No single market access for UK after Brexit, Wolfgang Schäuble says
Headline news June 10
Let’s be blunt…Nick Clegg led his party to ruination, a good deal of that was due to his lies about tuition fees…he seems to have learnt nothing as he slithers out from under his stone along with Miliband and Osborne to try and spread some poison about Brexit claiming as he does that the voters had no realisation, being so stupid, ignorant and ill-informed, that Brexit would mean leaving the Single Market.
The Daily Politics has, as you might expect, done due diligence and cut him off at the knees….showing him up for the lying charlattan he is…
The Daily Politics is of course somewhat an outlier at the BBC…it will be interesting to see just how far across the BBC this attitude goes and if they continue to challenge Clegg’s narrative and show it up for the lie that it is.
Let’s also remind ourselves that Clegg appeared previously on the Daily Politics pre the vote [April] discussing this very subject…so I fail to see how he can suggest it wasn’t a very high profile issue at the time..
Clegg also spoke in Parliament on the same subject…
I waited with bated breath for a cogent, coherent and practical economic analysis of why Britain’s economy would thrive out of the single market.
Interesting to see the real reason Clegg thinks we should stay in the EU..our massive debts….for which we should somehow seek protection from with the EU…
We now have a current account deficit which, at 7% of GDP, is historically and internationally very high and, in my view, unsustainable by historical standards in the long run. As the Governor of the Bank of England has said, if a country runs such a huge, unprecedented current deficit, it has to rely, as he put it, on the “kindness of strangers”.
So cap in hand to the EU? Clegg, ever the lackey.
Oh….and just to confirm every household was informed of the ‘risk’ that we might have to leave the Single Market here’s a reminder that the government sent a leaflet to every house telling them just that…
A stronger economy
The EU is by far the UK’s biggest trading partner.
EU countries buy 44% of everything we sell abroad, from cars to insurance. Remaining inside the EU guarantees our full access to its Single Market. By contrast, leaving creates uncertainty and risk.
The EU’s Single Market has over 500 million customers and an economy over five times bigger than the UK’s. The Single Market makes it easier and cheaper for UK companies to sell their products outside the UK, creating jobs as a result.
Being inside the EU also makes it more attractive for companies to invest in the UK, meaning more jobs. Over the last decade, foreign companies have invested £540 billion in the UK, equivalent to £148 million every day.What happens if we leave?
Voting to leave the EU would create years of uncertainty and potential economic disruption. This would reduce investment and cost jobs.
The Government judges it could result in 10 years or more of uncertainty as the UK unpicks our relationship with the EU and renegotiates new arrangements with the EU and over 50 other countries around the world.
Some argue that we could strike a good deal quickly with the EU because they want to keep access to our market.
But the Government’s judgement is that it would be much harder than that – less than 8% of EU exports come to the UK while 44% of UK exports go to the EU.
No other country has managed to secure significant access to the Single Market, without having to:
• follow EU rules over which they have no real say
• pay into the EU
• accept EU citizens living and working in their countryA more limited trade deal with the EU would give the UK less access to the Single Market than we have now – including for services, which make up almost 80% of the UK economy. For example, Canada’s deal with the EU will give limited access for services, it has so far been seven years in the making and is still not in force.
Can’t see any link to Clegg’s Single market comments on the BBC website at present….maybe they’ve realised he’s blowing smoke up our backsides and doing so blatantly, too blatantly to get away with it. So applause to the Daily Politics….let’s see if the real journalism continues or will Clegg be allowed to resurface to peddle his lies?