This short segment from the Simon Mayo film review show (14:41) perfectly encapsulates the mindset of our betters in the BBC…and why the NHS fails:
They are discussing ‘Anchorman 2’ with Will Ferrell when Mayo gets onto the subject of the US and UK news broadcasters….
‘We have the BBC [hurray!]…..we don’t have your Fox News….do you think we are missing out?’ [Said of course in tone that suggests that is really quite funny thing to say…so very ridiculous!]
Ferrell, Democrat, replies, when the laughter slows:
‘It depends on your belief systems…hahaha…personally no, you’re not missing out.’
Mayo continues:
‘There’s a key moment in the movie when you say ‘why don’t we give Americans what they want rather than what they should have‘…probably that conversation did happen [with Rupert Murdoch]...and is still happening.’
A perfect illustration of the patrician and arrogant BBC Liberal mind at work….‘We know what is best for you.’
Ferrell earlier said of the ‘Anchormen’ that they ‘Bang through life with no self awareness or emotional growth…they are at war with the way the world is with no idea that people think differently to the way they do.’
He thought he was describing a satire of ‘Fox News’….but that is in fact a good description of the BBC…stuck in the leftwing student politics of the 60’s, completely out of touch with real life and what people think and want.
The BBC deciding to provide us with what we ‘should have’ leads to this…from the Telegraph not the BBC….which has presumably decided you ‘shouldn’t need to know this’:
NHS on brink of crisis because it became ‘too powerful’ to criticise
Head of health and social care regulator David Prior says NHS has been damaged because criticism was not tolerated
THE NHS should not be treated as a “national religion” while millions of patients receive a “wholly unsatisfactory” service from GPs and hospitals, the official regulator has warned.
David Prior, the chairman of the Care Quality Commission, said the health service had been allowed to reach the brink of crisis because it was “too powerful” to be criticised.
He said parts of the NHS were “out of control” because honest debate about the weaknesses of the health service was not tolerated.
Mr Prior suggested that the “target culture” imposed by Labour a decade ago fundamentally damaged the culture of the NHS, creating a “chillingly defensive” operation in which the truth was often sacrificed.
“The whole culture of the NHS became so focused on targets that it obscured what real quality was about,” he said. “The voice of the patient wasn’t in those targets.”
The BBC has long hidden Labour’s deadly mistakes during its time in control of the NHS…and continues to do so as they tried to bury this bad news for Labour:
NHS Accuse Burnham of ‘Misreporting Facts For Political Gain’
Senior Official Says Shadow Health Secretary Misled Commons
A senior NHS official has accused Andy Burnham’s office of ”misinterpreting and misreporting” evidence about taxis being used as ambulances “in order to present a grossly inaccurate picture for the purposes of apparent political gain”.
The BBC’s politics…. getting in the way of the truth? and the result is…patients suffer.