The almost midweek Open Thread….all yours to detail the bias…..
The almost midweek Open Thread….all yours to detail the bias…..
The BBC continues to be more an advocate for immigration than a reporter of fact as well as hiding uncomfortable truths.
It’s reporting of the conviction of 8 Asian men managed to miss out the vital revelation that they were violent racists [Funny how the BBC doesn’t want to report serious hate crimes by ethnic minorities…and yet crucifies Louis Smith for a prank]… the Mail reveals…
‘All white girls are good for is sex. They’re just sl*gs’: Eight members of ‘openly racist’ violent Asian sex gang raped and ‘sexually degraded’ three teena ge girls in Rotherham
Nothing new there of course…we’ve always known that the Muslim abusers were choosing white, non-Muslim girls to abuse because they saw them as white trash. In a Trojan Horse school [denied by the BBC] they were teaching the pupils that white women were just prostitutes…and recently one Muslim faith school taught that gays should be killed and men should beat their wives….didn’t hear that from the ‘exciting talent’ that is Nihal yesterday as he discussed faith schools on 5Live.
The BBC has long been campaigning for children in the Calais Jungle to be brought to the UK…going sofar as to try to influence opinion by teaming up with a ‘celebrity’ in order to make an emotive, and dishonest, plea for migrants to come to the UK.
Questions are being raised about the obvious fact that many of these ‘children’ are not children at all…the government itself admits that 2/3rds are adults.
The BBC begs to differ and has decided not to publish the pictures of the men in question nor to admit that it is the government itself which has said they so many of these ‘children’ are adults. The BBC rather than make a measured and reasoned investigation of the issues has gone on the attack and made a ‘sensationalist’ headline about dentists up in arms about a suggestion made by David Davies that migrants should have their teeth checked so as to judge their age. The BBC of course packs the story with disclaimers and angry voices denying these are adults….when the evidence points to the fact most are as the Mail points out…as does Guido….
You just can’t trust the BBC on so many issues…..why should we pay for its lies? It’s not the gold standard for journalism, it’s a political party pumping out propaganda…..perhaps we should have a referendum on whether to continue paying for this partisan drivel we get from them.
Robin Aitken suggests the BBC’s diversity drive is nothing of the sort based as it is on skin colour rather than diversity of opinion or political persuasion…
In BBC terms, “diversity” seems to be exclusively about ethnic origin. You do not get to hear articulated a socially conservative viewpoint by many (any?) BBC presenters. Black, white, male or female, British, Irish, African or Asian, all seem signed up to the same liberal dogmas about life, the universe and everything. So feminism is never challenged; atheism is celebrated; “human rights” trump all (unless it’s the right of the unborn) and so on and so forth. What gets my goat is that the Corporation does precious little to ensure the whole spectrum of political opinion and worldview is represented.
The BBC corrals permitted opinions within a very tight boundary fence. Diversity is indeed what the Corporation should be seeking – but concentrating on skin colour is patronising tokenism. We need diverse thinking, not diversity for appearance’s sake.
Caught the ever smugger Nick Robinson talking about fantasy football’s Football Manager which plunges into the politics of Brexit as it presents players with different scenarios for Brexit in which to exercise their judgement when buying players from around the world.
Robinson told us ‘You heard it here first’…well no, the BBC is well behind the curve…it has been all over the internet for a while now.
Have to say Miles Jacobson who produces FM looks to be a Remain voter judging by his ‘impartial’ piece here in which he runs down his thoughts on the likely outcome of Brexit….he concentrates on attacking Leave mostly and painting an entirely negative picture. He looks to be onto a win-win here with a lot of publicity for his game and pushing the Remain message…one that will go on and on as the game is adapted to acknowledge the changing politics as Brexit is negotiated over time.
The BBC will no doubt be following with interest and telling us of the disastrous effect on football [fantasy] and linking it to real life…never mind that BBC sports presenters have been urging more restrictions on foreign players so that more English players can be nurtured and fed into the game so as to increase England’s quality as a national team. Funny how sport is different to other spheres in life when the BBC would normally be saying how racist that is…just ask Amber Rudd so recently pilloried for her ‘British jobs for British people’ comment.
Highly amused to hear Jacobson admit that the scenarios went from Hard Brexit [or just Brexit to most people not intent on sowing confusion] to Soft Brexit which he said was no Brexit at all really. Robinson moved rapidly on as he wouldn’t want to upset some of the Remain mischief makers who want to make people think there is a ‘soft’ alternative in which we get everything we want and still remain in the EU.
Robinson and Jacobson laughed along as they spoke of the confusion and lack of decision making that was apparently now the situation with a government in meltdown.
This of course is another Remain narrative pushed relentlessly, and one that is entirely specious and misleading. Article 50 has not even been enacted yet, there can be no negotiations until it has been and the word ‘negotiations’ tells you that there cannot be any certainty about what Brexit will finally be until those negotiations are finally over.
It is highly dishonest mischief making to keep on talking of confusion and lack of direction as a criticism when it is patently obvious that the government cannot in any shape or form say what Brexit will finally look like…they can say what they hope it would look like [and give away their negotiating position] but that is just so much pie in the sky….we can say what we want, the EU can say what it wants and we’re none the clearer as to what the final outcome will be.
We know what Brexit means to the voters…control over the borders and no more free movement [a purely political ‘principle’]….amongst other things. That is the red line for Leave voters and all else should be negotiated around that principle….even if it means not being in the much vaunted single market…being outside of which doesn’t seem to bother China or America in the slightest.
Robinson and Co seem quite happy peddling the Remain line about confusion and chaos knowing full well that is not the true picture…just as they avoid talking of what would happen if we stayed in the EU, the ever-closer union, the implosion of the EU’s economy and the EU’s open borders to anyone who can reach the beaches of Europe….all of which would drag us down with the EU.
Nothing to do with BBC bias…you’ve just got to love it….
Trick and field: Imposters wearing PLASTIC medals and claiming to be gold-winning fencers blag their way onto the Team GB victory parade bus and get interviewed on live TV
Upside-down fiver put on eBay by a prankster is now going for more than £60,000
BBC journalist is suspended after calling the Tories ‘new Nazis’ in a Brexit Facebook rant and branding them ‘racist and xenophobic’
A BBC news presenter has been suspended for allegedly calling the Tory government ‘the new Nazis’ in an online social media rant.
BBC Look North’s Danny Carpenter reportedly accused the government of being ‘cynical, vicious, racist and xenophobic’ in a Facebook rant and has now been suspended by the corporation as they carry out an investigation.
Mr Carpenter is also said to have called for the Brexit to be ‘voted out’ by Parliament because of a ‘combination of dishonest fear-mongering and lies about the economy’
Carpenter looks to have failed the first test…don’t get caught. His other colleagues, thankfully for the BBC as it might have to otherwise close down, aren’t quite so blatant. His views are of course not at all unusual in the corridors of the BBC….and an irony really that he gets suspended as the BBC as a whole seem to have the editorial policy that Brexit and those who voted to leave be labelled as Racist and, as noted in the last post, the BBC’s presenters tell us that in no uncertain terms.
First they came for the Socialists, and I did not speak out—
Because I was not a Socialist.Then they came for the Trade Unionists, and I did not speak out—
Because I was not a Trade Unionist.Then they came for the Jews, and I did not speak out—
Because I was not a Jew.Then they came for me—and there was no one left to speak for me.
Oh….there goes another one…the whiteys are being picked off….what will you do when they come for you?
You have to laugh…immigration is now impacting the BBC bubble and the good folk are having their lives, jobs and dreams put under threat…..welcome to the real world.
BBC Autumnwatch presenter ‘sidelined for being too white and middle class’
Martin Hughes-Games, the wildlife presenter, is to be sidelined from the BBC’s much-loved nature shows to make way for someone less white and middle class, he has suggested.
Hughes-Games, who joined “the Watches” in 2009, said Autumnwatch and Springwatch needed a “more diverse team” to suit the agenda of modern television as he claims he has been shifted from the main line-up.
In April this year, the BBC introduced “tough” new diversity targets including an aim to have half the faces on screen be women by 2020, 15 per cent be black or minority ethnic, eight per cent disabled and a further eight per cent LGBT.
But that’s all just one gets a job because of their skin colour at the BBC. How do I know..because Nihal Arthanayake says so.
Last week the BBC shamefully ‘crucified’ Louis Smith for his fooling about pretending to pray like a Muslim, immediately following, and no doubt deliberately placed, the Emma Barnett inquisition we had Nihal come on to discuss, tell us, about racist Britain…or rather to ask what has changed in Britain since the Brexit vote…..hate crimes have gone up and he put it that Britain has changed and become a nastier, more racist place. He himself is not racist of course…despite stating that the South West is so ‘white’ and isolated that it is somewhat less progressive in its views….a bit like the South in the US no doubt. White people are of course naturally inclined to be racist.
Nihal seemed to have a very big chip on his shoulder and told us that he was very upset about Tweets he had received…and dramatically that he feared for the future of his children in the new racist Britain.
Apparently some Tweets had suggested he only got his job because of the colour of his skin. He was very upset about that and denied it. The Asian Nihal who had a job on the BBC’s ‘Asian Network’….I’m guessing skin colour and racial identity had absolutely nothing to do with that…but isn’t the ‘Asian Network’ a racist concept itself? Does that not say the BBC thinks Asians are not ‘British’ and do not want to listen to the same radio that every other Brit listens to?
Nihal has moved on of course recently…
Nihal Arthanayake and Emma Barnett join BBC Radio 5 live line-up
The BBC tells us he is ‘one of the most exciting talents in British radio’ [I would beg to differ…he’s much the same as any other 5Live presenter with the same old left leaning opinions about everything…the same tendency to slap down callers with ‘controversial’, ie pro-Brexit or anti-immigration, views whilst being very friendly to left leaning callers.] but any coincidence that he has been ‘promoted’ to the big time just as the BBC kicks off with its diversity agenda? No recognition that white presenters are being sacked or sidelined to make way for a more ‘diverse’ presenting line up….such as him perhaps.
Listen to Nihal [from 8 mins on] as he says Britain is becoming a less tolerant society…..and it’s all because of…..Brexit…the racists have been empowered to come out from under their little rocks…and people who tweet him about his job and race are ‘oxygen thieves’…and so presumably shouldn’t be allowed to live.
I think you’ve really got to be careful about stereotyping Trump supporters in the same way I think in the UK, some commentators were guilty of stereotyping Brexit supporters as angry white working class racists
Mark Thompson may have fled to the US but he’s still making waves here as Guido notes:
Listen to former director-general Mark Thompson, in a Media Masters interview last week he said: “journalists as a group tend in their personal politics towards the Left.” That it would help “to have Conservatives, people who tend to think from a perspective that goes with the Right rather than the Left, across your newsroom.”
The full transcript is here.
Thompson is still panhandling for the BBC…here telling us how vital the BBC in a world where private companies cannot afford good journalism…
Do you think Tony Hall is doing a good job?
I do think he’s doing a good job, and I think Tony and his colleagues, it must be said, with the government have achieved I think a really strong royal charter. It’s going to guarantee the BBC is of real scale and scope, serving the British public for years to come, I hope with high quality programmes. The licensee settlement for the BBC is a tough one, by the way, it was it was tough in 2010 as well, and I think that all over the western world you can see governments and the commercial critics of public broadcasting tightening the purse strings and trying to limit the public broadcasters by reducing their spending. And I think that’s a bad thing. I think commercial media faces so many challenges that it’s a pity and a problem that the public’s source – not just in the UK but in many other countries – the public source of high quality, independent and free journalism is probably going to diminish over the coming years, at the very time when the commercial players are less able to pay for it.
But he then goes on to complain about C4 spending so much on Bake Off…though he ‘understands’ it…
I suppose essentially I’d need a bit of persuasion that it makes sense for Channel 4 to take a programme from the BBC and to spend what I think is going to be £25 million a year, which could be spent on new programming on an existing hit with existing talent.
He also goes on to make a plea for more public subsidy because only that will produce the creativity necessary to bring great programming to our screens….when the vast and successful range of US programmes is brought up he then dismisses that as the result of vast sums of money being spent to produce large numbers of shows out of which the winners are chosen and others go to the wall….so no shortage of money there then?
American TV is very commercial but it must be said, I mean, creativity in this country comes from an extraordinarily expensive process of making many pilots many which are… many millions of dollars go into, out of which then shows are selected.
What of James Purnell? Apparently you need to have his ‘biased’ opinion so that you get a balance of perspectives…
James Purnell? So, look… I mean, it seems to me that, as a big media organisation, you know, and I think if Dean Baquet, the editor of the Times, was next to us, I think Dean would say, “You want a broad range of perspectives in your newsroom so that you can cover the news in a way which reflects the full range of opinions.”
How exactly does a left wing ex-politician bring balance to a left wing news organisation? Interesting that he should be there to voice his political ideas and use them to influence how the news is reported….shouldn’t he just be reporting the news that happens and not from a ‘perspective’? Surely the ‘perspective’ is just opinion…which all too often pervades BBC ‘analysis’.
I’ll finish with this comment from Thompson…
I think you’ve really got to be careful about stereotyping Trump supporters in the same way I think in the UK, some commentators were guilty of stereotyping Brexit supporters as angry white working class racists.
Take note BBC.
Steven Woolfe has apparently gone off bleating about a ‘rotten UKIP’ according to the BBC and the BBC is delighted enough to plaster it over its frontpage as the top story….really? Not sure why the BBC thinks this merits top news status…
MEP Steven Woolfe quits ‘rotten’ UKIP
How the BBC must have loved writing that. Curious Woolfe thinks UKIP so rotten when just a very short while ago he was aiming to be the leader of the very same ‘rotten’ party.
Hmmmm…why has the BBC chosen to use that supposed quote about a ‘rotten’ UKIP?….Woolfe doesn’t use it in a Telegraph [A very anti-UKIP paper] ‘exclusive’ interview and article…he says the same as what he said in a BBC interview…that the party is ‘ungovernable’ whilst there is an anti-Farage faction [Caerswell?] embedded within. Indeed that is his own title for his article…
Ukip is ungovernable. I hoped to be leader – instead, today I quit the party
So just why did the BBC go with ‘rotten UKIP’ when even in their own report they haven’t given us the clip of him saying that.
What he does say is that there will always be a place for UKIP in British politics, a vital place, as the elites will be trying to stop Brexit… there’s a headline. Why did the BBC not go with that?
The BBC still doing its best to undermine and smear UKIP…suppose ‘rotten’ is better than ‘far right’ or ‘Nazi’….so often the BBC’s preferred smear…..never mind that Labour seems to be closer to the anti-Semitic Nazis than any other party just now. Then again the LibDems aren’t far behind…speaking of which Guido notes this from Jenny Tonge…..
Subject: Tough on anti Semitism/ tough on the causes of anti Semitism?
Dear Sir,
The recent Select Committee Report on anti Semitism is to be welcomed, but it would have been more useful if it had investigated the causes of anti Semitism too. It is difficult to believe that a 75% increase in anti Semitism it reports, have been committed by people who simply hate Jewish people for no reason. It is surely the case that these incidents are reflecting the disgust amongst the general public of the way the government of Israel treats Palestinians and manipulates the USA and ourselves to take no action against that country’s blatant disregard of International Law and the Geneva Conventions…
Be tough on the causes of anti Semitism as well as the loathsome sentiment itself.
Yours sincerely,
Dr Jenny Tonge
As long as you’ve got a good enough reason to hate Jews it’s OK to do so. Sounds familiar…One BBC journalist is of a similar frame of mind when he told French Jews that they should expect to be attacked because of what Israel does in Gaza…the BBC presuming that what Israel does is of course bad. Naturally enough it is the BBC that has helped highlight the Israeli’s ‘inhumane’ behaviour and peddled the blood libel around the world, helping to spread anti-Semitism. Just what does the Balen Report say? BBC News kills Jews? There must be some reason the BBC spent hundreds of thousands of pounds suppressing the report.
Bizarre that it is UKIP that is labelled ‘Far Right’ when the BBC, Labour and the LibDems are spreading the hatred so usually associated with the Far Right.
Oh hang on…it’s the Tories…as Guido reveals…
Odd the BBC’s logic…Boris writes up a puff ‘pro’ the EU to clarify his thoughts but decides that Brexit is the best course for Britain. The BBC has decided that Boris’ pro-EU scribblings are the only considerations that should be counted and as such this proves Boris is really a Remainer and that Brexit is therefore a hopeless hoax.
Logic of that? If Boris had decided to nail his colours to the Remain mast instead then surely the BBC would be promoting his alternative ‘Leave’ scribblings that he drew up as his real thoughts…and that he must surely be a Brexiteer….therefore Brexit is brilliant and the future bright.
Having read Boris’ piece in the pro-EU Times it is more than apparent that this is a half-hearted piece that in fact puts the case for Brexit more than for the EU….despite that the BBC quotes his pro-EU musings and fails to mention the other thoughts that damn the EU….fortunately, saving me the bother, we have Fraser Nelson in the Spectator to do a comprehensive take down of those who wish to try and exploit the ‘revelation’ for their Remain cause…
Boris Johnson’s ‘secret’ article is not the smoking gun his critics had hoped for
As part of its preview of Tim Shipman’s keenly-anticipated Brexit book, the Sunday Times today reveals draft article written by Boris Johnson intended to make the case for his voting to stay in the EU. The existence of such an article was known, and a lot of his enemies thought it would expose him as a fraud. In fact, the article (full thing here) reads like an advert for Brexit with a pathetic “but I’m still going to back Cameron” bolted on to the end. It purports to balance both arguments, but weighs in far more favourably for Brexit. It’s not the first time he describes the case for remaining (he revealed his agony in the Daily Telegraph on 7 Feb). So what’s new?
Rather than damn Boris, I suspect his “secret” article will underline the authenticity behind his support for Brexit. Reading his tortured argument reminded me of my own little agony over Brexit: I started off wanting to vote for Remain, hoping that Cameron’s deal would assure me that the EU would reform. But when the deal turned out to be a dud, what to think? How can you convince yourself to forget all of your misgivings? As Boris’s draft article demonstrates, it’s just impossible.
If Boris had published this article, it would have had all the sincerity of a hostage statement – complete with the wink at the end.
Here’s my take:-
Boris starts by saying that Cameron’s ‘deal’ with the EU was useless, and that the mission to fundamentally renegotiate Britain’s membership has ended in abject failure. Which is exactly what he said all the way through the campaign.
This European Union deal is not perhaps everything that we would have liked. It is not what we Eurosceptics were hoping, not when the process kicked off. We were hoping he was going to get really deep down and dirty, in the way that the Bloomberg speech seemed to indicate. He was going to probe the belly of the beast and bring back British sovereignty, like Hercules bringing Eurystheus back from the underworld. I had the impression that this was going to be the beginning of a wholesale repatriation of powers — over fisheries, farming, the social chapter, border controls, you name it: all those political hostages joyfully returning home like the end of Raid on Entebbe. I don’t think we can pretend that this is how things have turned out. This is not a fundamental reform of Britain’s position in the EU, and no one could credibly claim it is.
In other words: David Cameron failed his own test. But to be fair, it’s “not wholly insignificant”. This is the best Boris has to say about Remain in his draft article. And he dispenses with the balancing argument in a sentence, before returning to the case for Brexit.
It is not pointless; it is not wholly insignificant; it is by no means a waste of time. But it will not stop the great machine of EU integration, and it will not stop the production of ever more EU laws — at least some of which will have deleterious effects on the economy of this country and the rest of Europe.
So that’s clear: Boris says the ‘deal’ won’t stop what he sees as the insidious and undemocratic EU encroachment on British common law. And he has more to say…
Never mind the Tusk deal; look at the elephant in the room: the great beast still trampling happily on British parliamentary sovereignty, and British democracy. So there are likely to be a significant number of people — perhaps including you — who will feel that in all honour we can now only do one thing. We said we wanted a reformed EU. We said that if we failed to get reform, then Britain could have a great future outside. We have not got a reformed EU — so: nothing for it, then — ho for the open seas! Viva Brexit!
By the time Boris wrote “Viva Brexit” he must have worked out that his attempt to give loyal support to the Prime Minister was not going very well. Pretty much every word of what he has written in supposed pro-Remain piece makes the case for Brexit. So he attempts to present the case for staying – except he doesn’t, really. He just says…
That would seem to be the logic, and yet I wonder if it is wholly correct. Shut your eyes. Hold your breath. Think of Britain. Think of the rest of the EU. Think of the future. Think of the desire of your children and your grandchildren to live and work in other European countries; to sell things there, to make friends and perhaps to find partners there.
Ask yourself: despite all the defects and disappointments of this exercise — do you really, truly, definitely want Britain to pull out of the EU ? Now? This is a big thing to do, and there is certainly a strong political- philosophical imperative leading us to the door.
Do we really want to leave? He asks the question, he doesn’t give the answer. And he asks an unhelpful question. Polling showed this was a problem for Remain: people were fretful about the short-term consequences about pulling out of the EU, but more optimistic about the long-term consequences. Thinking about their children and grandchildren made them incline towards Brexit: they thought it would free Britain from the grip of a failing EU apparatus, even if wrestling free from that grip would be painful in the short term.
Exhausted by the strain of these 114-word case for Remain, Boris resumes to the case for Leave. The force and sincerity returns.
We are being outvoted ever more frequently. The ratchet of integration clicks remorselessly forward. More and more questions are now justiciable by the European Court of Justice, including that extraordinary document, the European Charter of Fundamental Rights. This bestows on every one of our 500m EU citizens a legally enforceable right to do all sorts of things across all 28 states: to start a business, to choose any occupation they like, to found any type of religious school, to enjoy “academic freedom”. I shudder to think what is going to happen when UK citizens start vindicating these new “rights” in Luxembourg. There is going to be more and more of this stuff ; and I can see why people might just think, to hell with it. I want out. I want to take back control of our democracy and our country.
Vote Leave! Again, any of the above could have come straight out of his Wembley speech.
If you feel that, I perfectly understand — because half the time I have been feeling that myself. And then the other half of the time, I have been thinking: hmmm. I like the sound of freedom; I like the sound of restoring democracy. But what are the downsides — and here we must be honest.
A-ha! After all of this banging the drum for Brexit, he’s going to tell us about the downsides of Brexit. The one he’s supposed to really believe in. The supposed killer argument. Stand by…
There are some big questions that the “out” side need to answer. Almost everyone expects there to be some sort of economic shock as a result of a Brexit. How big would it be? I am sure that the doomsters are exaggerating the fallout — but are they completely wrong? And how can we know? And then there is the worry about Scotland, and the possibility that an English-only “leave” vote could lead to the break-up of the union.
Was that it? As it turned out, the Doomsters were wrong. Everyone who predicted a recession after the vote has now withdrawn their prediction. Scottish polls show no increase in support for independence after the Brexit vote.
There is the Putin factor: we don’t want to do anything to encourage more shirtless swaggering from the Russian leader, not in the Middle East, not anywhere.
This was the ‘security’ argument that Cameron had to abandon because it was seen not to be credible. Boris pays it lip service, but nothing more.
But finally, he does come out for a decent case for remain:-
Then there is the whole geostrategic anxiety. Britain is a great nation, a global force for good. It is surely a boon for the world and for Europe that she should be intimately engaged in the EU. This is a market on our doorstep, ready for further exploitation by British firms: the membership fee seems rather small for all that access.
A good point. And one most Brexiteers would concede even now: the single market is good for Britain and it will be a shame to lose it. The question is whether these economic benefits outweigh the encroachment on sovereignty.
Why are we so determined to turn our back on it? Shouldn’t our policy be like our policy on cake — pro having it and pro eating it? Pro Europe and pro the rest of the world?
Boris-ism in a nutshell: “My policy on cake is pro-having it and pro-eating it”. He says he’d like the best of both worlds – but is this on offer? Can he assure the reader that it is? Erm, nope.
If sovereignty is the problem — and it certainly is — then maybe it is worth looking again at the prime minister’s deal, because there is a case for saying it is not quite as contemptible as all that.
Oh such salesmanship! The is the best he can say about Cameron’s deal: only “that there is a case” for saying it’s not “contemptible.”
He is the first prime minister to get us out of ever closer union, which is potentially very important with the European Court of Justice and how it interprets EU law. He has some good stuff on competition, and repealing legislation, and on protecting Britain from further integration of the euro group.
Now if this were baked into a real EU treaty, it would be very powerful. Taken together with the sovereignty clauses — which are not wholly platitudinous — you can see the outlines of a new role for Britain: friendly, involved, but not part of the federalist project.
He says a new treaty would be “very powerful” but then instantly undermines this logic by reminding us that the sovereignty clauses are “not wholly platitudinous” i.e., almost entirely platitudinous.
Yes, folks, the deal’s a bit of a dud, but it contains the germ of something really good. I am going to muffle my disappointment and back the prime minister.
And thus concludes perhaps the least convincing case for staying in the EU attempted by any player in the campaign. All told this makes the case for leaving, not staying, regardless of his quarter-hearted conclusion. He doesn’t even back Leave, he simply says he will “back the Prime Minister” – leaving the reader under no doubt that he would do so under duress.
This is a Mark Anthony-style piece that claims to bury Remain, not to praise it. Had it been published, mischief would have been set afoot. How very Boris.
Arrogant megalomaniacs have sought through the ages to unite Europe…..we see yet another attempt to do just that as the grand political project steamrollers on regardless of cost….the economics of the situation are of little consequence to the grand overlords of the EU, just ask Greece, Italy or Ireland….and we all know who really runs Europe right now and we must all march to the same tune…unity, unity, unity.
As such the EU has much in common with the defunct [one hopes] Soviet Union and Communism in that ideology trumps all and those who wanted to leave were shot…or in the case of the EU will be ‘punished’ for having the temerity to want to leave and set out on their own….certainly made to vote until they get the right answer…oh so Soviet like….as Peter Spencer [lol…see below] says
It will be in the EU’s best interests to make an example of the punishment it will dish out on deserters.
An irony that Europe celebrates that famous moment when an East German border guard fled to freedom with a statue…
The BBC provides the EU with an immeasurably valuable propaganda service, yes it may have lost the first battle but the war goes on and they aim to grind us down….as economist Peter Spencer says….
A vote to leave on June 23rd would most certainly not be the final position.
Peter who? Peter Spencer…you know, from the EY Item club….if you don’t know him have a look at the BBC website where they are running a story today that is in fact nothing more essentially than the same story they ran in July...naturally it is desperately trying to paint a picture of the doom that awaits us….
UK economy ‘faces prolonged weakness’, Item Club report says
Brexit fallout to hit UK economic growth: EY Item Club
Peter Spencer is also the author of this comment in reply to Alan Sked, founder of UKIP….let’s just say he’s not a little biased…
Your outlook and experience on life is extremely narrow.
Away from your ivory towers in my rural county, there will be no parties in the streets. Instead the once busy fields of migrant workers will be replaced by crops rotting in the fields, and weeds now rampant and out of control.
The hospitals once under pressure to cope with 5 day working let alone 7 day working, will now be quarantined off, due to lack of doctors and staff. This being due to the fact that we have to import 40% of our NHS doctors from abroad not to mention nursing staff and cleaners too. UKIP will have them sent back to Europe with its xenophobic dogma.
Nursing homes will be failing their inspections by the drove due again to lack of EU workers willing to do jobs that strangely the UK Jobseekers would rather not.
The UK’s EU export customers would quickly find other EU trading partners to trade with, free of the red tape that the UK Government and the EU would bungle along with in a tit for tat trade war. After all, it will be in the EU’s best interests to make an example of the punishment it will dish out on deserters.
And strangely you have proved one thing. Turkey’s really do Vote for Christmas. The Education sector is going to be the hardest hit. Already EU applicants for under-graduate courses are holding off from joining UK courses due to the uncertainty of June 23rd. Courses cancelled, colleges closed, and lecturers made redundant.
Your only hope is that all the droves of ex-pats returning from retirement in the EU will take the low paid jobs left for them by ejected EU migrants. However the strain on public services by their arrival will make things even worse than they are already.
In a recent poll by the YMCA of young people aged 16-24, 72% wanted the UK to stay in Europe and 11% would vote for Brexit. It seems the grey-haired generation still want to relive the glory days of the British Empire as they are the age group swaying towards Brexit. This will mean that a Brexit vote on June 23rd will not be the final answer. It is very likely that another referendum will be called to approve the exit strategy and the terms of the UK leaving. The younger EU-phillic generation will eventually get their wishes.
A vote to leave on June 23rd would most certainly not be the final position.
Yep…if we stay in the EU all will be rosy and the future bright and prosperous.
Hmmm…that’s, to be blunt, bollocks, isn’t it children? Even the most half-witted person recognises that Europe is in crisis…politically and economically.
Where is the BBC’s report and analysis on Stiglitz’s devastating look at the future of the EU…and the causes of its decline? The BBC, whilst happily regurgitating Spencer’s doom-laden prophecies for Brexit, seems to have now wilfully forgotten Stiglitz’s damning verdict on the EU….
Joseph Stiglitz: ‘The EU’s monetary union was the mistake’
The theme of Stiglitz’s book is that monetary union was basically where it all went wrong for the European Union. A project that was meant to bring countries together has succeeded only in tearing them apart in a manner which now threatens wider European economic and social stability.
Stiglitz is not the only voice questioning the EU’s mismanagement….I’ve looked but cannot find any report from the BBC on this despite its significance…
Euro ‘house of cards’ to collapse, warns ECB prophet
The European Central Bank is becoming dangerously over-extended and the whole euro project is unworkable in its current form, the founding architect of monetary union has warned.
“One day, the house of cards will collapse,” said Professor Otmar Issing, the ECB’s first chief economist and a towering figure in the construction of the single currency.
Prof Issing said the euro has been betrayed by politics, lamenting that the experiment went wrong from the beginning and has since has degenerated into a fiscal free-for-all that once again masks the festering pathologies.
“Realistically, it will be a case of muddling through, struggling from one crisis to the next. It is difficult to forecast how long this will continue for, but it cannot go on endlessly,” he told the journal Central Banking in a remarkable deconstruction of the project.
Is that really a Europe that we should wish to be an integral part of, joined at the hip to? Europe may well blow apart due to its own failures…arrogance and ideology over economics and the will of the people, and never mind Merkel’s mad invitation to all in the Third World to come and make their homes here.
The dangers of being part of that are far, far more serious and likely than any problems associated with Brexit…a Brexit that could in fact save us from the worst of the EU’s implosion.
Any analysis from the BBC on the EU’s problems and how they would effect us if we were part of that? No. Of course not. The BBC has no intention of saying anything that will undermine the glories of the EU…once again politics and ideology over commonsense and truth.