The Leftwing Fascist Thugs That The BBC Chooses To Ignore


Sandi Toksvig makes Hitler jibe about Nigel Farage

Sandi Toksvig disclosed last month that she has given up her role on Radio 4′s The News Quiz in order to focus on launching the Women’s Equality Party.

Toksvig saved her most cutting remarks for Nigel Farage. ‘I watched the count for South Thanet and I found myself cheering for the Tory candidate,’ she told the audience. ‘I hate Farage for that, I really do. He made me cheer a Tory, the b—-rd.’

She then went on to refer to the testicle the Ukip leader lost to cancer, joking about what Farage and Hitler have in common: ‘Farage kept having pictures of him defaced with Hitler moustaches. I mean he’s not really like Hitler. Okay, he has a German wife, he hates foreigners, he only has one testicle and he was defeated.’



What happened to UKIP’s Douglas Carswell today can be laid at the door of organisations like the BBC that deliberately seek to portray UKIP as a racist, Islamophobic Nazis who would like nothing better than to gun down immigrants.  The BBC gives a spurious sanction to people to attack members of UKIP.

Always curious how the BBC made it its job to discredit and vilify the EDL when it was the leftwing UAF that began much of the violence at any marches…that’ll be the UAF run by the Unite union with connections to extremist Muslims and of course the puppet masters of the Labour Party.

Always curious how the BBC downplays Muslim violence and looks to deny any connection between Islam and the actions of those who do it ‘in the name of Islam’ and yet it is the same BBC that tries to paint others as violent and extreme when they are not.

The BBC does more harm to this society than good.  The BBC is dangerous.



Roy FitzPatrick And Patrick FitzRoy



It must be nice to have the abundant resources of the BBC available to you to promote your own personal agendas…such as gay marriage.

In 2013 when we had a vote to legalise gay marriage the BBC broadcast an epsiode of Mrs Brown’s Boys which involved a gay marriage the night before the vote in Parliament ….the intention clearly to persuade people of the correct way to think about this subject.

Blatant propaganda being broadcast on the BBC with the intent of influencing the vote…..the BBC knew, or desperately hoped, that ‘Mrs Brown’, with a huge following, may have some influence…and that was admitted with their coverage of the recent vote in Ireland when they repeatedly broadcast ‘Mrs Brown’s’ latest comments promoting gay marriage….


The BBC clearly thinks ‘Mrs Brown’ has the power to influence how people think and it is an admission that its broadcast in 2013 was a deliberate attempt to do just that with a one-sided programme that was pure pro-gay marriage campaigning on the BBC shilling.

The BBC will no doubt argue that it is part of its remit to promote tolerance, civil society and social cohesion…..but who decides what that entails, what ‘Society’ should look like?….here it was the BBC deciding before the vote in Parliament…surely it should have been the other way round if at all with Parliament voting then the BBC promoting the will of Parliament.




Poverty Porn Alert


The BBC are going overboard on one of their ‘special’ investigations that has uncovered a shocking figure….500,000 people have been ‘forced’ to have pre-payment meters installed over the last 5 years.

No other news outlet seems in the slightest bit concerned, not even the Guardian as far as I can see.  Only the BBC has blitzed us all day with this revelation…..never mind that their own graph shows that there was a huge rise in 2009…

PPM court orders graph


Of course there’s no context…no numbers of people who were cut off pre-2009…and figures for pre-payment meters are only available from 2009 apparently so hard to judge what went on before isn’t it?

This is an old story…the National Housing Federation ran a campaign from 2006 to 2010 to reduce pre-payment tariffs….

From 2006 to 2010, the National Housing Federation lead a national campaign to ensure that prepay meter customers don’t pay a penny more than quarterly billed customers. As of April 2010, all prepay meter customers now pay the same or less than quarterly billed prices.

The campaign was launched in January 2007, when the six million energy customers who pay up front to heat and light their homes via prepayment meters paid over £100 per year more than customers who pay quarterly for the energy. Some prepayment customers were being charged £300 a year more than those on higher incomes paying by online debits.

An old story so why has the BBC disinterred it in such a big way?  Can’t imagine that it could possibly be a project to make people think that bad things happen under a Tory government?  The next 5 years bringing us an entirely negative interpretation of events with the BBC seeking out stories that paint the government in the worst possible light just as the BBC seeks out the unemployed, single mothers and their ilk who are so cruelly treated by this world.

Speaking of which the BBC illustrated their tale of woe about the pre-payment meters by having on an unemployed single mother, cruelly treated by this world, in debt and forced to have a pre-payment meter…..she wasn’t sure how she’d cope with all the bills and also being taken to court for not paying her Television license……oops what???…suddenly the BBC lost interest and you could hear the strangled tones as the presenter moved rapidly on.

10,000 a year in Wales alone get dragged throught the courts on behalf of the BBC….in the UK as a whole it was 193,000 people in 2012 taken to court.

Why doesn’t 5Live do a special investigation into that?  Especially as nearly all the victims will be from the poorest households so  (usually) beloved of the BBC.

Best laugh I had all day!






“#White Lives Matter”



The BBC is feeding the Black grievance industry and victimhood narrative, and worse, promoting the idea that all whites are racist, and blacks the victims of that racism….a very dangerous and destructive line that sets one group against another.

Justin Webb demonstrates what is so often wrong with BBC interviewers…they go in with preconceived notions that any interviewee has to then defend themselves against rather than the BBC asking neutral questions intended to genuinely discover what is going on in any given situation that has suddenly got their interest.

Webb in this interview (08:48) with British police officer Michael Matthews, author of “We Are The Cops”, who has long experience of how American police operate, began with the prejudice that American police are brutal, racist, violent and a regard themselves as beleagured ‘superheros’ setting themselves against the rest of the population, the police not being part of the community.

Matthews soon put Webb right on just about every criticism.

Webb’s approach is all too often reflected in the rest of the BBC when it comes to reporting on recent events in the US, reporting as ‘fact’ that America is a racist society and that white police officers are gunning down black men because the white officers are racist.

The BBC plays a dangerous game feeding into the black activists game of race baiting, race hustling and facilitating the grievance industry and the line that Blacks are victims of white People’s prejudices at all times.


Here are just some of the BBC’s own prejudices where it casually accepts that events in Ferguson and Baltimore and elsewhere are caused by police racism…

The Costco heir who became a voice for Baltimore

Justin Brotman is a human rights activist, and the son of one of the co-founders of wholesale superstore Costco. And as the voice behind the @Bipartisanism Twitter account, he became one of the main drivers of a campaign to change the public perception of what happened in Baltimore last week.

“I think what we’re seeing is a bit of a tipping point in American culture. With each incident, with video, with witnesses, we’re starting to think – wow, we really do have this problem in America,” Brotman said.

“People are starting to think ‘How many black men are in jail, and shouldn’t be? How many black men have been killed?’ That’s all starting to percolate clearly.”


Why do US police keep killing unarmed black men?


What a riot does achieve

So what box do we put the Freddie Gray story in?

It’s obviously a story – but it is none too rare, sadly not that unusual – and if you ask many in the black community, not in the least bit unexpected.

I heard one piece of commentary that more or less started “First there was Ferguson, now Baltimore”‘ – but in truth there has been a whole pile of incidents in between.

I haven’t the space to list them all – the 12-year-old boy shot dead in a park in Cleveland, Ohio, the student left bloody and bruised at the University of Virginia, the man fatally shot eight times in the back in South Carolina, the 44-year-old chased down and killed in Tulsa, Oklahoma, after volunteer officer pulled a firearm instead of a stun gun.

And there are more, culminating in Freddie Gray dying while in the custody of Baltimore police, after his spinal cord had been virtually severed. It’s unlikely you would sustain an injury like that simply by slipping as you stepped into the police wagon.

What the common features are of all these incidents is that the victims were black and the forces of law and order involved in them were for the most part white.

Which brings us back to the opinion piece that made the point that first there was Ferguson, then there was Baltimore. The writer is correct, insofar as they both resulted in looting, burning and vandalising – all playing out on our screens last night.

From the hapless Baltimore mayor through to the president the point has been made – rioting achieves nothing.

But, sadly it has. It has caught people’s attention – because it has conformed to the journalist’s law of what makes a story – it is rare, unexpected and unusual.

Perhaps the lesson is we need to take more notice of things that lead to the riots and sense of alienation by disaffected young African-Americans.

The white cop assaulting or shooting a black man may not be that unusual, but it has already led to dire consequences for those living in Ferguson and in Baltimore.


More black ‘victimhood’….you can’t call a thug a thug…

The unlikely origins of the word ‘thug’

In the wake of violence and unrest in Baltimore, media commentators as well as politicians – including President Barack Obama – called rioters “thugs”, and were criticised for it. But the term has a much older history.

In the US, “thug” is a loaded term.

“It’s this very effective way of suggesting that the people who are doing the rioting and who are being called thugs don’t actually have a right to their outrage,” she says.

That’s partly why there’s widespread disgust in the African American community over its use. Just take the response Baltimore Councilman Carl Stokes gave to CNN’s Erin Burnett over the word.

“It’s not the right word to call our children ‘thugs,'” Mr Stokes said. “These are children who have been set aside, marginalised, who have not been engaged by us.”

Garber isn’t surprised the word has become so loaded.“In some sense, the history of language is about people trying to wield power over other people,” she says.

“And so this is just one more example of that strife and that effort.”



Here is a typical BBC, very one-sided, look at the ‘problem’…..naturally the BBC doesn’t bother with any context or challenge to the lines being fed to us that blacks are treated more harshly than whites……..

Would it have been different if the Waco bikers were black?

Collection of photos from the Waco shooting



Biker gangs in Waco, Texas, shot each other up and the police moved in to stop the shootings.  The police actually shot some of the bikers and arrested over 170…and yet black activists, and the BBC, are asking why there was no ‘tanks’ etc on the streets…it’s a race thing surely?

Well perhaps there were no tanks because, despite police shooting some bikers and arresting 170 or so of them, there were no mass riots, civil disorder and mass destruction in reaction to those shootings and arrests in contrast to how the black community reacted in Baltimore and Ferguson….here are those rioting bikers……



And yet there were heavily armed police at Waco…



Contrast with Baltimore and Ferguson….can you spot the difference?……




And you may remember a previous police action at Waco….guess that was police racism as well….or not as the ‘victims’ of police violence were white……….




How about those racist National Guardsmen?



or indeed back to Waco present day…….those racist cops arresting all these black boys……







Question Time Live Chat

The Question Time circus travels to Derby tonight. Ring-master Dimbo the Magnificent controls the wild beasts (Labour MP Stella Creasy, Conservative MP Nicky Morgan and entrepreneur Hilary Devey) with his whip and chair, whilst the clown duo of professional communist Owen Jones and Lib Dem MP Tim Farron amuse us with their childish antics. Join us and be shocked and awed.

Grab a ringside seat here

Register here if necessary.


The BBC were working themselves into quite a state of euphoria over that handshake between IRA godfather Gerry Adams and Prince Charles in Galway yesterday. What sickened me MOST about a pretty revolting situation was the way in which the BBC coyly referenced Adams as leader of ..cough…”the Republican movement” without making it clear that he commanded the IRA terrorist campaign and would assuredly have been involved in the signoff of the murder of Lord Mountbatten all those years ago. The BBC is an agent for appeasement and for sanitising the bloody heritage of Adams and his vile cohorts. It sickens me.



I am always disappointed but not surprised to read this sort of idiocy.


B-BBC reader Dave Ward responds…

“I am about to send a letter to the editor, but from past experience, this probably won’t get printed!

Dear Editor,

I assume that Steve Downes is trying his hand at comedy writing (EDP Opinion & Comment, 16th May), as I can’t believe his defence of the BBC is meant to be serious. He claims to “Know full well if I’m on the receiving end of biased, skewed reporting” and “Never for a moment have I suspected the BBC of such a crime”. I can only suggest he removes the welding goggles coving his rose tinted spectacles, and looks further. For a start, their daily “The Papers” TV programme – the backdrop for this features a number of titles, and right at the top is the only UK example, The Guardian. If that isn’t more than a little biased to the left, I don’t know what is. The BBC fought a long battle against a FOI request enquiring about the “experts” advising them on climate issues. When this effort failed it soon became apparent why: The BBC does indeed produce some wonderful specialist programmes, but their news and current affairs output can no longer be trusted, and the 1,000’s of viewers cancelling TV licences shows I’m not alone in that view. Mr Downes might also focus on what they don’t cover, as well as what they do. It is high time the organisation was given a shake-up.

At one time the EDP was fairly right wing, on account of its circulation area, but since a “night of the long knives” clear out of editorial staff it is now just as left wing as sister paper the Norwich Evening News. Both are part of the Archant publishing group, which we know contains a number of Common Purpose “graduates”, and clearly sucks up to the UEA which has many more. ”

Good to confront those who grovel to the BBC.