Janet Daley asks the question the ‘elite’ should be asking themselves:
‘It has become received wisdom that the reason for that massive electoral rebellion against the EU was that the people were throwing a harmless tantrum: they were just letting off steam because they knew that their votes in this election did not matter.’
And what do people do next when they realise that their votes don’t matter?
We are in many respects living in an apartheid state…the rich, elite politicians, supposedly representing ‘us’, aided by ‘their friends in the Media’, who decide amongst themselves, regardless of public opinion, how they will run the world.
In apartheid states throughout the last century such elitist, powerful vested interests were met with differing strategies.
As Janet Daley asks, when the People really understand that they have no say in the decisions that they consider of major importance and decide to change that situation what will they do?
What would Gandhi do? What would the ANC do?
Today has brought us two perfect examples of the ‘Establishment’ moving to protect its interests…and all without a demurring word from the BBC.
Europe has seen anti-EU and anti-immigration movements becoming increasingly popular and those in charge do not look kindly upon such threats to their hegemony.
In response the unelected left-wing EU Commission has proclaimed that the UK must follow a new path economically...one remarkably similar to Labour’s own thinking…probably not a coincidence…and more than likely done at the instigation of Labour EU fanatics Mandelson and Blair…..both now increasingly in the headlines seeking to promote more ‘Europe’.
Nice that the EU dishes out pro-Labour propaganda in election year….designed to boost thier election chances and ensure an immigrant friendly government takes the reins?
And remember this?:
EU should ‘undermine national homogeneity’ says UN migration chief
The EU should “do its best to undermine” the “homogeneity” of its member states, the UN’s special representative for migration has said.
Peter Sutherland told peers the future prosperity of many EU states depended on them becoming multicultural.
Mr Sutherland recently argued, in a lecture to the London School of Economics, of which he is chairman, that there was a “shift from states selecting migrants to migrants selecting states” and the EU’s ability to compete at a “global level” was at risk.
The UNHCR has decided that Europe should be taking in more refugees…it calls them refugees but in reality they are anyone who wants to get aboard the welfare gravy train in Europe…no coincidence they mostly want to get to Germany, the Nordic states and the UK.
The BBC was reporting this all day on the radio presenting it as an issue about Syrian refugees but then moving on to encompass all migrants from the Middle East and Africa…..telling us without blinking an eye that the UN wants Europe to have an open door policy….essentially if you can get on a boat, train or plane and land in Europe you’re here for good and entitled to all the benefits that Europe can provide…or should provide according to the UN.
The BBC, as with the EU Commission’s intervention in UK politics, didn’t raise any questions about the UN policy and didn’t present us with anyone who would provide any challenge to the pro-immigration narrative.
Curiously the BBC has not reported the UN’s demands on its website as far as I can see….perhaps deciding it is too inflammatory.
The Guardian reported it…but got the story wrong:
Europe faces ‘colossal humanitarian catastrophe’ of refugees dying at sea
The United Nations has been forced to consider establishing refugee holding centres in north Africa and the Middle East due to the spiralling numbers of migrants attempting perilous journeys across the Mediterranean in a desperate effort to reach Europe.
The EU had not found effective mechanisms to prevent migrants dying at sea, he said.
Instead of focusing on ever tougher border controls, the EU needed to establish safe routes.
Note that last sentence….forget border controls…just let them in. A familiar tale from the UN….The EU should “do its best to undermine” the “homogeneity” of its member states….a “shift from states selecting migrants to migrants selecting states”
The UN does clarify one point:
UNHCR Clarification on Guardian Article
In an article entitled ‘Europe faces ‘colossal humanitarian catastrophe’ of refugees dying at sea’ published on 2 June by The Guardian, UNHCR is paraphrased as saying the UN is considering Africa holding centres for asylum-seekers trying to reach Europe using irregular sea crossings. UNHCR wishes to make the following points by way of clarification:
UNHCR is not considering “holding centres” as an alternative to address the challenges of refugees and migrants risking their lives at sea.
UNHCR is calling for urgent, concerted action by coastal and non-coastal states to improve search and rescue at sea, ease disembarkation, ensure protection for refugees, asylum-seekers and the stateless, and halt harmful measures such as pushbacks and detention.
Asylum seekers should have their claims for asylum processed in a secure environment with adequate procedural safeguards in line with international refugee and human rights law.
So the UN opposes any restrictions on migrants, opposes any detention, and demands what amounts to massive handouts to the illegal migrants.
Which all might seem a bit odd…as the UN admits we can’t even cope with the problems created in 1995 in the Balkans….so how can we possibly cope with millions of migrants of vastly different cutlures, beliefs, values and demands?…..
‘The difficulty of integrating beneficiaries of international protection into their host societies in many European countries requires UNHCR to give priority to promoting good practices in this area in 2014.
UNHCR continues to search for durable solutions for those displaced during the 1991-1995 conflicts in the western Balkans and during the two conflicts in Georgia. It is cooperating with the Balkan States on the Regional Housing Programme, which is expected to provide sustainable housing solutions for some 74,000 vulnerable refugees. At the same time 97,000 IDPs still remain in need of solutions in Serbia. In Georgia, the Government successfully implements a durable solutions strategy and action plan, supported by UNHCR. However, 284,000 IDPs are still awaiting solutions.’
So 20 years on and they still look for a ‘durable solution’ to refugees created way back when…..the UN is clearly taking a political, ideological approach to immigration much as Labour did when in power…..such an approach is unworkable and undemocratic and once again demonstrates the reality of ‘democracy’ in Europ and the futility and dishonesty of the UN’s immigration ‘policy’.
The BBC seems to have decided that there are no downsides to this flood of humanity heading towards Europe or if there are any they have decided to suppress such difficulties in the hope that people will not notice…and if they do they can be shouted down as racists and nazis.
Apartheid is alive and well in Europe…the political and media classes are fighting hard to maintain their grip on power and suppress the masses, keeping them in ignorance and what is basically servitude.
Why isn’t the BBC raising any challenge to any of this? Because it is part of that class that has its boot on the neck of the People…the People who pay for the comparatively vast salaries and benefits, the hobnobbing with the rich and famous, the networking, the sporting, cultural and political access enjoyed by BBC staff…..the BBC is a bit of a parasite….greedily leeching off the working man and gorging on the licence money whilst sending in the bailiffs or police officers to lock up the poorest in society who can’t afford the TV poll tax funding the BBC grandee’s Dolce Vita.
Gandhi or the ANC? How will people react when they realise they are being ignored?
As Janet Daley says ‘what do people do next when they realise that their votes don’t matter? ‘
‘First they ignore you, then they laugh at you, then they fight you, then you win.’