National Stealth Service?



The Labour Party is in turmoil and unable to provide an effective opposition and so the BBC steps up and does the job for them.  There are changes being planned for the NHS and the BBC has decided to shout very loudly that, in its interpretation of a study, these are being kept secret for political reasons.  That’s despite being told in no uncertain manner by the report’s author that this is not the case.  The BBC has gone through the 90 page report with a fine tooth comb, ignoring the vast bulk that explains what is going on and carefully, very carefully, selected out, from a single, very small section, the few words or phrases that support its contention that there is a huge cover up going on and changes to the NHS are being deliberately kept from the Public.

As said the BBC knows this isn’t true as the report author on the Today programme made clear and an honest analysis of the report itself would show.

Here’s what Chris Ham from the King’s Fund said [08:34] in response to Justin Webb suggesting the changes were being ‘conducted on purpose in secret’….

‘Can I just say these plans haven’t been developed in secret…There hasn’t been a plan to consult on until the end of October which was the deadline for each of these areas to submit their plans….they’ve been developed by the senior [NHS] leaders using their expertise knowing public consultation would have to occur.’

Justin Webb then did a u-turn and agreed that it was sensible not to publish the plans before they were developed properly…

In a way its perfectly right that they hold these talks in privtae as the risk is that you get all sorts of interest groups getting involved early on and possibly skewing them in a way that isn’t good for the Service [NHS]…more political than sensible…’

And yet the BBC has consistently ignored that and instead throughout the day been reporting a sensationalised story about ‘secrecy’ which came from one passage of the report and wrongly gives overemphasis to it thus creating a dramatic and sensationalist story of that supposed ‘secrecy’…..the use of the word ‘secrecy’ is of course a highly suggestive one that gives rise to thoughts of sinister plots and underhand dealings….the BBC has deliberately chosen that headline for political effect…..

NHS bosses ‘trying to keep cuts secret’

NHS chiefs are trying to keep plans to cut hospital services in England secret, an investigation has found.

Full details of 44 reviews of services around the country – which involve closing some A&Es or, in one case, a whole hospital – are yet to emerge.

That is because NHS England told local managers to keep the plans “out of the public domain” and avoid requests for information, the King’s Fund suggested.

Managers were even told how to reject freedom of information requests.

The local managers said they had been told to keep the process “private and confidential”, which one described as “ludicrous”, while another said the leadership had made the “wrong judgement call” in its approach to managing the process.

Another person involved complained about being in meetings and wondering why there were no “real people”, such as patients and members of the public, involved.

The King’s Fund was told senior leaders at NHS England and NHS Improvement, which regulate NHS trusts, wanted to “manage” the narrative around the process, because of the sensitive nature of some of the changes.


Let’s just look at who else is peddling that line about secrecy…..

One Diane Abbot [Labour]….

One of the most alarming aspects of the STPs is their secrecy…. In the world of the STPs, the public have no right to know.

And the left-wing campaigning group 38 Degrees

…..published an investigation into STPs that was covered by all major newspaper and broadcast outlets.  News items focused on the ‘secrecy’ and lack of public consultation on the plans, as well as making frequent links to potential ‘cuts’, ward closures and the downgrading of A&E services.

The plans are so ‘secret’ that the report tells us…

STPs have attracted growing media attention since they were first announced
(see box, pp 14–5), particularly after some draft plans were published following an
early planning deadline in June 2016.

The plans have also attracted growing political attention. A large number of
parliamentary questions have been asked about STPs since June 2016

The existence of the King’s Fund report itself suggests no ‘secrecy’, the information coming from the NHS itself…..

We carried out a series of interviews with senior NHS and local
government leaders involved in developing STPs in four parts of the country. This
report is based on analysis of data from these interviews.

The bulk of the BBC story came from this single passage on page 38 of the report…

As well as the timeline creating a barrier to meaningful public engagement, national
NHS bodies had also asked STP leaders to keep details of draft STPs out of the
public domain. This included instructions to actively reject Freedom of Information
Act requests (FOIs) to see draft plans. Two main reasons were given for this. The
first was that national NHS leaders wanted to be able to ‘manage’ the STP narrative
at a national level – particularly where plans might involve politically sensitive
changes to hospital services. The second was that national leaders did not want draft
proposals to be made public until they had agreed on their content.

But even then the BBC has opted to miss out the second reason for not publishing their plans…they hadn’t agreed on their content yet.

If the BBC had been honest it would have reported the real reasons for limiting consultation in the initial stages of drawing up plans….the very tight time constraints, the extreme complexity of the subject, the enormous number of people and organisations that would want their own vested interests considered and thus complicate and slow down the process enormously, engagement fatigue as a result of all that complexity and the inability of some groups or people to understand what was going on and, because of the complexity and number of groups involved, an inability to coordinate efficiently between them, as well as legal constraints on publishing and the fact that some plans had already been drawn up that had been through a process of public consultation and thus didn’t need to do so again.

As you can see there are many reasons for not immediately making the plans public…none of them due to a deliberate plot to hide cuts from the Public…the BBC has decided that the NHS wanting to ‘manage’ how the plans are presented, and to do so as a national issue rather than just local, is suspicious but isn’t that just common sense so that people get the whole picture and are not thenn subject to individual plans being hijacked and sensationalised by politicians or campaign groups out to cause trouble when a full, broader perspective might make the plans seem more sensible and reasonable?

Here the King’s fund lays out some of the reasons for limiting consultation in the early stages…..not quite as simple as the BBC makes out…..

It is important to recognise the context in which the plans are being developed.
The pressures facing local services are significant and growing, and the
timescales available to develop the plans have been extremely tight.

The plans are also being developed within the fragmented and complex organisational
arrangements created by the Health and Social Care Act. In this context,
credit needs to be given to local areas for the progress made on STPs so far,
notwithstanding the major challenges identified in this report.

It is important to recognise the constraints facing national as well as local leaders
in the NHS.

•• STP leaders and teams have worked hard to develop their plans on top of
their existing day jobs and various other initiatives. This has not been easy.
The additional workload for most areas has been significant and is unlikely to
be sustainable in the long term. Management consultants are also routinely
being used to support the local STP process.
•• The limited time available to develop STPs has made it difficult for local leaders
to meaningfully involve all parts of the health and care system – particularly
clinicians and frontline staff – in developing the plans. The involvement of
local authorities has varied widely between STP areas, ranging from strong
partnership between the NHS and local government to almost no local
government involvement at all. Patients and the public have been largely absent
from the STP process so far.

Where good relationships already existed, these provided a positive foundation for joint
working on the STP. Some areas were able to draw on pre-existing plans
for service changes to take forward in their STP, and have made progress in
developing a sense of ‘common purpose’ between leaders. Where relationships
were poor, securing engagement in the process was a challenge in itself.

The geographical context and the complexity of the system have also been
important factors.



Seen this delight? The BBC hates the fact that this country is STILL at least a nominally Christian country and it is out to use our TV license tax to do something about it.

 The BBC will reportedly increase its coverage of more religions and could broadcast Muslim Friday prayers after critics moaned coverage is biased towards Christianity.

Lord Hall of Birkenhead, head of the taxpayer-funded corporation, is reportedly inviting religious leaders to join discussions about multi-faith coverage.

Ibrahim Mogra of the Muslim Council of Britain said the BBC could cover Friday prayers from a mosque, cover Eid, or children attending Koranic lessons.

The controversial move is in response to criticism the taxpayer-funded corporation delivered a disproportionate amount of programming on Christianity compared with other religions.

Can we expect the Friday Call to prayer to boom out of our Radio care of the BBC? How long before we have Hijab clad BBC presenters providing the ‘news” it spews out?


A B-BBC reader writes
“In 1265 Simon De Montfort formed the first parliament in England . Six hundred years later the common man still did not have the right to vote . The Chartist Movement was formed in 1808 , and the Reform Act 1867 , nearly sixty years later , brought in most of their demands . But still not everyone had the vote ; women were left out . It wasn’t until 1928 that we finally had universal suffrage for everyone . A worthy ideal one would have thought .
Not it seems for many of the BBC liberal/left self proclaimed intelligentsia . The workers in the north voted for Brexit , the ordinary Joe in America voted for Trump . They were in the D and E social strata , they didn’t go to college , they earned less than $ 33 000 , they were over 40 , they yearned for a time long ago , they had no union , they didn’t understand the complexities of the issue(s) , they were easily manipulated .
Basically , they are too stupid for the right to vote .
So these “progressives ” actually are talking about changing the voting systems or even if there is a post democracy age ! No wonder the term Populist is such an anathema to them . When you’re a bossy sort of person you need the power so you can hector and curtail other people’s activities without their comeback .
These BBC liberal/ left workers champions aren’t alone in their thinking though . The Apartheid regime had the same mindset , that there were some people who were just too stupid to vote . In the Boers case it was Black Africans . We thought  in Britain that we had got over that in 1928 but it now seems the One Man , One Vote is out of favour with the elite .
It’s not just what you voted for that upsets the BBC , but who you voted with . It seems if you are white and voted for Trump , that is terrible , but if you are black , Latino or Muslim and voted for Clinton , that is laudable . How you’re supposed to vote for Trump if you are white without being part of a bloc and not an individual with preferences is beyond me . It must also be galling to a black American to feel he is pigeonholed about his preferences , that he voted for X because he/she is black , not because of any individualism . Again the BBC has more in common with apartheid than democracy .
If only awkward people from the ranks hadn’t pushed such notions as All Men Are Born Equal and Government Of The People then the liberal / left BBC would have its ideal – rule by The Now Show .”


President Elect Donald Trump’s decision to appoint Stephen Shannon to the position of Chief Strategist has triggered the snowflakes in the BBC.

Mr Bannon stepped aside as executive chairman of Breitbart – a combative conservative site with an anti-establishment agenda that critics accuse of xenophobia and misogyny – to act as Mr Trump’s campaign chief.

The BBC are in full despair. Having done all they could to demonise Trump they now demonise all around him. Amusingly, they are now working on the premise that of ONLY Trump doesn’t do any of the things he promised he would do then all might be ok. What a pathetic bunch of sore losers they are, unhinged, unbalanced and out of time.

Wall to wall hysteria and lies

US border patrol agent Michael Bernacke guns his SUV down the wide desert-sand road that lines the US-Mexican border through urban San Luis, Ariz.

To his right stands a steel wall, 20 feet high and reinforced by cement-filled steel piping. To his left another tall fence of steel mesh. Ten yards beyond, a shorter cyclone fence is topped with jagged concertina wire. Visible to the north, through the gauze of fencing are the homes and businesses of this growing Southwest suburbia of 22,000 people.

“This wall works,” says Mr. Bernacke. “A lot of people have the misconception that it is a waste of time and money, but the numbers of apprehensions show that it works.”

Bernacke, the patrol agent, says that since the triple fence was finished in October, there has been a 72 percent decline in illegal migrant apprehensions in the 120-mile swath of the US-Mexican border known as the Yuma sector. Eight hundred people used to be apprehended trying to cross the border here every day. Now, agents catch 50 people or fewer daily.   Where U.S.-Mexico border fence is tall, border crossings fall 2008


Listened this morning to Pienaar witter on about Trump’s ‘racism and inflammatory rhetoric’ about stopping immigration…..either the BBC has a very short memory, is completely incompetent as a news organisation or it is deliberately misleading its audience as to the facts…..If Trump is a racist for wanting to build a wall to control illegal immigration……who else????  Hillary Clinton and the majority of her Democratic colleagues????  Absolutely ‘deplorable!!!…

Why Hillary Clinton voted for the anti-immigrant wall

4 October 2006

Last Friday, however, she did exactly that, joining Senate Republicans and the majority of her Democratic colleagues in voting for an ignominious piece of legislation known as the “Secure Fence Act of 2006.”

I voted numerous times when I was a senator to spend money to build a barrier to try to prevent illegal immigrants from coming in,” Clinton said “and I do think that you have to control your borders.”

As president, I will not support driver’s licenses for undocumented people and will press for comprehensive immigration reform that deals with all of the issues around illegal immigration, including border security and fixing our broken system.”



Fact Sheet: The Secure Fence Act of 2006

“This bill will help protect the American people. This bill will make our borders more secure. It is an important step toward immigration reform.”

– President George W. Bush, 10/26/06

Today, President Bush Signed The Secure Fence Act – An Important Step Forward In Our Nation’s Efforts To Control Our Borders And Reform Our Immigration System. Earlier this year, the President laid out a strategy for comprehensive immigration reform. The Secure Fence Act is one part of this reform, and the President will work with Congress to finish the job and pass the remaining elements of this strategy.

The Secure Fence Act Builds On Progress Securing The Border

By Making Wise Use Of Physical Barriers And Deploying 21st Century Technology, We Can Help Our Border Patrol Agents Do Their Job And Make Our Border More Secure. The Secure Fence Act:

  • Authorizes the construction of hundreds of miles of additional fencing along our Southern border;
  • Authorizes more vehicle barriers, checkpoints, and lighting to help prevent people from entering our country illegally;
  • Authorizes the Department of Homeland Security to increase the use of advanced technology like cameras, satellites, and unmanned aerial vehicles to reinforce our infrastructure at the border.



Marr says, and I interpret and give voice to his intended meaning, that, ‘as a news service‘ [lol], the BBC would be dishonouring all those who fought the Nazis to not quiz Marine Le Penn in light of the next big threat to Western security…ie the rise of Trump…and of course by implication Brexit and Le Pen herself…all lumped together and branded a ‘threat to Western security’.

Rather think the only people who have betrayed those who died fighting tyranny and oppression are in the ranks of the BBC which even now hunts down our soldiers labelling them war criminals whilst defending and excusing those who seek to kill and murder them on the streets of Britain and around the world.

As for Trump being a threat to Western security who is more threatening?  This man…

Russian President Vladimir Putin (L) meets with US President Barack Obama

…or Trump who wants dialogue with Putin?

Odd how times change…not so long ago the BBC was criticising Clinton for her failure to ‘press the reset button’ on the US’s relation with Russia…..

Whatever happened to the reset button?

Early in the life of the Obama administration we were treated to one of those cheesy “made-for-TV” moments that was just about too corny even for our exalted medium.

US Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton travelled to Geneva to meet the Russian foreign minister and pressed the reset button.

A real-life big red button, symbolising a new start, a better relationship.

So Obama wanted dialogue with Putin, but failed…was he a ‘threat to Western security’ then?

Just last month the BBC were asking…

Russia and the West: Where did it all go wrong?

It is hard to imagine a period since the end of the Cold War when relations between Russia and the United States have been quite so bad.

The Russian president has spoken explicitly about the worsening climate between Washington and Moscow, insisting that what the Obama administration wants is “diktat” rather than dialogue.

Whatever its immediate strategic intentions, a permanent war in Syria doesn’t benefit Moscow any more than Washington.

But without that basic level of trust and understanding between them, any dialogue rests upon shaky foundations. It was never supposed to be like this. The end of the Cold War was supposed to usher in a new era.

So where did it all go wrong? Why were Russia and the West unable to forge a different type of relationship? Who is to blame? Was it US over-reach and insensitivity, or Russia’s nostalgia for Soviet greatness?

Sir John Sawers, the former head of Britain’s Secret Intelligence Service (MI6), is also a former UK ambassador to the United Nations and has watched Russian diplomacy unfold over recent years.

In a recent BBC interview he said that the West had not paid sufficient attention to building the right strategic relationship with Russia over the last eight years.

“If there was a clear understanding between Washington and Moscow about the rules of the road – that we are not trying to bring down each other’s systems – then solving regional problems like Syria or Ukraine or North Korea – which is coming rapidly down the path towards us – would be easier,” he said.

Several experts I spoke to also pointed to the flat-footedness of the Obama administration’s diplomacy and the mixed signals it has often sent.

Fairly clear, NATO expansion, failure of diplomacy [ie Clinton’s failure] and lack of dialogue ended in a failure to develop good relations with Russia.  So how is Trump’s wish to have amicable relations with Putin a threat when not so long ago the BBC itself concluded such dialogue was necessary?

As always the BBC changes and shifts its new output and conclusions to suit its narrative…this time it hates Trump so everything Trump does is bad…never mind under Obama such a policy of dialogue and diplomacy would have been good.



Image result for carry on spying stench



The BBC is relentless.  Marine Le Pen, from what the BBC describes as the ‘Far  Right’ National Front, was on Marr this morning [a 13 minute interview] and the one and only quote that BBC radio news took from her was that ‘UKIP is just like the National Front’. Listening to the interview and it is clear that this is only in relation to how UKIP and the FN see immigration into the EU….essential context which changes the interpretation when you hear it yourself.  And it is a curious clip to extract, and extracted almost surgically avoiding the intro question from Marr which states UKIP say they are not like the FN and the end comment by Le Pen saying it maybe UKIP policy to say they are not the ‘bad guys’ like the FN.  Just why did the BBC news miss all that out?  Even in the write up the BBC still drags in UKIP who are forced to deny any links to the FN…

A spokesman for UKIP said the party had made it clear for many years that it does not share the same policies of the FN, whose immigration policy is driven by its “long standing antipathy to significant groups”.

“We believe that immigration is a boon to this country, but that it should be controlled, with no hint of favour for any group or ethnicity,” the spokesman added.

The BBC should just sack a good number of those who maintain this narrative and try to smear people and political parties with the tag Nazi, Far Right or Racist just becasue they don’t like their views on controlling immigration.  Let’s have some diversity …of opinion….if they sack Whites to make way for BME people then why not sack Lefties to make way for those whose opinion doesn’t conform to the BBC prescribed orthodoxy….rather than keep up the BBC STENCH…Society for the Total Extinction of Non-Conforming Humans [Stole that from Carry On Spying on telly yesterday…very apt though]

Ironically the BBC sees no paradox in headlining this story….UK ministers ‘stoking fires’ with non-British worker numbers plan….when they themselves run a racial quota system which by definition needs to know the ethnic makeup of the workforce….or indeed councils up and down the country are quizzing people on their sexuality and race on questionnaires about waste disposal.

And why on earth are the BBC quoting the evermore ridiculous Corbyn on the subject of ‘hate’ against minorities?….

UK Labour Party leader Jeremy Corbyn said both Mr Trump and Ms Le Pen use “awful and absurd language” against Muslims and other minorities.

He told the BBC’s Andrew Marr Show: “She uses this populism against minorities in order to get herself elected.”

Haven’t seen [Red Andy] Marr but I can only hope he skewered Corbyn on anti-Semitism that people not only blame Corbyn for allowing to happen but actually point the finger at him personally.

The BBC also allowed Corbyn free reign on the subject of Trump, Corbyn coming up with this nonsense…

US president-elect Donald Trump tapped into “real problems” faced by voters but has failed to offer a remedy, Labour leader Jeremy Corbyn has said.

Instead of offering solutions to issues such as falling wages and underfunded public services, Mr Trump has only blamed others, Mr Corbyn said….”There is deep anger at a political elite that doesn’t listen.” 

Trump has no solutions?  What?  Like renegotiating trade deals such as NAFTA, like rebuilding America’s inner cities and infrastructure, like reinvigorating the coal industry, like putting US businesses first, like stopping the flow of illegal immigrants who undermine wages and result in increased taxes etc etc etc?  Yeah…no policies.

Guess the one person who doesn’t actually listen to what’s going on is Corbyn himself.



Foam flecked BBC ‘journalism’


The BBC has long smeared UKIP with the ‘Far Right’ tag and even made allusions to Nazism and of course is blatantly involved in the campaign to undermine Brexit with claims it is unleashing a tidal wave of racism, hate and fear across the UK…so much so that BBC journalists fear for the future of their children in Britain.

Now they have the template established for how to deal with unwanted election results why let it go to waste?  Why not link Trump to Nazi anti-Semitism and to the worst excesses of the Communist regime?…

Trump’s rude awakening for Germany

A few hours after US President-elect Donald Trump took to the stage to make his acceptance speech, as evening fell in Berlin, small candles were quietly lit and carefully placed in front of aged, stone doorsteps and along the darkening pavements.

Berliners were marking the anniversary of Kristallnacht (when Jewish people and their businesses were violently attacked in 1938).

It was barely noted amid the febrile howl of international reaction to the US election. Neither was the 27th anniversary of the fall of the Berlin Wall, which shares the same date.

But both events – and all that they represent of this country’s past – explain, partially at least, why Germans were so repulsed by Donald Trump’s election rhetoric and why so few (4% by one poll’s reckoning) wanted him in the White House.

So Trump’s election will bring a return of Kristallnacht-like pogroms and the tyranny and subjugation of a Communist regime [the BBC wishes] where the people are viciously oppressed and dissenters with differing opinions are shot or sent to the Gulag [again…so like the BBC].

The BBC still peddling the lie about Trump and his policies on immigration….exactly why would Germans be repulsed by his views in light of Kristallnacht and the Soviet tyranny?  Please explain BBC…where’s the link other than your attempt to smear Trump as a Nazi or bizarrely at the same time, as a Communist?  Just what did Trump say that was so abhorrent?  The BBC doesn’t want to look to hard at the truth and instead prefers to shout racist or Islamophobe…and indeed is going down exactly the same road it did with Brexit as it tries to portray Trump’s election as unleashing demons…

US Election 2016: Are hate crimes spiking after Trump’s victory?

Never  mind that ‘protestors’ are urging people to kill Trump and indeed white people…even the Guardian gets in on the act...via Guido…[not sure how she hasn’t had her collar felt]…

Image result for monisha rajesh  kill whites


Three days of anti-Trump rioting and protest, attacks on whites, calls to kill Trump and whites and the BBC thinks Trump voters are the problem?  Just as it ignored threats to kill Farage, massive hate campaigns against Leave voters and the fact that a multitude of the most serious hate crimes are being executed, often literally, by Muslims…often against their own co-religionists who don’t meet their exacting standards of what a Muslim should be.  Muslism are being killed and attacked in the UK because they don’t fit the mainstream criteria that defines what a Muslim should be…and the BBC refuses to point out the fact that it is mainstream Muslim dogma that is driving these attacks….the MCB itself defining Ahmadi Muslims as non-Muslim…thus ‘unleashing demons’….no?