Thomas Mair has been convicted and sentenced for killing Jo Cox. There are no excuses for what Mair did, no ‘understanding’, no moral equivocation. But there is a stark contrast in how the BBC treats a Far-Right killer and a Muslim one as, with unfortunate timing for the BBC, which had just published a heart-warming story of a Muslim ‘victim’ of radicalisation, this BBC ‘report’ illustrates… “An extremist in the family”.….oh he was a terrorist himself but naturally he was the victim having been a lovely lad led astray, a Muslim alienated by a cruel Britain made an easy and vulnerable recruiting target for the extremist recruiters….and his blameless family were helpless, shocked and distraught at the turn of events having no idea how he came to be ‘radicalised’. The same Dominic Casciani who made ‘An Extremist in the family’ also conjured up this white-wash for the killers of Lee Rigby…and naturally one of them suffered mental health issues…
He was diagnosed with post-traumatic stress disorder and began suffering periods of acute mental illness, including delusions, such as hearing voices. This mental decline would come to play a key part in his later trial for Lee Rigby’s murder.
Also unfortunate that the mother of this ‘terrorist in the family’ was one of the school governors caught up in the Trojan Horse plot who had to resign. It is remarkable how the BBC blithely assures us that it is a complete mystery how Muslims become radicalised and take at face value claims by the families that they had no idea that their kids were being radicalised or how that could have happened…never mind that again and again we subsequently find out that it was as much the parents doing the radicalising as anyone else. We can be pretty sure there is a constant drum beat of anti-Israel, anti-Iraq War, anti-Western presence in the Middle East and in other Muslim places and conspiracy theories about 9/11 [it was the Jews] and 7/7 [it was MI5] in Muslim homes up and down the country….for example The Jan Trust [Muslim led] was championed by the BBC for its ‘anti-radicalisation’ stand and yet they were promoting the idea that it was right to be angry about Palestine and the various wars…just don’t express that anger as violence…so hardly doing the genuinely important anti-radicalisation work…that of changing the narrative of Muslims under attack…one that the BBC itself spreads.
The BBC disgracefully tried to link Mair’s actions to the Leave campaign in order to make the Brexit debate ‘toxic’…the judge in the case noted that nationalist or patriotic sentiments are legitimate but Mair tainted them and made them toxic…something the BBC tried desperately to exploit in order to paint Leave campaigners and voters as racist, Far-Right extremists…as it continues to do of course…
Addressing Mair, Mr Justice Wilkie said: “You affect to be a patriot. The words you uttered repeatedly when you killed her, give lip service to that concept.
“Those sentiments can be legitimate and can have resonance but in your mouth, allied to your actions, they are tainted and made toxic.”
The BBC was quick to pick up on the police claim that Mair was a terrorist…and yet the poice did not charge him as such…and the judge made no mention of terror…merely stating that the murder was politically motivated. The Police claim is of course itself politically motivated as Muslims and the Left press hard for the likes of Mair to be classified as terrorists in order to allow them to say Muslims are not the only terrorists and therefore anti-terror actions and Press coverage should not concentrate on Muslims and Islam….attempting to close down anti-terror policies and censor the Press.
The BBC has no doubt Mair is a terrorist but remarkably, and commendably, the Guardian raises the question…
There are arguments for and against, Mair may or may not be a terrorist….there is no proof he intended to ‘terrorise’ either us, the Public, or the political Establishment…rather, it was all very personal towards Jo Cox herself by Mair who was acting alone without any outside direction or coercion to kill…
It has become a cliche question among race-rights campaigners (with whom I have common cause): “Why aren’t far-right crimes considered terrorism?” Such a common question that now, it seems, the police are changing tack and labelling Thomas Mair a terrorist (though not so much that they actually charged him with terrorism offences).
It’s certainly true that a narrow definition of terrorism as a “political act” would include Mair. But whatever one particular dictionary might say, there is no widely agreed definition of terrorism.
And while I don’t doubt that Mair’s motives were political, in the common understanding and usage of the term “terrorism”, more than this is required. Because, though he had far-right sympathies, it’s clear his actions weren’t supporting anyone’s agenda but his own.
To my knowledge there is no organisation that calls for the violent overthrow of the state, or for the killing of leftwing MPs. And though some eyewitnesses reported Mair shouting “Britain first” during his attack on Jo Cox, there’s no evidence he was acting for, or under the instruction of, the legal rightwing organisation of the same name.
The BBC naturally makes no mention of Mair’s well known mental health issues in contrast to how they instantly raise such issues for just about every Muslim terrorist. Here’s the BBC’s only, and very disingenuous, comment on mental health in the Mair case in their write up...
The precise state of Mair’s mind at the time of the attack remains unclear.
He has largely refused to engage with the court process, including attempts to assess whether or not he is capable of standing trial on mental health grounds, or even to enter a plea of not guilty.
No mention that the day before he had sought help from a mental health service…as the Mail points out today…
The Guardian doesn’t like the fact that the Mail has a rounded story with all the facts…
(Although it’s worth noting that Mail Online again highlighted Mair’s mental health and thoughts of matricide rather than his extreme ideology.)
Actually the Mail does state quite clearly and at length in different articles Mair’s obsession with the Nazis and Far Right ideology…
Mair, 53, spent hours looking up information on the Nazis, the Ku Klux Klan and other white supremacist organisations before brutally attacking the Labour MP in her hometown of Batley, West Yorkshire.
So the BBC at the same time as it makes excuses for a Muslim terrorist, who has done Allah knows what in Syria or Iraq, a BBC that so often claims mental health problems were the cause of ‘Muslim’ terrorism, makes a determined attempt to avoid noting Mair’s well documented issues and rapidly labels him a terrorist when that is up for debate technically and legally as even the Guardian accepts….’political motivation’ alone does not make him a terrorist. He may well be a terrorist but he gave no indication that he intended to ‘terrorise’ others by killing Jo Cox and we would need to see all his communications with Cox to judge exactly what was going on between them.
It’s not just some sections of the Press that raise the mental health issue…it’s one for the legal profession…
Why was no medical evidence called on the state of Mair’s mental health?
The prosecution would have had no interest in proving that he was insane, or that his responsibility was diminished as a result of mental health problems.
Why then did the defence not call any such evidence? Insanity or, more realistically, manslaughter on the grounds of diminished responsibility, provided the only remotely plausible escape route from a life sentence. So why did the jury not hear from any psychiatrist? There are quite a number of explanations: perhaps Mair had refused to co-operate with the preparation of any such report. Perhaps he had co-operated but the psychiatrists had agreed that he was entirely sane and not suffering from any relevant mental health problems.
Even though the defence did not run any form of “psychiatric” defence, it is likely that before he is sentenced the judge will want to give some consideration to his mental health
So, in light of other widespread comment, you have to ask why the BBC fails to comment on this and use it as an excuse when it is so ready to do so for Muslim killers?