Immigration…The Benefits..The Truth



Polly Toynbee let the cat out of the bag…after years of insisting that immigration  makes us wealthier Toynbee reveals that the real position is that a bigger population merely makes the economy bigger whilst not actually benefiting anybody:

“The whole economy has only got bigger because we’ve got more people.”


There might be a bigger economy but it’s not more productive and is shared out between more people, as she says…’growth per capita is virtually stagnant‘….so no overall benefit….which is what previous, non-partisan, reports have told us.



Labour Says…So It Must Be True


Sam Bowman, research director at the Adam Smith Institute, says that “rent control is a stunningly bad idea that could devastate Britain’s cities and clobber renters. To paraphrase the socialist economist Assar Lindbeck: the only thing worse for cities than rent control is bombing them.”


Labour bombing the poor?

Labour have been trawling their box of good ideas and come up with yet another wizard wheeze to lessen the dreadful impact of the ‘cost of living crisis’….no not improving the economy, or getting you a job,  or spurring on exports….as usual just more ‘poverty porn’ policies that unexamined sound great for the working man…but examined the gloss soon rubs off and the grubby underbelly is exposed….and the spin…but not by the BBC.

The BBC is reporting on Labour’s rent control policy…and reports that:

The threshold would be based on an industry benchmark of average rent rises. The Royal Institute of Chartered Surveyors is currently considering what an appropriate figure would be.


Guido reports that:

This seems to be the first RICS have heard of this. A spokesperson for RICS tells Guido that rent caps “were not part of our recommendations”, that “we are not working on rent caps” and that they are not helping Labour come up with a rent cap “benchmark”. Guido understands that RICS is “looking into” what happened and has contacted Labour to ask them why this was included in the press release.


From the Telegraph:

Labour ‘rent controls’ policy begins to unravel

Ed Miliband’s rent controls policy is in turmoil after an organisation that Labour claimed was helping with the plans said that it does not support the measures.

Labour claimed that the Royal Institute of Chartered Surveyors (RICS) was working to establish what the “appropriate benchmark might be”.

However, the organisation has now said that it is “not developing proposals on rent benchmarks for the private rented sector”.

“We do not recommend that a government introduce a ceiling on rent increases,” a spokesman added.



Nothing from the BBC…oh except this:

Emily Maitlis: Predatory landlords targeted

The policy hasn’t even been spoken aloud yet, but already it’s been hailed by the Tories as “Venezuelan-style rent controls”.

Interesting, that. They’d love to paint Ed Miliband as a Hugo Chavez-style communist.

But Labour knows – I suspect – that the 9m people in England living in 3.8m rented homes will probably be hanging the bunting out


Sounds like a bit of pro-Labour glee there……and ‘predatory landlords’?  Or just landlords?

So the Tories are spinning against Miliband purely as an ideological, dogmatic reaction according to the BBC.

Nothing to do with the fact that most commentators say the policy just won’t work…Polly Toynbee, I’m sure, excepted.

Can’t help wondering at Maitliss’s ‘surprise’ at the Tories saying Miliband is a Commie stooge….‘Red’ Ed didn’t get his nick name for nothing, and he’s had it a long time.

The BBC seems to have a growing enthusiasm for all things Marxist and Commie recently:

The curious survival of the US Communist Party


At least one thing in that tale is the familiar sounding reluctance to mention the word ‘Communism’ by the people in the US CP whilst still practising its  doctrines…..

“We try to let our work speak for us, and not make it so much about the ‘C’ word.”


Other ideologies have a similar policy……for example practising Islam but denying anything they practise actually relates to Islam….a  policy defended by the BBC and the Establishment.



Should you wish to get the two parties together and ask them about this in person you have the opportunity soon:


Tour of BBC Media City

Seminar Salford, 3 Jul 2014

RICS North West Facilities Management Professional Group are hosting an evening event at the BBC in Salford Quays to hear from the BBC team on how they delivered the vision whilst retaining a consistent and quality service.

Following the presentations from both BBC and the event sponsor Whittle Programmed Painting, a tour of the amazing building at Media City will be taking place explaining what daily challenges the BBC face, and ideas the BBC Facilities Management team created when Media City was being completed.

Followed by a buffet and a chance to network with other FM professionals in the region, come and join the North West Facilities Management Professional Group on this interesting and informative tour event.

Open to members, non members and students.


Price EXcl. VAT

£6.67 for RICS members

£6.67 for non-members

Book now




Thousands On Zero Hour Contracts At The BBC?


Labour leader Ed Miliband is expected to put forward plans to outlaw the exploitative use of zero-hour contracts.

 Len McCluskey, general secretary of Unite says….

Zero-hours contracts create a throwaway workforce.

They form a one-way street, whereby employers bear no risk, avoiding sickness and holiday pay and overtime.



Victoria Derbyshire was conducting a phone-in asking what it is you like about Zero Hour Contracts.

Plenty of people do  like them, like the felxibility and how they fit in with their lifestyle.

One question raised though was how large multi-national organisations could justify using them…say Sports Direct for example in its shops.

Derbyshire read out a text raising that issue and then ironically immediately a caller came on (11:23) who described his position as a ‘casual’ or freelancer…but he said the difference between that and a ZHC was merely from a tax point of view and he was effectively on a ZHC.

He ‘worked’ for a large international organisation, the BBC, amongst other independent production companies who operate the same system.

He gets no sick pay and no training and if he is booked by the BBC for example, every wednesday for 3 months and refuses other work because of that, and then the BBC cancels he has lost out on other work.

He gets notice of work from say 3 months to 1 day…but the work can be cancelled the day before he is due to start.

The BBC apparently has no policy statement on just what the terms of these ‘contracts’ are and how they should operate.

He said there were thousands of people being employed in the same way by the BBC on a daily basis and it is the usual practice throughout the industry.

He says there is no duty of care to ensure the people on ZHC are treated decently….the BBC has no written policy that sets out their duty of care to its army of casuals.



The BBC, being the BBC, you might have thought would have such a policy, in triplicate.  You can see why the industry employs casuals due to the way production works but when people get no sick pay, holiday pay, no training, work cancelled with no pay the day before it begins  you might have thought there might be a case for some sort of fallback system of payment to compensate…a retention fee or similar.

Sure Ed Miliband is on the job.  If Lenny Henry can get the DG’s ear sure the Leader of the Opposition can as well and the BBC Trust will issue recomendations asap.




The BBC, perhaps somewhat disengenuously, says in response to a FOI request:

Dear Mr Count,

Apologies if our previous response was not clear enough.

I can confirm that your statement below is correct; the BBC does not employ any staff at all on zero hours contracts.

Yours sincerely,

The Information Policy and Compliance Team

BBC Information Policy and Compliance
BC2B6, Broadcast Centre
201 Wood Lane
London W12 7TP, UK


It seems the BBC prefers to call them ‘flexi-contracts’…it does seem to have some sort of policy:

 ‘The BBC does not employ staff on zero-hours contracts.  We offer staff minimum hours contracts which differ as they specify a minimum number of days or hours work individuals are contracted for. 
By way of background information, it may be helpful to add that minimum hours contracts are 
commonplace in broadcasting and other industries across the UK. They are used to help with temporary 
fluctuations in workload.  A person engaged on this basis is free to accept or refuse work at any time.’


Our policy says: 
BBC Guaranteed Minimum Work contracts (also known as ‘flexi contracts’) 

This contract is suitable when the requirement for the individual is for a defined number of days or hours over a limited period which are to be worked as the business requires     (e.g. fixed hours per week/month cannot be predicted or guaranteed).  The contract is simply a form of the BBC Fixed Term contract. 
Managers are required to indicate the realistic minimum number of hours/days which can

be predicted over the contracted period  e.g. 30 days per year.  Managers should review the minimum number of contracted  hours/days regularly to ensure that the employee is contracted to the appropriate minimum.

The employee may be asked to work additional hours or days above those stated in their contract,
however there is no obligation on the BBC to offer the additional hours or days or an obligation on the employee to work those offered. Any additional hours or days worked do not count towards contractual benefits, e.g. holiday or sickness accrual.



It says ‘guaranteed minimum work contract’ but that isn’t how the caller described the way the operation worked…offered work being cancelled, sometimes the day before it was due to commence.

Perhaps this is the answer….a guarantee of some days by the BBC but additional days have no such guarantee:

BBC Contracts of Employment Policy

The employee may be asked to work additional hours or days above those stated in their contract, however there is no obligation on the BBC to offer the additional hours or days or an obligation on the employee to work those offered. Any additional hours or days worked do not count towards contractual benefits, e.g. holiday or sickness accrual.



In theory a ‘Guaranteed Minimum Hour Contract’ isn’t a ‘Zero Hours Contract’…because at least you have a guaranteed number of hours in a fixed period….however there seems quite a bit of wriggle room for managers to change that making nothing certain for an employee…and there is that ‘appropriate minimum’…which could be zero hours in effect.

Presumably you get paid for those ‘guaranteed minimum’ days even if you don’t work them…but it didn’t sound like that was the case from the caller’s description.


So all is not entirely clear just how the BBC uses ‘casual’ staff…..but in essence there seems little difference between the BBC contracts and ZHCs……there would still be a lot of uncertainty for any BBC casual/freelancer and a wage that is unlikely to meet the ‘living wage’ criteria…and of course there is no other option in the choice of contract if you are in a position that means this is the only work you have.











BBC…Defender Of The Faith


Tohseef Shaha dmitted criminal damage following the incident in Burton last April

‘Support the Taliban’



‘Islam Will Dominate The World…Osama is on his way’ ”Kill Gordon Brown’


Not a word from the Muslim Council of Britain about those insults on the BBC….and yet when the BBC makes a frontpage splash with this:

Wikipedia edit from government computer added Muslim insult


……they’re all over it:

Nasima Begum, a spokeswoman for the Muslim Council of Britain, told the BBC: “It is these types of attitudes that create an unnecessary climate of fear and hostility.

“It is shocking and cause for great concern that inflammatory comments like these should be sent from someone within the government.”


Remarkable that the BBC continues to make such a big story out of this……especially when it completely ignored C4’s ‘Dispatches’ programme ‘Undercover Mosque’ which revealed some pretty nasty thinking based on Islamic values.

The BBC instead preferred to spend a week, the same weeek Dispatches was broadcast, attacking Jade Goody for allegedly being racist on another C4 programme ‘Big Brother’…so can’t claim to be embarrassed about investigating other channel’s programmes.

A very good indication of the BBC’s priorities and how it hides really dangerous news (ala Rochdale)  in favour of hounding  ‘stupid white trash’  as Goody was proclaimed to be by the self righteous  on many a BBC programme dedicated to exposing the ignorance and prejudice of such people that week.


And in fact I can’t even find a BBC story on the vandalism of the war memorial with ‘Islam will dominate the world’ sprayed on it….nor indeed for the memorial in Burton sprayed with ‘Support the Taliban’.    There must be some I’m sure….all with expressions of sorrow and anger from the MCB.






All Change




The BBC is losing quite a few heavy weights these days….Mason, Flanders and now Paxman:

Jeremy Paxman to step down as presenter of Newsnight

Jeremy Paxman has decided to step down as the presenter of Newsnight, a position he has held with great distinction for 25 years.

He informed Tony Hall, the Director General, and James Harding, the Director of News and Current Affairs, of his decision last summer, but with the appointment of a new editor and following a difficult period for Newsnight, Jeremy generously agreed to stay to help the new team bed down.


Bit of a reshuffle going on elsewhere as well:

BBC News announces four senior appointments

BBC News has today announced four senior appointments which will strengthen the BBC’s news coverage, both internationally and at home.

Jon Sopel has been appointed as North America Editor. He replaces Mark Mardell, who will become the presenter of Radio 4’s The World This Weekend and also present The World At One on Fridays. Katya Adler has been appointed as Europe Editor, taking over from Gavin Hewitt. Ian Pannell becomes International Correspondent, in recognition of his award-winning coverage of global affairs.


Interesting they have actually replaced Mardell with a real person…a tub of lard, ala Roy Hattersley, would have done a similar job to Mardell….for a lot less money.


No sign of the Glee Club at Today being given a bit of a makeover though….Bowen might also  be usefully redeployed elsewhere….and then there’s Roger Harrabin.


Work in progress?







Busy morning on the BBC. Every effort made to debunk claims by Sir Andrew Green’s MigrationWatch (with Evan Davies joining in the fun and games), then a strange thought for the day that seemed to claim teachers were like Christ, and of course a item on how Labour might win the Newark by-election. Just a normal day through the prism of the BBC.

5Live Drivel….Paint It Black



Heard Peter Allen talking (18:24) about how the US and German economies were doing so much better than ours….because, Allen tells us, they didn’t have ‘austerity’…the ‘big cuts’…..we may be improving here…but you know what, says Allen…not so much…nowhere near where we were in 2007…..em….wasn’t that just about to go bust in the biggest crash in history!!

Got his backside kicked by the guest, who knew what he was talking about.

Germany of course was never in the bad position that the UK was in in the first place because it didn’t spend vast amounts of money in the good times.

The US’s first solution didn’t work…that is the much vaunted stimulus…Plan B in UK talk.

What did work?….well for one thing it wasn’t shackled to the Euro Zone like the UK is…the Euro Zone just doesn’t make sense…one of the reasons Britain is doing so well is because it’s not in the Euro Zone…and of course there’s shale gas making their industry so much more low cost.

Allen deflated pretty quickly…..guess the new ‘current affairs’ brief from the BBC Trust to be relevant, significant and insightful might be targeted at him.


Or it could be directed at the BBC’s economics ‘expert’ Evan Davis who a couple of weeks ago thought that ‘since 2010’ (when all things bad began for the BBC) the tax regime had become very light touch and allowed companies to get away with murder…hence the tax gap ‘increasing’.

Once again a BBC talking head got his backside kicked….the real expert put him right…the tax regime is in fact harsher than ever…..and the tax gap isn’t ‘bigger’ as the economy is itself bigger. The tax gap has in fact gone down percentagewise.


The BBC does seem to make a determined effort to play down any economic good news…whether it’s employment or GDP growth or exports or consumer sales or house prices rising…..there’s always a downside.

Still I’m sure if the moribund Miliband gets in they’ll be just the same.






If Things Don’t Change They’ll Stay The Same



Here’s the spin:

BBC News highly regarded and trusted but needs to act to maintain reputation with audiences, BBC Trust review finds



Here’s the actual report:

Review of BBC Network News and Current Affairs


Here’s the Big Changes acoming your way:

As a result of its findings the Trust has set out a number of actions for the BBC Executive, including:

  • Developing its online and mobile news provision so that it remains relevant for audiences in a rapidly-changing market;
  • broadening the agenda and tone of BBC News to address audience concerns that it can sometimes feel ‘distant’ from their lives. This includes making more use of regional and local reporters on national network news, and making further progress in creating  a more diverse workforce both on and off air;
  • Increasing the impact of its current affairs output, with  commissioning decisions  driven by the significance and relevance of the subject matter and the insight offered to audiences;
  • Ensuring that a wider range of international stories are available to audiences in the UK, making better use of the scale of the BBC’s foreign newsgathering resources.


Sounds like they had a good meeting.  Lots of good wine, good food, bit o’gossip, tips on tax efficient pay…. schemes….and oh yes…better dream up a few worthy management targetty type things to make ’em look productive, on the ball and with it.

Do like that bit about ‘current affairs’……improve their impact by making them significant and relevant…along with some insight… they really need to be telling the journos to do that?

Sounds like not a lot is going to change.

I wonder why this review of BBC news and current affairs has been made available to the Public….shouldn’t it be under lock and key?  Have they not heard that all such reviews are ‘eyes only‘ to be shrouded in secrecy behind the veil of ‘For the uses of journalism, literature or art’?

I wonder what the difference is between this review of BBC journalism and that conducted by Malcolm Balen.  Maybe the BBC, in this age of austerity, decided it couldn’t afford to spend £300,000 covering up its mistakes….or perhaps it’s just because no Israelis get killed as a result of the journalism examined in this report.







Plurality Futility


The egregious ‘Hacked Off’ is trying to impose EU diktat upon the  Media..something that could well backfire upon the Hacked Off friendly BBC.


This is one of their slides from their presentation (Via Guido):


We all know that…and yet Labour and Hacked Off don’t seem to have a problem with the BBC dominating the Media scene.

Strange that they don’t mind such a right wing organisation (h/t Owen Jones) ruling the roost.




Poison Pill



It’s small and short but poisonous:

Adie and Ruth – Adventure in the Blood


Ruth tells of her travels and then how her son follows in her footsteps…going on a journey they hadn’t realised the dangers of….going to Gaza.

The dangers of course being in a land infested with murderous terrorists and religious fanatics….or not.

The danger was the Jews.

Travelling in his boat to Gaza across the water, like Jesus, to bring salvation to the Palestinians Adie was suddenly surrounded by 8 Israeli gunships and then attacked….thrown to the ground by Israeli soldiers in full military attire (what no beach shorts and sandals?), they beat him up, dragged him in and imprisoned him for a week


Just another poison pill from the BBC about the awfully awful Israelis.