A Biased BBC reader writes…
“There’s one hell of a story regarding BBC bias developing over at BBC Radio Nottingham.
The Nottingham area is the only place in the country (or entire western world) with a party seeking election who speak out to advance the human rights of men and boys. 2015 marks the political debut of the political party “Justice for men and Boys” and they have 2 candidates standing – Mike Buchanan and Ray Barry.
The BBC’s response to this historic political event has been shocking even by their standards. Firstly the only recent TV appearance of either Ray or Mike involved the former briefly debating a radical feminist which the BBC heavily edited.
Roughly a week after this appearance the BBC organised hustings debate on Radio Nottingham. Mike was invited to appear but was shocked to find out that the BBC had banned men from the audience and made women’s’issues the focus of the entire discussion, with the BBC even using a female host for the event! To compound matters further still, the BBC didn’t even invite Ray Barry to the hustings debate in his constituency.
Needless to say there is considerable outrage at what the BBC have done and Mike used the debate to attack the BBC’s blatant breaches of its charter. Their conduct amounts to very clear interference in the political process and they’ve quite blatantly sabotaged the J4M&B campaign by denying them the opportunity to discuss their manifesto nor engage with the vast majority of voters who they are targeting. The BBC’s behaviour has resulted in a situation whereby the party has not had a single second in which they have been able to discuss any male issue or engage with a single male voter! I guess a parallel for you part of the world would to be to put a Protestant candidate in front of an all-Catholic audience.
You can listen to the “discussion” here:
There’s some extremely biased coverage of the scandal by the Mirror, but the comments below the piece are well worth a read, with 67 condemning the BBC and one in support!
Further analysis in this video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8xz9cLGOdsU“