Trump Triumph?



Just to add a bit more to DV’s piece on Trump.

Wikileaks pounds Clinton…the BBC isn’t interested and admits it…

In some alternate universe, the Clinton Wikileaks story would be dominating the news this weekend.

In a race for the presidency the BBC doesn’t think these leaks relevant?  Only in some other alternate universe?  Bizarre…or deliberately dodging difficult material for the Clinton campaign.  Oh they’ve reported them but you have to look for the report buried on the US/Canada page….no such problems if you want to know what Trump said, not in an offical speech, but in a private conversation eleven years ago…it’s all over the BBC.

Why does the BBC show no interest in a comment attributed to her that Muslims and Blacks are ‘professional never-do-wells’?  The comment comes up in emails from John Podesta, chairman of the Clinton campaign with many saying it was in one of her Wall Street speeches…but as she won’t release the transcripts that’s hard to prove…looks like it’s actually a comment by Podesta himself….still as chairman of her campaign surely highly relevant and interesting for other reasons…..

What makes for successful immigration? It’s no brain surgery, but the media have long failed to provide a clear credible answer. They are unable to come up with an answer or don’t like the answer that’s staring them in the face. The main reason behind successful immigration should be painfully obvious to even the most dimwitted of observers: Some groups of people are almost always highly successful given only half a chance (Jews*, Hindus/Sikhs and Chinese people, for example), while others (Muslims, blacks** and Roma***, for instance) fare badly almost irrespective of circumstances. The biggest group of humanity can be found somewhere between those two extremes – the perennial overachievers and the professional never-do-wells.

The email is very long and gives an interesting insight into Europe, immigration, Jews and Muslims….the BBC won’t be looking closely at this anytime soon I imagine…here’s a taste…

Among the multitudes of MSM falsehoods rammed down the throats of German brainwasheables [LOL….us too!], the German media are arguing that the many millions of new arrivals will somehow replenish Germany’s graying and shrinking labor force. Never mind that all available figures show that the vast majority of working-age Muslims in Euroweenieland are not only jobless, but also structurally unemployable (completely lacking in all marketable skills). The frightening future of German schmeducation can be best seen in a clip giving an impression of your average Mickey Mouse vocational school, which aims to turn Muslim kids into semi-employables at the lowest possible level and fails miserably across the board Go to 30 seconds. To give you an idea, a mind-mashing 63 percent of preschool immigrant children (often 4th generation!) in Berlin’s Kreuzberg district speak little or no German and are theoretically inadmissible to an elementary school, disclosed Professor of Pedagogy Ali Ucar in Time magazine.

Back to Trump and the BBC…..

The BBC doesn’t want to give a win to Trump for yesterday’s debate with Clinton…on their analysis at best they say he did enough to keep the show on the road and didn’t get derailed by Clinton…the web report says this..

Trump v Clinton: Who won the debate?

What resulted was a muddled mess, with both candidates gaining the upper hand on occasion and stumbling in other moments.

Given that Mr Trump’s campaign has been in freefall over the past 48 hours, anything less than a total Jack-Nicholson-at-the-end-of-A-Few-Good-Men style meltdown onstage has to be deemed a marginal success on his part, and so it was.

Given that his campaign was in freefall [the BBC wishes] his success last night might actually be viewed as a stunning comeback…or a ‘marginal success’ if you’re a BBC reporter.

Looking at the Drudge poll [maybe self-selecting] Trump wins hands down [on nearly a million votes]…..


Oh…not just Drudge…nearly all online polls hand it to Trump…including the Washington Times whose poll showed that Trump stormed home with 61%.

The BBC’s ‘Reality Check’ is always interesting, mostly in the way that it interprets ‘reality’…not the same as most people I’d wager, certainly judging by the way they reality checked the referendum.  Here they check who’s fibbing in the Trump/Clinton debate….

Reality Check: Second Clinton v Trump presidential debate

Amusingly I’d bet they wish they’d never started as it seems that Trump is actually right about most things…though the BBC, whilst grudgingly admitting that, downplay it and then defend Clinton by relativising her mistakes out of existence.

Interestingly the BBC seem to have missed a big story and look to have no intention of giving it much airtime at all…

TRUMP PUNKED THE PRESS: Told Reporters They Were Going to Pre-Debate Presser, Walked in on Clinton Rape Victims!



‘Dominating the debate’?  Not for the BBC.  If it had been Trump facing charges of rape…imagine the BBC reaction….just look how overboard they go on his ‘locker room’ comments.

The Mail covers the story…

‘Bill raped me and Hillary threatened me!’ Trump unveils FOUR Clinton ‘sex victims’ and sits them feet away from her at debate – to cast BOTH of them as abusers

Astonishing that the BBC seem to have totally ignored this pre-debate surprise….not a mention of it on Nicky Campbell this morning as he tackled Trump’s ‘terrible’ comments…but not the slightest interest in Clinton’s emails and failures…or her backing of her husband for his actions whilst attacking Trump for his comments.

The Today programme also decided that Trump’s comments were worthy of analysis…unfortunately one commentator denouncing Trump for his offensive language called him a ‘repulsive ape’…total silence from the presenter.  Odd how if you’re a Lefty and you don’t like what someone says you can call them whatever you like however offensive…and yet the opposite doesn’t apply to those who are on the Right.

Let’s give the BBC a few starters to get them going as they clearly are having problems finding the dirt on Hills…


#1 – In 1974, after Bill Clinton lost his bid for a Senate seat, Hillary lashed out at campaign manager Paul Fray calling him a, “f*cking Jew bastard!” This outburst was witnessed and confirmed by 3 people, so it definitely happened.

#2 – As First Lady, Hillary called young black men “super-predators” indicating that she thought all young black males were violent criminals. She also said, “We have to bring them to heel,” like young blacks are the same as dogs. Despite thinking this was incredibly racist, blacks still support Hillary.

#3 – While serving in the US Senate, Hillary tried to make a joke that disparaged a civil rights icon and demeaned all people from India. “I love this quote. It’s from Mahatma Gandhi. He ran a gas station down in St. Louis for a couple of years. Mr. Gandhi, do you still go to the gas station?” asked Clinton.

#4 – In 2005 Hillary said, “I am adamantly against illegal immigrants.” She also, as a Senator, voted to construct a wall between the US and Mexico. Considering the main “proof” of Trump’s racism is that he opposes illegal immigration and wants to build a wall, isn’t it odd that Hillary gets off for having said the same thing?

#5 – During the 2008 democratic primaries Hillary Clinton’s campaign started the “birther” rumors, questioning Obama’s US citizenship. They even circulated the now famous picture of Obama in full Muslim garb. Somehow Trump’s campaign to get Obama to release his birth certificate is racist, but Hillary’s role in starting the birther movement is not.

#6 – Also during the 2008 presidential race, Hillary’s husband Bill said this of Obama: “A few years ago, this guy would have been getting us coffee.” Hillary didn’t say this one but her husband did and she certainly never disavowed it.

#7 – Shortly after announcing her candidacy, Hillary said “all lives matter” in a black church. I don’t think this one is racist, but lefties, black activists, and Hillary herself all do, so it makes the list. Plus as is the case with most of this stuff, if Trump had said it liberals would freak the hell out.

#8 – In November of 2015, Hillary called people in this country illegally “illegal aliens.” Trump is a racist when he says “illegal aliens,” why isn’t Hillary?

#9 – In April of this year, Hillary joined NYC Mayor Bill de Blasio on stage at a democratic fundraiser for a scripted joke about how lazy black people are. The two liberals made reference to “colored people’s time” which is a super-racist way of saying black people are chronically tardy and lethargic.

#10 – April was a great month for Hillary’s racism, as she also made a comment disparaging Native Americans. She said she had experience dealing with wild men when they “get off the reservation.” In essence she said Native Americans are savages who must be segregated from the rest of society.

As a bonus:

#11 – On a black radio show, Hillary pandered to black voters by claiming she always carries hot sauce in her purse. It was racist when Donald Trump pandered Hispanics by eating a taco bowl, but not racist when Hillary pandered blacks. How does that work?


And Wikileaks…links that the BBC doesn’t provide for some reason in its report on Hilary’s emails and speeches.….

19,252 emails and 8,034 attachments from the top of the US Democratic National Committee — part one of our new Hillary Leaks series.


Hillary Clinton Email Archive

On March 16, 2016 WikiLeaks launched a searchable archive for 30,322 emails & email attachments sent to and from Hillary Clinton’s private email server while she was Secretary of State.


Well, for once I really quite enjoyed listening to the BBC Today programme on Radio 4 this morning. Having ensured I watched the 2nd Presidential debate first, and knowing that Trump had steam rollered Clinton, I was ready to observe how the BBC would report this.

US presidential debate: Trump launches ferocious attack on Clintons

Oh wow, how very dare he!!! You could tell instantly that he had done well as the BBC kept wondering why he had not actually stood down from the Presidential race? According to the BBC, Clinton had not “landed a killer blow” on Trump and he was “down but not out” When you translate this it means…Trump won.

But the pussified BBC can’t bring themselves to say this so instead they continue their busted narrative. Meanwhile, here’s a great Trump quip to enjoy…

The Guilty Men



The subjugated peoples of Europe lift up their heads again in hope. They have put aside forever the shameful temptation of resigning themselves to the conqueror’s will. Hope has returned to the hearts of scores of millions of men and women, and with that hope there burns the flame of anger against the brutal, corrupt invader. And still more fiercely burn the fires of hatred and contempt for the filthy Quislings whom he has suborned.

Sure I am that this day — now we are the masters of our fate; that the task which has been set us is not above our strength; that its pangs and toils are not beyond our endurance. As long as we have faith in our cause and an unconquerable will-power, salvation will not be denied us.




Looking at the new five pound note and it is proudly British with the Queen on one side and Churchill on the other along with a quote from Churchill….’I have nothing to offer but blood, toil, tears and sweat.’

As Mark Carney [ironically] says…

Why Churchill?

Winston Churchill was one of the greatest statesmen of all time and is the only Prime Minister to win the Nobel Prize for literature. As he himself said, a “nation that forgets its past has no future”. Our banknotes are repositories of the United Kingdom’s collective memory and are testaments to the outstanding achievements of the nation’s greatest individuals.

Shame the same Carney is one of those ‘Quislings’ who seek to betray Churchill’s legacy and sell us out to the unelected, arrogant EU dictatorship that now seeks to ‘punish’ Britain for having the temerity to become masters of our own fate.


The BBC has been fervently trying to demonise Leave voters as the cause of racist attacks in the UK, the EU referendum reported as the catalyst giving licence to the racists to act out their once private thoughts in public.

The EU’s imperialist panjandrums have been using the same narrative as they try to undermine Brexit and claim that any racism in the UK stems from the political tone of the referendum campaign….conveniently ignoring the ever increasing rise of the Far Right across the EU utopia which has not had a referendum on leaving he EU.

Anti immigrant rally in France……

Residents hold a banner reading: 'City of Pierrefeu says no to the creation of a reception centre for migrants'

The BBC et al might like to dismiss them all and smear them all as ‘Far Right’ and racist but they have perfectly legitimate and justifiable concerns that the likes of the BBC’s finest ignore or label as the closest thing to Nazism.

Who is really to blame for any racist attacks and the rise of the Far Right across Europe?

Surely it is those who completely undemocratically smashed the borders of Europe and opened them to millions of people from nations that have utterly different cultures, beliefs and attitudes thus creating vast tensions not just due to massive pressures on infrastructure such as health services, schools and housing but due to polarised cultural differences that cannot and will never be resolved…thus leading, eventually, to conflict and war.  The Muslim terrorism is a war on the West by immigrants within the West.  This is an experiment that has failed with disastrous consequences not just for Europe but the world as the mother, defender and advocate of democracy, liberalism and progressive thought, is slowly strangled by immigrants who have no loyalty to such beliefs.

Blair with his secret betrayal of Britain as he opened the borders knowing full well the effect on jobs and infrastructure but not caring as he sought to destroy ‘Britishness’ and import what he hoped would be millions of future Labour, pro-EU, voters, the likes of the BBC’s Lord Hall who leads an organisation that campaigns relentlessly for open borders and mass immigration and labels people racist if they disagree, the arrogant and unelected Eurocrats who do exactly the same but who also have the power to actually act out their tyranny and force nations to open their borders…the intent to destroy the nation state, its identity, its culture and its ability to support and defend itself without the Big Brother of the EU supporting it….and of course Merkel who was brought up in East Germany and was a dedicated Young Socialist….as she casts aside the German flag with distaste and disdain perhaps we can make a guess at her real motive for opening the borders of Europe….as Putin uses immigration as a weapon of war she, at the other end, welcomes that ‘weapon’ into the heart of Europe.

The real cause of the rise of the Far Right is those pro-immigration, pro-EU superstate extremists who undemocratically impose mass immigration upon people who don’t want it and which has given licence to the few opposing extremists who believe they have no other choice but for a violent response as they think all other democratic means are blocked either by legal means such as EU treaties or by the demonisation by the likes of the BBC of anyone who supports immigration control as racist…and we know that that is a highly effective way of silencing opposition used with great effect to destroy careers and make people ‘untouchable’.

The BBC which provides the political, moral and intellectual cover for those who seek to rule us and which works to actively support the ideologies that would destroy Britain and suppress the voices of those who object to this betrayal, the pro-EU politicians and commentators, the quislings who sell their countries out, the unelected, unaccountable, authoritarian and despotic EU overlords who seek to punish Britain are the real cause of the rise of the Far Right and the rebellion against the rise of the new tyranny of the imperial EU with its boot on the neck of  free and self-governing European countries.

These people are the real cause of the Far Right’s rise.  Their constant attempts to suppress the will of the people, to manufacture a consensus and ignore or obliterate the true feelings of people, to impose their own dream of a pan-European empire which they hope will smash the nation states of Europe and destroy national identities and loyalties, has led to this.

You have to ask who are the real ‘Far Right’, the real Fascists?  Is it those who seek to take back their countries, their identity, their culture and their lives or those who seek to destroy all that in order to impose their own dream of a new world order whatever the cost?  One that would last at least a thousand years no doubt.

At the heart of it all are the propagandists like the BBC’s own Lord Hall Hall who has his hand on the tiller and oversees the corporation’s direction of travel providng massive and powerful propaganda for those who would undermine and ultimately destroy Britain as a soveriegn state with its own culture and identity.  He is ultimately responsible for the way it reports news and the tone and content of those reports and providing the ‘Establishment’ narrative….the ‘Establishment’ of course not being the actual government but the people who have the real power as demonstrated by the Remain camp which provides a fascinating insight into how power works in Britain as they mobilise to undermine the will of the people and one of the most democratic votes in British history.

Either he is asleep at the wheel or he is actively directing the drive to support the EU, mass immigration and the demonisation of any who object to those policies.

Lord Hall Hall is one of those guilty men who leads an organisation that has deliberately and systematically worked to suppress the voices of democracy and freedom.  He puts his corporation at the service of those who have nothing but contempt for ‘The People’ and that is even now collaborating in the great project to destroy Brexit and undermine the will of the people.

I’ll end as I began…with Churchill…

I was brought up in my father’s house to believe in democracy. “Trust the people” — that was his message. I used to see him cheered at meetings and in the streets by crowds of working men way back in those aristocratic Victorian days when, as Disraeli said, the world was for the few, and for the very few.

Therefore I have been in full harmony all my life with the tides which have flowed on both sides of the Atlantic against privilege and monopoly, and I have steered confidently towards the Gettysburg ideal of “government of the people by the people for the people”.

The BBC serves only those ‘very few’ who seek to rule over us, unaccountable, untrustworthy and all too often unelected.






Having spent the past few days hysterically joining in the mainstream media assault on Donald Trump, the BBC has been relentless in its bias. It seems that what was said in a private conversation nine years before he entered the political race is so bad, so repulsive, that the BBC has decided he must step down. Meanwhile it conveniently ignores this…

“Hillary Clinton once called disabled children at an Easter egg hunt ‘f***ing ree-tards’ and referred to Jews as ‘stupid k***s’ while Bill called Jesse Jackson a ‘damned n****r,’ claims Bill’s former lover Dolly Kyle”

And if it’s “pussy” that is the issue try this….


Now, I find all this crudity distasteful BUT the fact is there is plenty on both sides to consider. The BBC only talks about the Trump side. That is my case against them, they are the pussified cuck media.


BBC Stalinists grind out the propaganda


The BBC’s long march against UKIP and ‘The Right’ continues as it asks ‘What is the point of UKIP?’.  The BBC of course doesn’t ask ‘What is the point of Labour’ as it implodes having been taken over by the nasty Marxist’s of the People’s Not So Popular Front of Islington.

Always remarkable how UKIP is labelled ‘Nazi’ merely because they promote the idea that immigration should be controlled, just controlled, not stopped completely as the BBC likes to imply. Nicky Campbell dragged in the very bitter Nikki Sinclaire, expelled from UKIP, to tell us why UKIP is history…no bias there.  We also had a caller who told us that UKIP was Far Right just like the BNP…and one who suggested some UKIP members were ‘plants’ for other parties…guess which suggestion Campbell mocked and derided?

I would suggest there is more point than ever to having UKIP around now that we see the Remainers working hard to undermine Brexit by every means possible….helped enormously by having Remain campaigner Phillip Hammond as Chancellor and doing his utmost to talk down Brexit at every turn and to subtly change the terms of reference…such as saying freedom of movement will still be available for the ‘highly skilled’.  Well no…it is not up to the EU to decide who comes here, it is up to the UK to decide….so no EU imposed freedom of movement even for ‘special groups’.  If we want highly skilled people then they can come but under UK admission rules not because the EU waves a magic wand.  And of course Hammond still wants to stay in the Single Market….so not really a Brexit fan at all and entirely untrustworthy as a negotiator for Brexit.  Should the likes of Hammond successfully block Brexit I imagine that the renovation of parliament won’t be a problem as the Peasants revolt and storm it.  Can’t see a betrayal by the political class and the media lefties being taken lying down on this one.  Trouble ahead.

This morning on R4’s Broadcasting House we heard another addition to the BBC’s long sneer (28 mins) at UKIP as it again tried to paint it as racist and an irrelevant rabble.  We were told we’d have a quick run down of UKIP background but you’d have little idea that this has been a highly successful party that has brought the Liberal Establishment to a heightened state of panic, not only as it disembowels Labour and scoops up its supporters with 4 million voters, but has also been the driving force behind one of the most momentous events in British political history…Brexit of course.  The BBC preferred to mock and ‘Trumpify’ it by suggesting it is packed with violent, sexist, probably racist, back-stabbing people who have no interest in ‘ideology’.  They dragged in Michael Crick to do a little hatchet job….apparently UKIP is the worst of the worst…no other political party has any of its problems or attitudes.  The presenter finished off of course with a suggestion that the ‘tone’ of UKIP was a bit nasty…..again based upon what?  Labour complains that the Tories have opened the Gates of Hell because of their new found desire to control immigration and then we have Labour’s Keir Starmer saying we must control it…though the BBC concentrates on his thought that we must have a vote on Brexit….whereas the Mail tells of ‘major split’ in Labour…

Major splits emerge within Labour frontbench on immigration as Shadow Brexit Secretary Keir Starmer defies Jeremy Corbyn’s open borders policy by saying numbers MUST be cut


Curious how immigration was a BBC top story when attacking the Tories but it is relegated to a back seat when a Labour person, in complete opposition to his leader’s views, back the Tory stance.

Not suggesting the BBC would like to promote the idea of a vote by MPs on the terms of other words an end to Brexit…but, well, that’s the case isn’t it.  BBC politicking for the Remian camp as always.

Oh yes…LOL...Baroness Manzoor…obviously a racist…..wants Brexit….

Baroness Manzoor

The BBC’s narrative that Leave voters are all racists is clearly absurd, the BBC’s labelling of all white people in such a manner is bad enough but to completely ignore the evidence that many non-whites and non-Brits support Brexit is massively dishonest and nasty especially as that narrative of demonising white people, is used for political purposes to smear ‘Brexit’ as the offspring of a racist ‘ideology’.




A Biased BBC reader writes….

“A brief review of recent BBC coverage and any woman will be disheartened, dejected and disgusted. The Beeb, reinforcing the narrative of an evil patriarchy oppressing women, has been pumping out the “women as victims” stories, with examples from the last couple of weeks including…

·         The shocking lack of women in film

·         The shocking lack of women in fashion

·         The shocking amount of period pain women suffer at work

·         The shocking treatment of women forgotten by science

·         The shocking number of women with their “lives are on hold”

·         The shocking lack of housing for female prisoners upon release

·         The shocking discrimination faced by Muslim women in Germany

·         The shocking discrimination over pension changes

·         The shocking news that young women at ‘highest mental health risk’

·         The shocking news that women in Asia are “disposable”

·         The shocking news that women a ‘distinct minority’ among highest-paid in the UK

·         The shocking lack of equality in Chinese cinema

As with other “oppressed” demographics, the “victim narrative” has to run in parallel with the “propaganda narrative”. When an individual or group of individuals from an “oppressed” demographic do or does something wrong, they do not represent that said group. When they do something good, however, they do represent said group. Muslims are the usual recipients of this but the Beeb’s parallel coverage of women (which ranges from cringing to patronising) underscore this.

According to the BBC, women are awesome for:

·         Making the best TV comedy

·         Striking against abortion bans

·         Protesting against potholes

·         Running a library for 25 years

·         Helping run the world’s most southerly post office

·         Competing with Kinshasa’s male sapeurs

·         Getting elected to the Isle of Man’s House of Keys

·         Becoming FTSE bosses

·         Becoming lorry drivers

·         Teaching code

·         Completing all UK’s ‘Marilyn’ hills

You get the picture but now the juicy part. What happens when the Beeb’s coverage moves onto women in the Middle East…?

Bin-BBC starts off with the beacon of female empowerment, the hijab. Thousands of headscarves or hijabs have been collected for women in Syria, it gushes. However, further “propaganda” narrative pieces actually muddy the waters by using the “victim” agenda. For example, the BBC celebrates that Saudi women file petition to end male guardianship systemIranian women defy Fatwas by riding bikes and Palestinian women fight elections name ‘censorship’, specifically literature used for the polls replaced the names of female candidates with “sister of…”, “wife of…” or just their initials.

All commendable initiatives as women look to overthrow genuine sexism in…Islamic countries! But wait, isn’t the BBC constantly telling us that Islam does not oppress women? The Beeb’s Islamaphilia agenda discredited by its feminist agenda.”


A  B-BBC reader writes…

“Did you see the BBC story today that asked if the best way to “guard against radicalisation” was to develop more Muslim schools? The BBC bemoans that, out if the 6,800-plus faith schools in the state school system, only 28 are Muslim, which it describes as “disproportionately small”.

It points out the risks of illegal private schools (a point that is justified) and how having Muslim states schools would be the solution. After all, al-Beeb reminds us that the east London schoolgirls who headed off to Syria were not in faith schools and the schools caught up in the Trojan Horse claims did not have a religious affiliation. I think Richard Dawkins can take this one up from here….


No news in the truth and no truth in the news



Lord Hall Hall must be proud, the so-called news corporation that he runs has just had two of the most dishonest and biased days of its life, and that’s saying something.  Lord Hall Hall should once again be dragged before a Parliamentary committee to explain just how this publicly funded organisation, that is supposedly the gold standard for news organisations, is allowed by Lord Hall Hall to provide that Public with such a substandard and dishonest service.  Michael Ashley from Sports Direct was hauled up in front of the MPs and torn off a strip, his warehouse being compared to a victorian workhouse, Lord Hall Hall’s corporation is nothing short of something the Soviet Union would have been proud of, the news being something that is entirely flexible in its interpretation of world events and presenting a world view that is based solely upon the politics and beliefs of those who are ensconced there.

The Tory conference is on and the phrase ‘British jobs for British workers’ was uttered much to the disgust of the BBC, it seems, which has spent the last two days relentlessly suggesting that the Tories are racist …or as Nick Robinson said [08:10]‘some might say…you are sanctioning a form of racism’.  Robinson did have the grace to mention Gordon Brown however he has been the only BBC presenter to have done so in my hearing [though he did also say that there was ‘hardcore rhetoric on immigration and considerable unpleasantness’…so any talk of controlling immigration is once again instantly labelled as something not acceptable by the BBC] .  Immediately after May’s speech 5Live announced that ‘some might say’ that was divisive and a bit UKIP like….so the BBC once again painting UKIP as racist as it also tries to smear the Tories.  Not a mention of Gordon Brown and his ‘British jobs for British people’ speech anywhere on 5Live over two days that I’ve heard.

The grammar school policy was laid into as based on, well no evidence of its effect, the BBC dismissing the previously hallowed Sutton Trust’s studies, as inexpert preferring the ‘expert’ Michael Wilshaw’s comments that the policy was tosh and nonsense…but where is his evidence for that?….the BBC didn’t provide it.

Remarkably the BBC is also now a believer in the Trojan Horse plot whereas once it worked hard to promote the idea that it was a hoax and even reported completely untruthfully that the various inquiries had found no problems at the schools. Mark Easton, he who thinks Muslim extremists are like Ghandi, Mandela and Churchill, telling us at the time that perhaps we should allow the schools to be taken over (even though there was no plot to take over schools according to the BBC) if that is what the Muslim community wanted.  Now we hear that Muslim faith schools are not performing well and are being allowed to stay open…the BBC is outraged that a Tory government should be allowing this…more needs to be done apparently ‘to reassure the parents’.…the same parents who Easton suggested were all desperate for a fundamentalist education for their integrated children.

May in her speech set out her stall as the champion of the Workers….Pienaar in his instant after-speech analysis announced that this ‘won’t wash’, the Tories cannot say they are the Party that represents the Workers and that there is a clash as it also says it is the Party for Business and yet also wants to limit immigration.

This has always been the BBC attack, during the election it was the same ‘feigned surprise’ that the Tories should paint themselves as the Party for Workers….ignoring the fact that Business and workers go hand in hand, Business does well and workers do well and we have more jobs and that theh ‘Workers’ voted in their droves for the Tories under Thatcher and again in the last election as they saw that wages went up and businesses prospered under Tory government.

Oh..and apparently May ‘ignores how hard Brexit is going to hit us’.  No bias there from the BBC.  Anyone notice how the BBC seems to be pressing for ‘soft Brexit’ [ie no Brexit] in its interviews?  I heard a presenter yesterday asking if there is any way we can keep freedom of movement whilst still staying in the single market?…a slip of the tongue as she got it backwards [should of course be…can we stay in the single market and not have freedom of movement?] but undoubtedly what she was really thinking.

Back to ‘British workers for British jobs’.  This is being entirely misrepresented by the BBC as meaning that the drawbridge is being pulled up and no foreign workers at all will be allowed into the UK [much as Brexit means the end of all trade with Europe apparently].  The BBC is scaremongering enormously here…indeed it brought on an Indian worker who said he was now scared about the future.  The BBC asking him with an alarmist, leading and perjoratively phrased question ‘What’s your reaction when you hear the leader of this country and her ministers talking about British jobs for British people?’.

Trouble is that caller undermined the BBC case that the policy is Tory racism as he told us that as an Indian worker any employer had to prove to the immigration service that a foreign employee like him would have better value than one from not just the UK but those from the EU as well…so British jobs for EU workers [under EU rules now] but not for Indians.

The presenter ‘failed’ to note that little quirk for some reason….though she was quite happy to ask a British employer if he thought foreign workers were better than British, a continuation of the BBC’s constant, and racist, narrative that British workers are idle and feckless….and yet they call the Tories racist and berate the Tories for apparently labelling all welfare recipients as idle, workshy scroungers…in fact the BBC was going on about that yesterday [a Labour attack line as well of course].

Marr was dragged in and subtly linked into the talk of British workers to discuss his new book on British poetry [odd how the BBC is so keen to exploit ‘Britishness’ when there’s money to be made….it constantly masquerades as ‘proud to be British’ [as do some communties] when it really has nothing but contempt for the ‘little englanders’ and patriotism and British history].  Marr naturally put down the success of ‘British poetry’ to the vast influx of immigrants and the effect of multiculturalism on the British language…making it so much ‘richer’.  Yeah…all those British poets who are really from deepest Africa or the Subcontinent…oh hang on we had an ‘immigrant’ poet on 5Live who gave us an instant poetic commentary on the day’s proceedings…naturally it was everything you’d expect adding richly to our national heritage.

‘British jobs for British workers’.  Something smug BBC workers might soon have to contend with as the BBC’s diversity drive looks to drive out white people from their jobs.

The BBC couldn’t be happier with the rumblings at UKIP…Diane James jumps ship and the BBC fails to report that one of the major reasons she left was that she had been abused and spat at during a train journey recently.  Why would the BBC ignore an attack on a female politician when it is always telling us how politicians are being unfairly vilified leading to violent attacks, such as the one on Jo Cox.  Seems the BBC only thinks some politicians are due protection.  Which brings us to Steven Woolfe…the BBC dodging the fact that it was Woolfe who started the fight that ended with him in hospital….even though told by Neil Hamilton that it was Woolfe who ‘picked the fight‘. [The BBC still not telling us that]  The BBC news bulletins preferred the considered and informed comments from Marr who knew absolutely nothing of the events but was asked for his comments and came up with an instant dismissive comment saying that UKIP was the unluckiest party in its leadership…hmmm…does he not read the news…has he not seen what has happened to Labour over the decades….Foot, Kinnock, Brown, Corbyn or even the last Tory leadership election farce with Gove and Boris, and Cameron jumping ship?

BBC news is a farcical in its selection of what it thinks is important…all too evidently picking material that promotes its own views rather than actual events.  All too familiar.