‘Get exclusives!’ Unless you happen to be a BBC boss…


Just a reminder of what a small world it is, a very incestuous world where Politics and the Media mix and are increasingly hard to tell apart.


Sue Inglish is the BBC’s  Head of Political Programmes, Analysis and Research

  • Sue Inglish has managerial and editorial responsibility for the BBC’s political programmes, and news analysis and research.
  • She is responsible for 200 staff producing political news and programmes on radio, TV and online.
  • Sue’s editorial responsibilities include content such as Question Time, the election results programmes, Today, and Yesterday In Parliament.
  • She is responsible for all output on BBC Parliament and Democracy Live.
  • Sue is a member of the News Group Board.
  • Salary and total remuneration

    Salary: £142,814
    Total remuneration: £150,614


She has no ‘personal interests to declare’.


She is married however to John Underwood who worked as a Labour Party spin doctor in the 1990’s and maintained very close working relationship with Labour throughout its period in government.


Sue Inglish was appointed to her current post in 2005 and in 2006 Underwood was making the headlines himself:

Professor who backed Tory hospital closure is former Labour spin doctor

Health Secretary Patricia Hewitt was last night at the centre of a row over cronyism amid fresh claims that Tory constituencies were deliberately being targeted for savage hospital cuts.

A former Labour spin doctor earned an estimated £100,000 for writing an independent report that endorsed the closure of a popular hospital in a Conservative area.

Ex-TV presenter John Underwood was once Labour’s director of communications and later became chairman of a Left-wing think-tank.

However, The Mail on Sunday can disclose he has reinvented himself as an ‘independent expert on engagement and consultation’ and calls himself Professor Underwood.

He was commissioned by Labour-appointed health chiefs in Hertfordshire to report on their plan to axe the hospital in Tory-held Hemel Hempstead with wards being moved to Watford, a Labour seat.

Ms Hewitt has already been accused of gerrymandering health cuts to avoid the axe falling in Labour heartlands. Earlier this month she was forced to publish secret ‘heat maps’ of Britain drawn up by her officials to show which areas were being targeted by closures.

According to recent research, seven out of ten new hospitals have opened in Labour areas.


In 2008 he was again in the headlines for underhand dealings with Labour:

‘Get exclusives!’ Unless you happen to be a BBC boss…

There’s plenty of smirking over at the BBC Politics office in Millbank, as correspondents watch their dragon-boss, Sue Inglish, squirm during the Peter Hain dodgy undeclared donors affair.

Inglish, 54 this year, is married to the old Labour spin quack John Underwood – who happens to be a mate of Hain and was his treasurer. Inglish’s husband is now in the news for setting up the controversial thinktank at the heart of Hain’s problems – a thinktank without any thoughts but which masked the identity of donors to Hain’s campaign to be deputy Labour leader…he was also once Neil Kinnock’s media chief and, under Tony Blair, chaired the New Labour think-tank Catalyst Forum.

Inglish was extremely bullish during last year’s cash-for-honours inquiry, pushing her staff to “Get out! Get exclusives!” Her department even offered its journalists an incentive of £100 to the first hack to confirm that Tony Blair was to be questioned by police.

She appears less enthusiastic about this hoo-ha being laid bare. She disappeared from the office the moment the story broke about her husband. “She wants sleaze exclusives?” spluttered a colleague. “She could give us the exclusive on this right now!”

Most galling for Inglish must have been when her own camera crews “door-stepped” her, seeking a surprise interview with her other half. No cuppas there.





The Progressives Who Didn’t Like Progress



This is from BBC journo Nick Jones who is keen to see the licence fee retained and ‘to explore the factors that led executives to detach themselves from the ethos of a public service financed by a compulsory licence fee,‘ but has some other interesting thoughts on the BBC:


How did the BBC end up being controlled by so many selfish and incompetent executives? For me the starting point has to be the challenge the Corporation faced in adjusting to the rapid expansion of radio and TV services during Margaret Thatcher’s premiership. Opening up the airwaves to competition and loosening the stranglehold of the BBC-ITV duopoly were steps which helped to create and then sustain the vitality of the vibrant broadcasting industry we have today. But the well-ordered structures of Auntie could not always cope with the repercussions of a Thatcherite free-for-all; new services came and went as ratings and market forces eroded the hitherto certainties of the BBC and a commercial TV monopoly that had originally been dubbed a “licence to print money”.


Rather than proclaim openly and publicly what the BBC required from licence fee negotiations, Birt and his acolytes preferred to deal directly but privately with the government of the day, adviser to adviser, strategist to strategist – a process that accelerated once Tony Blair was elected prime minister and their appointees became part of a revolving and self-perpetuating web of advisers, lobbyists and the like.

Perhaps a final word should go to Margaret Hodge, chair of the House of Commons Public Accounts Committee, who has urged Hall and Lord Patten, chairman of the BBC Trust, to redouble their efforts to establish clearer lines of accountability. She had her own explanation for the National Audit Office’s calculation that in the three years to 2012 the BBC gave severance payments to 150 senior members totalling £25m, half the budget of Radio 4:

“They failed to understand they were dealing with licence fee payers’ money. There was a culture at the top where people had known each other for years and years. They probably came in together as graduate trainees and it seemed right they should look after each other when they lost their jobs, giving out lots of public money in unacceptably high pay offs”

Al Beeb



A perspective on Israeli military action that you won’t hear from Al Beeb (From Tom Gross):

Video dispatch 21: Al-Jazeera: Why can’t Arab armies be more humane like Israel’s?

“Why don’t they learn from the Israeli army which tries, through great efforts, to avoid shelling areas populated by civilians in Lebanon and Palestine?

I attach a remarkable new video from Al-Jazeera (the Arabic version of al-Jazeera) in which the presenter, Faisal Al-Qaseem, asks his audience why Arab armies (and in particular the Iranian proxy organization Hizbullah) can’t act in a more humane way to civilians, like the Israeli and French militaries do. The discussion took place on one of the channel’s flagship live discussion shows, The Opposite Direction. (The guest in the video on the right, Mr Muhammed, also agrees with him.)

Among the questions posed on air:

“Why don’t they learn from the Israeli army which tries, through great efforts, to avoid shelling areas populated by civilians in Lebanon and Palestine? Didn’t Hezbollah take shelter in areas populated by civilians because it knows that Israeli air force doesn’t bomb those areas? Why doesn’t the Syrian army respect premises of universities, schools or inhabited neighborhoods? Why does it shell even the areas of its supporters? …

“I will also give you the example of France. All Syrians remember that the French forces, when they occupied Syria tried to avoid, when rebels entered mosques or schools, they stopped. The people would prefer that France come back! For god’s sake, if a referendum were to be held… if people were to be asked, who would you prefer the current regime or the French, I swear by God they would have preferred the French.”

“The Israeli army, if it wanted to break up a demonstration, would have used water cannons or rubber bullets, not rockets or explosive barrels as happens in Aleppo today.

“You mustn’t compare the Syrian army with French or Israeli… The Israeli army didn’t shell Aleppo University and students there. They didn’t shell the university with rockets killing dozens of students… The Israelis or the French didn’t kill their people. Please tell me how many of their people did the French army kill?”


You can watch the video below. One wonders when Western news outlets, such as The Guardian and BBC, which day after day single out Israel for denigration, will be as honest as this al-Jazeera anchor and studio guest?











You might have thought it strange that the independent BBC is a member of the CBI….but it was, still is in fact for now:


BBC suspends CBI membership over its no campaign in Scottish referendum

The BBC has joined the exodus from the CBI after the employers’ organisation registered as an official no campaign in the Scottish independence referendum.

But the BBC said its suspension would only come into effect during the 16 weeks of the official referendum campaign period from 30 May to 18 September. Every other CBI member to have left, including the broadcaster STV, has done so with immediate effect.

A spokesman for the first minister of Scotland, Alex Salmond, said the BBC had “done the right thing”. Asked about the much shorter period of its membership suspension, he said: “It’s up to the BBC to decide exactly what the parameters are.”

But he added: “We’re quite clear that publicly funded bodies have an obligation and in the case of the BBC, an overriding obligation, to be impartial and to be seen to be impartial.”


Judging by the BBC’s coverage of the Independence campaign I’d say Salmond has little to worry about.




However others beg to differ………There are many, many accusations of pro-Union bias against the BBC…..


This is an example of the Yes campaign’s evidence of bias:

– On 24/6/13 in STV at 6, the presenter, referring to a report from the ‘Scottish Institute’ offers unchallenged the notion that the Scottish armed forces ‘might have trouble recruiting due to lack of adventure’! The possibility of the reverse trend is not considered.


[Are the yes campaigners suggesting Scottish soldiers don’t want adventure then?]



So, on the objective evidence presented here, the mainstream TV coverage of the first year of the independence referendum campaigns has not been fair or balanced. Taken together, we have evidence of coverage which seems likely to have damaged the Yes campaign.


An academic has accused BBC Scotland of “thought control” and “suppressing” critical research which he published into coverage of the independence referendum on TV news.


BBC the New Hammer of the Scots

by craig on April 29, 2013 10:21 am in Uncategorized

I’d Hammer out Danger – I’d Hammer Out a Warning

BBC anti-Scots propaganda is moving beyond the risible towards the truly chilling



Andy Burnham…What About Stafford Hospital?



Thanks to #88 who draw my attention to the snakelike Andy Burnham….who lives by the motto that in every disaster there is opportunity.


Burnham, he who ducks and dives when questioned about Stafford Hospital, has suddenly found the time to be ‘outraged’ about something…the altering of the Hillsborough Wikipedia page….and the BBC are happy to give him plenty of …er…rope you might call it……..

In fact the BBC joins in with his mad conspiracy theories about this as he suggests it goes all the way to the top.

The BBC presenter asks ‘Given the location of the computer just how damaging do you think this is?’

Talk about a leading question….how damaging to whom exactly?  The present government? Why is this damaging to government at all…it’s just some herbert with time on his hand and a grievance…..it’s not MI5.


Burnham tells us that this is coming from ‘the heart of government….who’d have thought the authorities could stoop so low in their treatment of Hillsborough victims and survivors…sickening and appalling that someone within government could aim this type of abuse at them….and it shows what I have been up against from government and the Establishment…it may have been a rogue individual but perhaps it is more than that….but it shows just how high up those attitudes went!’


The man is barking…the same man who blocked a public inquiry into Stafford Hospital now complains about the ‘Establishment’ conspiring to silence him.


Here’s the BBC giving credence to his madness:






The BBC is employing that old trick of hyping and hyping a very dubious allegation and making loose associations with whomsoever it is targeting, in this case the present government, knowing that mud sticks whatever the final outcome….perhaps it was merely a cleaner in a government office but the BBC, and Burnham, would no doubt be happy if David Cameron is dragged into this in whatever capacity and have his name suddenly mentioned alongside such allegations smearing him however tenuous the link.



Death And Football….Some Perspective



Today the BBC announced that a report that someone, from 2009 to 2012, using a government computer, had altered the Hillsborough tragedy’s Wikipedia page  adding insults to it, was the BBC’s lead story.

Indeed it did seem to be so with a not inconsiderable amount of coverage for what might seem a small story in the scale of things…though naturally distressing to the families….. though the abuse was removed almost immediately from the page when posted.


The Liverpool Echo broke the story:

Exclusive: Shocking Hillsborough insults added on Wikipedia from Government computers

A series of sickening revisions to the site began on the 20th anniversary of the 1989 tragedy, when “Blame Liverpool fans” was anonymously added to the Hillsborough section of the encyclopedia site.

Computers on Whitehall’s secure intranet were used again in 2012 to change the phrase “You’ll never walk alone” to “You’ll never walk again” and later “You’ll never w*** alone.”

The words “nothing for the victims of the Heysel stadium disaster” were also added to a description of the Hillsborough memorial at the Reds’ stadium.



The BBC, as said, has been highlighting this all day.  This is its web page:

Hillsborough Wikipedia posts: Government pledges ‘urgent inquiries’


I have heard only a single mention of Heysel…in a text message read out on 5 Live suggesting we don’t forget it….that suggestion didn’t spark any interest in the presenter and was indeed instantly forgotten.  It was rare to hear a mention at all during the BBC’s coverage of Hillsborough recently.

Hillsborough seems to have caught the BBC’s imagination….no doubt who was in government at the time, the police mistakes and coverup, and Murdoch Sun’s infamous frontpage all contributing to it being so keen to keep this one running.



No headlines or lead story from the BBC about this…not hard to find the culprit…or which ‘government office’ seems to find it OK:



Or how about the BBC’s own involvement in a ‘disrespectful’ insult….remember ‘Ding Dong The Witch Is dead’ chart manipulation after Mrs Thatcher’s death?……..

“The BBC finds this campaign distasteful, but does not believe the record should be banned.

BBC director general Tony Hall said: “I understand the concerns about this campaign. I personally believe it is distasteful and inappropriate.

“However, I do believe it would be wrong to ban the song outright as free speech is an important principle and a ban would only give it more publicity.”





However even the Guardian thinks it may have gone too far in some of its coverage of Hillsborough:

Mix and Match of the Day turns tragedy to cliche

Adam Curtis did a brilliant piece on Charlie Brooker’s Newswipe on BBC4 last week about “Oh Dearism”, the trend for television news to show shocking events about which we can do nothing but feel helpless and sad, and to which the only possible reaction is “Oh dear”.

I wonder if anybody in BBC Sport saw it. I only ask because Saturday’s Football Focus and Match Of The Day used the 20th anniversary of the Hillsborough disaster to indulge in the kind of crass grief tourism that has become a media staple since Princess Diana’s death.

Had the coverage dealt with this issue, there might have been some point to it, but interviews with the parents of two teenage girls who died on the terraces were there merely to fill our eyes with pointless tears. It is a kind of pornography. Anybody who knows anybody who has lost a child to sudden death or can imagine what it might be like to lose one’s own knows how unspeakably sad it must be. But what can you do, other than say, “Oh dear?”



At Heysel in Belgium in 1985 (May 29) Liverpool fans caused 39 deaths and around 600 injuries…so just a reminder to put things in perspective:







Just a few days earlier on May 11 Bradford City’s stadium burst into flames…in the 5 minutes one stand took to burn to the ground 56 people died and 250 were injured despite the best efforts of police officers to rescue many stricken fans putting themselves at great risk to do so.



Bradford fire: forgotten tragedy of the Eighties

“All of a sudden, a sheet of flame went up to the roof and along the entire length of the stand. Within five minutes of it starting, the whole stand was burnt down. In fact, I think it was timed at 4min 35sec. The strong wind was fanning it from the end where the blaze had started.

“It didn’t receive much comment at the time, but the roof was bitumen, with slats, and as the flames ran along the top of the stand the bitumen started melting and falling on the people below. People were coming out of there with their hair and clothes singed and big drops of bitumen all over them.

The tragedy lacked both the global reach of Heysel – a European Cup final, between Liverpool and Juventus – and the outrage and sense of injustice that came with the Hillsborough disaster. Bradford was commonly regarded as a product of widespread ignorance about general safety at football grounds, and the lethal combustibility of wooden seats (there was an echo here, in wider society, with the King’s Cross fire -itself blamed on the presence of wooden escalators on the London Underground).

With Bradford there was no stampede by drunk and belligerent fans (Heysel), and no policing or stewarding issues of the sort that keeps the Hillsborough Campaign in sad and grinding motion to this day. Put the three calamities side by side and you wonder how football ever emerged from the Eighties. With so many dead in four short years, our national game had become a killing field. The Popplewell and Taylor reports into Bradford and Hillsborough, respectively, were among the most important social documents of our times.





My thanks to David Keighley and Andrew Jubb for this most interesting report on BBC bias over at Civitas. Make sure you read it….

“In this report Newswatch finds that the BBC’s independent Prebble report1 – which the BBC Trustees claimed gave a clean bill of health to the Corporation’s coverage of the EU,2 immigration and religion – is seriously flawed.

Newswatch has unearthed ties between Stuart Prebble and the BBC, between the BBC and the university department which conducted the supposedly impartial research, and between the university’s project director and the EU. The independence of the project is thus severely compromised. “


Yesterday, the BBC obligingly ran with the Labour line that Comrade Ed and the gang had taken the moral decision to move away from the long historical link to the Co op Bank. However it seems not all was as the BBC reported;

As pieces of political spin go, it was up there with the best – even if it concerned the dry subject of Labour’s banking facilities. This morning, the BBC reported that it had “learnt” that the party was looking at ending its 80-year relationship with the Co-operative Bank. It was heavily implied that this was a Labour initiative caused, in part, by recent controversies at the bank which it no longer wished to be a part of.

But as with all things that are spun, there is a risk that they will unravel. And by this afternoon, the party was facing charges that it had been rather economical with the actualité and that it was, in fact, the troubled Co-op that wanted to sever its relationship with Labour, and not the other way round.


Have a read of this if you will!

“So is the BBC in crisis? The consensus seems to be, not yet – though it soon may well be. Steven Barnett predicts a gathering tide of anti-BBCism from Tory politicians and newspapers in the runup to the charter renewal. He writes: “If Britain wants to sustain a cultural institution which is still trusted and enjoyed by the vast majority of its own citizens while being praised and admired throughout the world, we must have the political will to make the resources available.” In other words, an inflation-linked licence fee must be restored (and wisely spent). That, rather than the history of the sexual predators it once employed, will be the BBC’s make or break.”