it has shown that new media is now a serious rival to the Fake News BBC in terms of influence, speed and diversity. That please me. I find it painful to listen to much of the BBC output these days since the BIAS is so overt, the deceit is so obvious. But so is the worry – so is their concern that people can now click on Twitter, or Gab, or Facebook, or Youtube, and find analysis that blows the BBC bias apart!
A YouTube star’s video about his removal from a Delta Air Lines flight has gone viral across social media.
Adam Saleh told the BBC he was asked to get off the London-New York flight on Wednesday after speaking to his mother in Arabic on the phone.
He said a fellow passenger had expressed feeling uncomfortable.
Delta Air Lines confirmed that two customers were removed after a “disturbance” and said it would investigate the report.
The BBC gives it the full ‘poor little Muslim’ treatment and ends with the information that there is a hashtag you can support…
Soon after the Heathrow incident, the hashtag #BoycottDelta was trending in London and his updates on Twitter were getting lots of shares.
The BBC admits the guy is a prankster who has pulled off some hoaxes..
Mr Saleh is well-known for carrying out pranks, which he posts on YouTube.
Earlier this month, he claimed to have hidden in a suitcase and travelled from Melbourne to Sydney in the hold. It was later exposed as a hoax.
Oddly though they fail to tell us about another well known ‘hoax’ by him, you might call it part of the Media Jihad, that was intended to portray New York police as anti-Muslim…unfortunately the policeman was an actor…that’s not a ‘prank’, that’s deliberate black propaganda intended to whip up anger and protest by Muslims aimed at forcing a subsequent media and political drive to combat supposed ‘Islamophobia’ as Muslims are portrayed as victims. Just why does the BBC not want us to know about this fakery especially as it is so relevant to the recent incident of fake Islamophobia on the plane?….
This according to a passenger on the plane is what really happened…Saleh and his friend shouted in Arabic across the plane and abused the passengers whilst filming their reactions…they were then chucked off the plane…again why has the BBC not bothered to report or even check out this, some might say, crucial information?…
Search Biased BBC
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Lucy PevenseyFeb 4, 17:52 Start the Week 3rd February 2025 Don’t rely solely on a political solution to our problems. We have four years to wait for an election. I…
tomoFeb 4, 17:52 Start the Week 3rd February 2025 [img]https://i.ibb.co/23YgcSmF/chrome-u6af-Qz-EBO4.png[/img] https://x.com/7Kiwi/status/1886792400917471630
tomoFeb 4, 17:43 Start the Week 3rd February 2025 Because our politicians have allowed the charity sector to be abused from A to Z – they’ve also allowed the…