The BBC tells us:
Europe ‘must open up to migrants’
How can it be so sure that this is the way ahead?
European leaders should do more to open up and help migrants instead of using language that dismisses their rights, a UN expert on migrant rights has said.
Ah, one of those UN ‘experts’. Who might that be then?
Talking about “marauders” and “swarms” was an unsubtle way of dismissing their legitimacy, said Francois Crepeau.
European countries should open official channels and their labour markets to migrants because building fences would not stop them coming, he said.
Ah, Le Crackpot once again on the BBC given a free ride to say what he likes a completely unopposed by anyone with a modicum of common sense….as noted before. And still attacking, still at war with Phillip Hammond and Cameron.
Le Crackpot is a man with absolutely no desire to stem immigration and has not a clue as to what the end result will be……eventually things will be taken out of ‘government’ hands and ‘the people’ will start dealing with the issue.
Le Crackpot lives in fantasy land, here suggesting you could keep the borders open and yet control who comes in…
The UN expert urged Europe to regain control of its borders from the smugglers by offering official channels to enter Europe.
“Opening up the regular labour markets through smart visas allowing people to come to look for work and incentivise them to return if they don’t find the job in question would allow for a much better regulated and controlled official labour market,” he said.
He’s not actually saying control the borders, all he is saying is make the borders even easier to slip across and that will pull the rug from under the smugglers…..well hardly, more people will then flood in and the smugglers will still have a good business bringing in people who don’t qualify for a ‘smart visa’, whatever the hell that is.
Le Crackpot claims that fences will not stop immigrants, well actually borders will stop them, reinstating national borders and checking who is trying to cross them will stop the tidal wave of migrants sweeping across Europe in search of Eldorado and the good life paid for by European tax payers, expecting, and demanding, free houses, health services, schools and jobs. And when they don’t get the non-existent jobs in 5 or ten years time they will start to riot and the BBC and Guardianistas will tell us that this is because the immigrants have been marginalised, neglected and disenfranchised…when the real truth is that they forced their way in and there were not enough resources or jobs for them. The fault lies with the immigrants themselves in the first instance and then with those BBC types and Guardianistas who insist we fling open the borders…..a collaboration between some immigrants and those on the anti-Western Left which leads to the rise of Anti-Semitism for instance, as the Spectator notes:
The prejudice currently popular in Britain is a sort of Arabised version of the European original. Revived hostility is clearly spurred by large-scale migration from Islamic countries, and the influence of Islamists on the European hard left, with whom they have a lot of contact.
The welfare state, the ‘State’ itself, is in danger of collapse. What then?
Here’s a classic example of the left in action…..the loony left I think might well be a fitting description….