The Case of The Vanishing Islamophobes


Curious that this story has vanished from the frontpage and worldpage of the BBC website when it would normally be frontpage for days…

Muslim prayer hall attacked in Corsica

The Mail tells us….

Up to 600 French protesters desecrated a Muslim prayer hall in Corsica in a revenge attack prompted by the wounding of two firefighters and a police officer.

The furious mob smashed the prayer hall’s glass door, ransacked the interior and left around 50 partially-burned Korans littering the street overnight.

Chanting ‘Arabs get out!’ and ‘This is our home’, protesters marched through the streets of the French Mediterranean island’s capital, Ajaccio.


So ‘up to 600’ protesters attacked the mosque.  However the BBC paints an entirely different picture….the vast majority of the protesters weren’t against the Muslim/Arab migrants they were merely  ‘supporting’ the fire and police service…only ‘a crowd’ attacked the mosque and ‘a small group’ tried to burn the korans……..

A crowd has vandalised a Muslim prayer hall in Corsica in apparent retaliation for an attack on firefighters in the French Mediterranean island.

Officials say a small group of protesters also tried to burn copies of the Koran in the capital, Ajaccio.

Overall, several hundred people gathered in the city to express support for two firefighters and a police officer injured on Thursday.


Firstly the BBC are obviouly unsure how to handle this as the ‘Arabs’ attacked the fire and police men…..this may give people the unwanted idea that immigration from Arab countries isn’t such a good idea….not a good thing whenn the BBC is busy heavily promoting pro-Syrian etc mass imigration to Europe.  The BBC therefore hides the story away as fast as possible in its unread backwaters.  Second the BBC tries to downplay the anti-Islam/Arab nature of the protest…it was really all about support for the fire and police men.  People actuall love Islam don’t you know?

News you can trust?  Not from the BBC.





Islamic State of Mind

In 2014 the US refused to issue over 1.6 million visas to non-immigrant tourist and business travellers [categories]….and yet the BBC thinks a family from Walthamstow, one of whose members put up a Facebook page promoting Islamic terror groups, is being discriminated against.

As the Guardian said:

If you share such a link [on social media for instance], then it is a pretty reliable sign that something is awry. If you do it more than once, even more likely that you are a terrorist. Or a sympathiser.


The BBC has failed entirely and wilfully to do any real journalism on the story of the Walthamstow wanderers…instead the BBC peddles a one-sided tale of anti-Muslim discrimination and has also used it to attack its other enemy…Trump.  Where are the BBC reports looking at US visa requirements and rules on entry, where are the visa figures that could illustrate ‘discrimination?…for instance they show 100% of San Marino category B applications have been refused ….are they Muslims?…no, RC.  Turkey has 7.1% refused whilst Sweden has 15.4% refused….Canada has 48.7% refused!  Inconveniently not the anti-Muslim narrative that the BBC wants to spin.

After assaulting our perceptions with a barrage of one-sided speculation and wishful thinking relentlessly over the course of one day the BBC suddenly went silent on the sad tale of a group of Muslims barred from the US….could it possibly have anything to do with the fact that a Facebook page was reported, linked to the family home, which made positive references to Al Qaeda and the Taliban and linked to an ISIS praising website...Islamic Thinkers?



Here’s an example of the ‘Islamic Thinkers’ thinking…

Raise Islamic Flag


You can understand why the US was reluctant to admit this family days after the San Bernardino murders especially as the relative in the US the family were visiting attended the same mosque as one of the killers.

The BBC has finally worked out how it wants to handle this new information and as usual it seeks to downplay its significance and still prefers the narrative that the US is discrimnating against Muslims and it is all Trump’s fault.  It is perhaps an irony that they use this headline...’UK Muslims ‘barred’ from US – what we know’.   An irony because ‘what we know’ is precisely what the BBC doesn’t want you to know.

After a lot of background before we eventually get to the important information, the real reason they were stopped…

Why were they stopped?

According to ITV News, a Facebook page claiming links to radical Islamist groups was set up by someone living at Mohammad Tariq Mahmood’s postal address. But, the broadcaster said, it appeared to have been set up as a joke.

Mr Mahmood said no-one in his family had any connection to it: “That could be anything, maybe a mistake.”

He told reporters the ban could also have something to do with his brother Mohammed Zahid Mahmood once being denied entry to Israel.

Note the BBC goes to ITV rather than CBS which actually broke the story…is it because ITV suggested it looked like a joke thus dismissing it as such whilst CBS didn’t?  Why would the BBC prefer that narrative?

The BBC also quotes this little chap:

Imam Ajmal Masroor said he received similar treatment when trying to travel to the US on 17 December, and was only told his business visa had been revoked.  He said he had never had any problem travelling on that visa before, and feared the US was targeting Muslims.

“This is absolutely discrimination. It is not acceptable and playing into the hands of the terrorists,” Masroor said.

Now we’ve already had a look at this story and shown that Masroor is a nasty piece of work to coin a phrase…why is the BBC quoting him when it is clear he is a Muslim activist especially when he has threatened both politicians and journalists who don’t toe the Islamist line?

The BBC wants us to think that the Facebook page was a joke and therefore not to be taken as a serious indication of any Islamist intent…but it obviously wasn’t a satire intended to rubbish and mock Islamic terrorists, it was intended to promote them, to show that the page-maker was in sympathy with them…it showed his ‘Islamic State of Mind’….and if it was a joke why hide your real name?  He hid his real name because it wasn’t a joke and he knew there could be consequences…such as a missed trip to Disney.

We also hear this…’He told reporters the ban could also have something to do with his brother Mohammed Zahid Mahmood once being denied entry to Israel.’  What we’re not told is that he went to Israel with a group of other Muslim ‘lads’ and was held for 8 days before being kicked out.  Not as if British Muslims haven’t got a record of striking at Israel.


As for the US banning Muslims…it is letting in 10,000 Syrians…and ‘An examination of State Department records by American Enterprise Institute researcher Justin Lang found that since 2001, the State Department had denied visas to just 2,231 individuals because the applicant was suspected of terrorist ties or activity.’

In 15 years or so the US has only denied entry to 2,231 individuals due to suspicions of terrorist ties or activity and the BBC pushes the narrative that ‘there is a pattern forming’ and that there is a ‘”growing problem” of British Muslims being barred without explanation.’

Why does the US bar people?….(3) Security and related grounds. -….This being the probable relevant section in relation to the Facebook page…

(VII) endorses or espouses terrorist activity or persuades others to endorse or espouse terrorist activity or support a terrorist organization;

Or maybe this…

(F) ASSOCIATION WITH TERRORIST ORGANIZATIONS- Any alien who the Secretary of State, after consultation with the Attorney General, or the Attorney General, after consultation with the Secretary of State, determines has been associated with a terrorist organization and intends while in the United States to engage solely, principally, or incidentally in activities that could endanger the welfare, safety, or security of the United States is inadmissible.

You may be interested to know that it is not Muslims who are banned but Communist Party members or anyone in  a totalitarian organisation…

(D) Immigrant membership in totalitarian party.-

(i) In general.-Any immigrant who is or has been a member of or affiliated with the Communist or any other totalitarian party (or subdivision or affiliate thereof), domestic or foreign, is inadmissible.


What ever the exact ruling was it is hardly surprising just days after the San Bernardino killings that there was a heightened alert and care taken…after all AQAP has just declared America to be their main enemy…...AQAP leader says America is the ‘primary enemy’

The BBC refuses to accept that and instead insists this is ‘racism’ against Muslims.


It’s not as if postings on social media are unknown hunting grounds for intelligence services…and the BBC itself tracks them for news stories….and that there are legal consequences for posting anything that could be construed as relating to the promotion of terrorism.

Here’s the Mail listing the words you can’t say without the NSA come sniffing your PC…

Revealed: Hundreds of words to avoid using online if you don’t want the government spying on you

The Department of Homeland Security has been forced to release a list of keywords and phrases it uses to monitor social networking sites and online media for signs of terrorist or other threats against the U.S.

The intriguing the list includes obvious choices such as ‘attack’, ‘Al Qaeda’, ‘terrorism’ and ‘dirty bomb’ alongside dozens of seemingly innocent words like ‘pork’, ‘cloud’, ‘team’ and ‘Mexico’.

And here’s the Guardian last year revealing a similar theme…..

‘You’re the bomb!’ Are you at risk from the anti-terrorism algorithms?

Does the stuff you post on the internet make you look like a terrorist? Is the rhythm of your typing sending the wrong signals? The government wants sites such as Google and Facebook to scan their users more closely. But if everything we do online is monitored by machines, how well does the system work?

Share the wrong link

It’s pretty hard for machines right now to know exactly what we mean when we talk, so it is much easier for them to look for some kind of absolutely reliable flag that content is suspect. One easy solution is to use databases of websites known to be connected to extremists, or child abuse imagery, or similar. If you share such a link, then it is a pretty reliable sign that something is awry. If you do it more than once, even more likely that you are a terrorist. Or a sympathiser.



Trumped up charges?


A Muslim family sans women was stopped from entering the US.  Was it today?  Or was it over a week ago?

On the 15th of December this family were refused entry to the US…now on the 23rd the BBC are filling the airwaves with the story.  Why?  Could it be that an orchestrated campaign has been organised to make this into a ‘Muslim’ issue intended to whip up as much hysteria as possible and portray Muslims, as always, as the victims of completely unjustified ‘Islamophobia’ and totally unreasonable and irrational discrimination?

What has the BBC et al missed out from their reports?  Did Jeremy Vine or any of the numerous BBC interviewers who spoke to the ‘victim’ ask if there were any possible concerns about radicalisation?  No of course not it was all very sympathetic and loveydovey…..Vine came up with a classic BBC line…..‘It’s obvious someone said they did not want 11 people called Mahmood on the plane.’  Well yes it’s obviously just a case of blatant discrimination based on race or religion….or is it?

Here though is what CBS says:

U.S. Department of Homeland Security officials confirmed to CBS News correspondent Jeff Pegues on Wednesday that the incident occurred, but disputed allegations that all eleven family member were denied permission to board the flight.

A DHS source tells CBS News that one of the brothers was refused entry into Israel two years ago, and his teenage son’s Facebook account has links to terrorist websites.

Just an interesting aside…. the father runs a gym….gyms have been known recruiting centres for radicals.

Mohammad Tariq Mahmood, 41, outside his home in Walthamstow, North London. Mohammad is fighting to get an explanation after being stopped at the gate of Gatwick airport just as he was flying to the US. But his big British family are hardly conventional. They were travelling with two men, nine children and no mothers

Gyms in Walthamstow as well…..“What can be said about the Muslim who does not train to fight?

Update:  ITV have the ‘answers’…

British dad denies link to ‘radical Islamist Facebook page’

A British father whose family were barred from boarding a flight to the United States has denied that any of them are responsible for a Facebook account claiming links to al-Qaeda and the Taliban.

The Mail has the ‘answers’…

Facebook page linked to Taliban and Al Qaeda was registered to same address as British Muslim father whose Disneyland trip was blocked by Homeland Security

It has since emerged that a Facebook page claiming links to radical Islamist groups was set up by someone who has lived at the family’s postal address, according to ITV News.

The account, which includes information suggesting it may have been published as a joke, was in the name of Hamza Hussain – a first name shared by Mr Mahmood’s 18-year-old son. It reportedly lists the job titles ‘supervisor at Taliban and leader at al-Qaeda’.

When asked about the account, Mr Mahmood believed hackers may have been to blame, adding: ‘That could be anything, maybe a mistake.’

He said: ‘It is not my son’s Facebook page. It has a similar name, but not the same as my son’s. 

‘The page is also linked to our home address and that could be coincidence.’

What does the BBC report?….

US family wants travel ban answers

Mr Mahmood [Relative to the British family], a US citizen, said he could think of no reason why his relatives would represent a threat to the country and called on his government to explain its actions.

“They can get away with anything by saying national security… and you cannot even challenge that,” he told BBC News, adding, “there is no check and balance.”

Oh wait…

Mr Mahmood said he prayed at the same mosque as Syed Rizwan Farook, who along with his wife Tashfeen Malik killed 14 people in San Bernardino on 2 December but he “did not know him personally”, would not have recognised him and could not recall ever speaking to him.

How unlucky can you get.   Unfortunate links both sides of the Atlantic for this family to people interested in terrorism.


Vine was in fine form making outrageous links to Trump and claiming it was ‘Trump in action’.…..could it rather be ‘radicalisation in action’?  Vine didn’t ask….just oozed sympathy.  We were told by the oily Keith Vaz that there was a ‘growing problem of Muslims beng stopped…a pattern was forming…‘….really?  Plenty of people get stopped for all sorts of reasons but their cases don’t seem to interest Vaz.  And a pattern forming?  How about a Muslim a day being arrested for terror links?  Does Vaz make similar appeals for Muslims stopped from going to Syria?

A Muslim caller came on and asked why we don’t ban all Jews from coming here because they have been bombing Palestine?…Vine stayed absolutely silent and made no attempt to correct her as he would have corrected anyone who said all Muslims were guilty of bombing the world and should be all be banned from coming here.

We had a BBC reporter tell us that ‘there’s something going on’ and it ‘feels like the Salem witch trials’….not saying she was at all biased or hyperbolic but she was.

She then raised the case of Ajmal Masroor, whom she described as a London imam and a frequent contributor to the BBC…….of course he is….and why wouldn’t he be?….he is after all a well known Muslim radical rabble rouser…..

British Jewish conscripts returning from Israel must be arrested Every single British citizen who also have…


‘British Jewish conscripts returning from Israel must be arrested

Every single British citizen who also have Israeli nationality returning from serving in the Israeli Defense Force (IDF) must be arrested at the British airports on arrival for fighting with a terrorist army and taking part in war crimes in Gaza.

Politicians and journalists, your silence and support are causing the death of innocent Palestinians and you will be held responsible for this savagery and genocide. One day you shall be held accountable and you would find no holes to hide! It is only a matter of time.’

Is that a threat to politicians and journalists?  Will they be rounded up and put on trial when the caliphate comes to the UK?

Ajmal Masroor

Ajmal Masroor describes himself as an Imam, broadcaster and politician. Although Masroor advertises himself as a moderate voice, he propagates some of the usual conspiracy theories peddled by extreme Islamist groups.

Masroor resigned as a parliamentary candidate in 2005 when it was discovered that he had been posting on the forum of the anti-Semitic Muslim Public Affairs Committee UK. He is a presenter on the Islam Channel, a television station that has been censured by Ofcom for advocating marital rape and whose CEO is a convicted terrorist. Masroor is also a spokesman for the Harrow Central Mosque, whose website promotes a plethora of Jamaat-e-Islami and Muslim Brotherhood groups.


Have to think this is an organised attempt to generate as much media and political pressure as possible to portray Muslims as victims of unwarranted discrimination with the intent that they are then given a special status as untouchables as we know the likes of the BBC and Guardian will happily fill the airwaves and pages of their websites with stories of ‘victimisation’ but offering no context or other side to the stories and the pathetic politicians will grovel and twist themselves in knots to appease the Muslim pressure groups not wanting to look ‘bad’ in the media…ie the BBC and the Guardian, who will no doubt set about any politician who doesn’t show enough ‘sympathy’ for the victims… you can see…this instant counter-reaction to Katie Hopkins illustrates the problem of witch-hunts against anyone who raises doubts about such stories.







Sultans of swing



Which way to swing, that’s the question the BBC never asks itself.  It knows which way to swing….to the left.

Week after week, maybe day after day, the BBC has ramped up the anti-right wing rhetoric in its attempt to label any and all criticism of mass, uncontrolled immigration as something akin to Nazism.

They’re at it again today…

Migrant crisis: Hungary denies fuelling intolerance in media

The Hungarian government has fiercely rebuffed criticism from three top international organisations that its new anti-migrant media campaign is generating fear, intolerance and xenophobia.

The BBC also reports this…

“The blindness of those who attack Hungary could lead to the disappearance of European civilisation,” Foreign Minister Peter Szijjarto said in a statement.

He said the unprecedented joint statement by the UN refugee agency (UNHCR), Council of Europe and Organisation for Security and Co-operation in Europe (OSCE) “is not true – Hungary is depicting reality”.

Naturally the BBC intends the reader to take away the impression that Szijjarto is completely wrong and a bit of a fascist.

However consider that the BBC is extremely reluctant to report similar attitudes in the Muslim world…such as today’s report that Christmas is near banned in Brunei…and there have been plenty of such stories from Muslim countries that the BBC religiously ignores……

Sultan of Brunei bans Christmas ‘because it could damage faith of Muslims’

Tiny conservative nation on Borneo warns citizens that putting up festive decorations or singing carols could threaten the country’s Muslim faith

The Ministry of Religious Affairs said in a statement: “These enforcement measures are … intended to control the act of celebrating Christmas excessively and openly, which could damage the aqidah (beliefs) of the Muslim community.”

In a warning to Muslims earlier this month, a group of Imams warned that any celebration “not in any way related to Islam” could lead to “‘tasyabbuh’ (imitation) and unknowingly damage the ‘aqidah’ (faith) of Muslims”.


The Hungarians are whipping up racist hatreds as reported by the BBC, but Muslims are defending their faith…as reported by the Telegraph and not the BBC.



Mark Mardell…..Oh Well



Had the misfortune to catch Mardell on the radio today giving us his world view..…and it’s a view that is pure Planet BBC on immigration, Iraq and the Taliban.

You remember the time when the Left were complaining that the reason Afghanistan fell to the depredations of the Taliban was because the West abandoned it after the Soviets were evicted, you remember the time when the Left complained so loudly and bitterly about the presence of Allied troops in Afghanistan and called for them to leave…now do you hear them complaining that the Taliban are back in force…and it’s all because we abandoned the Afghans again.  Seems you just can’t win…unless you’re in the Taliban.

Mardell then pretends to give us some analysis on the immigration crisis but curiously enough it turns out to be nothing more than the usual BBC message that immigration is good for us and we’d better get used to it.

Mardell came up with a cracker all of his own invention though…apparently we shouldn’t talk about controlling immigration because Britain is now so heavily populated with immigrants that these immigrants feel insulted by such an offensive policy being spoken of.  The usual BBC mantra and attitude from Mardell….doesn’t give a damn what the native population have to say….only concerned about the poor old immigrants swarming in here.

Mardell then drifed off into a piece on ISIS where we were told that the poor old Muslim terrorists were victims of alienation and the rage they felt that the West had abandoned Syria.

Hmmmm….let’s think whose to blame if Syria was abandoned….one Ed Miliband who betrayed the Syrians and cowardly ducked the responsibility of voting for an attack on Assad that might have forced him to the negotiating table…and of course the BBC refused to broadcast evidence of chemical attacks on Syrians on the night before the vote because they knew it would possibly sway the vote towards an attack.

But hang on…the Muslim radicals are raging because the West didn’t attack a Muslim country?…and yet I thought they were radicalised because we did launch an attack on a supposedly Muslim country ruled by a secular Saddam under a cruel dictatorship….one the Jihadis and the Left had been complaining the West had supported for years….until the West stopped supporting him and deposed him….then the West were in the wrong yet again for having deposed him.

Sounds familiar……see above…Afghanistan.

Ever get the impression that both the Left and their fellow travellers, the Jihadis, are intent on one thing, attacking the West regardless of what the West actually does….and most of the time the West has actually been supporting the Jihadis if you look at the history….so ‘foreign policy’ a cause of radicalisation?  Complete and utter rubbish, a narrative that the BBC shamelessly peddles in the full knowledge that it is a lie but one that is a convenient lie that they use to bash the West with and have now recruited to the pro-immigration cause as well…we caused the war in Syria so the resulting immigrant problem is of our making and we must solve it.

Never mind that the war in Syria is purely a local affair arising from local conditions as did the other ‘Arab Spring’ conflicts….the BBC knows this as Frank Gardner once admitted, and yet they still blame it on the Iraq War or somesuch other Western policy…

How the Arab Spring began

16 December 2011 Last updated at 05:47 GMT

A year ago this weekend a 26-year-old Tunisian named Mohamed Bouazizi set himself on fire.

It was an extreme act by a young man who had reached the end of his tether after being banned from selling fruit to earn a living but it triggered a remarkable series of events that became known as the Arab Spring.


Even a simple council employee in Tunisia knows the truth that renowned BBC journos can’t seem to, or don’t want to, grip…

‘I started the Arab Spring. Now death is everywhere, and extremism blooming’

Faida Hamdy confiscated a vegetable stall in Tunisia five years ago today. Neither she nor the rest of the world could have imagined the consequences

It is hardly surprising that when Faida Hamdy wonders whether she is responsible for everything that happened after her moment of fame she is overwhelmed.

Mrs Hamdy was the council inspector who, five years ago today confiscated the vegetable stall of a street vendor in her dusty town in central Tunisia.

In despair, that young man set himself on fire in a protest outside the council offices. Within weeks, he was dead, dozens of young Arab men had copied him, riots had overthrown his president, and the Arab Spring was under way



Lord Hall Hall’s BBC…supporting Jihad everywhere.



Meat is murder….murdering the planet that is.


The BBC enviro-police are out to bang you up for noshing on a banger, chuck you in chokey for chomping on chorizo, stick you in the nick for a half eaten drumstick.  You get the idea.

Roger Harrabin loved Arnie’s ‘go veggie’ message and it seems so do the BBC which has leapt aboard the band wagon with renewed vigour in order to save the planet. Meat is murdering the planet you know.

No coincidence that just a few days ago we had the message that vegetarianism might actually be worse for the planet than meat eating….is there a counter attack by the BBC under way?

Jane Goodall was on today (can’t remember when and where unfortunately) and given free rein to message us with the usual green propaganda backed up it might be said by a completely uncritical BBC presenter who cheered her on in total agreement with every word.

Goodall, famous for her work with chimps, is now ‘educating’ children about saving the planet with her Roots and Shoots organisation which tells us ….

Welcome to Jane Goodall’s Roots & Shoots, the education programme for young people. Roots & Shoots encourages children to implement practical positive change for people, animals and the environment by providing teachers with free resources and activities.

Get ’em young and capture their minds for life.

On Sunday we had the family business kick in and Henry Dimbleby, no idea how he managed to prof a job at the BBC, telling us we must dump the meat….

Restaurateur Henry Dimbleby unravels the deep-seated attachment of the British to eating meat.

Henry wants to cut down on his meat consumption. Many scientists and policy makers think this is a good idea – for global food sustainability, climate change and health. In an effort to understand why he is finding it so difficult, he unpicks the cultural history of the British and their relationship to eating meat.

Henry speaks to Professor of Food Policy at City University London, Tim Lang about whether personal choice can be enough, or whether governmental policy, taxes or rations are needed to change eating habits and prevent a global food crisis.


So the BBC has clearly adopted the narrative that meat eaters are guilty of destroying the planet and of course it is the British, with their unique ‘deep-seated attachment to eating meat’ who are the worst offenders.

Total rubbish of course…it’s the usual BBC stitch up where they invent a problem that is coincidentally associated with some other message they are trying to peddle (such as climate change), invent a cause of the problem (meat eating) and then pass judgement on whom they find guilty by inventing a spurious and convenient association limited to that group the BBC seeks to target, in this case Le Roast Beefs.

Curious that the BBC can totally ignore the fact that meat is relished and eaten throughout the world by most societies in large quantities…but it is the Brits who are to blame, as always…you can rely on the BBC to do its utmost to blacken Britain’s name.

Curious how all these patrician, well connected, holier than thou preachers who all move in the same circles and think the same thoughts all come together at the BBC which seems to be the accepted central messaging point for the disaffected and aggrieved, the sanctimonious, the arrogantly sneering, to have their grievances aired, their morally superior wisdom disseminated and their contempt for the little people and their concerns given critical acclaim.



Fool’s Paradise



The BBC’s Phil Mackie is still peddling his sacred illusions about ‘conservative’ Islam…that it is not ‘extreme’….unfortunately so do others who should know better and still refuse to do their job in case it upsets a certain community…I wonder why so many get upset at Tyson Fury’s religiously inspired ‘extreme’ comments and not about Islam which propagates the same views……Bet there’d be no problem Muhammed winning SPOTY….not sure what sport he’d do…..mass beheadings in the quickest time?….

He’s right, too many who bandy the E word about are totally wrong – chief’s terror-tackling advice

Chris Sims

A retiring police chief has warned against confusing extremism with religious conservatism, when tackling terrorism.

Chief Constable Chris Sims is retiring from his post at West Midlands Police after six years.

He said damaging views had affected investigations into the so-called Trojan Horse plot about an alleged Muslim takeover of Birmingham schools.

“It would be utterly wrong to label everything as extremism,” Mr Sims said.

Updates on this story and more from Birmingham & the Black Country

“We need to be really careful that in using this term ‘extremism’ we don’t alienate the vast majority of law-abiding Muslim people in the West Midlands, who want to go about normal lives with normal aspirations.

“We absolutely need their support to combat the tiny minority of violent extremists who are their enemies and our enemies and who collectively we need to work to combat.”



“This whole case raises serious questions about West Midlands police and the CPS in what appears to be an attempt to censor television, stifle investigative journalism and inhibit open debate.”

The shadow home secretary, David Davis, said the decision of West Midlands police to complain to Ofcom “raises wider issues” for policing.

“Once they were clear that no criminal offence had been committed, it was in my view a serious misjudgment to continue to pursue the editorial team and risked impeding freedom of speech,” he said.

“The Dispatches programme raised matters of wide public interest, touching on security and community relations. The documentary handled inherently sensitive issues in a responsible manner.

What did the government investigation into the Trojan Horse plot reveal?...extremist views…from people associated with the ‘conservative’ MCB……

I found clear evidence that there are a number of people, associated with each other and in positions of influence in schools and governing bodies, who espouse, endorse or fail to challenge extremist views.

The very clear evidence that young people are being encouraged to accept unquestioningly a particular hardline strand of Sunni Islam raises concerns about their vulnerability to radicalisation in the future. I have heard evidence to the effect that there are real fears that their current experiences will make it harder for them to question or challenge radical influences.

Pretty clear that ‘conservative’ Islam is at the root of the ‘extremism’…if that’s not clear it is spelt out here…

While the majority of parents welcome the good academic results that some of these schools produce, they do not demand that their children adhere to conservative religious behaviour at school.


Police silence and ill-conceived ideas of how to achieve community cohesion resulted in the rape and abuse of 1400 girls in one town alone.

Perhaps Mackie should check out the BBC’s own take on ‘extremism’…it looks very much like conservative, fundamentalist Islam…..views of course held by a ‘minority’ in that far off, distant land of Saudi Arabia which holds views no Muslim in the UK could possibly hold dear.

Phil Mackie tried to dismisss the claims of a Muslim takeover of schools in the Trojan Horse plot by claiming those raising the issue were suffering from paranoia, racism and Islamophobia……

ph m trojan horse paranoia


Perhaps this explains it all…Allah loves the beardies……The old Mackie, the new Mackie…..