You don’t say



The BBC is utterly shameless in the way it shapes its news output to hide inconvenient facts that at other times would be headline news.

Last week we put up a post about the BBC hiding the fact that children in Kent who needed the care services were being transported around the country because the Council was forced to supply their care services to immigrant children in preference to local kids.  The BBC showed absolutely no interest in investigating this issue…because of course it would reflect badly upon their own narrative about the blessing that is immigration.

The very next day the BBC then spent the day running a story about mental health patients being forced to travel far away from their homes, familys and friends to get treatment…naturally this was a ‘scandal’.  Indeed today we have exactly the same thing as an offical report is published on that very subject…

Mental health beds search ‘a scandal’

The practice of sending mentally ill adults in England long distances for care is unacceptable and must end, a report by experts says.

The Independent Commission, chaired by ex-NHS chief executive Lord Crisp, said some cases were potentially dangerous.

Some 500 patients travel more than 50km (31 miles) to access care each month – as acute inpatient beds or services are unavailable in their areas, it said.

The government has asked the NHS to cut unnecessary out-of-area treatments.

The Today programme thought this story was so important that it gave it pride of place at 08:10 and 5Live continued discussing the subject all morning…and no doubt is still doing so now.

Incredible, or not, that when given the chance to put the boot into the government on the NHS the BBC is always there….except when it may also concern other subjects close to the BBC’s heart which override not only its antipathy towards the government but also its sense of duty and legal requirement to provide us with accurate, truthful and impartial news.

Clearly the children of Kent, and of course the women of Cologne, don’t figure too highly in the BBC’s concerns, they can go hang…what’s important is to keep up the narrative, the deception, that all immigrants are good and bring only benefits to Europe.

Shameless is probably not the most appropriate word for the BBC journalists who would rather see women raped and assaulted or children torn apart from their families at a time when they need them most than admit mass immigration will never work and will tear countries, Europe, apart.

Hope those BBC journalists are proud of their cheerleading for open borders and mass immigration regardless of the price that others have to pay for their moral grandstanding.



Name and Blame


Had to laugh at this disingenuous report from the BBC that asks…

Do names make us think storms are worse?

Storm Imogen has battered Wales and the west and south-west of England, the latest in a line of such events across the UK over the winter. But are storms getting worse or is the new convention of naming them simply grabbing them more attention, asks Justin Parkinson.

It seems like large storms are becoming more frequent. But this winter is the first time the Met Office has given names to storms, so are they becoming more common or are people simply more aware of them?

“I don’t think it’s been particularly stormy,” says a Met Office spokeswoman. “I think what’s happened is that the names have given them extra profile.”

The BBC knows full well that the whole point of naming these storms was to increase awareness of them and to make them appear more frequent and then to associate that with climate change whilst pretending it’s all about public safety.

Just more climate propaganda intended to ‘nudge’ the Public into accepting climate change, or should I say more correctly, man-made climate change, as fact.






Capital Slip


Map of jerusalem city


Mark Urban on Newsnight referred to Jerusalem as ‘Israel’s capital’….apparently this was cause for complaint and the BBC duly prostrated itself and issued forth with a correction…

Newsnight, BBC2, 14 October 2015: Finding by the Editorial Complaints Unit

A viewer complained that Mark Urban incorrectly referred to Jerusalem as “Israel’s capital”.

His wording suggested that Jerusalem was the undisputed capital of Israel, which is not the case. However, the programme-makers had acknowledged the inaccuracy and posted a correction on the BBC’s website and Twitter. In the Unit’s view, this sufficed to resolve the issue of complaint.


Why did the BBC ‘resolve’ the issue?  There is no issue…Jerusalem is the Israeli capital regardless of who else claims part of it…just as Israel is ‘Israel’ regardless of who wants to wipe it off the map.  Does the BBC ‘acknowledge the inaccuracy’ of calling Israel ‘Israel’?



Asian Evasion



There’s the Daily Mail’s reporting and then there’s the BBC’s…which is more honest and revealing?

The Mail reports on the gang rape of a 16 year old girl by Somali men….did you even notice the BBC reporting on this?

A private school girl, mothers who excuse gang rape and a terrifying culture clash no one dares talk about: How Somalian men are living by their own laws… and causing devastating repercussions in Britain

There is something else you should know about her attackers. It is this: they were all from Manchester’s Somali community. The harrowing events that unfolded in court were also part of a much wider, and seemingly escalating, Somali crimewave taking place in many cities nationwide.

This is why the ethnic background of the rapists is central to this bigger picture.

Until recently, the culture of political correctness that undermined the investigations into the Asian sex grooming scandals in Rochdale, Rotherham and elsewhere, would have discouraged the reporting of this fact.


Then there is this from the Mail about the gang rape by Asian men of a 13 year old white girl…

‘It takes two to tango’: As 12 Asian men are jailed for 140 years for gang-raping a 13-year-old white girl, Muslim councillor admits some in community still think SHE was partly to blame

After the sentencing, Kris Hopkins, Conservative MP for Keighley spoke out against the ‘sick model of organised groups of Asian men grooming young white girls’, but said there are more women out there who need justice.

He said the sentenced were vindication for controversial comments he made during a parliamentary debate in 2012, claiming that organised groups of Asian men were ‘going around raping white girls’. 

However, he claims that even today he has been ‘lambasted’ for even mentioning that the men are Asian when talking about the sentences.

He told MailOnline: ‘There are sexual offenders who are white, but the fact is this particular model is all Asian men and all the victims were white.

‘I was attacked in 2012 and today, when these men were convicted, the community was silent. You have to ask yourself why these men get away with this behaviour.

‘There is broader issues around the way women are treated in that community, there are hundreds if not thousands of women who live behind that door and have no voice.’

In a Commons speech three years ago, Mr Hopkins caused controversy three years ago when he suggested Muslim men were ‘fundamentally’ sexist towards women.

The Mail looks closely at the race/religion aspect of the case…the BBC on the other hand shows hardly a flicker of interest in the case at all never mind race/religion…normally so high on its agenda when the victim is Muslim…

Keighley abuse: Twelve men jailed for sexually exploiting girl

The BBC gives us the bare bone facts, lists the defendents, not once referring to race or religion and then gives an entirely anodyne quote from Kris Hopkins which doesn’t reflect his views at all in the round…

Kris Hopkins, Conservative MP for Keighley and Ilkley, said: “Keighley’s proud name has been dragged through the mud too many times in recent years because of the heinous acts of sick men preying on vulnerable young girls.

“I appeal directly to members of the local community that if you know of any individual or groups of individuals who may be involved in these activities, you have an obligation to pass this information on.

“We must work together to rid ourselves of this cancer and we all have a part to play.”

Hardly a full and honest report from the BBC which seems to have forgotten the lessons of Rochdale, Rotherham and all the other towns where the Media were silenced by ‘political correctness’ and girls were left to be abused for years.


The Red Menace



Strange how the BBC gives Corbyn and Co such an easy ride when they all have well known extreme views and are hard left Marxist fanatics who have no interest in the good of the people but whose sole intent is to tear down the Establishment and rout the rich.  They want to level down rather than improve life for those less fortunate.

How different if you are a from a Far Right group…then the BBC issues its ‘warnings from history’ and will do its level best to undermine and discredit you……of course you don’t have to be Far Right at all to be vilified…just say something negative about immigration and you’re a target….ala UKIP and Trump.

Why is Corbyn not labelled ‘hard -left’ or an extremist?  Why no warnings from history about Corbyn’s brand of politics and what they will bring to Britain should he manage to organise enough hard-left activists and at the same time fool enough middle of the road voters to vote for him?

We know ultimately what Corbyn’s brand of intolerant, one party Socialism brings to a country…the disastrous economics, the commissars enforcing social policies, the ‘terror’ the activists like to inflict as they try to embed their power…and ultimately the real terror of the political prisons and the erasing of opponents.

You may think the Corbyn bandwagon is a rickety old Trabant on the road to nowhere but it would be wrong to underestimate the power of a few fanatics to game the system and the gullibility of a few good men and women…especially when the BBC, one fo the world’s most powerful and influential broadcasters seeems to have gone missing from the debate about Corbyn….no doubt influenced by Nick Robinson’s tirade telling his colleagues to be nice to Corbyn.

Here is the real face of the Red Menace….the Corbyn bandwagon takes to the road…..


Somebody, somewhere, please say you love refugees


The BBC is continuing its pro-immigration propaganda with relentless messaging about the plight of Syrians fleeing Aleppo and now stranded in the cold, the mud and rain at the Turkish border….now of course everyone has sympathy with them and thinks we could help in someway….but the answer is not to import them all into Europe.

That is not the BBC’s narrative and they are constantly trying to raise the question asking if we are doing enough to help….and shouldn’t we allow in more refugees?  By doing so, suggesting that we’re not doing enough.

The problem for the BBC is that they are finding it really hard to get callers on side with that narrative.  On Thursday Rachel Burden was asking that question and it took 45 minutes or so before they got anyone who was remotely interested in allowing in some refugees…and even he was dubious about it.  Then, joy of joys, they got what they wanted, a caller who was very definitely pro-immigration regardless of the consequences…he stated that numbers and figures meant nothing to him…unfortunately for the BBC he was a foam flecked fanatic who openly displayed his fanaticism…the BBC must have been rolling their eyes….he claimed it was inhumane, sick and insane to limit numbers due to financial or other fundamental reasons which meant that the country couldn’t cope with a large unflux…let ’em all in.

I think we had one more open the borders caller and that was about it…nearly everyone was against the idea…similarly when Anita Anand asked the same question on Any Answers? there was a distinct lack of callers saying we should bring them all here.  Have to say Anand seemed pretty fair here and uncontroversial….which seems pretty unusual for her judging by Is the BBC biased’s analysis of her performances.

Burden on  the other hand seemed intent on putting the pro argument a bit too strongly avoiding, dismissing, voices that reminded us that around one million migrants have already hit our shores in the last three years alone…and if it hadn’t been for that open door immigration policy perhaps ‘desperate’ (BBC’s favourite word) refugees could have found room here….Burden said that Worcester had only taken three refugees….but failed to list the number of immigrants that may have settled there putting increasing strain on infrastructure and resources….maybe 300 or 3000 refugees could have been homed had it not been for economic migrants.

Burden also told us of a small village in Germany that was ‘happily’ taking 80 refugees and giving them a big welcome…only that’s not true…there was a huge outcry about the imposition upon such a small village….why does the BBC insist in lying about that?

Why does she not mention this even worse reality?…

Refugee crisis: German village Sumte shows reality behind open door policy – with 102 residents and 750 refugees


Guess you can fool some of the people all of the time, all of the people some of the time but not all the people all of the time.  Thankfully.

The BBC is completely unconcerned about what you or I think, what the people not inside the Bubble think, they have an agenda and they push it remorselessly….they are openly campaigning against official government policy which is to help the refugees in-situ so that eventually they can return to Syrian and help rebuild the country and in the meantime remain in countries which have similar cultural and social makeups.

When the government is looking to stop charities from using money given by government to agitate against the government you might think they would take a similar stance with the BBC which uses money forcefully taken from the licence fee payers hands to peddle political and social ideas and policies that the majority don’t believe in.  The BBC is in effect stealing people’s money to use as it likes to work against the interests of the people who were forced to give them the money.  A very odd and iniquitous state of affairs.








Where’s your privilege?


The BBC gave huge amounts of sympathetic airtime to the family of terrorist trained Moazzam Begg to agitate for his release from Guantanamo, the BBC allowed the mother of gangster Mark Duggan to fill the airwaves with claims that the police executed and assassinated her blameless little boy, Doreen Lawrence is the new Mother Teresa, and of course anti-police campaigns such as Hillsborough are given huge amounts of favourable, unquestioning coverage.

The BBC loves an ‘underdog’ regardless of whether it would tear your throat out as soon as look at you…and it hates the police and the security services….just look at its nonsense coverage of Assange and the adoring coverage of Snowden.

One of those ‘underdogs’ it has long held an affection for is the romantic IRA ‘rebels’ fighting for a united Ireland that was torn apart and occupied by the oppressive and tyrannical Brits.

This morning Julie Hambleton, (08:21) whose sister was killed in the Birmingham bombings in 1974, came onto the BBC to tell of her argument that the coroner’s inquest for the 21 victims (and 200 injured), which was abandoned on the conviction of the Birmingham Six, be re-opened.

She got pretty short shrift from the BBC’s Sam Walker who took a very negative approach to this and seemed as if she thought it was entirely wrong to be heading in that direction.  This of course is not the usual BBC approach which normally is very open and welcoming to those who have a grievance against the police, secuirty services or The State.

Of course Julie Hambleton is neither Black, Muslim nor a member of the IRA so why would the BBC be sympathetic to her cause?

The Birmingham Six were of course entirely innocent victims of a police fit-up, in the wrong place at the wrong time…the wrong place being the funeral of an IRA bomber killed as he planted a bomb in Coventry….a funeral 5 of them headed to from Birmingham on the night of the bombings.  They were cleared pretty much on a technicality….that residue left on the hands that may indicate the handling of exposives could have come from other items such as playng cards or soap…and of course they all played cards on the trip back to Ireland and no doubt were scrupulous about their personal hygiene.




Question Time Live Chat

David Dimbleby presents this week’s show from lovely Bradford. On the panel are Sir (only a matter of time now surely?) Nigel Farage of Ukip, ‘Conservative’ eco-loon and energy secretary Amber Rudd, Lib Dem President Baroness Brinton, journalist Isabel Oakeshott and Labour MP Shabana Mahmood.

Kick off tonight (Thursday) at 22.45

Chat here

Register here if necessary.

Poop Scoop




The BBC has been blowing its own trumpet today with its ‘scoop’ about Assange, yet another of the BBC’s heroes along with the traitor and spy, Edward Snowden, and the self-admitted terror trained Moazzam Begg.

It’s been telling us all day about the ‘arbitrary detention’ of Assange….and yet he hasn’t been detained, he has voluntarily chosen to remain in the Ecuadorian embassy as he hides from the due process of law in regard to an accusation of rape.  The BBC tells us that…‘Assange’s supporter and friend Vaughan Smith hopes he will now be freed’.

‘Freed‘?  He’s not incarcerated…he’s in hiding…from the Law.

Whilst the BBC article gives the vast bulk of its space to Assange and his supporters it grudgingly admits the government thinks the UN panel is wrong….

“We have been consistently clear that Mr Assange has never been arbitrarily detained by the UK but is, in fact, voluntarily avoiding lawful arrest by choosing to remain in the Ecuadorean embassy,” he added.

No sign from the BBC’s own analysis that Assange’s case at the UN is so much bunk and completely without any sound basis in reality.

The BBC also misleadingly says this…’Swedish prosecutors dropped two sex assault claims against Mr Assange last year. However, he still faces the more serious accusation of rape.’

That makes it sound as if there was no case to answer on those two sexual assault charges….but that’s not true…and again in the report the BBC link to that fact is once again underplayed telling us that…

Earlier, Swedish prosecutors dropped two sex assault claims against Mr Assange, who had denied the claims.

Mr Assange still faces the more serious accusation of rape, which he also denies.

Only way down the page do we find that this is the reality of why those cases were dropped…


  • August 2015 – Swedish prosecutors drop their investigation into two allegations – one of sexual molestation and one of unlawful coercion because they have run out of time to question him.


They dropped the case because the statute of limitations on the lesser charges has run out…it’s a legal technicality not proof of his innocence.

The Telegraph reminds us of what the BBC prefers you don’t know…

Assange chose to knock on the door of the Ecuadorian embassy of his own free will, begging to be allowed inside because he’d lost his case to avoid extradition to Sweden. It wasn’t just that he’d lost, either; he lost spectacularly at every English court he went to, including the Supreme Court. That’s the highest court in the land, and not known for being a patsy of the ‘dark forces’ supposedly conspiring to destroy the Australian campaigner for truth, transparency and international justice.

If Assange really is a campaigner for all those things, he needs to explain why the basic legal processes that apply to the rest of us should be waived for him.


Always the same with the BBC…if you’re a Muslim, an immigrant or one of the Left’s iconic figures you can get away with anything from terrorism to mass murder and rape.