Listening to Nicky Campbell’s ‘Your Call’ today….about Corbyn’s ‘leadership’.
Amazed to hear that Corbyn is the ‘new politics’…..isn’t he kind of old hat, a disinterred commie who hasn’t realised his form of state sponsored bullying, intimidation and corruption doesn’t work…not even at the point of a gun (or bricks through windows)? Strange that not one mention was made by Campbell of UKIP in response…the party that took 4 million votes, so many of them from Labour, at the General Election and took votes from Corbyn at the EU Referendum. UKIP look to be the real ‘new politics’….and the joy is they have only one MP…so he won’t cause much trouble to the leadership unlike Corbyn’s unruly mob…oh hang on.
Amused to hear Campbell getting on famously with one caller who had a short poem to read out about Labour….the friendly atmosphere suddenly vanished, as did the caller as Campbell cut him off, when he said he thought Corbyn was sinister…I laughed…I am of the same opinion…others might think he’s lovely and friendly…He’s not, he is definitely sinister…Nick Cohen seems to agree….
I can make a fair case for saying that Jeremy Corbyn is the most hypocritical and unscrupulous leader in Labour’s history. His paid employment while he was an MP was nothing so elevated as corporate lobbying. It consisted of working for the propaganda stations of Russia and Iran. If you watch the YouTube videos of Corbyn in action, you cannot pretend that he is challenging his paymasters or even politely expressing an alternative point of view. He is a mouthpiece for his ugly employers. A willing rather than a merely mercenary mouthpiece, I grant you. Hatred of the West and the willingness to excuse any state as long as it is anti-Western animated him. He is a propagandist for the love not the money.
‘Jeremy is a decent man’. Really? No decent person is the flunkey of fantastically corrupt states. ‘Jeremy is left-wing.’ Is he? He has a funny way of showing it. Iran and Russia are self-proclaimed conservative states. Iran is the bastion of theocratic Shia conservatism. It persecutes ethnic and religious minorities – until Assad began his mass murders, Iran was the worst place in the world to be a Sunni Muslim – and jails trade unionists. Putin, meanwhile, tells the European far right to reject liberalism, and embrace his reactionary nationalism. From a Russian point of view, Corbyn and Seumas Milne’s most prominent comrade is Marine le Pen.
Owen Smith may hope that an honest critique of Corbyn will shift more away from him. Most Corbyn supporters do not, he may calculate, believe in excusing and indulging Russia, Iran, Hezbollah and Hamas. They are decent people at heart motivated by justifiable fury at the rotten state of England.
Whether Smith goes with hope or fear will tell us much about him – but much more about the modern Labour Party.
How the BBC treats Corbyn and his sinister activities and ideologies will tell us so much about the BBC….so far it has seemed incredibly reluctant to do little more than scratch the surface of Corbyn’s pact with the Devil.
A caller, a hardcore Corbynista, to Campbell’s show claimed that the BBC was biased against Corbyn….Campbell let her rant on uninterrupted and engaged in debate with her about the BBC’s ‘bias’. How unlike the treatment any other caller from the ‘right’ who mentions BBC bias gets…they are instantly derided and shouted down and then cut off.
Campbell boasted that his new found tolerance for those who criticise the BBC shows ‘how we’re listening…that’s what ‘Your Call’ is all about’. Didn’t last long this new found tolerance. Campbell actually asked for more ‘BBC bashing’…and when we had a couple of callers come on to say their piece he shut them down…one who criticised Pienaar and Kuenssberg, was rapidly told to go away…apparently the golden ones are untouchable and not to be criticised….even if you are an old lefty.
The ‘new politics’ of Corbyn just like the new tolerance of Campbell…illusory.