For my sins I DID watch BBC Question Time last night. In case you missed it this was the panel. Not ONE pro-Brexit politician. The best they could do was haul on the Mails “Theatre critic and political sketch writer” Quentin Letts. I know that Campbell and McDonnell did tear into each other, and even the waspish Soubry had a go at Corbyn’s number 2 BUT this was another panel and audience stacked full of those still weeping their tears that they LOST the Referendum on whether we stayed or left the EU. The BBC love to have talking heads on who sagely ponder – “but what does Brexit mean”? They always say it is perhaps much too complex to answer. Rubbish. Brexit means an end to the UK having any links to the EU. No open borders and no more sending the £££’s to Brussels. I wish the BBC would move beyond denial. This was an atrocious programme – unbalanced and definitely unrepresentative.


Cooking the books


Interesting timing you might think as the BBC announced the loss of TGBBO to C4 due to its lack of money…just before the government announced its Charter renewal white paper…never mind that Bake Off generates millions and is licensed to many countries around the world for which the BBC gets a cut.

The negotiations went on for a year or so and yet the BBC managed to time the announcement just by coincidence at that time.

Just more stage-managed BBC propaganda designed to whip up anger at the government and create the impression that the BBC is under attack and about to crumble due to lack of resources.



The BBC’s very own Fascism



The BBC is continuing its campaign against Brexit with endless tales of racism and economic armageddon linked to it.  Its journalists seem to have been given carte blanche to say whatever they like to undermine the democratic process and impose the EU back upon us.

They completely ignore the fact that HM Opposition is led by terrorist supporting Marxists with a phalanx of ‘storm troopers’ there to smash dissenters and ensure ‘compliance who wish only for the end of western society…no mention of this video of McDonnell saying the economic crash was a dream come true…all those lives ruined, all those jobs gone, all those businesses vanished…he dances on their graves [07:15]…and the BBC ignores it…just as it ignores, downplays or cheerleads Islamic terrorism…..


The BBC instead prefers to express alarm at the rise of the right, the Far-Right, across Europe.  Marr has been in the Sunday Times disgracefully linking Brexit to ‘goose-stepping fascism’.  Red Andy has nothing to say about the rise of the Stalinists at the head of the Labour Party.  Remind us Andy how much misery did your commie chums impose, just how many millions did they kill?

Marr continues to insult the East Europeans, dismissing them as backward racists who know no better, a line the BBC uses constantly.  An irony when at the same time the BBC is promoting East European immigration to the UK and floods the airwaves with alarming tales of native racism against them….er….all linked to Brexit.  So East European goose-stepping is linked to Brexit and racism against East Europeans is linked to Brexit…isn’t the BBC good?

Marr tells us that nationalism is an unequivocal evil and that we must pool sovereignty and of course the threat from Islam is highly exaggerated..a dystopian view he suggests.

He tells us that Brexit means we are cutting ourselves off from the world, turning our backs on Europe foolishly thinking we can stand proud and successful on our own.  He tells us this is dangerous nonsense.  We must submit to the EU yoke and the arrogant, unelected, contemptuous and disdainful dictatorship from the likes of Juncker who should, in my opinion, be grabbed by the scruff of the neck and dragged through the streets of Europe stark bollock naked and humiliated and abused as he humiliates and abuses the people.  Any wonder so many hate the EU?

Marr should be sacked.  He clearly is too pro-EU to continue to present high-profile political programmes on the BBC which discuss such affairs.

The BBC itself shows that it is incapable of acting in a balanced, honest and impartial way and its news and current affairs programming should be closed down.  The BBC’s continued support for terrorism, the anarchists and mass immigration shows how dangerous it is as it undermines the UK, democracy and Wesern society.


Boating, emoting, voting


The BBC’s Lucy Grey [a ‘senior’ BBC journalist no less she tells us] has spent the last two weeks emoting from a boat in the Med telling us of the ‘rescue’ of immigrants by MSF.  She greets the migrants as long lost relatives and is delighted they are being helped.

Reporting or cheerleading?  This isn’t ‘rescue’, it’s a taxi service that encourages economic migrants to swarm towards Europe….another 250,000 or so are apparently in Libya already just waiting for the chance…with millions more behind them.

Peter Allen read out a text criticisng this ‘taxi service’ and dismissed it by saying we can’t just leave them to drown.  No, you take them back to the shore they came from and discourage them and those that would follow from the attempt.

The BBC’s et al’s message that says if you get to Europe you will be looked after is what is costing lives…as the BBC keeps telling us, 3000 this year alone.  The BBC’s extremist position on immigration is deadly.

Hungary shows that it can be done, build a ‘wall’ and show a determined effort to not allow migrants in and they turn away.

The BBC of course thinks this is fascist or as Marr in the Sunday Times suggests it is …’the march of Europe’s new goose-steppers’ which he disgracefully links to the Brexit vote.





Question Time Live Chat

The Question Time Live Chat plugin used for previous chats is broken and I haven’t been able to fix it. I think that the site host has disabled it. So, if there is any interest in having future Question Time chats, then we need a new site or chat plugin in order to host the chats. If anyone is aware of any such sites, then please let me know and we can try them out.


And so, just a few days after the 15th anniversary of 9/11, the BBC pounces on a story in New York that places a muslim as a victim.

A British woman’s traditional Muslim clothing was set on fire on Fifth Avenue, New York police have said. The woman, who had been staying in a Manhattan hotel, was returning from sightseeing when she felt a warm spot on her arm, an officer told the BBC. She turned and saw her arm on fire and a man with a cigarette lighter. She was able to pat out the fire with her hands and did not suffer any injury. The attack at the weekend is being investigated as a possible hate crime. A police source confirmed to the BBC the woman is Scottish but would not confirm local reports she is a dentist from Glasgow.

Is it now “traditional” for “British” women to wear “Muslim clothing”? No one wants to see anyone suffer any violence to their person, or even their clothing but this strikes me as the BBC going out of their way to hype up this non-story. They give it as much space on their news portal as they did 9/11 a few days ago.

There can be only one



Extraordinary all the fuss over the US Presidential election…after all there is only one candidate..right?  Maybe I’m wrong but watching the BBC I understand the lone candidate is some dreadful, racist oaf called Trump.

Oh yes, the BBC did a programme on Clinton, Bill Clinton, and his shenannigans with a cigar and an intern.  That of course was all a lot of fuss about nothing…an overheated conspiracy cooked up by those appalling Republicans the BBC informs us.  Bill is innocent….much it seems as his other half is also innocent of having hidden her medical problems.

Hillary Clinton gets a few passing comments on the BBC but in comparison to the vast outpourings of liberal hate directed at Trump it amounts to little more than a hill o’ beans.

Check the BBC’s latest ‘indepth’ investigation into her health problems.   The BBC tries to pass it off as a bad case of the sniffles but fails to mention all the other health concerns that have struck Clinton down.  The Mail manages to list all her ailments….most of which seem somewhat serious.

The BBC dismissed concerns about her health as a ‘whisper campaign’ and ‘insinuations’ by Trump and his followers.

Seems Trump is a much more reliable source of information than the renowned BBC.