Lennart Bengtsson
A scientist who joined the board of the GWPF has been intimidated and hounded out by the climate lobby:
Shameless Climate McCarthyism on full display – scientist forced to resign
But the BBC has remained resolutely silent about this.
This is the same BBC that is more than ready to claim scientists are silenced by climate sceptic’s ‘vitriolic attacks‘, as Evan Davis put it…
We looked at the BBC’s habit of attacking Sceptics whilst ignoring the violent rhetoric and intimidation from the climate lobby in Climate of Fear and Strangle The Climate Sceptics In Their Beds!!
The attacks on the GWPF are all part of a campaign by Bob Ward (and Harrabin) to silence anyone who dares to suggest that people like him aren’t telling the whole truth about the climate.
Ward has relentlessly been attacking the GWPF:
The Global Warming Policy Foundation (GWPF), set up by the former chancellor Lord Lawson, a Conservative, was accused of publishing “inaccurate and misleading” information about climate science in a formal complaint to the Charity Commission in June last year.
In his submission to the commissioners, Bob Ward, policy director at the Grantham Research Institute on Climate Change and the Environment, said the “continual activity has damaged the public interest” and was a breach of the rules governing charities.
“Nothing more important than oil”
Ward isn’t a scientist, least of all a climate scientist, he’s a PR man, he’s here to sell a story….and the story is one bought and paid for by his boss Jeremy Grantham:
This is what Jeremy Grantham, Bob‘s ultimate boss and paymaster, said about how he makes money:
Jeremy Grantham on how to feed the world and why he invests in oil
On whether there’s any conflict in him (via GMO and/or his foundation) investing in oil and gas companies?
The first point is that each fund we have at GMO – maybe 80 or so – is run by its own team. I don’t think that money management can easily have too many rules coming down from the top. Our first responsibility is to make money for our clients….and nothing is more important than oil.
Interesting phrase and attitude from an ‘environmentalist’….follow the money!
So a non-scientist PR stooge in the pay of Big Oil is running around telling the Media not to interview people like Nigel Lawson because they are not scientists and therefore cannot possibly have any understanding of the climate and cannot talk authoritatively about it…unlike himself oddly enough….and his colleague Lord Stern, also paid for by ‘Big Oil’ Jeremy Grantham, is an economist.
Here Ward complains that Lawson ‘infamously compared environmentalists to Islamic fundamentalists, stating: “the new priests are scientists (well rewarded with research grants for their pains) rather than clerics of the established religions, and the new religion is eco-fundamentalism” ‘
When you see what has happened to Lennart Bengtsson who was forced to resign from the GWPF you realise Lawson was right….the ‘religious’ fanatics and extremists are as effective at cowing the Media as any AK47 wielding Islamist.
And the BBC, no doubt guided by Roger Harrabin, has decided not to reveal this very unpleasant characteristic of the green movement, once again….or that another well qualified scientist has doubts about the approach being taken by the climate lobby….got to keep up the pretence that there is a consensus about the lies.
Ironically Der Spiegel ran this two days ago:
Climate Change Debate: A Famous Scientist Becomes a Skeptic
SPIEGEL ONLINE: Mr. Bengtsson, why did you decide to join the Global Warming Policy Foundation, an organization known for its skepticism about climate change?
Bengtsson: It is important to allow a broad debate on energy and climate. We must urgently explore realistic ways to address the different scientific, technical and economic challenges in solving the world’s energy problems and the associated environmental issues.
SPIEGEL ONLINE: Why do you think the GWPF is particularly suitable for that goal?
Bengtsson: Most of the members of GWPF are economists and this is an opportunity for me to learn from some of these highly qualified members who are active in areas outside my own expertise. At the same time, it will allow me to contribute by my own meteorological knowledge, to broaden the debate.
Harrabin keeps saying he just can’t find any sceptical scientists…is there any wonder they are so relatively rare when it is career suicide to go against the orthodoxy?
It must surely be the BBC’s job to provide a platform for such people to hold a reasoned debate instead it helps those who wish to silence by intimidation and bullying anyone who might have vaild questions to ask….the BBC’s failure to expose this bullying is a result of its own decision to accept that the ‘science is settled’, one result of which is that it is reluctant to engage sceptics in debate itself and is also reluctant to allow anything to be aired that might bring the ‘Science’ into question.
The BBC is utterly failing the ‘Science’, failing the scientists who want a real debate, failing the politicians who have to make decisions based upon the science and most of all failing the Public who has to pay through the nose for the resulting policies and for the BBC licence fee that funds all this failure and betrayal….and ultimately it is failing people like Lennart Bengtsson who fall victim to a witch hunt and mob rule in a febrile, extremist atmosphere generated to a great extent by the BBC itself….a trail that goes all the way back to Roger Harrabin and the CMEP.