Religious motivation?


The BBC graciously admits there might be an Islamic angle to the murder of a priest in France today…

President Francois Hollande said the men claimed to be from so-called Islamic State (IS).

Speaking in Saint-Etienne-du-Rouvray, he said the attackers had committed a “cowardly assassination” and France would fight IS “by all means”.

Fraank Gardner isn’t 100% convinced…

The selection of a church by the attackers, whatever their motives turn out to be, crosses a new red line in the grim history of recent attacks on continental Europe.

I’m sure he has a psychiatrist on standby to talk us through the issues…on hold just now because ‘There was no immediate word on the identity of the hostage-takers.’

Certain to find they are poor lads from a Muslim ghetto abandoned by the French state, alienated and angry at the way Muslims are treated….I could get a job as a BBC

However it can’t be long before the equivocations start….the BBC  [Frankie boy] are already looking to point the finger of blame…

News that one of the attackers was on the French government’s terror watch-list, known as the S list, will prompt many to question its purpose if he can remain at large to carry a knife into a church.

Always looking for a new angle on a story…except the obvious one.




I suppose this item on the BBC was inevitable. From the TODAY schedule earlier..

“The right wing German party Alternatif fur Deutschland says the German Chancellor Angela Merkel is responsible for bringing terror to Germany through her open door refugee policy. But most other German politicians have stopped short of linking the recent attacks to the Middle East. Dr Peter Ammon is the German Ambassador to the UK.”

It’s really amazing to watch the European political establishment and the media, including the BBC of course, deny reality. We see the German Police twist in the wind as they think up all kinds of ludicrous excuses to cover the simple fact that Merkel’s Open Borders policy has been a catastrophic disaster that may engulf Germany into Germanistan.


Well then, last week saw the BBC sneer it’s way through the GOP conference in Cleveland. The Comrades were all over the event, seeking to emphasise division, flag up plagiarism and above all seek to damage Trump. This week sees the Democrat convention in Philly and the coronation of Hillary Clinton, the BBC’s preferred Presidential candidate. The problem is that she is PROFOUNDLY mired in scandal and loathed by those Bernie Sanders radical leftists so  -what to do? The BBC wheels in that loathsome long time Clinton apologist Sidney Blumenthal on BBC Radio 4 Today at 6.55am to inform us that Hillary is the candidate who does not come from privilege (She’s filthy rich) and that she is beating Trump in most of the polls. (She isn’t, he leads her in several, including Ohio) and that everyone will rally behind her when they finally get to see the “real” Hillary on stage. Classic Clintonian denialism and fully embraced by an uncritical cheerleading BBC. In my opinion. If you think the BBC had a melt down when we voted to BREXIT can you imagine their horror at a President Trump?

BBC in complete denial


The BBC’s Frank Gardner knows what is wrong in Germany…it doesn’t provide enough mental health services for people…..

What drives individuals to commit mass killings?

Even the headline is disingenuous and intentionally misleading because the real problem is Islamist terrorism and immigration not random, ‘senseless’, murders by individuals…Gardner is trying to claim there is no overarching problem, it is an individual issue compounded by German government neglect.

Gardner has a psychiatrist tell us:

It is possible to find a common thread in the past history of murderers. He believes the clues are all in their dysfunctional backgrounds.

“It is a psychiatric problem,”

Curious how in contrast the BBC has scrubbed from the record that the killer of Jo Cox, Thomas Mair, had a well documented history of mental health problems and that the night before he killed Jo Cox he had sought help and been turned away.  The BBC in that case preferred to ‘report’ that the murder was the result of the Leave campaign’s immigration ‘policy’ that incited a Far Right activist to kill.  Why do they ignore Mair’s problems but tell us ‘mental health’ is the underlying problem for Muslim’s who kill?  Odd how the BBC can link reasoned and measured discussion on immigration to a killing but won’t link an ideology that says kill all non-Muslims to terrorism.

What about all the many thousands that also have mental health issues but don’t go on to be terrorists?  There are many levels of mental health problems…from stress to depression to murderous rages….so when Gardner say they were receiving help just what were they being helped with?  Look at the Syrians on Bute now whinging about their new home and saying they are depressed….should we put them on a watch list? Is there some other contributory factor Gardner might like to consider?

Islam perhaps? Immigration of people who have a totally different culture and outlook on life and so will find it very difficult to integrate into a Western society…leading to self-alienation and possibly radicalisation and terrorism as they decide to revert to their own culture and religion….some choose to wear ever more distinctly Islamic clothing and take the war to the West through the media, law and politics, others will decide violence is the answer…there is no difference between the two other than the methods used…but for some reason the media and politicians thnk only the violent ones are a problem….their aim is the same…more Islam.

Gardner tells us:

Yet initial suspicions of an IS link to last Friday’s shooting rampage in a Munich shopping mall have been replaced by something closer to an individual, non-political grievance by the perpetrator. His killing spree bears a striking similarity to recent gun rampages by disaffected teenagers at US college campuses.

Likewise, investigators have concluded that the killing of a Polish woman by a Syrian refugee in Reutlingen is not connected to terrorism.

So there were ‘initial suspicions of an IS link’ regarding the Munich killings?  Could have fooled me as the BBC absolutely refused to publish those links.

But what about this?:

His killing spree bears a striking similarity to recent gun rampages by disaffected teenagers at US college campuses….Likewise, investigators have concluded that the killing of a Polish woman by a Syrian refugee in Reutlingen is not connected to terrorism.

No mention of immigration or Islam…Gardner diverts us onto Mental health as the main problem when the real problem is immigration…the Munich killer was the son of immigrants and his bullies were all immigrants themselves.

Irnoically Gardner tells us:

“With a detailed look at the history of those perpetrators,” says Mr Aylward, “what we see is a sort of combination-lock of numbers that if arranged in the right sequence then the lock snaps open and a murderous attack takes place.”

He says far more work needs to be done to identify the signs leading up to such events before they happen.

Yep, let’s have a detailed look at what drives them….first they wouldn’t be there if it hadn’t been for immigration which sumps then in a totally alien environment that they refuse all too often to adapt to, two Islam isolates them and itself is the cause of alienation, and as they identify more with Islam and soak up the anti-West narratives of the Muslim agit-propagandists and of its allies in the Western media who pump out the ‘West is attacking Islam’ and ‘the problems in the Muslim world are all due to Western foreign policy’ narrative, they turn ever more against their host countries and want to do something to ‘help’ Muslims.  Usually by killing as many as possible.

Gardner disengenuously tries to suggest that counter-terrorism officers think mental health issues are the problem…

At a recent meeting of Western counter-terrorism officers in Washington, it was concluded that agencies well-practiced in confronting ideological organisations like IS were ill-equipped to deal with lone individuals bearing murderous personal grievances.

The challenge becomes even harder when a troubled individual with mental problems is cynically recruited by a terrorist organisation, thus blurring the lines between the two.

Gen Michael Hayden, a former director of the CIA and NSA, say the phenomenon “allows the truly troubled and the truly dangerous to reach for a broader cause that gives meaning to their alienation”.

The concept of terrorist organisations preying on disturbed people to further their aims is not new.

But that isn’t what they said, Gardner slips in his own thoughts about ‘a troubled individual with mental problems’ and then links the words of Gen Hayden to his own, but Hayden talked of alienation…that’s not a mental health issue, that’s more often than not cultural and social….if you want to live by a certain ideology but it is at complete odds with the surrounding one you are going to be frustrated and as said Muslim activists whip that up into an anti-West narrative which is supported by the likes of the BBC.

The Telegraph has a much more realistic editorial on the problmes that Germany [and the rest of Europe] faces:

Germany is in a dangerous state of denial about immigration, Islam and terrorism

In the past seven days, German civilians have come under attack from four men of Middle Eastern or Asian origin. Three have been linked to Isil. The latest incident saw a Syrian blow himself up outside a Bavarian festival after pledging allegiance to Isil.

Joachim Herrmann, Bavaria’s interior minister, has suggested that such attacks raise questions about an immigration policy that has seen more than one million migrants enter Germany largely unchecked over the past year, many from Syria, Iraq and Afghanistan. Raising such questions may appear logical and sensible, but Germany’s debate about migration issues does not always follow logic or common sense. Thomas de Maizière, the federal immigration minister, attempted to argue that the open door offered to migrants by his boss, Angela Merkel, is not relevant to the recent attacks.

While Mr Herrman’s attitude is more realistic, Mr de Maizière’s is more typical of Germany’s political debate about issues of immigration, integration and security. For many reasons, some of them historical and understandable, many German politicians are wary of acknowledging, first, that there are questions about whether all immigrants can smoothly integrate into Western societies and accept Western values and, secondly, that some voters have legitimate worries about the arrival in their country of people whose attitudes seem far removed from their own. This reticence should end, because it risks doing real harm.

Western democracies are now frequently experiencing political events that were previously considered unthinkable, at least by their political elites. If there is a common theme to Brexit, the candidacy of Donald Trump and the rise of the Front National in France, it is that political establishments which ignore and ridicule voters’ concerns about issues including immigration and cultural cohesion are simply storing up trouble for the future. Such concerns do not go away just because politicians refuse to acknowledge them, instead erupting unpredictably. To avoid these eruptions, those worries must be addressed sensibly and calmly by mainstream politicians. Otherwise the only beneficiaries are fringe factions more inclined to exploit social problems than solve them.

Too many German leaders remain in denial about the questions raised by Mrs Merkel’s open-door immigration policy. They must end that denial and start answering those questions, before less savoury elements offer their own answers.


The underlying problems are immigration and Islam….without them the problem wouldn’t exist regardless of the mental health treatments available in Germany.

Gardner and the BBC are not only in denial but are actively working to hide the real problems…..but it’s not just a matter of terrorism or ‘mass killings’, they of course totally ignore the other problem, that of crime…the murders, the rapes, the assaults, the gangs, the drugs, the robberies and frauds carried out by immigrants…all only occuring because they have been allowed into the country…how many people would still be alive if uncontrolled immigration hadn’t allowed in vast numbers of unknown people?

If Gardner was looking for one of the root causes of the problems that Europe now faces he need look no further than his own bathroom mirror or at the big sign above his workplace that says ‘BBC’.





Well, this is a tricky one for Al Beeb.

A failed Syrian asylum seeker has blown himself up and injured 12 other people with a backpack bomb near a festival in the south German town of Ansbach.

How to sanitise?

The state of Bavaria’s interior minister said the 27-year-old man had detonated the device after being refused entry to the music festival.

If only he had been let it, right? Also, if only he not been turned down for Asylum. The sheer frequency of these acts of violence by Muslim immigrants is getting the BBC to the point where it can no longer cover for them. The Lone Wolf explanation is wearing very thin.

O Brother Where Art Thou?


An Islamist Muslim, Obama’s half-brother no less, says he will vote for Donald Trump…..

President Obama’s half-brother Malik announces he is voting for Donald Trump

President Obama’s half-brother Malik has announced that he is voting for Donald Trump in the next election.

In an interview with the New York Post from his home in Kenya, Malik said he was voting for the Republican candidate because ‘he speaks from the heart.’ 

‘Make America Great Again is a great slogan,’ he said. ‘I would like to meet (Trump).’

The former Democrat voter said he was voting for a Republican after feeling ‘deep disappointment’ at his half-brother’s presidency.

God really does have a sense of humour.


Kelvin McKenzie got himself into a lot of trouble in recent times by writing an eminently sensible column on the utter crassness of Channel 4 using a Hijab wearing news presenter to cover the slaughter of 84 innocents by a Jihadist on the promenade in Nice.


The BBC has picked up on this and is running with the notion this is somehow “hate speech” because a bunch of bed wetting snowflakes have had their feelings hurt. I have been on BBC London twice in the past few days to a/ Defend freedom of expression b/Suggest that Channel 4 are professional media provocateurs and c/ The Hijab is arguably a political as well as a religious expression and has NO place in a publicly funded broadcaster such as the BBC. I went on to add that so many of those who bleat about the need for “diversity” seem to have  a nervous breakdown when that is extended to diversity of opinion! I bet the BBC would love to emulate Channel 4!