The climate change lobby was pretty insistent that the ‘Pause’ was non-existent or if there was any such pause it could only be taken as statistically significant if it was over at least 15 years…..however, one month of rain and apparently that is a sign that climate change is upon us again…..not only that but it doesn’t have to be global or even national…if it rains a lot into a bucket in your back yard the Met and the BBC will report that as ‘extreme rainfall’…never mind if it was a drought everywhere else.
The BBC and the Met. Office have been trumpeting ‘record rain in December’ as proof positive of climate change…man-made.
The BBC today repeatedly told us that the Met. Office said this was a record December rainfall in the UK…
Weather records: December was ‘wettest month for UK’
which is odd….
Matt Ridley in the Times on Monday said….
‘Finally, please resist the cheap excuse of climate change[for the floods]. It was Britain’s second wettest December. The same month in 1929 was wetter’.
Now that caught my attention and so I looked up the Met. Office site...and indeed the latest news flash was this…..
It has been the wettest December on record for Scotland (333.1 mm), and for Wales (321 mm) and Northern Ireland is currently ranked 4th wettest with 208.1 mm. North west England has also seen record breaking rainfall, but central and southern England have been much closer to average.
For the UK as a whole its currently the second wettest on record.
So the Met. Office confirmed Ridley’s point.
But hold on…. has it changed its mind 24 hours later?
5 January 2015 – The latest provisional statistics from the Met Office confirm December has broken records both for rainfall and temperature
The month was not only the wettest December on record, but also the wettest calendar month overall since records* began in 1910, while 2015 is the sixth wettest year on record (dating back to 1910).
So ‘the wettest December on record‘ but for which region? Not the UK as a whole…so why did the Met. Office miss that out and why did the BBC decide to interpret it as meaning the UK as a whole?
The Met. Office goes on…
There has been a marked contrast in rainfall across the UK. It has been the wettest December on record for Scotland (351 mm), and for Wales (359 mm) and the 2nd wettest for Northern Ireland with 221 mm, just behind 1919 which recorded 224 mm.
What’s missing from the Met’s report is that important line that pulls the rug from their alarmist trumpeting….
For the UK as a whole its currently the second wettest on record.
And, according to Ridley, that record was set in 1929….apparently long before ‘man-made’ climate change began to happen.
Whilst December may be wettest for Scotland it is by no means the wettest year in the UK as a whole or in all its regions.
The BBC and the Met. Office are cherry picking not only regional weather and ignoring the bigger picture but also selecting a single month as ‘statistically significant’ evidence of climate change….If they want to do that then they should look at the records for England and Wales which show that the wettest years on record are mostly pre 20th century.
Here’s Harrabin proclaiming one month’s rain as the sign of things to come….did they say the same in 1929 then?
You just have to laugh at his nonsense……
So in summary, this was the 2nd wettest December on record but the BBC has been telling us that it was the wettest.
The BBC….Corrupt or incompetent? Guided, misguided, by climate campaigner Roger Harrabin? You decide.