“We hear that Turkish Prime Minister Binali Yildirim has withdrawn a bill that pardons men convicted of sex with underage girls if they have married them. There were lots of protests across Turkey which, in fairness, has been one of the more progressive Muslim-dominated societies (they even banned the burqa, which I guess makes them Islamaphobes).
As per usual, the BBC skips around and deliberately ignores the Islam angle, suggesting instead this is some weird quirk of Turkish culture. They even soften the horror by using sinister terms such as “statutory rape” rather than “rape” to imply that these children are all somehow consensual (imagine if they used that term with Jimmy Savile) in the process and “taking child brides”, making it sound almost romantic. “I married a 12-year old girl; she just really gets me on an emotional level…”
You will notice that the article has no mention of the history and rationale for this abhorrent practice of child rape and marriage. Where does it come from and why? The Beeb, of course, won’t tell us because it exposes the truth about the founder of Islam. To ironically misquote a popular acronym, WWMD?
Muhammed married his child bride Aisha when she was six and consummated the marriage/raped her when she was nine. And he is meant to be the perfect human. This is the reason behind the proposed legislation – and many like it – but the BBC ignores that, mainly because it is probably just bigoted hate-speech (aka the truth)..
I am glad to see al-Beeb is now expanding and fine-tuning its knowledge of lies and misinformation under sharia. We are used to their Taqiyya (the blatant lies) and now are seeing them learn the more refined aspects, such as Kitman techniques (lying by omission) as well as Tawriya (intentionally creating a false impression)”
As the Qur’an says to believe in the Gospel, perhaps John 8.44 is worth quoting: “You are of your father the devil, and you want to do the desires of your father. He was a murderer from the beginning, and does not stand in the truth because there is no truth in him. Whenever he speaks a lie, he speaks from his own nature, for he is a liar and the father of lies.”
“The truth. The BBC seems to hate it. Look at this story about “An extremist in the family”, which will pull on the heartstrings of those feeling sorry for the poor, delicate radical wannabe Islamic terrorists out there waging war, raping, torturing and butchering for fun.
We hear from Nicola Benyahia, painting her son who has gone off to Syria to be pure and angelic, all with a blasé, matter of fact approach to dumping your life and going off to fight for IS. As if to normalise the most deplorable of acts and point fingers at everyone else. Trawling through the puff piece, we here that:
“Nicola had been caught up in the so-called “Trojan Horse” allegations in Birmingham schools whereby it was alleged there had been attempts by some Muslim governors and teachers to impose an austere Islamic ethos on students….Nicola was a governor at one of the schools in the spotlight and says she stuck it out, despite her concerns, because she had wanted a progressive Muslim female voice to be heard.”
That’s interesting. Perhaps I will do what I am sure the BBC hack did; a quick Google search for “Nicola Benyahia”…
According to the BBC, back in 2014 “the board of trustees at the centre of the alleged “Trojan Horse” Muslim takeover plot has resigned”.
“Park View Educational Trust chairman Tahir Alam said the decision had been made in the interests of the children.The trust has been in the spotlight since allegations emerged about hardline Muslims trying to extend their influence in schools. It ran Park View Academy, Nansen Primary and Golden Hillock schools in Birmingham……A statement from the trust said three new members, mutually agreed with the Department for Education, would be appointed to replace Mr Alam, Dave Hughes and Nicola Benyahia.”
Right, so the BBC is misreporting its own bloody stories. Let’s go back to today’s story: “Nicola was a governor at one of the schools in the spotlight and says she stuck it out, despite her concerns, because she had wanted a progressive Muslim female voice to be heard.”
Caught up? Stuck it out? Her concerns?
No, no and no! The BBC said she resigned and blamed the whole Trojan Horse scandal on someone else. Now, she is some “progressive Muslim female voice”. What? Now we have this woman, who has resigned after the school in which she was a governor of was caught up in a plan to radicalise children, two years later opining about how it could be possible that her own child was radicalise without a jot of irony, consistency or honesty.
Obviously her “progressive Muslim female voice” didn’t carry much sway with either the school or with her own son.
Whatever. Let’s just blame the PREVENT programme instead…’
“Three people check into a hotel room. The clerk says the bill is $30, so each guest pays $10. Later the clerk realizes the bill should only be $25. To rectify this, he gives the bellhop $5 to return to the guests. On the way to the room, the bellhop realises that he cannot divide the money equally. As the guests didn’t know the total of the revised bill, the bellhop decides to just give each guest $1 and keep $2 as a tip for himself. Each guest got $1 back: so now each guest only paid $9; bringing the total paid to $27. The bellhop has $2. And $27 + $2 = $29 so, if the guests originally handed over $30, what happened to the remaining $1?”
The answer to that riddle lies in the fact that you are being misled…you are being asked to solve a riddle based upon a fallacy, information given to you that is intended to fool you into thinking something else is going on. This is the tactic being used by the Left now as they seek to make us believe that Trump only triumphed because of supposed lies he told and the misinformation from non MSM sources that fooled stupid and uneducated people. Get you to believe that, get that narrative going so powerfully, and they will create an atmosphere that enables, gives licence to, politicians to close down or restrict certain news sites and control social media…we’ve already seen Facebook crumble under massive attack…not least from the BBC….an irony perhaps after the likes of Google and Facebook were attacked by these self-same liberal defenders of democracy when they submitted to the Chinese government’s demands.
Here’s the ‘liberal’ riddlers in operation as they try to create that message of a democratic system broken by the monsters on the internet and in the right-wing Press…..how right Apple was all those years ago…the computer and the internet is the nemesis of those who wish to impose 1984 upon us….and the BBC hates it…..
Trump triumphed and three men walked into a bar to drink themselves into oblivion. A priest, a BBC journo and a gay, bitter, ex Tory-wet politician drank until they were senseless. Then they went to work and bashed out their stream of conscious thought about Trump, Brexit and all that, pouring out their bile and venom toward a world that just doesn’t seem to care about them and their left-wing preachings anymore . And it felt good.
Donald J Trump was not popular with America’s newspapers. Of the 100 top circulation print newspapers, two endorsed him.
More than 200 newspapers supported Clinton, while Trump received the backing of fewer than 20.
And even some of this support was half-hearted, to say the least.
rump’s victory, then, was a brutal kick in the teeth for those loathed pundits, insiders and “righteous mongers”. But it was also a humiliation for the thousands of journalists who had spent months trying to warn the public about Donald J Trump.
This was one almighty, two-fingered salute to much of the “mainstream media”.
After painting that picture of a Trump under massive orchestrated Media attack Sillito comes up with this:
‘The failure of journalism’
Prof Jeff Jarvis – of the Tow-Knight Centre for entrepreneurial journalism, City University New York, and an enthusiastic and active supporter of Hillary Clinton – stated it simply.
“The mere fact of Donald Trump’s candidacy is evidence of the failure of journalism,” he believes.
He, like many other members of the liberal media class, feels Trump’s success is a sign that the media failed to communicate the truth with enough force…..In essence, it’s felt that print journalism failed to tell the real story – and that TV gave Trump a free pass.
Err…the BBC spent months doing nothing but call Trump a liar, a racist, a sexist, an Islamophobe who’d destroy the world economy and allow Russian tanks to roll across Europe….the New York Times took a deliberate policy decision to be biased against Trump because he ‘represented such a danger’ to the world which meant that journalistic principles should be put aside in order to stop him being elected…and clearly hundreds of other media outlets took the same view. And yet we hear the media ‘failed to communicate with enough force’ their views…yep, their views, not necessarily the truth…which is where the BBC analysis falls down…here for example…..Sillito tells us….
What’s strange about Trump’s speeches is how much of what he says refers to issues and topics that are not part of the mainstream news agenda.
Sorry what? Immigration, Islam, the economy? Not mainstream news agenda? Well..actually, I suppose not….or not the truth about those issues.
Sillito seems to lose track of what he is saying…claiming TV is still the most powerful media force…
TV is still the most powerful medium….[this] seems to be truer than many of the digital evangelists would have you believe.
He then goes onto say how CNN broadcast a powerful critique of Trump…and yet oddly he still triumphed despite the all powerful TV…and then Sillito says it was in fact the new digital media that enabled Trump’s election….before then claiming Trump is nothing but a showman, a charlatan who beguiled the Public into voting for him just as the websites get people to click on their ‘clickbait’ news stories.
Trump was giving people more to talk about and saying it in a way that resonated. When it came to “share of voice” online, he was winning.
The need for headlines that bring clicks and stories that get shared has changed everything. Dull, balanced articles (like this one) don’t provoke fury, laughter or much in the way of emotion.
Trump was simply more entertaining and generating more passion. In a news environment moving from a world of subscriptions and long-term appointments-to-view to the vagaries of clicks, friends’ recommendations and Facebook news streams, that makes him a winner.
[Ironically this is of course exactly how the BBC operates…it gets you from a young age…grooming you to love ‘Auntie’ with entertaining children’s programmes and ever onwards as you progress to Uncle Attenborough and all those lovely animal programmes, Bake Offs and Strictly…entertaining you, forming a ‘warm’ relationship with you, before slipping in the political messages that it hopes you won’t notice the nature of or if you do, that you will shrug your shoulders as you lap up the ‘fun’ that the BBC spoon feeds you to keep you quietly content with the world.]
So….Trump’s a fraud, a showman fooling the voters with online fantasy and illusion. Curiously the exact same conclusion by our priest…the good Rowan Williams…who has the grace to admit the Elites have failed us but insists that Trump is the Devilish pied-piper leading us to Hell…
Trump’s real aim was not to do anything as president but simply to be president, to be the most important man in the Western world. This election represents a divorce between the electoral process and the business of political decision-making. It is the ersatz politics of mass theatre, in which what matters most is the declaration of victory.
As such, it is the most cynical betrayal of those who are disenfranchised. It confirms that they have no part in real political processes; they can only choose their monarch.
The politics of mass democracy has failed. It has been narrowed down to a mechanism for managing large-scale interests in response to explicit and implicit lobbying by fabulously well-resourced commercial and financial concerns. The effect has been a growing assumption that what goes on in public political debate does not represent any voices other than the privileged and self-interested. And so, for significant parts of a population, “theatrical” politics comes to look like the only option: a dramatic articulation of the problems of powerlessness, for which the exact details of economic or social reality are irrelevant. This delivers people into the hands of another kind of dishonest politics: the fact-free manipulation of emotion by populist adventurers.
Hmmm…about what was Trump not telling the truth exactly? Williams fails to mention precisely his concerns on that. Kind of important as the whole of his theory of a ‘theatrical Trump’ intent only on taking the ‘throne’ rests solely upon that claim.
Ahh…it matters not that Trump lied, or spelling out those ‘lies’…because the people can’t tell whether he did or not…they’re too uneducated and ignorant….
There is an issue here about education. Yet this can become another hostage to fortune if all it is saying is that a benighted populace should be educated out of false consciousness by those who know better.
William’s conclusion? Power to the People…but only the people who have been properly educated to seek the right answers by er….the Elite…
How politics can be set free from the deadly polarity between empty theatrics and corrupt, complacent plutocracy. What will it take to reacquaint people with control over their communities, shared and realistic values, patience with difference and confidence in their capacity for intelligent negotiation?
The leviathans of the party system will sooner or later have to look at their structures and accountability – not as a step to plebiscite populism, but in terms of what they can do to nurture discussion and decision in the actual communities to which people (not The People) belong.
Ahh yes…those who voted for Trump had no idea what they were voing for or why….they had somehow failed to discuss the issues with the right people….all those online forums and debates that the BBC is so concerned may have misled voters clearly aren’t the way ahead though for imparting the correct message. Yes people are talking but about the wrong things and coming to the wrong conclusions….perhaps the answer is a man, perhaps we can call him a ‘commissar’, in every village, town and community, who is there to ensure people have the correct information and appropriate mental attitude. Yes. I’m sure that’d work.
Our final tipsy typist is the Grand Dame of the political panto…Matthew Parris…who thinks the problem is too much communication, too much information, too much thought and too much freedom to decide for ourselves how to vote…..there’s just too damned much democracy at the moment….or as he prefers to call it…mob rule…
The reason I am beginning to question democracy is that it is producing results I profoundly dislike.
I believed in the wisdom of crowds but not mobs. Democracy was of course about inviting the considered view of the crowd but it was just as much about keeping the mob from the gates.
The crowd — ‘true democracy’ — could be wise where a mob might be foolish, because we weren’t governed by the mob, real or virtual. There was no internet, no Facebook, no Twitter, no social media. The closest you got to the mob was radio phone-ins. Opinion polling was in its infancy, and the remark that election day offered ‘the only vote that counts’ dignified the act of voting and distinguished it from a pollster’s clipboard. The phrase ‘the privacy of the polling booth’ meant more than plywood and curtain: it meant quiet reflection, away from the noise of others’ opinions. ‘The crowd’ was a collective noun for millions of individuals, often conferring but finally thinking alone. That was what elections — general, presidential — were for.
Yes…the voter ‘alone’ with his thoughts…thoughts then of course guided and shaped by the all powerful Media and the gifted elite…now shaped by a ‘free Press’ on the internet, mass information and the ability to readily communicate with so many others with their own thoughts, ideas and reasonings…how very undemocratic and inconvenient for those who wish to keep their stranglehold on information and power….we musn’t let ‘ignorant hooligans’ have their say…
Now we can so easily discover what a ‘majority’ think they want at any one moment, and — worse — ignorant hooligans can discover with a click on a keyboard that there are millions like them out there — our faith in democracy, our faith in the ‘government by the people’ part of the trio, is being tested to its logical limit.
As with Sillito and Williams Parris has decided that the unwashed, ignorant plebs on social media must not be allowed to vote without restraint by those who know better…we must apparently find a way of limiting the damage such uneducated, misinformed and less considered manifestations of public thought can wrought once inside the voting booth….
Unless we find a way to fold the popular will into many other and sometimes opposing considerations that make for good government, and unless we find procedures for distinguishing between the evanescent and the more considered manifestations of public opinion, the Trumps and Farages of our age will kill our faith in democracy.
The answer for the Left is to close down those internet sites, newspapers and broadcasters [such as Fox] it finds don’t peddle the approved messages. The BBC and its ilk will become the arbiters of truth, deciding what is news, what is true and what is ‘morally and ethically’ right to reveal to the public…and then they will decide, after having assessed you character, mental capacity, moral uprightness and your politics, whether you will be allowed the right to vote.
How’s the BBC analysis of the ‘Brexit effect’ going? And how about their nose for geo-political world currents?….
What of the rise of the dreaded Far Right that the BBC warns us of? Er…did they mean the Left…….Greece? Italy? Portugal? Or indeed in Britain…Corbyn and Co. Odd how the BBC is unconcerned about the rise of the ‘Far Left’ across Europe…the Left being the people who have killed millions upon millions across the world in the last century and who now back the Islamist terrorists and agitators intent on creating a new world order….based on Islam of course. The BBC actually seems to support that and looks back fondly on the supposed Golden Age of Muslim empire as an example for us all. Oddly many of these supposed right-wing groups denounced by the BBC are actually politically left-wing…it’s just that they want to control immmigration that gets them labelled ‘right-wing’ by the BBC.
Reality has yet to intrude upon the BBC world narrative but maybe one day….just as Trump, Farage, Le Pen and the AFD all in their own ways are smashing the political elite’s grip on the narrative the internet, the bloggers and news sites, the new production companies that produce stunning and brilliant TV, are crashing through the barricades set up by the likes of the BBC and other mainstream media and are bringing a true, or truer, democracy to the shut off media environment giving a much bigger voice to the audience….who are often the producers now as well.
And just one other thing…the BBC keeps telling us this new media climate has resulted in the end of the ‘water-cooler’ moment where people gather to talk about the latest hot TV programme….this just isn’t true….people may not all watch the same thing at the same time but they watch something, tell someone else they’ve watched that thing and that it’s ‘great’ who then watch it and they talk about it….as usual the BBC is wrong…just as they were wrong about the end of the ‘supermarket’…apparently we are all supposed to be shopping at Tesco Express and other convenience stores now…it’s the new thing. Not.
BBC Children in Need raised a record £46.6m after the show unexpectedly featured actual children. Details surrounding this year’s charity event were unclear following the BBC’s ongoing coverage of the ‘child’ migrant crisis. Viewers were unsure if the BBC’s definition of children still meant ‘children, children’ or if it had been updated to mean 6ft tall 30-somethings who smoke roll-ups.
This is via The Codpiece, a friend of Biased BBC. Give their Facebook page a like please as an encouragement.
It is a curiosity that the BBC, so insistent that the Leave campaign was one big lie ignores the Remain lies, the ‘Corporate’ narrative being that Leave are liars...and yet above we have ‘outlier’ Andrew Neil pointing out a ‘Remain’ piece of fabrication.….trouble is such evidence doesn’t filter through to the troops on the everyday BBC frontline…they happily ignore it and continue to peddle the lie about Leave lying…an approach very much in evidence as recently shown by the BBC’s blatant and disgracefully misleading story about the ‘cabinet memo’ that wasn’t…the BBC knew full well this was nothing to do with the government but continued throughout the day, and the next day, to mislead its audience…insisting the public really wanted to know about this memo and that it revealed something important, and of course damaging, about Brexit and the government….despite neither of those things being true.
The Left, BBC, pro-EU stooges, have that new buzz-word that they bandy about as if it were kryptonite…‘Post-Truth’.
The intent is of course to say that the referendum was invalid because the Leave campaign based their campaign upon a barrage of lies…and Remain, naturally, was a picture of probity and unsullied virtue. The Left et al carefully avoid mentioning the huge lies told by Remain, the economic armageddon, the mass unemployment, the third world war that would immediately result the day after a vote for Brexit….in much the same way they all ignore the vast amount of hate, abuse and violent threats sent by Remainers to Leave voters and politicians whilst preferring instead to highlight every ‘hate crime’ small and large, and many no doubt ‘imaginary’ [to be generous], committed by Brits after the 23rd of June and to blame it on Brexit. Odd how the BBC gleefully reported Poles going home ‘because of Brexit’. Really? Proof of that or just opportunistic chance to blame Brexit when they were going home anyway? No mention of course of the 10’s of thousands who came from Eastern Europe immediately after the vote, Number of Eastern European migrants working in the UK surges since EU referendum ….that does not play into the narrative of East Europeans living in fear of a neo-Nazi uprising in Britain [Curiously of course it was not long ago that the BBC was stating that East European countries were racist having been left behind morally by years under the Soviet yoke]
Here’s a story from the Telegraph which illustrates the twisted narrative of those at the top who try to literally forge a ‘post-truth’ narrative about stupid, ignorant, Fascist voters..
France may follow America’s lead by electing National Front leader Marine Le Pen as its next president because they have lost interest in whether politicians tell the truth, the country’s leading philosopher has said.
“As for Le Pen it is unlikely that she wins but it is possible, and that is partly because the people have lost interest in policy, instead focusing on personality.”
“The people listen less and less to policy and they even seem less concerned about whether the candidates are telling the truth or not.”
He added: “They are more interested in the performance, in the theatrical quality of what is said than whether it is true. And as we know, a fascist can put on a very successful performance.”
He’s wrong, he has got things completely backwards…People have not given up on truth, they are in fact desperately seeking those who speak it, the truths that have been suppressed by the ‘elite’ for so long…about immigration, about the economy, about the EU and about Islam in their countries and the threat it poses.
Far from being ‘post-truth’ we are now in an era of ‘neo-reality’ where the truth is out there and it’s going to hurt….hurt those who have sought to suppress it for so long in order to further their own ideology and to fill their own pockets with gold and power.
Strangely the BBC managed to miss another big story, one you think they would be very interested in seeing as they are so concerned about the progress of Black and ethnic minority people….yet it seems they are only interested when they can use a story to portray white Britons and British society as racist.
You have to think this is just one of those pieces of BBC thinking that is designed not to reveal actual truth but to impart a message by engineering questions however unreal the basis for their conclusions…taking no account of Obama in the ‘racist’ US, or Sadiq Khan…or of the fact that there are vastly more Whites in Parliament than BME people because there are more Whites in the country…and I’m sure the BBC is all in favour of a properly representative Parliament for White people. It is just another piece of racial agitprop from the BBC trying to generate an undercurrent of thought that Britain is racist, if not blatantly so then ‘unconsciously’, and BME people have no chance…they are all victims of racism. Who did the study? A Muslim…Dr Faiza Shaheen….and the article written up by black actor David Harewood. Not exactly uninterested in how this is presented.
The BBC has been accused of bias after a pro-EU producer who joined Bob Geldof during his bungled attempt to sabotage Nigel Farage’s Leave flotilla on the Thames back in June was given the job of handling a sensitive debate on Brexit.
Remainer Nick Pisani has been given the job of producing a 50-minute debate on the issue on the BBC World news channel next weekend.
Mr Pisani, 53, was prominent behind Geldof, when the former Boomtown Rats frontman stuck two fingers up at Leave campaigners, including Farage, in a clash on the river in London.
You just can’t trust the BBC at all….a BBC that is seemingly intent on sowing discontent, whipping up anti-white hate and generating an angry mob mentlaity amongst non-white communities. The BBC is supposedly meant to maintain citizenship and civil society…but one look at what it actually does and it is evident that what it actually ‘maintains’ is a grievance culture, a culture of victimhood, a culture that says that non-whites and Muslims are oppressed by Whites, a culture that generates a ‘them and us’ attitude, that encourages ‘ghetto’ mentality and the segregation of communities…identity politics on steroids…the result is Muslim radicalisation, terrorism and riots.
The BBC is a danger to democracy and a stable, cohesive society.
‘To any non-Muslim reader of the Koran, Islamophobia — fear of Islam — seems a natural reaction, and, indeed, exactly what that text is intended to provoke. Judged purely on its scripture — to say nothing of what is preached in the mosques — it is the most viciously sectarian of all religions in its heartlessness towards unbelievers.We look in vain for the enlightened Islamic teachers and preachers who will begin the process of reform. What is going on in these mosques and madrasas? When is someone going to get 18th century on Islam’s mediaeval ass? ‘
Boris Johnson [Now Foreign Secretary]
Pienaar interviewed John McDonnell this morning, there was no grilling over his call for violent, armed revolution and the overthrow of the Establishment…a mere 5 years ago.
Then we had Adrian Goldberg carrying on with the BBC’s mission to undermine and destroy the anti-terror Prevent programme. Who did he ask as to why we should reconsider Prevent? MEND….the very type of people Prevent is actually concerned about….Islamists who press all the wrong buttons within the Muslim community…as far as Western, democratic, liberal society is concerned.
So the BBC is not concerned about a far left revolutionary calling for armed struggle, nor about a group of people who most people would consider Islamist extremists in their ideology.
What does concern the BBC?
Well There’s Trump himself of course…we were told he would be a danger to world peace by his desire to maintain good relations with Russia…curiously the BBC made absolutely no mention of that previous analysis by them when it turns out he may want Mitt Romney as his Secretary of State, someone who said in 2012 that Russia was the US’s “number one geopolitical foe.”. So is Trump going to prostrate himself in front of Putin as Obama did in front of Iran as the BBC were suggesting oh such a short time ago…or will he take a measured, balanced and calculating approach to geopolitics as such an appointment might suggest?
Then there’s Sessions and General Flynn…listen to BBC news bulletins and you’d think the KKK had got a representative in the government and that all Muslims will be machine-gunned. The truth is naturally a lot different…but even the supposedly more comprehensive BBC write ups don’t bother to provide the full truth and a more rounded picture.
Sessions, they tell us, is essentially a racist…how do they know? Well a black man who worked with Sessions said so…case closed…nevermind this same man had made allegations about others…serial complainer?
Sessions, despite the BBC’s sly linking of him to the KKK by saying the KKK have praised his appointment, was actually instrumental in the destruction of a KKK organisation after he prosecuted the son of the Alabama Klan leader for the killing of a black man…and had him executed. Why does the BBC not menion that inconvenient fact rather than try to imply he is a racist? He also pushed for the desegregation of schools. Some racist.
We do not disassociate Islam from war. On the contrary, disassociating Islam from war is the reason for our defeat. We are fighting in the name of Islam. Religion must lead to war. This is the only way we can win.’ Said by the moderate and respected Sheikh Yusuf Qaradawi, February 2006
As for Flynn…the BBC is outraged that he once said that it is entirely rational to fear Muslims.
Fear of Muslims is RATIONAL: please forward this to others: the truth fears no questions…
This is the video he links to…
Good old Boris might agree…‘To any non-Muslim reader of the Koran, Islamophobia — fear of Islam — seems a natural reaction, and, indeed, exactly what that text is intended to provoke. ‘
When you look at what Muslim community leaders and groups attempt to do, not just the violent ones, and you look at what Islam means in the real world, to gays, Jews, women, apostates, non-Muslims and those who ‘offend’ Islam, you can understand what he means. Just look at the UK’s most representative, mainstream Muslim group, the MCB…extreme in its conservatism, fundamentalist, at the heart of the Trojan Horse plot,with an anti-British foreign policy stance, a senior member advocated attacks on British forces, and of course is adamently against Ahmadis being decribed as Muslim…hence we get attacks on Ahmadis, Ahmadis being killed in the UK because they are not ‘Muslim’ as described by the MCB. A so-called ‘moderate’ Muslim group is anything but moderate in any Western sense of the word.
Is Islam compatible with a Western, liberal democracy? Even Muslims would tell you not. So is Flynn right?
The BBC says he was sacked from his job for saying uncomfortable truths about Islam but then implies that he was actually sacked for being a bad manager…
Former US officials who worked closely with Gen Flynn described him as extremely smart, though a poor manager.
I asked the DNI (Gen. James Clapper) if my leadership of the agency was in question and he said it was not; had it been, he said, they would have relieved me on the spot.
The BBC also, disapprovingly, cherry picks his thought that the Islamic world is an epic failure…who could really disagree with that….1000 years of Muslim imposed Dark Ages upon so many countries? Even the Islamist Mehdi Hasan [once such a BBC darling] admits Islam has failed…and encourages Muslims to ‘battle’ the West…and to do so they must encourage education above all else…and Muslims must infiltrate the Media in order to press Muslim ideology and gain influence…. to make Islam the dominant religious and political force in Britain
He states that there are 1.2 billion Muslims in the world….and between them they have a total of 10 Nobel prizes. The Jews, with a population of 12 million have 150 Nobel prizes. All 6 Jewish Universities are in the top 20 in a world ranking. There are no Muslim universities in the top 200.
He goes on to say:
We wonder why we are losing battles, we are not being out fought, we are being out thought.
We are not under armed, we are undereducated.
We have lost the ability to think, to acquire knowledge, to advance intellectually and then we wonder why our community is in such decay.
But the BBC thinks both Flynn and Sessions are ‘controversial’…and yet have nothing to say about McDonnell and MEND.
Hasan also quotes from this fellow , who must presumably also be considered an anti-Muslim bigot…despite, like Hasan, being a Muslim:
In the twelfth century Muslim orthodoxy reawakened, spearheaded by the cleric Imam Al-Ghazali. Al-Ghazali championed revelation over reason, predestination over free will. He refuted the possibility of relating cause to effect, teaching that man cannot know or predict what will happen; God alone can. He damned mathematics as against Islam, an intoxicant of the mind that weakened faith.
Islam choked in the vicelike grip of orthodoxy.
It was the end of tolerance, intellect, and science in the Muslim world. The last great Muslim thinker, Abd- al Rahman ibn Khaldun, belonged to the 14th century.
For Muslims, it is time to stop wallowing in self-pity: Muslims are not helpless victims of conspiracies hatched by an all-powerful, malicious West. The fact is that the decline of Islamic greatness took place long before the age of mercantile imperialism. The causes were essentially internal. Therefore Muslims must introspect, and ask what went wrong.
With apologies to the Ramones for the title of this piece, I wanted to draw your attention to more FAKE NEWS put out by the BBC today. First this….
Donald Trump has nominated his close conservative ally Alabama Senator Jeff Sessions as attorney general. How interesting, let’s see what the BBC tells us about him…
Mr Sessions, a former prosecutor, was turned down for a federal judgeship in 1986 because of alleged racist remarks. Conservative Republican Mike Pompeo has been nominated as CIA director and retired Lt-Gen Michael Flynn has been appointed national security adviser.
And what else does the BBC throw into the mix?
Mr Trump’s latest picks were praised on Twitter by David Duke, former leader of the white supremacist KKK group.
Listen, BBC, your cringeworthy race-baiting doesn’t work anymore. For the past year you have thrown endless mud at President Elect Trump and it didn’t work. He still won. And what YOU have to do is stop the pathetic bleating and KKK references and all the rest of your childish attempts to smear the man who will shortly occupy the White House.
“Children see ‘worrying’ amount of hate speech online, squeals the BBC. Our children are being bombarded with online putrid anger directed at people based on their gender, religion, disability, sexuality and gender identity.
The only trouble is that, according to the stats, they ain’t! Ofcom says that 62 per cent of children have, er, never seen hate speech online thus totally discrediting the Beeb’s agenda. This is impressive, considering all the trolls and hatemongers out there. In fact, factoring in the 27 per cent that “sometimes” see hate speech and the four per cent who don’t know, just seven per cent of children regularly see hate speech and 93 per cent don’t.
Total and shameless bias and misreporting to push the victim narrative. The Beeb can’t even bring itself to report the facts; most children polled have NEVER seen hate speech online as it flies in the face of their fairytale of an evil, hate-filled, facsist Britain.
Also, notice the hate speech question: “In the past year, have you seen anything hateful on the internet that has been directed at a particular group of people, based on, for instance, their gender, religion, disability, sexuality or gender identity?”
These kids can’t be reading the BBC regularly as otherwise their answer would have been a resounding “yes” at the volume of hate speech against people based on gender (men), religion (non-Muslims), disability (anyone not disabled), sexuality (heterosexual) or gender identity (so-called “cisgender”)?” Combine all of the identities and you have the most wicked, wretched and warped sub-human scum on the planet…the average white man.”
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