We bring you the analysis that the BBC has decided to conceal as Cameron and Osborne use the race-card and claims of fascism to suppress debate on immigration.
When MP Jo Cox was murdered the BBC’s immediate reaction was to claim this was a consequence of the febrile anti-politics atmosphere that was being whipped up by….the Leave campaign. Never mind that Cameron has led a vitriolic, poisonous campaign against Leave and in particular Boris Johnson and Nigel Farage, and made extraordinary claims about economic armageddon, world wars, ISIS and Putin. The BBC ignores all that…just as it ignores the latest examples of that toxic approach to the debate about the referendum as Cameron compares himself to Churchill fighting Hitler [So the Leave campaign are Nazis?] and Osborne declares a perfectly honest and factual poster from Farage as something the Nazis would have done….
Ironically Cameron claims he is the liberal, tolerant advocate of a decent society when in reality it is he who is using divisive, intolerant and illiberal tactics to undermine the democratic debate…..
[Cameron] said voters faced a choice between “Nigel Farage’s vision – one which takes Britain backwards; divides rather than unites” and a “tolerant, liberal Britain; a country that doesn’t blame its problems on other groups of people; one that doesn’t pine for the past, but looks to the future with hope, optimism and confidence”.
On the same subject Cameron also said….
“I’ll be frank, I think there have been moments like the Nigel Farage poster which are just wrong. … It is an attempt to frighten people, to scare them, to divide them.”
The reality is that Farage is pointing out the truth that the ‘refugees’ are mostly male, Muslim and not in fact genuine refugees, here as economic migrants instead and that the EU border policy has failed and that once these migrants are in the EU they can, and many will, head to the UK. The BBC has long sought to hide that truth and prefers to fill its news reports with images of women and children and highlights a Christian church at the ‘Jungle’ when the majority of residents there were Muslims.
Let’s remember what the man who promised to reduce immigration to the 10’s of thousands also promised….
If we don’t deliver, kick us out
So, Cameron and Osborne are fighting the battle for votes with lies and insults, they are playing the race-card and doubling up with the Nazi label thrown in for good measure. We know the duplicity that drives these two, both having said that leaving the EU would not be a problem should Cameron’s negotiations not produce the major reforms of the EU needed and now both are claiming Brexit will lead to armageddon.
So what did the liberal, tolerant Cameron who doesn’t blame migrants for all our problems and who wants to unite rather than divide people have to say about immigration a little while ago?……
I believe controlling immigration and bringing it down is of vital importance to the future of our country. That’s why during the election campaign, Conservatives made a clear commitment to the British people……that we would aim to reduce net migration to the levels we saw in the 1980s and 1990s. For too long, immigration has been too high.
Now if you talk about reducing immigration you are a racist….a Nazi…….so are Cameron and Osborne really fascist sympathisers? Must be. Busted!
The reality is that Cameron and his gang are trying to silence the Leave campaign and undermine their main narrative on the EU, immigration, by associating that issue with the Nazis….of course that has the unfortunate side-effect of labelling all those voters who are concerned about immigration as Nazis as well. Still, Cameron reckons he can make the Leave campaign far more reluctant to raise the issue of immigration using this tactic and therefore keep it out of the headlines in the crucial last week.
Such tactics are of course staggeringly undemocratic and ironically something the Nazis would have used themselves to gain advantage and indeed it is a tactic that the Guardian and the BBC both use as they smear Farage and UKIP as Far-Right Nazis.
The Guardian hardly waited till Jo Cox finally passed away before they published an intemperate rant claiming that her murder was the fault of the Leave campaign’s irresponsible and reckless rhetoric and that this had resulted not only in the murder but also constituted an attack on democracy and therefore such ideas and toxic debate should be silenced….
The killing, by stabbing and repeated shooting in the street, of Jo Cox is, in the first instance, an exceptionally heinous villainy…..It is also, however, in a very real sense, an attack on democracy.
The irony is that it is the extremist, pro-mass immigration, open-borders, anti-nation state Guardian and BBC that are the real enemies of democracy and debate.
The uncomfortable truth for the Guardian, the BBC and Cameron is that it is attitudes and tactics like theirs that try to use the label of racism or Islamophobia or the trite little phrases ‘hope not fear’ or ‘unity not division’ to toxify opponents and their arguments are the real cause of the anger and frustration that results in the rise of the likes of the BNP.
So how to stop the rise of extremists? Certainly not by shutting down the open and honest debate on immigration with the reasoned and level-headed such as Boris, Gove and Farage. Shutting down that debate, never mind one with the extremists themselves, allows everyday voters to take part in the discussion and see that their concerns are being fairly considered, the result of which is that they will be less likely to vote for the likes of the BNP. By engaging in proper debate and defeating the ideas of the Far Right using intelligent, coherent arguments and the provision of alternate views, debate that doesn’t patronise, silence and demean the other side, takes away the groundswell of discontent that can lead someone to believe that volence is not only the answer but is also supported by the majority. Jo Cox’s murder was not the result of any debate about immigration raised by the Leave campaign, such a debate could quite possibly have in fact prevented more such attacks whereas Cameron’s et al’s tactics could encourage them as he refuses to engage in honest debate with the good folk of the Leave campaign prefering to use smears and sullen insults to ‘win’ the argument.
Which is curious really…as Cameron, in this clearly ‘Nazi’ inspired speech on immigration, claimed this……
The last government, in contrast, actually helped to inflame the debate.
On the one hand, there were Labour Ministers who closed down discussion, giving the impression that concerns about immigration were somehow racist.
On the other, there were Ministers hell-bent on burnishing their hard-line credentials by talking tough ……but doing nothing to bring the numbers down.
This approach had damaging consequences in terms of controlling immigration……but also in terms of public debate.
It created the space for extremist parties to flourish, as they could tell people that mainstream politicians weren’t listening to their concerns or doing anything about them.
I remember when immigration wasn’t a central political issue in our country – and I want that to be the case again.
I want us to starve extremist parties of the oxygen of public anxiety they thrive on and extinguish them once and for all.
So do Cameron’s words amount to an admission, should he say the same today, that he could be responsible for the flourishing of extremist parties? The damaging of public debate? The death of democracy?
And yet he now adopts that very policy he complained about of inflaming the situation by closing down debate with claims of racism tinged with Fascism and at the same time making grand, but entirely false and deceptive, claims about reducing immigration. Cameron a two-faced, bare-faced liar? Who’d believe it?
Margaret Hodge admitted that the failure to tackle the debate on immigration, hiding away from it, suppressing it, led to anger, frustration and the rise of the BNP…..
Margaret Hodge, the then employment minister, publicly warned that eight out of 10 white families in her constituency were ‘tempted’ to vote for the BNP. She laid the blame squarely at the door of a ‘political class’ that was ‘frightened of engaging in the very difficult issues of race and … the BNP then exploits that’.
‘If you really want to destroy the extreme right, you have to do it through democracy. You cannot do it by gagging them,’ she argues. ‘All my experience of beating the extreme right and particularly beating Nick Griffin in Barking demonstrates that to be the case.’
Hodge admits that the BNP had been able to secure a foothold in Barking and Dagenham because ‘we had lost connection with our voters’.
Cameron is way out of touch with the voters on immigration and even in 2011 he was dismissing claims that EU immigration was too high…
Take this question of Europe.
Yes, our borders are open to people from other member states in the European Union.
But actually, this counts for a small proportion of overall net migration to the UK.
In the year up to June 2010, net migration to our country from EU nationals was just 27,000.
Wonder if he thinks a net EU figure of 184,000 is still too low to be of concern?……
Table 1: Latest Migration Statistics, Year Ending December 2015
All Citizenships |
British |
Non-British |
EU |
Non-EU |
Immigration |
630,000 |
83,000 |
547,000 |
270,000 |
277,000 |
Emigration |
297,000 |
123,000 |
174,000 |
85,000 |
89,000 |
Net Migration |
333,000 |
-39,000 |
373,000 |
184,000 |
188,000 |