Boris’ ‘suicide note’


Boris wrote an article post Brexit in the Telegraph on Monday.  He has been variously denounced for the content of it and the BBC et al are making much of the suggestion that this article led to his downfall.  The BBC itself may have led to much of the misunderstanding of that article if it indeed was a catalyst for the Gove alleged assassination.

We have already looked at the BBC’s original report on Boris’ letter in which the BBC falsely suggests that Boris is backing away from Brexit and is compromising his position as leader of that campaign.

The Mail had a different interpretation of the article and suggested that Boris was in conciliatory mood and was building bridges as he sought to reassure Remain voters about the outcome of Brexit.  Reading the article you can see this is true and that at no time does Boris back out of his Brexit ideals….of bringing back sovereignty, of escaping the clutches of the EU laws and the ECJ and of course of limiting immigration.

Boris made it clear that the vote was a straight win, if narrow, for Brexit…. ‘In the end, there was a clear result. More than 17 million people voted to leave the EU – more than have ever assented to any proposition in our democratic history.’

The BBC’s original title for their piece was ‘Johnson vows EU cooperation after referendum result’  it is now ‘Brexit: Boris Johnson – time to build bridges with Remain voters’.   In other words their original take and emphasis on the article was wrong.

Boris has been woefully treated and maligned for something he did not do.  His article was a balanced, reasoned and principled piece that sought to reach out to Remain voters whilst upholding the values and ideals of the Leave side.  Far from being recklessly ‘dashed off’ as his critics claim it was carefully considered and thought out piece..and as for him taking his time….well where was Osborne at the same time?  He was all but invisible until Monday and Cameron vanished himself from the stage completely reneging on his responsibilities and duty.

Did the BBC report that suggested Boris was selling out the Leave team influence events and result in Boris being butchered?  We can never know but it was almost certainly written with the intent of sabotaging his campaign by undermining people’s trust in him.  It looks to have succeeded.  One more success for the powers of darkness then.

The BBC has won and finally got their man.







Democracy deficit


Had to laugh at this from the Guardian:

No one can predict what sort of outcome might emerge from his capricious gamble, and it doesn’t look like we’ll even get to vote again until all of that is done and dusted. Europe doesn’t crush our democracy. It protects what’s left of it. Now that protection is gone and our limited, gestural, dysfunctional democracy is all we have.

The unelected European government protects our democracy?  Pull the other one.  It’s busily smashing and suppressing democracy right across Europe and gets ever more arrogant, overbearing and dictatorial as time goes on.

We’ve just had one of the most democratic votes in the United Kingdom’s history with a massive voter turnout and the Guardian thinks our democracy is under threat……well yes…under threat from the likes of the Guardian which refuses to accept the outcome of that vote and whose columnists threaten ‘not to forget’ those who voted to leave and encourage their readers to ‘hold onto their fury’.

The biggest danger to democracy is the likes of the Guardian and the BBC who twist and corrupt the news as they malign and demonise the people whose politics and values they don’t accept…so much for tolerance, diversity and multiculturalism.  Only get that ‘acceptance’ if you run a ‘takeaway’…according to Labour.



Jonathan Freedland would have put Hitler in power…discuss.


The Guardian’s (and go to Guardianista for the BBC whenever they want ‘nuanced’ content in a programme) Jonathan Freedland threatens Gove and Boris…

A warning to Gove and Johnson – we won’t forget what you did

Freedland is one of the Guardian’s stormtroopers for the European Union’s undemocratic Empire, one of its useful idiots.

He bases his argument on economics, that whatever the rights of Brexit the economics say we must stay tied to the disastrous autocratic dictatorship that is the EU.

Such an argument is what put Hitler into power as the industrialists and elites looked to someone who could could bring order and stability to Germany so that they could keep on making money and maintain their entrenched elitist privileged status lording it over the German people as they adopted a wilful blindness to the reality of Nazism.

It didn’t work out that way and handing over our nation to the EU and relying on the kindness of strangers from all those other EU nations not to destroy our own nation as they seek advantage and benefit from the EU will result in the same scenario with the unintended consequence of an EU subjugation with the political and economic colonisation of Britain.

Freedland, a Jew, should know better than to pander to a threatening and rising power just because it seems to offer some form of protection which turns out to be a mirage.

He should certainly know better than to make the kind of threat that Hitler’s thugs would make...’We won’t forget you….you’ll pay for this later when we come for you.’

Where is the BBC’s concern about hate crimes?  Freedland is pumping out ‘hate’ towards the Leave voters making lurid and inflammatory claims blaming them for destroying Britain…hold on to your fury he tells Remain voters…we will not forget them he says.

Hate crime?  I’d say so.




Peter Allen says


Peter Allen, and Adrian Chiles, always seem out of their depth when talking of the big affairs of state…better stick to football and man bites dog stories.  Nice, friendly guys, but that is reflected in the way they interpret events….never prepared to condemn or say something harsh but true unless of course it’s someone from the ‘Right’.

Yesterday Allen revealed to us that he thought perhaps Brexit had ‘unleashed something in the nation that was always there.’….ie racism.  So a double whammy there….associates Brexit with racism and denounces the whole country, well the white bits, as racists who normally hide their racism until given license to be racist by Brexit.

Allen also took the usual BBC negative view of Brexit [When have you ever heard the BBC putting the positive case for it?] and when talking to the head of government in Gibraltar asked him what his fears were and if Gibraltar will negativity there then.  The politician quickly put Allen in his place and said Gibraltar would thrive and prosper and may well do better…and indeed a Remain voter on Gibraltar said that after a weeks thought on the result he felt that Brexit might actually be good for Gibraltar…needless to say that conversation with the BBC ended pretty quickly.

Just another day with the nice Peter Allen and the BBC….talking down Britain.






Weekend Open Thread


Why does the BBC give so much time and space to the ‘young’ to whinge unquestioned about Brexit?  When one ‘yoof’ complains that his family ‘betrayed him’ by voting Out where is the BBC challenge that suggests he is a selfish little p***k and that the referendum wasn’t all about him?  Whinge over.  All yours……

How soon they forget


How soon they forget.  No not the Somme and all the sacrifices made on that battlefield, though some could do well to remember what the ‘young’ were doing then and in WWII to defend the right to vote and protest and speak freely.

How soon some forget their own ‘principles’ when the chips are down.

Firstly of course the BBC were busily telling us, pre-referendum, that Boris would never be Tory leader because he couldn’t raise the support amongst the MPs….now he backs out because he can’t raise the support and it’s all a big shock to the BBC, who rapidly put the boot in.  The BBC’s Laura Kuenssberg has also gone a bit quiet on her relentless claims that Boris was only in the Leave campaign to build his case for the leadership, Kuenssberg suggesting he was a liar and a fraud…despite admitting later that she based her ‘journalism’ and claims about Boris on ‘vicious rumours’ from the Westminster bubble.  Personally thought he should have toughed it out as Gove doesn’t have a chance and never did whilst Boris did have support last year…as much as May did.  Why did Boris cave so easily?

Apparently Boris has been ‘stabbed in the back’.  I’m still awaiting the outraged frenzy that denounces those daring to suggest Gove stabbed Boris in the back.  The same outraged frenzy that accompanied claims that the wonderboy, Ed Miliband, had stabbed his brother in the back for the Labour leadership contest.

How can the BBC have forgotten this so soon?..

The Conservatives are standing by an attack on Ed Miliband that Labour said had dragged politics “into the gutter”.

Defence Secretary Michael Fallon said Mr Miliband had “stabbed his own brother in the back” to lead Labour and was now “willing to stab the UK in the back” by doing a deal on Trident with the SNP “to become PM”.

Mr Miliband said the defence secretary had demeaned himself and his office.

“This is the day the election campaign got personal”, said BBC deputy political editor James Landale.

The Guardian of course was on the case as well…

I’m not sure how I managed to miss the fact that leadership of the Labour party is a hereditary position. Apparently, Labour hasn’t even got round to abolishing the rule of primogeniture, as the defence secretary, Michael Fallon, reminded us on BBC Radio 4’s Today programme on Thursday. Fallon suggested that Ed Miliband “stabbed his own brother in the back”, appearing to suggest that modern political parties operate a line of succession similar to the royals.


No such defence for Boris or attacks on Gove, indeed today the BBC’s Jon Pienaar told us that this leadership contest was not about policies now but about character.  So character matters then in a leader?  Fairly obvious, but not apparently when it is the Labour leader’s character, then we mustn’t talk about it…nor his Marxist father’s hatred of British values, the values that saved him from the concentration camps.

What else does the BBC forget to mention?  How about Heseltine with his contemptible and malignant attack on Boris?  The BBC has been quoting him relentlessly but not a mention on the news bulletins that he is an ardent Europhile and Remainer….hence the real reason he might want Gove to step aside in order to let a Remainer, Theresa May, a clear run to the PMship.  Yesterday we had a stream of  remainers come onto the BBC, seemingly outnumbering by far those who back Leave and of course they all put the boot into Boris telling us he had ‘broken Britain’….obviously a party line here.  The BBC even dragged in Jenni Russell who has made it her life’s work to undermine and attack Boris…but of course the BBC didn’t mention that as she launched into a poisonous tirade against him.  We also had Anna Soubry, also pouring scorn on the Leave campaign and its ‘lack of leadership’ whilst praising to the skies Cameron’s ‘brilliant’ leadership.  Apparently Cameron and Osborne were extraordinarily ‘admirable’ as they put the country first.  Really?  That’ll be Cameron who abandoned the country and caused chaos, confusion and uncertainty by deciding to not lead the country out of the situation he placed it in by holding the referendum…he should have been prepared to lead whatever the outcome.  Osborne spent all his time spreading fear, alarm and confusion and as a result the markets panicked on the out vote…hardly the work of an ‘admirable’ man.

Ah yes, Osborne…today making big noises about the dreadful state of the economy, due to Brexit of course, and the need to shelve his fantastic budget plans…the plans the BBC panned as pure fantasy.

How soon we forget that in February this year he was telling us that the state of the world economy meant his previous budget statement about balancing the books and having pot loads of spare cash was so much hogwash…

George Osborne warns of further spending cuts in Budget

Chancellor George Osborne has warned he may have to make fresh cuts to public spending in next month’s Budget.

Mr Osborne told the BBC global economic turmoil and slower growth meant “we may need to undertake further reductions”.

He slowed the pace of cuts in the last spending review, but suggested savings could be announced in his 16 March Budget statement as figures showed the UK economy was smaller than expected.

Labour’s John McDonnell said it was “a total humiliation” for Mr Osborne.

Now it’s all about Brexit….could it be that Osborne knew his claims about 2020 were unavievable and took the opportunity to rejig things and blame Brexit for it?….nice if the BBC put the question…not so far though.

And on a final note…May’s attack on those politicians who ‘play games’ with people’s lives…I took that to mean Osborne, whom the BBC always accused of being the most political of all chancellors [but aren’t they all?  Brown not exactly straight with us], and yet now forget that and say May was attacking Boris.  No, she was attacking Osborne.   As always the BBC forgets its previous words when needed and lays into the current enemy.


Question Time Live Chat

David Dimbleby presents this week’s show from Preston. On the panel are Ukip MP Douglas Carswell, Times columnist Melanie Philips, Conservative Sam Gyimah MP, Anti – English bigot Emily Thornbelly and comedian Russel Kane.
Kick off tonight at 22.50

Chat here, register here if necessary.


Midweek Open Thread


A second referendum?  You’d think, listening to the BBC, that that was a perfectly reasonable and fair way to proceed.  You’d have no idea that it is a highly controversial, anti-democratic, unconstitutional, hugely dishonest and corrupt idea being peddled by pro-Remain politicians as they tour the BBC’s studios and get a warm welcome instead of an absolute roasting for their treachery and betrayal as they seek to ignore and toss out one of the most democratic votes in our history.

The BBC has long been telling us of the massive distrust of politicians and the breakdown of respect for the established order and yet make no comment about the lies, arrogant disregard, corruption and deceit that lie behind these manoeuvres to smash the referendum vote and keep the little people in their place.

Remember when the BBC trumpeted the socialist Occupy as they set about smashing the Establishment?…how different now when the revolution is perceived as a right-wing revolution.

Apparently the disillusionment of the masses can be safely ignored and the narrative that the old world order is in retreat from the forces of anti-politics and new insurgent People’s parties such as UKIP can be dismissed as dangerous talk that rouses and unleashes dark forces.  Want to smash capitalism, lynch the bankers and debag old Etonians, that’s fine…just don’t dare turn your back on the Empire.

The floor’s all yours….




The BBC want to attack Trump.  Always.  It’s just that they can’t always find anything of substance to use.  So they make it up.


What’s so bad about being called a ‘bitch’?

Donald Trump fans have been condemned for calling her one, while some of her supporters have urged her to be more of one. So why is Hillary Clinton so often associated with the word “bitch” – and how offensive is it?

Supporters of Donald Trump have sparked outrage in US media with merchandise attacking Hillary Clinton that many people say uses lewd and demeaning language.

T-shirts saying “Trump that bitch” and badges with similar mottos were found on display at rallies.

The BBC adds…

The shirts are not authorised by Mr Trump’s campaign. But a simple online search reveals a whole range of unofficial items such as bumper stickers displaying the same word in reference to the first female presidential candidate for a major party in the US.

…but they carry on as if Trump personally endorsed and signed every t-shirt and in fact accuse him of…

“whipping up his fans in this kind of blood bath, in a specifically threatening and violent way”.

Allegedly ‘Bitch’ was never really an insult…

Meanwhile Tom Dalzell, a slang expert, believes the taboo around using it now is greater than ever before because there is more of an expectation that women will be treated fairly. Slurs that are specifically directed at certain groups of people are seen as unacceptable, he adds.

“It has come to show hatred in a way it didn’t 30 years ago.”

I guess the term ‘Son of a Bitch’ was not an insult wayback when then?

Bitch, literally meaning a female dog, is a slang pejorative for a person, commonly a woman, who is belligerent, unreasonable, malicious, a control freak, rudely intrusive or aggressive. When applied to a man, bitch is a derogatory term for a subordinate. Its original use as a vulgarism, documented to the fourteenth century.

BBC talks bollocks when it suits.

Odd the BBC doesn’t show a similar concern for the insults targeted at Trump, or indeed for the abuse and hatred aimed at Leave voters.

He has his own Facebook page…..


Fuck Donald Trump's profile photo

Fuck Donald Trump@fucdonaldtrump

He may have a Facebook page but he has no father…

Donald Trump is a Bastard.


And sweet little Hilary calls him a Nazi…

He’s of ‘German heritage’: Hillary baits fans into calling Trump a Nazi

Hillary Clinton lobbed the video equivalent of a Nazi buzz bomb at Donald Trump on Saturday by making his German heritage a campaign issue.

The 37-second clip decrying Trump’s attacks on federal Judge Gonzalo Curiel’s Mexican heritage was subtle — but fans and foes got the message: Clinton thinks Trump, like the Nazis, hates people based on their race.

“His heritage is German. Heil Trump!” tweeted Trump foe Michael Gilmor‏.

“We can all hear the ‘dog whistle’ — she’s calling ‘Drumpf’ a Nazi because he’s German,” posted James Sweitzer.


Funny the things that interest the BBC and the things that don’t.



“White Trash shouldn’t be allowed to vote!!”


The Young are up in arms, disenfranchised (couldn’t be arsed to get out of bed), marginalised, ignored, demeaned and …and…ooohh…it’s soooooo unfair!!!!


Rather than take to the streets with a Koran in one hand and an AK in the other they’ve taken en masse to modern liberal guerrilla fighter’s weapons of choice, Twitter, Facebook and the dread power of the online petition….but what might be familiar to any Jihadi is the BBC’s support and understanding for their grievances and its determination to press their case for them without much in the way of critical thought or analysis. The Young, we are told, don’t like Brexit and that’s good enough for the BBC…the case rests.



Good job Twitter, Facebook and weren’t around in 1975 or else all those youngsters who were denied the vote then would have been savaging the Oldies as now…. but now the old dogs have had their day.  And what about all those bastards who joined the army to fight the Nazis in WWII?  What a load of selfish f*****s eh? The underage who couldn’t join  up might have wanted to surrender if only they’d been given the chance.  We could have had a beautiful EU long ago of it hadn’t been for the British Armys’ killers and murderers who destroyed the dream…..yeah Hitler may have killed 6 million Jews but the motorways, the socialism, the pride and unity across Europe, the smart uniforms, just think…and anyway Hitler only killed the Jews coz of what the Israelis were doing in Gaza…so you know…like…they deserved it…only saying what I heard on the BBC.

Brendan O’Neil talks about the massive drive to overturn the democratic vote (the most democratic vote…far more than any general election), part of which is the loud campiagn by the ‘yoof’ to try and claim they were somehow robbed of their future and therefore, in some shape or form, the vote should be run again…only with the young getting two votes each presumably.

The BBC has been very supportive and has been running through all the possible permutations and excuses for a rerun….if only Angie had got out of bed, if only George had not been out of his skull at Glastonbury, if only Alfie’s mum had let him out to play….the vote could have been so different.

This is all part of the BBC’s own campaign to delegitimise the vote.  The BBC has many angles of attack not least of which of course is the usual omission or downplaying of inconvenient and awkward facts, such as the Obama backtracking on the perils of Brexit and his new found criticism and scepticism about the EU project, as well as a remarkable reluctance to ask questions about the Remain campaign’s astoundingly dishonest and alarmist claims and threats whilst forensically and relentlessly attacking Leave’s claims.  The BBC, along with others, want to make out that the stupid voters were fooled by ‘lies’ and so the vote can be annulled.

Alastair Campbell tweeted: ‘EU law allows customers to withdraw from contract if contract based on lies. LEAVE agenda riddled with them. Lawyers on the case.’

The BBC disgracefully, but as per normal for them, portrays the voters as thick, ignorant and uneducated and not a little bigoted.

The BBC dresses up its own bigotry as ‘research’ which tells us that Leave voters are all a bit thick and uneducated…

Was there a Brexit graduate gap?

Voters without degrees were more likely to back leaving the European Union, figures suggest.

Along with age, class and the part of the UK you live in, graduate status was one of the key factors that influenced whether or not you supported EU membership, election analysts believe.

Andrej handed out leaflets for the Remain campaign. At first, every British-born voter he spoke to told him they were voting Remain. But then all of a sudden, “on Facebook they were saying ‘We’re using pens to vote‘”.

It’s not malice that drives suspicion of foreigners and conspiracy theories, he believes. “Some of the people here are not educated good. They don’t have access to the information in full.”

The BBC may slip in the odd qualifier that things are ‘complicated’ but the message is plain….the less educated you are the more you are likely to vote Leave..and the more likely you are to be fooled by the propaganda… the Guardian insists…

A week before the referendum, pollsters working for Britain Stronger in Europe admitted that they were getting extremely worried about Vote Leave’s suggestion that £350m sent to the EU could be diverted to British priorities such as the NHS. Guardian focus groups in Brighton and Knowsley suggested many voters saw the message and believed it.

One woman in Merseyside told the group: “Just think, we could get £20bn back a year and make the country great again.”

The BBC has been making strenuous efforts to attack the £350 million pound claim by Leave and suggest that, as the Guardian does, this led to voters being misled and as they have based their vote upon it…let’s all vote again.  As said though…no such analysis and conclusions about the Remain campaign’s claims.

I noted that Nick Robinson and Sarah Montague both (an editorial decision?  Must be) used the same way of talking about the £350m in interviews on Saturday with Leave representatives along the lines that ‘If you can’t get all that £350m back…’.  It’s a bear trap for Leave that the BBC deliberately set…..because if they say ‘But we won’t get £350m back…’ the BBC leaps in and says ah but your whole campaign was based upon that (when the BBC isn’t alternately, when it suits, claiming the campaign was based on immigration) and you now admit it was a lie.  It has been the BBC that has been claiming Leave said we would get the whole £350m back…..Leave have always qualified their statement by admitting that we get a rebate and that the EU spends some of that money on UK projects…Leave’s point, missed again and again by Humphrys and Co, was that it is the UK government that should choose how to spend that money not an unelected EU bureaucrat.

The BBC has been trying very, very hard to find evidence to ‘prove’ Remain’s biblical claims of doom and disaster are coming true……and yet it is a mere 5 days since the vote and things are bound to be jittery….the more reasoned predictions always said short term the economy would take a moderate tumble but would bounce back possibly stronger.  The BBC opts to report the market and sterling falls as signs of Osborne’s impending doom and ignores that long term things will improve.

One other tactic in the campaign to delegitimise the vote is to claim it has led to attacks on foreigners in the UK…

‘Go back home’ – Bitter backlash post EU referendum

No proof of course that is true but now every racist attack will be so labelled….and yet as we know all too well the BBC relentlessly reported such attacks before the vote.  Many such reports may well be false…the arson at a Halal butchers seems somewhat dubious…not the first time such fires have been set for insurance or to blame ‘racists’ …remember the Darul Uloom school ‘arson’?  Four boys arrested…no names and no convictions?  Why not?  Was the fire set by boys from the school themselves in order to blame the EDL in the wake of the killing of Lee Rigby and to make out that Muslims are the real victims of such murders?

In 2014 Poles were being attacked…in ‘Remain’ country too…

Seven attacks in 10 days as racist gang targets Polish community in east Belfast

The BBC themselves reported that Polish immigrants were the attackers in some hate crimes….

Poles held over Sweden asylum centre attack plot

Cameron of course has joined the bandwagon and made his opportunist speech about ‘hate crimes’ linking the latest attacks to Brexit and yet nowhere do we hear him express any concern for the Leave voters attacked and abused in what are equally ‘hate crimes’.  Why are the police not investigating the ‘Liberal’ terror squads on Twitter and in the streets who vilify Leave voters?

The BBC has done a story on this and yet it’s of lower profile than its mainstream stories about immigrants being attacked and somehow it’s just not really a hate crime.

Jane Kelly in Conservative Woman relates a few more tales…

By 4.40 am on Friday 24th, it was clear that the mass of people in the UK had voted to quit the EU, doing so in a bigger number than have ever voted on any issue in any British ballot before. Surprised and amazed I went for a morning walk with a friend visiting from London. He was wearing a red ‘Leave’ T-shirt, not to be provocative but it was the only thing he’d brought with him to wear. I hadn’t noticed it at all, so I was surprised when a fat youth, wearing an earring and tight shorts shouted at us: ‘You should be ashamed! Ashamed! You have ruined the lives of a whole generation!’

And this…

On BBC-2’s Newsnight that night we were treated to a small forum in which someone with the unlikely name, ‘Paris Lees’  a ‘transgender rights activist,’ who writes on Twitter that ‘it’s time for a revolution of love,’ declared that the Leave campaign had been a load of deliberate lies. She/he railed about old people ruining the future for her generation. Dr David Starkey asked her/him quite logically if she/he would like a cut off point for voting, people over 65 perhaps not being allowed to vote at all, or younger people having two votes?

She/he then turned her/his loving gaze onto Dr David Starkey, discounting his opinion because, she said, he was a ‘privileged, white male.’

Perhaps we should have a cut off point for the terminally stupid and idiotic…perhaps Newsnight should as well…why waste our time with ‘interesting’ morons?  Then again….Paul Mason.

The BBC has a strange logic…it gathers in every single tale of racist attack, pronounces them as the fallout from the Brexit vote and implies that Brexit is therefore a bad thing.

Compare how it reports on crimes by immigrants.  There are thousands of crimes committed by immigrants in the UK ranging from murder and rape to shoplifting and fraud…and yet the BBC does not make any link to ‘immigration’ and certainly does not draw the conclusion that perhaps immigration has some drawbacks and maybe it should be controlled.

Perhaps Mark Easton or Evan Davis would like to explain how open borders was good for the family of Alice Gross…tied up, raped, abused and killed?

Foreigners entering Britain ‘were not routinely checked for convictions at the time Alice Gross’ Latvian killer came to UK’

Alice Gross would almost certainly be alive today if it hadn’t been for the EU’s freedom of movement rule as he wouldn’t have tried to come here.

Mark Easton, who sits on the BBC sofa blithely telling us how immigration is good for us and that it is unstoppable so we’d better get used to it, should be ashamed of himself.

Yelling abuse at a Muslim in a headscarf or raping and murdering a 14 year old girl.  Which is worse?  Depends who does the crime says the BBC.