A few days ago, the Northern Ireland Assembly voted down  “Gay Marriage” legislation for the FOURTH TIME.  Clearly this does not meet with the approval of the BBC and guess what…

Almost two thirds of people in Northern Ireland would feel comfortable if a family member had a same-sex marriage, a new survey suggests. About 2,000 people in both NI and the Republic of Ireland were interviewed about issues from national identity to abortion and same-sex marriage. The survey was jointly commissioned by BBC Northern Ireland and Irish state broadcaster, RTÉ.

The BBC is steadfast in its continued advocacy of “gay marriage and it works with the usual combination of leftists and the likes of Shamnesty International to impose this on Northern Ireland. It can sod off, if you’ll pardon the expression!


The BBC is to the fore in the feminazi war on men. Consider this item ran on the BBC Radio 4 Today programme…

Bonuses of City executives should be linked to targets for the number of senior women appointed at a firm, a review of women in finance, commissioned by the government, will say today. Jayne-Anne Gadhia is chief executive officer of Virgin Money

A more blatant form of discrimination one could hardly conceive. Any sane commercial business would ensure that bonuses are linked exclusively to performance and specifically delivery of key financial/operational performance. Introducing gender wars and the feminisation of financial reward may appeal to Ms Gadhia and the BBC R4 producers but it sure as hell does not appeal to a sensible business.


The thing about Jeremy Bowen is his dogged determination to ensure that the Jews are always to blame for the Palestinians killing them.  Here Jeremy asks the loaded question

“Did Rabin assassination kill the best chance for peace?”

He could, of course, ask the better question “Did Arafat’s survival kill the best chance of peace” but then again that might be a tad risky to the BBC narrative which, is redux form, is always the same  -“Blame the Jews”



May I commend this excellent insight into BBC bias and in particular how it bigs up the loathsome man-hating Labour MP Jess Phillips?  This is on the thoroughly recommended HE Equality blog.

“At HEqual we’ve followed the story of Jess Phillips’ opposition to International Men’s Day very closely and a number of her most notorious tweets are actually replies to us. For those who dont’ know about this story, Jess Phillips MP laughed at he idea of discussing men’s issues in Parliament and insisted there shoudl be no debates on men’s issues until 50% of women were MPs! As most people know by now, the BBC and much of the rest of the media have been telling countless lies about this story and turning reality on its head. We’ve complained about the blatantly biased BBC coverage on Newsnight, the following article covers the various biases they’re shown and also highlights much more interesting and competently unreported realities about the misconduct of Jess Philips and her sexism against men.”

A great read, ensure you read it in full.


This is a really interesting insight into the warped world of BBC bias..

“Watching BBC3’s Britain’s Biggest Sexists? tonight it’s clear this tax-payer funded propaganda machine has hatred written into its DNA. There is one thing it hates above all others: The white, British male. And if said WBM votes UKIP (or Tory) then they really don’t deserve to call planet earth their home, right BBC?

That Britain’s Biggest Sexists? was always going to be crude, biased and disingenuous was abundantly clear to anyone with even the faintest shred of intelligence. Is Britain Racist? asked the same channel a few weeks ago. And yep you guessed it, the good old WBM was once again exposed as a species that ranks in the hierarchy of evolution as somewhere between a cockroach and plankton.”

All so very predictable.’

Read the rest of it.

And then, try this, another insightful contribution…

“Tonight BBC3 broadcast Britain’s Biggest Sexists?, presented by Ms Green. Predictably, she turns out to be a whiny, sneering, narcissistic, ignorant, misandrous, sexist bigot. Other than that, I have no opinions on her. Having those qualities is probably required to be a journalist with the Guardian, to be fair. Without any apparent irony, her programme includes footage of three of Britain’s most extreme and vile sexists – Laura Bates, Jess Phillips MP, and Stella Creasy MP.

I recommend you watch the hour-long programme, if only for some unintended laugh-out-loud moments. There’s a BBC-approved token unfunny ‘comedian’ mangina of whom I’ve never heard, despite being a comedy buff. The piece will remain available on iPlayer – here– for the next 29 days. We’d add it to the lengthy list of BBC anti-male pieces on our YouTube channel, but the last time we tried to post a whole BBC programme on the channel, it was rejected by YouTube. A link to a small number of the countless BBC anti-male TV and radio programmes is here.”

‘A madcap coalition of trots, Islamists and anti-west fury chimps’



Ex-transport minister, Labour MP Tom Harris, threatens to quit party as Corbynistas say they will consult the BBC on which policies to adopt on Syria….

Harris says …

In a Facebook post, Mr Harris said: “Shadow Minister Catherine West says she’ll consult the BBC in the event of a vote on military action in Syria. Jesus. Where to start?

“So anyway, after 60 per cent votes for sure fire election losers, IRA-supporting Shadow Chancellors and Scottish Labour unnecessarily splitting the party on issues over which it has no responsibility, we have a Shadow Minister telling the BBC– a madcap coalition of trots, Islamists and anti-west fury chimps – that Labour will consult them on how it will vote on Syria.”

I could believe it.





Well, there had to be a reason for the BBC’s reporting style



The Sun is now free to view which is why we can bring you this…

‘Cocaine on sale at BBC’

SENSATIONAL claims that a drug dealer is delivering to BBC staff at their desks have been made by Beeb veteran Alan Dedicoat.

On a tape, passed to The Sun, he is heard telling a man that the peddler regularly sells ecstasy and cocaine.

Dedicoat, 60 — the announcer on Strictly Come Dancing — is also recorded claiming that certain members of BBC security staff were “in on it”.

He says: “The police can do nothing about the fact that he’s delivering desk to desk.”

Asked about drugs, he adds: “Well, they are recreational items of interest, I think you’ll find, that’s the way we categorise them.”

Dedicoat is heard claiming the dealer would visit the unspecified offices “monthly,” and says: “It’s everywhere, isn’t it?”

When quizzed on how many of the staff would buy from the seller, Dedicoat responds: “Erm, at least 50 per cent.”

Asked if the drugs included cocaine and party drugs, he replies: “Yes, Es for the lower grades, then whoever can afford it — goes up. It’s the business we’re in . . . ”


‘He just goes from desk to desk’ – the transcript of Dedicoat tape

SOURCE: Tell me again, this guy in the BBC, the guy who can get stuff for you, he goes in the offices? Does he work for the BBC?

AD: No, he doesn’t no.

Source: So how does he get in? Is there no security?

AD: There is yeah, but they’re sort of in on it anyway, and he goes around us…because the police can do nothing about the fact that he’s delivering desk to desk.

Source: Even though he’s selling drugs?

AD: Well they are recreational items of interest, I think you’ll find, that’s the way we categorise them.

“There’s nothing… It’s everywhere isn’t it?

Source: Of course it is, I’ve got no qualms with it, but I just wanted to kind of… so… how often would he come in?

AD: Monthly

Source: And out of all the employees at the BBC, how would he… how many of them would buy from him

AD: Erm, At least 50 per cent, he just goes from desk to desk.

Source: Coke? Party drugs, all sorts?

AD:Yes, E’s for the lower grades, then whoever can afford it, goes up. It’s the business we’re in…

Source: And it’s rife in the BBC?

AD: You say rife like it’s horrible and wrong. He only comes in because it stops him being intercepted by the police.”







Can’t find any BBC mention of Gerald Kaufman’s latest anti-Semitic blood libel….



Curiously whilst the BBC was quick to air this video…..



…..It seems reluctant however to air another example of a black person being ‘islamophobic’…..


But then again the BBC didn’t actually ‘report’ the first video, they chose instead to look at other people’s reactions to the fact that the ‘islamophobe’ was black.

What’s missing from the videos is what the ‘victim’ did or said to provoke the ‘racist’ rants, if anything……perhaps it was some anti-black racism.

Go back to Jamaica……