A Biased BBC reader writes…

“There’s one hell of a story regarding BBC bias developing over at BBC Radio Nottingham.

The Nottingham area is the only place in the country (or entire western world) with a party seeking election who speak out to advance the human rights of men and boys. 2015 marks the political debut of the political party “Justice for men and Boys” and they have 2 candidates standing – Mike Buchanan and Ray Barry.

The BBC’s response to this historic political event has been shocking even by their standards. Firstly the only recent TV appearance of either Ray or Mike involved the former briefly debating a radical feminist which the BBC heavily edited.

Roughly a week after this appearance the BBC organised hustings debate on Radio Nottingham. Mike was invited to appear but was shocked to find out that the BBC had banned men from the audience and made women’s’issues the focus of the entire discussion, with the BBC even using a female host for the event! To compound matters further still, the BBC didn’t even invite Ray Barry to the hustings debate in his constituency.

Needless to say there is considerable outrage at what the BBC have done and Mike used the debate to attack the BBC’s blatant breaches of its charter. Their conduct amounts to very clear interference in the political process and they’ve quite blatantly sabotaged the J4M&B campaign by denying them the opportunity to discuss their manifesto nor engage with the vast majority of voters who they are targeting. The BBC’s behaviour has resulted in a situation whereby the party has not had a single second in which they have been able to discuss any male issue or engage with a single male voter! I guess a parallel for you part of the world would to be to put a Protestant candidate in front of an all-Catholic audience.

You can listen to the “discussion” here:
There’s some extremely biased coverage of the scandal by the Mirror, but the comments below the piece are well worth a read, with 67 condemning the BBC and one in support!
Further analysis in this video:




I mentioned the BBC having fitted up UKIP in their ‘Meet the Ukippers’ film in the last post and curiously the subject has come up again…the BBC being quite proud of that little film.

The Guardian tells us that ‘BBC2 controller Kim Shillinglaw calls for shows that ‘grab you by the balls’ for an audience she described as the “punk” generation.  The channel, which has become synonymous with cookery and craft shows, has just seen the average age of its audience rise above 60 for the first time.  Shillinglaw called for more presenters with edge and attitude, and appeared to call time on “straight cooking” shows despite the imminent return to the channel of Nigella Lawson.’

I don’t know about you but that is probably quite scary….what the BBC believes is grabbing you by the balls is undoubtedly being openly biased and over-dramatic about subjects such as immigration, Islam and climate change…the BBC going all out to grab hold of your misperceptions about these subjects, give you a good shaking and rigorously emphasise and press home the ‘real’ facts that you never knew you didn’t know but the BBC will gladly re-educate you about.

Shillingshaw says…..

“We made a flawed but very interesting documentary called Meet the Ukippers which had some moments in it which just made your jaw drop.”

I’d be fascinated to know exactly which bits of the programme she thinks were ‘flawed’.  Could one of them be the way the BBC set out to tar a completely innocent woman as a racist?  Probably not as that is presumably the bit which made Shillingshaw’s ‘jaw drop’.  Clearly she didn’t actually listen to what the woman,  UKIP councillor Rozanne Duncan, said on the film and understood its actual meaning….we’ve looked at that film in a previous post….A Peculiar Kind Of Racism.….Duncan is in no way a racist…..and yet the BBC deliberately trailed the film, finally released in February, suspiciously close to the election, when it was already in the can in December, and ‘leaked’ that Duncan was making ‘racist’ comments.

The BBC crucified Duncan and hung her out to dry for their own political motives.  In effect this was BBC ‘racism’…you’re in UKIP you must be bad and therefore we can abuse you at will,  say anything we like about you however false, however slanderous, no matter if it destroys your life.

Hilariously Shillinglaw said ‘she wanted BBC2’s factual shows to be “a little bit more contemporary. Life isn’t just about bunting; we could do more to get closer to the national conversation”.’

Get closer to the ‘national conversation’?  You’ve got to be kidding…Evan Davis just spent half an hour lambasting Nigel Farage for his ‘unacceptable’ tone, ie, that he opposes mass immigration, wants to get out of Europe and spoke openly about the difficulties caused by immigrants who refuse to integrate and instead form their own ghetto societies…..all things Evan and the BBC find taboo subjects and yet are all ones that the ‘national conversation’ has views on that are contrary to the BBC’s and wants represented in a more balanced, reasoned and less vitriolic way…not to mention truthful.

If the BBC wants to reflect the national conversation then it will have to change its tone and start telling the truth about immigration, Europe, climate change and the consequences of the Islamisation of parts of the UK and of the political sphere as politicians sell out the country to buy minority votes.

At the moment the ‘Punk Generation’, and everyone else, is being ‘Punk’d’…fooled, humiliated and lied to by the BBC… so I look forward to a new era of openness, reconciliation and a new vision for the future that means we can talk about immigration without being called racist, talk about Islam without being vilified as Islamophobic and criticise climate ‘science’ without being deliberately associated with Nazi ‘Holocaust Deniers’ by BBC presenters.



‘Al Yahud’…The Man Who Wants To Abolish Islamophobia…Go To It!

Islamic Relief Worldwide


A Muslim Conservative council candidate has said she would never stoop so low as to vote for Ed Miliband…Al Yahud…The Jew.

I didn’t hear a thing on the news about this from the BBC….the first time I heard anything was a brief mention by Adrian Chiles and that was it.

The BBC has reported it....but has tucked it away on the ‘England’ page, so go to the Frontpage, then the UK page and then the England page to find it…you get the impression they don’t want you to see the story really….can you imagine the BBC’s reaction if this had been a white, non-Muslim Tory or, Allah forfend, a UKIP candidate?  Well of course no need to imagine, the BBC set out to stitch up a UKIP councillor for saying she was scared of ‘negroes’….mark, not that she hated them, just scared of them.

The BBC fails to mention what may well be a crucial factor in Gulzabeen Afsar’s reaction to ‘Al Yahud’…she is Muslim.

The BBC of course always tries to avoid mentioning ‘Muslim’ in any of its reports….people arrested for possible terrorism and the BBC will mention their age, their gender, where they come from and the crimes allegedly committed but nowhere do they mention the crucial bit of information that might inform the audience of a possible motivating factor in the crime…such as having Islamic beliefs….ie being ‘Muslim’…surely the one single, most important fact that the audience needs to help them understand what is going on and why so  many ‘British Youths’ are being radicalised……after all it is all Muslim youths that this is happening to.




Not only is Gulzabeen Afsa Muslim but she  is closely associated with the supposed charity Islamic Relief which many people have serious concerns about for its alleged links to ‘extremists’…here she is raising money for the ‘charity’…..



So why is the BBC not making a big song and dance about her comments?  Why are they not investigating the ‘issue’ of Muslim anti-semitism?  Why are the BBC not speaking about a ‘warning from history’?  Why does the BBC hide the truth?

Why such a low key reaction when only a few days ago we had this exclusive from the Muslim News…

Labour would outlaw Islamophobia, says Miliband in an exclusive interview

A future Labour Government is committed to outlaw the scourge of Islamophobia by changing the law and making it an aggravated crime, according to the Party’s Leader Ed Miliband.

“We are going to make it an aggravated crime. We are going to make sure it is marked on people’s records with the police to make sure they root out Islamophobia as a hate crime,” Miliband told the Editor of The Muslim News, Ahmed J Versi in a wide ranging exclusive interview.

“We are going to change the law on this so we make it absolutely clear of our abhorrence of hate crime and Islamophobia. It will be the first time that the police will record Islamophobic attacks right across the country,” he said.


When a Muslim says she wouldn’t vote for ‘the Jew’ does that not raise quite a few questions, not least what is Miliband’s reaction to her statement considering his recent pandering to the Muslim community?

The BBC falling down on the job….but what’s new when it comes to hiding anything that brings Islam into disrepute.







A joke Twitter account was set up in the name Barbie Sturgeon in the wake of the claims this weekend 


BBC Trending tells us that ‘An easy way to find key tweets about the party leaders taking part in the UK general election is to type in their surnames. Searches for “Miliband”, “Clegg”, “Farage”, “Sturgeon” and others are sufficient to bring up their Twitter accounts or hashtags being promoted by party supporters.’

They should try it themselves because if you type in ‘Sturgeon’ you will find #dollgate is trending well. The BBC, and most shockingly BBC Trending,  are resolutely ignoring this latest political scandal despite being the ones to have broken it originally in 2014.

The Huffington Post tells us ‘Nicola Sturgeon’s #DollGate Scandal Is The Worst Political Scandal Ever’ and that ‘The Sun have exposed a scandal so horrifying there is no hope the public will ever forgive her.’   The Scotsman agrees…‘Political scandal of the last week was undoubtedly the revelation that the young Nicola Sturgeon cut the hair off her sister’s Sindy doll.’

The Sun resurrected the story in a look at Sturgeon’s ‘ruthless’ rise to the top…

Did Nicola Sturgeon hack the hair from her sister’s Barbie doll?

As a child, Scotland’s First Minister Nicola Sturgeon is said to have devilishly hacked the hair from her sister’s beloved doll.

It was an early sign of the ruthlessness which has propelled her to the top of Scottish — and potentially British — politics.

Since then a storm has apparently broken on Twitter.…….Nicola Sturgeon #dollgate ‘scandal’ lights up Twitter

The Bailiwick Express thunders…You need to know why Nicola Sturgeon is at the centre of this hilarious #dollgate scandal

Even Sturgeon herself has joined in the fun…

For the record, I think my sister is misremembering. I’m sure it was a Sindy doll.

Why are the BBC ignoring this important political story that illustrates the utter ruthlessness of the woman who will  be running the country if Ed Miliband gets into No10?…Big, pressing questions come to mind…such as how will she dispose of Ed’s other puppet master, Len McCluskey?…should be an interesting fight! My money’s on the wee lassie.

Cameron had a bit of ‘brain fade’ and the BBC have relentlessly hounded him ever since….just this morning they trawled over this old story once again, even bringing in a psychiatrist….the presenter was a bit miffed as the psychiatrist ‘defended’ Cameron…apparently he was just doing what we all do occasionally….so not a sign of a man unfit for the highest office in the land with major responsibilities as I’m sure the presenter was hoping the conclusion would be.

In all seriousness it is unusual for the BBC, especially BBC Trending, to ignore something like this, especially as it gives them a chance to bash The Sun for its ‘tabloidesque’ reporting of the subject and ‘bullying’ of a female politician.

Anyway…..what will the future bring us?  At least Ed can look forward to free haircuts when in office…. #owned….


Ed Miliband Leaves The Radio One Studios




Straight In There!!


The BBC has totally ignored this blistering attack on Miliband and Labour for their record on the NHS…



However the moment this came to light they are straight in there to dump on Cameron…worthy of frontpage news as a story in its own right apparently….

David Cameron’s West Ham football ‘brain fade’





‘We got into the papers, didn’t we?’



The Spectator reports that one of Miliband’s closest aides justified the shameless use of dead migrants to attack Cameron in this way…

‘We got into the papers, didn’t we?’


Not just the papers of course….Miliband had the headline on the BBC frontpage for the whole day and dominated the news bulletins all day as well…why did the BBC allow itself to be used when it knew this was a cynical political stunt by Miliband in the most shameless and cowardly way possible…..briefing that Cameron was directly to blame for deaths of migrants and then the next day not actually daring to make that blatant claim, instead making an indirect link to the tragedies and then touring the newsrooms claiming this was the Tories ‘manufacturing a row’…or as Miliband put it ‘whipping up a storm’ when clearly this was a Labour plot to smear Cameron, to cast the Tories as ‘political plotters’ and to grab the headlines?

‘We got it [the dead migrants] in the papers’!  Remind me why immigrants vote Labour when they are just ‘cannon fodder’ for Miliband’s political ambition to be PM and Labour’s wider ideological intrigues?



Blood Money’s Worth


Miliband wants to forget Iraq and has ‘put it behind him’…I guess he wants to do the same with the crisis in Libya which he helped create.


Miliband is certainly getting his blood money’s worth out of migrants dying in the Med.  The BBC has given him headlines all day and has hardly mentioned the large amount of criticism directed at him from so many quarters.

The BBC’s Chris Mason tried to blame the Tories for making this into an ‘incendiary story’ and deflecting the news agenda away from Labour’s ‘subtle, nuanced point’ about Libya and the failure to plan for the future….or as Mason put it…Labour’s subtle argument was ‘obliterated by the Tory attack’.  That claim was made after he admitted Labour had sent him their press release the night before stating quite clearly that Cameron was directly to blame for deaths of migrants…how can Mason then blame the Tories for ‘turning this into an incendiary issue’?  Labour deliberately set out to get the headlines with a highly inflammatory statement and the BBC has obliged all day.

We then had on ex-diplomat Sir Jeremy Greenstock…and you

have to ask how on earth does the UK get anything done in its own interest with the likes of Greenstock representing them?…a man more inclined to be an internationalist than a man who would press for the UK’s interests first.  I always despair/laugh when I listen to diplomats….they seem to think their job is to get agreement regardless of the actual contents of the agreement.

Greenstock waffled on and essentially attacked Cameron.   Tony Livesey seemed all too keen as he declared ‘So Ed Miliband was right!’


Miliband was in the BBC’s ‘Live Lounge’ today being quizzed on his policies…..even in this report the BBC’s first comment is about Libya even though the first question was

about the SNP…and no mention of the question about ‘trust’ and his having betrayed his brother…the questioner saying he and his friends probably wouldn’t vote Labour because of this trust issue…you might think that was a notable comment, especially considering the huge fuss about this recently….the BBC didn’t…they stuck with Libya…..

Ed Miliband has been questioned by 10 young voters in the Live Lounge.

He was quizzed on the issue of migrants trying to reach Europe after accusing David Cameron of being partly to blame for recent deaths in the Mediterranean.

Curiously no mention of Miliband’s betrayal of the Syrian people either.…how many have died after he abandoned them to their fate…and how many are those refugees drowning in the Med because of his failure to support them?  Hope he asks that question of himself in the mirror each morning just as he denounces Cameron.  The BBC certainly won’t be asking him such awkward questions.

Whilst the BBC give us their Live lounge interview one they don’t report is an encounter Miliband has had on LBC about the NHS…


From the Mail:

‘I find it physically repulsive when you claim to be the party of the NHS’: The moment Miliband met his match in an ordinary member of the public whose mother suffered agonising hospital death under LABOUR

A woman whose mother died in a hospital under Labour has told Ed Miliband that she find it ‘physically repulsive’ when he claims to lead the party of the NHS.

During a live radio phone-in, the woman challenged the Labour leader over the ‘totally avoidable’ and ‘horrific’ death.

The woman, who was identified as Claire from Manchester, said that there was a ‘total denial’ from the party about what went wrong in her mother’s case.

She said that her local Labour candidate had put the phone down on her when she rang him to speak about the treatment her mother received.

The exchange is one of the first unscripted moments of the election campaign, which has been tightly-controlled and stage-managed with the party leaders meeting very few regular voters.

As the Mail says this is one of the few unscripted moments of the campaign where ‘real’ members of the Public have got through to the politicians unchecked….the BBC itself was raising this issue about stage-management of ‘public appearances’…and yet they ignore this blistering attack on Miliband.

The BBC though were happy to report this….

Ed Miliband mobbed by hen party on campaign trail in Chester


Not once but twice…

Hen party bride-to-be says Miliband ‘has my vote’


So two stories about Miliband being ‘mobbed’ and not one about severe criticism of Labour on the NHS…which of course is one of its central themes of its election campaign…..because we all know that ‘labour created the NHS’…except it didn’t…all it did was put into practise a plan devised by William Beveridge, a Liberal, under the authority of Tory PM Winston Churchill.

It looks very much like the BBC is acting like Miliband’s PR agency than a news outlet, only reporting the nice stuff and hiding the bad.




My friend Jon Gaunt was on Newsnight last night discussing immigration and he has made a very revealing and interesting podcast on the experience here. Having done so many BBC “Interviews” myself over the years, I totally relate to the points Jon makes. It’s the contrivance, the clear imbalance and the horror when you say something that resonates with normal people but not their elitist view. Jon frequently talks about the institutional bias of the BBC and I would commend that you subscribe to his podcast.