The BBC cannot help itself. Elsewhere, here is how the last ABC Poll in the US is being reported,

From the Independent.

Donald Trump overtakes Hillary Clinton for first time since May in ABC poll

From the Telegraph.

Donald Trump leads Hillary Clinton in poll for first time since May in wake of email scandal

And the BBC?

Trump closes the gap

Memo to BBC. He is ahead. It’s Clinton that now faces a gap. Deal with it.


Here’s a great review of the BBC programme that was on a few nights ago called “Nigel Farage gets his life back” by David Sedgwick!

“Hell hath no fury like the BBC scorned. BBC2’s Nigel Farage Gets His Life Back proved just as much, over and over and over again. And some more.”

Do click the link above and read the full expose of the bias that runs through this onslaught on Farage. Odd how they never did do Ed Miliband gets his life back as a BBC comedy but then again he would need to have one on the first place!

Sisters are doing it to themselves

A B-BBC reader writes;

“Today were hear that “Muslim women complain about Sharia inquiries”.

I misread the headline and thought that the story was that Muslim women were complaining about the blatant sexism and misogyny in Sharia and Islam as whole. You know, honour killings, forced marriages, domestic violence, sexual assault et al.

How stupid of me.

The Beeb chooses not to look at what the Qur’an or the Hadith say or their sanctions, such as:

·         Wife beating is permissible;
·         Raping your wife is permissible;
·         Raping your female captives is permissible;
·         Sex slaves in general are permissible;
·         Child marriage is permissible;
·         Child sex is permissible;
·         Mo himself said that women have “defective” minds;
·         A Muslim man can have multiple wives but a Muslim woman can’t have multiple husbands;
·         A Muslim man can marry a Christian or Jew but a Muslim woman can’t;
·         The skewed divorce rules;
·         A woman’s testimony is worth less than a man;
·         A woman’s inheritance is worth less than a man.
Alas, no. Instead, the perfect storm for the BBC; the feminist line that women are oppressed by the patriarchy and the Islamphile line that one of the biggest genuine subjugators of women is not Islam but evil Western society.
“More than 100 Muslim women have complained about their treatment under two government probes into Sharia law…but some women have signed an open letter and said the aim is to ban Sharia councils, not reform them.”
The victim narrative of how Muslim women are being oppressed by the West – and not Muslim men – is soon evident. Shaista Gohir, the chair of Muslim Women’s Network UK, said the inquiries could “patronise women”, which is in and of itself patronising.
“I do feel that there are people who are anti-faith, particularly anti-Islam, who are using women’s rights as a guise, wanting to abolish Sharia councils….If tomorrow or next year you shut down Sharia councils, what would result is Muslim women stuck in marriages, abusive marriages sometimes, and the Sharia divorce service would actually go underground.
In other words, English law apparently has no jurisdiction for these women. They want to live under Sharia and all its grossness and we should accept that, which is why the Beeb omits the wider teachings of Islam to make Shaira sound legitimate.
Don’t get me wrong, the general concept that Muslim women have it tough is painfully true. However, it is not from government Sharia inquires but at the hands of Muslim men and Islam generally.
Aisha – who herself knows the harsh side of Islam was after marrying Mo at six and being raped at nine – said it best.
As Sahih al-Bukhari 5825 explains, Aisha brought the Profiteer (sic) a woman who had been beaten so hard her bruises were green. Mo dismissed her, saying she deserved it. Before that though, Aisha’s line: “I have not seen any woman suffering as much as the believing women.”
I wish someone would point out that if Muslim women choose to suffer, it does not make them free.”


Yes, the Clinton campaign is reeling and Trump is soaring so it it must be tough for the blatantly partisan BBC. Still, have a look at what a BBC copy writer and photo editor can do to try and keep the flag for Clinton flying. From their web portal…touching, isn’t it?


Orgrievance and mob rule



The National Union of Miner’s own website says:
Throughout the 1960s, with a Labour Government in office from 1964, the pit closure programme accelerated; it decimated the industry. During this period, nearly 300 more pits were closed, and the total workforce slumped from over 750,000 in the late 1950s down to 320,000 by 1968. In many parts of Britain, miners now became known as industrial gypsies as pit closures forced them to move from coalfield to coalfield in search of secure jobs.

They were victims of madhouse economics.


From what I’ve heard so far the BBC’s coverage of Orgreave is the usual one-sided affair that we’ve come to expect whenever the ‘Tories’ and the Police are involved…the BBC liking neither.

It’s been a day of tall tales about the police being a political army and of innocent miners who just wanted to work and the ‘enemy within’.

That of course is nonsense and the BBC should be challenging the miners who they bring on to say their piece rather than indulging their lies….and the ‘enemy within’ was Thatcher’s term, not for the miners, but for the NUM leadership which was to lead them to destruction….as much an enemy to the miners themselves as to the country.

Let’s be clear..there was no mandate for the strike.  Scargill forced it upon the miners after a ballot rejected the call to strike.

Scargill was using the miners as sacrificial pawns in his political battle to destroy the government…Scargill was ‘political’ not the police and miners suffered more from violence from other miners as they tried to intimidate them to stop work than they did from the police.  Scargill thought he should be running the country….helpfully part funded as the NUM was by the Soviets.

The labour movement had the best opportunity in 50 years to transform not merely an industrial situation and win an important battle for workers in struggle, but an opportunity to change the government of the day.        Arthur Scargill

Scargill led the miners into poverty and ruin for his own purposes which had nothing to do with keeping mines open.

As for jobs, firstly Labour closed more pits than the Tories, second there is no right to a job for life, and the miners were offered extremely generous redundancy terms, far better than other industries received, which they rejected.

I must tell you that what we have got is an attempt to substitute the rule of the mob for the rule of law, and it must not succeed. It must not succeed. There are those who are using violence and intimidation to impose their will on others who do not want it. The rule of law must prevail over the rule of the mob.

– The then Tory Prime Minister Margaret Thatcher

We’ve looked at this subject several times and the BBC always presents the miners as victims, not of Scargill and his manipulation and trickery but of the police and Thatcher.

Labour ‘Decimated’ The Coal Industry…says NUM

Not So Minor Miner Facts

Played In A Miner Key



It’s a point of view but is it News?


Always interesting the BBC take on events…and it is a ‘take’ rather than actual news, the BBC’s version of most things being shaped by their own prejudices and bias.

Over the past weeks you may have noticed how the BBC has been hunting down Bradley Wiggins and how their reports on TUE’s in sport have concentrated on Sky and repeatedly insinuate and be very suggestive that Wiggins is guilty of drug abuse.

Sunday morning we had Gary Richardson interviewing one of the people investigating how TUEs are used and it was clear that Richardson was completely uninterested in how sport in general uses TUEs and was intent solely on targeting Sky and Wiggins.  Any thought that it maybe that Sky is of course a big rival to the BBC in sport [and the BBC consistently attacks Sky’s funding of the Premier League] and that their arch-nemesis and bête noir, Rupert Murdoch, is deeply involved with Sky?  Nah…just coincidence the BBC seem to be after Sky sporting interests.

Odd how when Mo Farrah’s coach was being investigated for using drugs the BBC announced loudly and often that of course Mo was entirely innocent and that there was absolutely no suggestion that he had taken any drugs….and yet the finger is being pointed at Wiggins very, very fast for using TUEs that are legal to use….and indeed Farrah has used them twice in his career as well...and yet…..silence about him.  Perhaps Brad should convert to Islam and black up.

In a similar vein interesting how the BBC reports on Clinton and Trump.

Trump may be, in the BBC’s opinion, too loud, rude, crude, brash, sexist, vulgar and has patted a few butts [naturally not one of these ‘girls’ welcomed the attention of a multi-millionaire who could further their career…no not at all Mrs Merton] but what he did was not whilst in a public office and had absolutely no bearing on national security or trust.

In contrast Clinton has been in public office at a senior level for many years and has proved herself entirely untrustworthy in many respects.  The BBC jumps up and down calling Trump racist [proof of that?] and yet ignores Clinton’s reported remarks such as ‘Fucking Jew’.  The BBC also glides over her attempts to cover up for Banger Bill by attempting to discredit the women claiming he assaulted them and if that failed by trying to intimidate and bully them into silence.

Which is worse?  Trump and his ‘laddish’ behaviour or someone who whilst in office carries on with huge disregard for national security, the law and protection of women?

Justin Webb on Saturday [08:32], in the belief that of course everybody thinks the same as he and his BBC chums do about Trump, was casually insulting and demonising him telling us that Trump was ‘uniquely ghastly’…really?  So much more so than Clinton?  He also said that it was a choice between a ‘racist, misogynist,, narcissistic thug’ and someone who was merely ‘secretive and dishonest about some emails’…it was ‘no contest’ thought Webb, completely ignoring the fact that Clinton’s failures must surely be a huge negative for someone wanting to be President whilst Trump’s are matters of taste and manners.

As David says in other posts the BBC is pushing the Democratic narrative and pointing the finger not at Clinton but at the FBI…Mardell on his programme today made no attempt to investigate the emails, talk to the FBI or any neutral commentator..instead he brought in a hard core Democrat to tell us how ill-judged, if not illegal, Comey’s actions were.  No inkling that Clinton’s aide had told the FBI previously that she had handed over all emails….and yet thousands more were on her personal laptop.

No thoughts from the BBC as to why Comey didn’t press ahead with any action against Clinton previously and yet there is evidence that within the FBI that was a highly controversial move…and you can see that the Government [ie the Democrats] ‘warned’ Comey not to go further.

The Mail has a completely different perspective in things…

‘He talks about the damage that he’s done to himself and the institution [of the FBI], and how he’s been shunned by the men and women who he admires and work for him. It’s taken a tremendous toll on him.

‘The atmosphere at the FBI has been toxic ever since Jim announced last July that he wouldn’t recommend an indictment against Hillary,’ said the source, a close friend who has known Comey for nearly two decades, shares family outings with him, and accompanies him to Catholic mass every week.

‘Some people, including department heads, stopped talking to Jim, and even ignored his greetings when they passed him in the hall,’ said the source. ‘They felt that he betrayed them and brought disgrace on the bureau by letting Hillary off with a slap on the wrist.’

Comey’s decision to reopen the case was more than an effort to heal the wound he inflicted on the FBI. 

He was also worried that after the presidential election, Republicans in Congress would mount a probe of how he had granted Hillary political favoritism.

So many at the FBI thought Comey had let Clinton off the hook…and he is worried it looks like political favouritism for Clinton…whereas the BBC are pushing hard that he is favouring Trump.

You can see why the BBC has steadfastly refused to concentrate on the email scandal throughout the campaign as Clinton’s lead vanishes on the latest revelations, the BBC preferring instead to traduce Trump rather than analyse the charges against Clinton.



Let’s recap. The FBI have apparently found 650,000 emails on the home computer shared by Clinton “close aide” Huma Abedin and her sex deviant husband Anthony Weiner. These may or may not contain classified information and some may relate to Hillary Clinton. The BBC are in a panic as it looks like their endorsed  candidate is about to take a spectacular fall from grace. So, what to do? How about parroting the bizarre accusation by that most crooked of Democrats, Harry Reid, that it is the FBI who “may” have “broken the law”.  I am sure Harry Reid is an authority on what constitutes breaking the law but are we seriously being asked to believe that the FBI needs to now investigate itself? Is he calling for the arrest of Jamey Comey? Is it now unlawful to investigate law breakers? I expect to now see the Clinton camp release an avalanche of any residual dirt they have on Trump but NOTHING and NO-ONE – and yes that includes the BBC – are going to stop Hillary Clinton going to the polls as the candidate under FBI investigation. Right across the BBC, and this sadly includes Andrew Neil – it is a universal wall of support for Clinton and the fact that she may end up in a penitentiary does not defect them – such is their visceral disregard for Trump.