Jon Donnison is infamous for his support for Hamas and his anti-Israel stance. He continues the same narrative in Australia where his preoccupation is with the Islamic side of life there….in particular of course the ‘wave of Islamophobia’ sweeping across racist Australia.
Today he tweets a link to his FOOC piece on this subject (He’s so proud of it he has pinned the Tweet to the top of his feed)…

Curiously he totally ignores the murder of a Shia Muslim , or Non-Muslim in the eyes of Sunnis, outside a mosque in Australia:
A man who was shot outside a mosque in south-west Sydney was the victim of an attack by local Islamic State (IS) supporters, a witness has said.
Rasoul Al Mousawi, 47, was shot in the head in an industrial area on Rosedale Avenue, near the intersection of Brunker Road at 1:15am (AEDT).
A friend of the victim, a Shia Muslim who did not want to be identified, said a group of men drove past the Houssaineyat-Alnabialakram Association in Greenacre several times before the shooting, calling out “IS lives forever”.
“They called us ‘Shia dogs’ and they threatened to come back down tonight and kill you, shoot you, whatever,” the man said.
“We didn’t believe them and we went home and we got a phone call that one of our community members got shot in the head.
“He was walking his family home so he can come back and do the cleaning (at the mosque) and they shot him in front of his family.
Not sure why Donnison has a job at the BBC when he is so clearly biased, and not biased towards something relatively harmless but towards people who are extraordinarily dangerous and who influence the Muslim youth in this country to radicalise.
Dame Pauline Neville Jones told us, on the BBC (10:46), that we are in a major propaganda war about what kind of society we are, what kind of society is civilised and we must work hard to dissuade Muslims from joining organisations like IS.
She went on to say that the attraction towards IS by many young Britons is ‘a commentary on our ability to create inside our country an integrated society where people want to belong and pull together.’
She relates this to the Trojan Horse affair in Birmingham where people live in enclaves and don’t want to belong….the BBC of course suggested we should just let them Islamise the schools if that is what the parents want.
She says that this failure to deal with the reluctance to integrate affects our ability to control terrorism.
The BBC’s journalists, promoting Islamism and Islamist terror groups along with continuing to feed into their narrative about foreign policy, create an atmosphere where Muslims feel they are victims, the West is attacking them (rather than the other way round) and that they are justified in attacking the West in ‘defence’ of Islam.
It is a propaganda war that the BBC has long served on the wrong side of.
Some graffiti on a wall, put there by who knows who, and Donnison claims Australia is Islamophobic. A Muslim is shot, probably by another Muslim, and he doesn’t want to know.