You Can’t Keep a Good Man Down



The Brand wagon is still rolling strongly, promoting his book and revolution.

Apparently the BBC still think he has important things to say and that he ‘has the ear of the youth’…the worthy Giles Fraser not being the audience winner they had obviously hoped for….I’m sure yesterday’s Radio One’s Breakfast show audience were thrilled to once again have Brand shoved down their throats….never mind R1’s audience apparently being an average age of 32…




Back in 2008 Allison Pearson in the Mail declared……

The age of the over-sexed, overpaid moron should be declared over.

As someone who treasures the BBC and the great contribution it can make to the life of our country, I hope it turns out to be on the side of Us not Them.


I imagine she feels somewhat disappointed 6 years on that the BBC is very definitely on Their side.



You have to laugh…..the multi-millionaire Brand is worried that anti-Austerity protests will make him late for his trip to the theatre….but you know what….he’s there with ’em on the barricades…….in spirit…..

Russell Brand has said he can see why “there is so much frustration” among protesters who took part in an anti-austerity march in London.

Thousands of activists marched through London on Bonfire Night to protest against the political establishment.

Brand told Nick Grimshaw on Radio 1’s Breakfast show he was worried the march might make him late for a West End show, which he later attended.







The EU Pays Us To Be A Member…No Really



Did I really hear an EU apparatchik telling us on the Today show (08:34) that the UK has benefitted from the EU, receiving £70 billion in benefits from it, whilst the UK gives the EU a mere £6.7 billion?

Sure I did hear that.


What I didn’t hear was any challenge to that, quite obviously, misleading ‘Fact’.


Even the Guardian admits the UK pays in more than it receives:

The UK contributes much more than it receives too, about €4.7bn more.


The UK’s contribution…..£11.273 billion

The UK’s receipts from EU…..£6.570 billion


It’s all ‘a question of the definition’ as the apparatchik claimed.







Viva La Berlin Wall


BBC journo’s seem to like the romance of the AK47 wielding terrorist



‘Today’ (08:40) brought us Steve Rosenberg, the BBC’s Moscow correspondent, who after a spell educating himself in Soviet Russia, pre the collapse of the Berlin Wall (No surprise there….a BBC journo studying in Moscow), and continuing to live there for the next 15 years (I’m sure he’s not gone native) tells us that the fall of the Berlin Wall was a disaster leading to war and conflict.  The Soviet Empire was a peace keeper that meant the world could relax in the knowledge that having a Soviet jackboot on your neck and AK47 toting insurgents murdering anyone who didn’t agree with their world view was in fact a welcome sign of a benevolent regime much preferable to the unconstrained freedoms that would allow an outbreak of the nightmares that come with democracy, free speech and liberty.

Russia invading the Ukraine isn’t a sign of Russian aggression trying to re-establish its old empire but a reaction to EU aggression led by NATO which has egregiously agreed to allow countries that ask to join its ranks.

It’s the old BBC meme…just as poor old Iran is only reacting to the aggression of the US and the enemies that surround it, Russia is similarly beset by sabre rattling enemies….yes…I can see his point…..



Poor old Russkies.  Just have to keep arming most of the world’s terrorist and insurgent groups to maintain world peace.



Wander what the BBC will make of the Israeli security barrier in 25 years…unlike the Berlin Wall which was designed to keep people inside the world’s biggest prison camp, the Israeli barrier is designed to keep out murderous terrorists.

But of course it is the Israeli barrier that is the target of the BBC’s provocatively misleading reporting.





Question Time






To Justin Webb….

Justin, when interviewing people it helps if you actually interview them.  Part of that is an inconvenient requirement that you ask questions, any questions, but preferably ones that actually make the interviewee reveal something of relevance to the subject.

Unless a presenter is thrown into an interview without notice, they need to go in armed with good background knowledge.

Presumably Justin, this morning you were somewhat busy, too busy to do any research that would have allowed you to challenge Peter Hain’s furiously msileading rant about the economy and Public opinion.

Instead of keeping Hain on thread, talking about any challenge to Miliband’s leadership, Webb allowed Hain to bluster on for an extended period dodging the real point.

Judicious use of opinion polls may show that politicians are out of step with what the public wants

Webb instead of challenging Hain decided that he rather quite liked what he was hearing and when Hain raged that the economy was failing, other countries are doing so much better than us, people are disillusioned and angry with this government  Webb’s only quibble was to ask why, when people are so angry and disillusioned, Miliband isn’t profiting from that.

Basically it seemed that Webb accepted Hain’s premise about the economy and people’s beliefs.

It was the same Webb yesterday that when interviewing a LibDem accepted that ‘Tory’ policies such as the ‘Bedroom Tax’ were wrong and LibDems should possibly have resigned on principle in opposition to them.


Killer facts, produced at the right moment, can be a highly effective way of challenging a guest’s argument


Of course if you enter into an interview seemingly not intending to ask any questions I guess ‘Killer Facts’ are unnecessary when faced with a oleaginous politician who spouts lazy and fabricated tripe that suits your narrative.

peter haine carried by policemen

Peter Hain being lovingly carried to the interview by his loyal team of police manservants. Lazy sod.


Just business as usual for the BBC which has a habit of bringing in Labour politicians for a cosy chat that verge on ‘party political broadcast’ with a few questions chucked in for appearances sake.



Here We Go Again

Speakers at a pro-immigration policy conference


Isn’t it curious how the same person keeps bringing us ‘research’ that shows EU immigration benefits us….and the BBC loves it…. we’ve been here before…

The BBC, Still Selling Us A Lie On Immigration


Christian Dustmann, an immigrant himself, was one of the architects of Labour’s EU immigration policy, and yet the BBC thinks it is perfectly reasonable to quote his research as if it was entirely trustworthy….I note Migration Watch has been relegated to the status of ‘Pressure Group’ again….despite the fact thatSir Andrew Green of Migration Watch(disgracefully treated by the BBC as a Right-wing Alarmist 10 years ago) has provided more accurate, responsible and truthful predictions than anyone else.’

Dustmann runs an organisation that campaigns for immigration…In 2013 Dustmann organised the Migration: Global Development, New Frontiers…Interdisciplinary conference on migration and look who turns up to speak at his shindig…..the BBC’s pro-immigration Mark Easton, not to report but to participate, and Charles Clarke, Home Secretary in charge of immigration under Labour.


The fiigures are worthless as the person who has created them has vested interests…one in that he helped create the open door policy and he supports, actively campaigns for, mass immigration from the EU.

The BBC isn’t interested in investigating Dustmann’s claims, just trumpeting them from the rooftops.

Non-EU immigration isn’t the issue here because the big controversy is EU immigration and Labour’s policy.

Peston is just now telling us as I write that ‘this study lays this to rest’.





Islam On The Rates


Look away, look away.

The BBC ‘manages’ Islam out of the story:

Tower Hamlets Council ‘culture of cronyism’ criticised


Remarkably the BBC doesn’t think it important to quote what would seem a fairly incendiary statement from Eric Pickles which both the Telegraph and the Guardian quote…..

Mr Pickles told the Commons, adding Mr Rahman’s administration had allowed homophobia, anti-Semitism and religious extremism to “fester”.

“The abuse of taxpayers’ money and culture of cronyism reflects a partisan community politics that seeks to trade favours and spread division on the rates,” he said.


All the more remarkable that the BBC fails to quote such a line when they are always so concerned about social cohesion and multi-culturalism.

This is the closest they come to anything hinting of an ‘ethnic’ flavour to the affair…..

The report also found that a proposal to award money to lunch clubs for Jewish, Sikh and Hindu communities resulted in £99,212 being awarded to Bangladeshi or Somali groups, none of which had applied for the money.


But even that is disengenuous….spot the difference…Jews, Sikhs, Hindus….all religions, then the BBC switches and we have Bangladeshis and Somalis, both nationalities…..why not just use ‘Muslim’ which is the crucial identifying element to consider when examining anything Luther Rahman does…..his actions as Mayor seem always to be looking to promote the Muslim communities’ interests and to further the dominance of Islam in the area….he didn’t send money their way because they were Bangladeshi or Somali but because they were Muslim.

Andrew Gilligan at the Telegraph has for a very long time been investigating and exposing Rahman and his cronies in Tower Hamlets.  The BBC was very slow to take an interest even when serious allegations were being made.

You can now see why events in places like Rochdale were allowed to go on for so long when not just the police and social services but also major media providers refused to tackle anything that would mean confronting elements of the Muslim community.

The BBC thinks its silence and cover up of such sensitive matters is in the interests of community cohesion and peaceful coexistence.  It’s not.  They always come out, but not before a huge amount of damage has been done.





Jon Donnison, The BBC’s Own Islamist Cheerleader


Jon Donnison is infamous for his support for Hamas and his anti-Israel stance.  He continues the same narrative in Australia where his preoccupation is with the Islamic side of life there….in particular of course the ‘wave of Islamophobia’ sweeping across racist Australia.


Today he tweets a link to his FOOC piece on this subject (He’s so proud of it he has pinned the Tweet to the top of his feed)…

jd  arse


Curiously he totally ignores the murder of a Shia Muslim , or Non-Muslim in the eyes of Sunnis, outside a mosque in Australia:

IS supporters shot man outside Greenacre mosque: Witness claims

A man who was shot outside a mosque in south-west Sydney was the victim of an attack by local Islamic State (IS) supporters, a witness has said.

Rasoul Al Mousawi, 47, was shot in the head in an industrial area on Rosedale Avenue, near the intersection of Brunker Road at 1:15am (AEDT).

A friend of the victim, a Shia Muslim who did not want to be identified, said a group of men drove past the Houssaineyat-Alnabialakram Association in Greenacre several times before the shooting, calling out “IS lives forever”.

“They called us ‘Shia dogs’ and they threatened to come back down tonight and kill you, shoot you, whatever,” the man said.

“We didn’t believe them and we went home and we got a phone call that one of our community members got shot in the head.

“He was walking his family home so he can come back and do the cleaning (at the mosque) and they shot him in front of his family.


Not sure why Donnison has a job at the BBC when he is so clearly biased, and not biased towards something relatively harmless but towards people who are extraordinarily dangerous and who influence the Muslim youth in this country to radicalise.


Dame Pauline Neville Jones told us, on the BBC (10:46), that we are in a major propaganda war about what kind of society we are, what kind of society is civilised and we must work hard to dissuade Muslims from joining organisations like IS.

She went on to say that the attraction towards IS by many young Britons is ‘a commentary on our ability to create inside our country an integrated society where people want to belong and pull together.’

She relates this to the Trojan Horse affair in Birmingham where people live in enclaves and don’t want to belong….the BBC of course suggested we should just let them Islamise the schools if that is what the parents want.

She says that this failure to deal with the reluctance to integrate affects our ability to control terrorism.


The BBC’s journalists, promoting Islamism and Islamist terror groups along with continuing to feed into their narrative about foreign policy,  create an atmosphere where Muslims feel they are victims, the West is attacking them (rather than the other way round) and that they are justified in attacking the West in ‘defence’ of Islam.

It is a propaganda war that the BBC has long served on the wrong side of.

Some graffiti on a wall, put there by who knows who, and Donnison claims Australia is Islamophobic.  A Muslim is shot, probably by another Muslim, and he doesn’t want to know.





Interesting to see the sort of priorities that the BBC likes to push…

 Why is Tim Cook of Apple the only major gay US CEO? asks BBC reporter Ben Morris.

The answer is that most CEO’s in the US, just like in the UK, manage to do their job without feeling a NEED to discuss their sexual preferences. The fact that Tim Cook decides he has to publicise it is surely more a question for him?


You have to admire the fact that the BBC can keep a straight face when pushing the wild exaggerations from the UN on climate change (formerly known as “global warming before the globe started cooling).

The unrestricted use of fossil fuels should be phased out by 2100 if the world is to avoid dangerous climate change, a UN-backed expert panel says. The Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change says in a stark report that most of the world’s electricity can – and must – be produced from low-carbon sources by 2050. If not, the world faces “severe, pervasive and irreversible” damage. The UN said inaction would cost “much more” than taking the necessary action.

As ever, the BBC is keen to push the alarmism and avoid the facts. The IPCC has been so wrong, so often, that it is remarkable how the BBC still pushes this garbage.