Youth unemployment in the UK? 13.4%
Youth unemployment in Europe..…from 6.9% in Germany, 24.6% in France, to 48.9% in Greece….mostly nearer the latter figure.
So just how is the EU good for the Young?
Or for anyone……
The Times quotes a senior EU diplomat on the imploding French economy…..
“The beating heart of European integration is the Franco-German [not British?] relationship, but the situation in Paris raises the spectre of a cardiac arrest.”
Where is the BBC explanation of all this to the ‘angry youth’ in the UK? Where is the explanation of what staying in the ever expanding, ever more constrictive, EU would mean as Britain was forced into the Euro and a closer political and economic union? Where is the explanation that the undemocratic EU will self-destruct if it keeps on going the way it does ignoring the wishes of the increasingly discontented populations across Europe and that this will result in far more terrible things than having to do a bit of paperwork to get that job in Berlin?
No explanation. Just BBC journalists encouraging the ‘youth’ to feel betrayed and angry when what we have had is one of the most democratic votes in UK history which has resulted in a vote to leave the EU. This was a vote far more democratic than the last general election. The referendum had a 75% turn out with over 50% of the voters in favour of Brexit whereas the government is in power on the basis of 36.9% of the vote on a turn out of 66.1% And yet we are told Brexit is undemocratic. Since 1945 no party has had over 50% of the vote.
Another paradox is that the jumped up Scottish National Socialist leader tells us that because so many in Scotland voted to remain in the EU Scotland must go its separate way…and yet conversely she says that, despite the majority, in this non-party, non-national vote, for Brexit, she will undemocratically block it. Democracy eh? Only when it suits….and let’s note that the National Socialists in Scotland took a mere 4.7% of the British vote…UKIP 12.6%. Who has more legitimacy across the UK? UKIP.
Of course the BBC has been happily cheering on the SNP and the terrorist mouthpiece, Sinn Fein, as they try to destroy the United Kingdom. Have you ever heard the BBC seriously challenge the logic or legitimacy of their rhetoric?
Have you heard the BBC challenge the rhetoric of the young Remain voters which it floods the airwaves with? We have looked at this earlier and David has pointed out another article on it but it needs emphasising even more.
What the BBC is up to is nothing less than an attempt to overturn the democratic vote by stirring up hate and anger in the hope that if enough discontent and street fighting can be incited that will force politicians to ‘rethink’ Brexit ‘in the interests of peace and stability’. A peace and stability destroyed by the BBC itself as it backs the tearing apart of the United Kingdom and the rise of civil strife.
We already have Labour’s David Lammy demanding that the Brexit vote be cast aside….which goes to show just how out of touch Labour is with its voters….and note this quote from a Labour MP, Julie Elliott, in Sunderland which voted to leave….“We need to be out there talking to people to understand what’s going on in the northeast.” Bit late eh?
As I have always said the greatest danger to democracy is the BBC itself as it supports the Islamist terrorists and their causes and now, as always, the violent forces of leftwing political sabotage….just as they gave such fulsome support to Occupy.
Ignore or brush Brexit aside and carry on as if it never happened and I can see a very violent reaction to take back a democracy denied. So much for the BBC’s supposed obligation to promote civil society and seems to do everything it can to do the exact opposite and create divison, fear, hatred and violence.
Clearly the BBC, those politicans who want to pretend there was no vote, the ‘young’ who think this is all about them, the commentators who tell us the Leave voters were racists, bigots and fools who didn’t understand what they were voting for, have no idea, or bury their heads in the sand, as to the reason for the vote…people are fed up with being ignored, their beliefs and values demeaned and mocked. What is the BBC’s et al’s reaction? To ignore, demean and mock those who voted for Brexit.
You couldn’t make it up.
Jon Pienaar was onto the subject of the ‘youth anger’ (around 11:50)….David Starkey up against George Parker. Pienaar argued against Starkey but never once contradicted Parker who told us that his kids cried on hearing the result of the vote…he said they may not actually understand what the EU was but it was all about a ‘state of mind’…that lovey-dovey hippy feeling that the EU engenders apparently with its human rights and the heart of democracy that it is….whilst the Leave campaign ran a campaign based on hate, an ugly campaign…Pienaar stop him there? No. Oh, and apparently it is a terrible imposition to expect the young to actually attempt to learn about the democratic system…they must be spoonfed it….Parker thinks it is shockingly patronising to say that if they couldn’t be arsed to vote it’s their own fault they didn’t get the result they wanted…it is society that has failed them by not educating them on how to vote. The ‘Old’ have stitched them up, the bastards.
Hmmm…the UK parliament is the ‘mother of Parliaments’. The democratic nations around the world owe it to Britain for their democracy and human rights. The EU did not invent those rights and values….perhaps Parker should teach his kids a bit of history instead of feeding them leftwing fairytales. Starkey said Parker was patronising [He was], Parker’s response was to blame Starkey for having driven him to it..says it all really….classic ‘never my fault…I’m a victim’. No wonder his kids were in tears…they think life owes them a living.
The BBC followed up Pienaar with a programme based around that ‘youth anger’ but did nothing to actually educate that youth and challenge their perceptions. We had a musician come on to tell us how the youth have been abandoned and their futures destroyed……but no explanation as to exactly how that comes about. Then the BBC wheeled on an apparently regretful leave voter, Barbara, who we were told only voted leave as a protest vote, but not what she was protesting about, and that she hadn’t understood what she was voting for…and if she had realised the terrible consequences of a Brexit vote she would have voted differently. No proof of course that she was genuine…but she apparently was there to represent all Brexit voters in a long clip that the BBC decided was important to reveal to us.
So here we have the BBC narrative, a young generation betrayed, a generation whose lives have been destroyed…by voters who were fooled and misled by the liars and bigots of the leave campaign, and who didn’t understand what they were voting for.
Is the BBC trying to generate the idea that the vote was illegitimate, a fraud based upon lies and stupidity? That it should be cast aside or rerun?
We also heard that banks are ‘possibly’ going to shed jobs ‘due to Brexit’. Again ‘hmmmm’. The banks have been shedding jobs for years and will happily use Brexit as the excuse rather than the more ruthless, capitalist motive of saving money which the BBC would normally be aghast at….now they are in cahoots with the banks blaming Brexit for everything…never mind all these reports about job losses around the world…
The BBC rents its clothes and gnashes its teeth in anguished pain at bankers losing their jobs and yet not so when it is as a result of ‘good’ government policy, policy that the BBC and the Left supports...such as bank levies and increased capital reserves…
HSBC is cutting up to 8,000 jobs in Britain and slashing the number of branches as part of huge global restructuring plans.
The banking giant – which employs around 48,000 of its 258,000 global staff in the UK – revealed it is axing 25,000 jobs worldwide in a bombshell announcement this morning.
The head office of HSBC’s UK retail bank is being relocated from London to Birmingham by 2019 amid the new ring-fencing rules and HSBC is said to be considering a sale of the business.
It added that it wanted to return the global banking and markets division to profitability – an area which has become more expensive for banks in the tougher regulatory environment since the financial crisis.
The HSBC strategy update comes a day ahead of George Osborne’s Mansion House speech, with reports suggesting the Chancellor will signal a review of the bank levy in an attempt to prevent major banking players such as HSBC from relocating their headquarters away from Britain.
The BBC seems to be trying to incite a civil war and the overturning of democracy. Careful what you wish for is my advice. Broadcasters are always the first victims as the peddlers of propaganda.