A Biased BBC reader writes…
“Rape is a very serious crime that requires careful consideration and sensitivity. It is no doubt a horrific crime that should be investigated, prosecuted and punished with the full severity of the law.The BBC and the rest of the MSM, however, seem to have this unpleasant, macabre obsession with trying to put the fear of God into every woman out there that they are neck-deep in a “rape culture” by a nation of revolting criminals. “Rape culture” started on colleague campuses and seems to be spreading like wildfire. You will see the BBC also has something along these lines today, in which sexual harassment is a 24/7 problem for some people.A prime instance closer to home is this Ask for Angela story. Another “viral” story where a “simple code-word campaign for women feeling unsafe on a date has got global attention since a picture of this poster dotted around bars in Lincolnshire, England emerged on Twitter”.
“It encourages women to discreetly ask for help by going to the bar and ‘Ask for Angela’ – a phrase aimed at alerting bar staff to the cry for help so they can help defuse the situation.The poster also includes a phone number for Lincolnshire Rape Crisis (0800 33 4 55 00) for anyone who needs to talk.”The poster was produced by Lincolnshire County Council, which clearly has the utmost contempt for its own citizenry. It conflates the idea of a date not going well with the violent and vicious crime of rape, which surely only goes to instil terror in local women. As for local men, pah, you are all rapists in waiting, especially if you are awkward on a first date.Now, putting aside the issue of reported and unreported attacks (which is pretty much impossible to address fairly) the BBC told us that Lincolnshire had 74 reported rapes in 2013/14. The population of Lincolnshire is 703,000. That provides a victim per capita rate of 0.01 per cent.
Of course, any and all attacks are abhorrent. Victims deserve support, sympathy and safety. The perpetrators should face very harsh sentencing on being found guilty. Even so, such crimes seem relatively rare, according to statistics.Yes, people should be taught about vigilance and security. Stories like these instead seem to be designed simply to scare people into paranoia and distrust of all men, who appear to be one bad chat up line from becoming the vilest of attackers. Of course, the overarching goal is to push the narrative that rape culture is alive and well and thriving in the UK.Strangely, this thriving “rape culture” narrative seems to evaporate when it is transposed to the BBC’s reporting of Muslim rape gangs…”