Happy Families…Dad’s Kapital



As mentioned before…The BBC working hand in hand with Labour to massage Miliband’s image….and we all know Marxists love ‘the family’…..about as much as the BBC does.

We’ve had the Newsnight ‘Milibandism’ party political broadcast and now this clip from Desert Island Discs (full version on Monday).

Guess now that Miliband’s ally at the top of the Co-op is no longer available for donations the BBC has stepped up with its donations ‘in kind’.



The BBC’s trail shows exactly what the intention of this charade is:

Ed Miliband: ‘Parents welcomed us into politics’

Ed Miliband has attributed his interest in politics to his parents, in a programme for BBC Radio 4.

The Labour leader spoke to Kirsty Young for an edition of Desert Island Discs, which is due to air on Sunday.

In October, Mr Miliband called for an apology from the Daily Mail newspaper, after it published an article about his late father, Ralph, entitled ”The Man Who Hated Britain.”




The Daily Mail’s Take On Immigration


UK Border Agency and police round up Romanians living at Hendon Football Club this year



In a contrast to the BBC’s take on East European immigration here is the Daily Mail’s:


DAILY MAIL COMMENT: A million of our young out of work, dictatorship by Brussels and why Mr Cameron can no longer ignore the people on immigration


In less than six weeks, unless there is a decisive Government U-turn, Britain, as required by the European Union, will throw open its jobs market to the 29 million citizens of Romania and Bulgaria.

It’s a development which could have the most considerable implications for the Prime Minister, British society and, most importantly, this country’s one million unemployed young people.

Yet David Cameron and his ministers are approaching January 1 with a head-in-the-sand insouciance which is so sadly typical of a political class that is increasingly remote from the lives and concerns of ordinary voters.

Incredibly, the Government has refused to estimate how many migrants will arrive. 

This week, Mark Harper, the Immigration Minister, said — with frightening complacency — that he didn’t think the number would be huge.

In doing so, he ignored hard empirical evidence that a new wave of immigration is about to take place that will place huge strain on our already stretched schools, hospitals and housing.

Consider the facts: the average wage in Britain is about £26,000 a year, compared with just over £3,000 in Bulgaria and £4,000 in Romania. It’s utterly unsurprising that, when the Mail visited both countries recently, there were huge queues at recruitment centres for British hotel chains, fast-food firms and the NHS.

Even before the restrictions are lifted, 135,000 workers from Romania and Bulgaria are already in this country. This number has increased by 23,000 in the past year alone.

On Tuesday, it emerged how British colleges were being inundated by applications from 5,000 youngsters from these two desperately poor countries wanting student loans.

Salford University research reveals Britain already has one of the largest Roma populations (which includes migrants from Romania and Bulgaria) in Western Europe — with about 200,000 living here. 

That figure, typically, is four  times higher than the Government’s own estimates.

Worryingly, MigrationWatch UK chairman Sir Andrew Green, whose research has proved painstakingly accurate over the past decade, is predicting 50,000 arrivals every year from Romania and Bulgaria from January 1.

Over five years, that is the  equivalent of the population of a city the size of Hull.

The Mail cannot be accused of irresponsibility in raising this issue.


I wouldn’t bet on that.




So now we know…. the BBC told us that moving production out of London was providing jobs for Taxi drivers and hairdressers:


Question Time's panel looked a little thin on the ground after two scheduled guests were left stranded


Host David Dimbleby was forced to apologise to viewers as panelists Labour Peer Baroness Bakewell – formerly TV presenter Joan Bakewell – and blogger Tim Stanley were left stranded in a stricken train. Their train was diverted because of a trackside fire near Tamworth which caused widespread disruption to Virgin services on the West Coast mainline.



Should have put the taxi driver on the panel to fill in….talk more sense than little old Russell ever does.






False Consciousness




Shock horror……

Black Brits are uncomfortable with immigration

To hear black people opposed to immigration is nothing new. In 2011 a study by Searchlight Educational Trust found 21 per cent of black Britons believed that all immigration into the UK should be stopped permanently, or at least until the UK’s economic situation improves. The study found 17 per cent of black Britons believed immigration had been a bad thing for Britain. However, what stunned me was the anger I witnessed.

At Goldsmiths University the panel was asked whether immigrants take jobs from Brits or merely do the jobs that Brits are unwilling to do. I shared how my hardworking British friends in the construction industry found themselves undercut and almost unemployed when the Polish builders first arrived on the scene.

At Oxford University, a black female student was furious at our politicians’ inability to discuss, address or control immigration. At Manchester University, a black female student was annoyed to find herself in the English-speaking minority on her Medical Science degree course. At Greenwich University, a black charity worker from East London shared his deep-seated irritation at how the local culture had been transformed by Asian and Somali immigrants: “I feel uncomfortable” he said. His candid comment led to an awkward silence.

One concern of the Great Debate founders is that blacks are not as politically active as whites. But immigration was the one issue black people in these audiences did have a political opinion about. And black Brits are uncomfortable with it.


Talking about immigration is racist.


And yet the BBC’s finest tells us it’s only Whites who can be racist….

Jo Brand: My personal opinion is that you can’t be racist towards white people. You can be prejudiced about them but being prejudiced isn’t an illegal act whereas being racist can be.

Phil Williams: Don’t you think racism is just being derogatory about a race, regardless of the colour?

Jo Brand: No I don’t. I think the definition of racism also encompasses political power. So you can’t be racist towards a race that’s politically more powerful than a minority. That to me is the correct definition of racism. I think you can be prejudiced towards a group of people who are more powerful than you, but I don’t think you can be racist towards them.



So clearly it’s not racist for Black people to talk about immigration…so let’s hear more of their voices on the BBC.





Come One Come All

The BBC is bringing you yet more information about immigration that should sooth your worries, lessen your concerns and put to rest all those thoughts you may have had that your country is being invaded, occupied (like the Palestinians?)….all that and they still manage a less than subtle sneer at Nigel Farage……

New year new life in the country for migrant workers?

Eric Pickles says he doesn’t know.

And Jack Straw doesn’t know either.

But he admits the Labour government, in which he served as home and foreign secretary, got it wrong by not imposing extra controls when EU expansion triggered the arrival here of migrant workers from eastern Europe.

The one leading politician who says he does know is the UKIP Leader Nigel Farage.

“If you open your doors to people from countries with significantly lower wages and GDP than the UK then migratory flows will come,” he said.


However the BBC knows the likely figure because:

When I chaired a BBC conference earlier this year, attended by representatives of the Bulgarian and Romanian embassies here, they were dismissive of what they clearly saw as alarmist speculation…..those relatively modest numbers who were considering it were likely to be top professionals like medics who would be assets rather than liabilities.


Fantastic…though maybe not for Romania and Bulgaria whose ‘top professionals’ flee the country leaving behind all those poor, unskilled people to manage things on their own.

Unless they all come here.



The BBC’s sneer at Farage is obviously just a sneer because he is right…as Migration Wtach points out.

The BBC tells us that:

Net migration is currently running at 150,00 a year and the campaigning organisation Migrationwatch UK estimate this new influx could push that figure up to 200,000.

About 50,000 people from Romania and Bulgaria will come to the UK every year when restrictions are lifted next year, think tank Migration Watch suggests.

The BBC has before commented:

Migration Watch has a good track record analysing future population trends so its latest forecast should be taken seriously


So it is Pickles and Straw who are ducking the issue whilst Farage is probably right.


Perhaps another relevant figure the BBC could have quoted in this article was this:

Projections show that over the next 10 years the population is going to increase by 4.3 million to 68 million and over the next 25 years the population will increase by 9.6 million from 63.7 million in mid-2012 to 73.3 million in mid-2037. The UK population will hit 70 million in 2027.



The BBC squeals often enough about immigration to other lands….such as the West Bank….If the West Bank is being occupied then so is the UK by people just wondering across the border setting up their own mini homelands….but seems to promote it here.

No doubt someone will pipe up…‘But it’s legal occupation‘…..well no one asked the population already here…in fact the politicians deliberately hid the scale of immigration and their reasons for it, and the likely effects…all aided by the BBC.

A wave of Romanians and Bulgarians is heading our way, thanks to the EU’s lack of democracy



Those little heard voices of the people give their opinion of the BBC’s coverage:


  • 12.

    21st November 2013 – 22:06

    Here in the UK we are short of many things. Things like good and honest politicians, housing, school places, health care, energy, seats on trains, and space on our roads on which we can drive. What we are not short of is people. What is the benefit of even more uncontrolled immigration (oh yes it is!) for the citizens of our country?


  • Rate this comment positivelyRate this comment negatively


    Comment number 11.

    21st November 2013 – 21:48

    The thing that keeps a nation united, is the people of that nation having shared values.
    We are deliberately being swamped by immigrants who don`t share our values,
    It`s time to let the MPs know that we know what they are doing to Britain and the British people.


  • Rate this comment positivelyRate this comment negatively


    Comment number 10.

    21st November 2013 – 21:31

    sjh #3

    You couldn’t make it up….this is the results of ‘socialism’. The EU and ‘one big happy family’.Doesn’t matter about all the different cultures, religions, ethnic groups with hundreds of years differences. and economic differences.
    ‘It would be lovely to all live together in one big happy family’. When will these idealogues and socialist inteligencia pursue the real world.?


  • Rate this comment positivelyRate this comment negatively


    Comment number 9.

    average joe
    21st November 2013 – 15:54

    Anyone know the Statue of Liberty song? ‘Give me your tired, your poor, your huddled masses yearning’… to sign on in the UK and drain the country dry!!

    Believe it or not, I am no racist but enough is enough.

    Comment number 8.

    21st November 2013 – 9:50

    Why should we give up even more of OUR country to even more immigrants to have it concreted over with houses for them, school place shortages, extended hospital and GP waiting times and so on. Where I live it is like being in Poland. They are not in skilled jobs, live 6-8 in a house so are happy with minimum wage to share the bills.They are not friendly, do not mix and don’t even like us.



    21st November 2013 – 9:22

    We get the best when eu migrants come here; after all they uprooted themselves to find new opportunities abroad.
    Done it myself, it can be tough.
    Problem is they’re, young, outcompete many of our own perpetual adolescents, then settle.
    This is massive continent wide human engineering for EU ideological purposes, like the euro.
    A kind of corrupt religion with our politicians as fat bishops.


    • 6.

      20th November 2013 – 21:52

      The problem is not just migrant workers from the EU.
      Look how the government is dealing with immigration from outside the EU.
      Relaxing immigration from China, so that UK visa’s are no longer required to visit the UK, as long as a visa to another EU country has been obtained.
      Governor of the BoE, from Canada, police chiefs from anywhere in the world.
      No building of affordable rental housing.

      Comment number 5.

      20th November 2013 – 20:45

      …..and how many times is this repeated across the UK???

      I would really like to see all the TRUE, UN-MASSAGED/SPUN STATISTICS relating to EU migration released.

      • 2.

        Jettison the Jinxed UK Junta
        20th November 2013 – 20:15

        This is a true story. 6 month ago an Italian moved into flat opp me. He got a job as a waiter. Then Wife & kid arrived with Mother-in-Law. Then he wrapped the job. They signed on Jobseekers and Wife was sent for English lessons. They approached elderly neighbour for help with Child Benefit forms … Then 2 women and kid went home. He was arrested last week for burglary x 3 and is on Remand in jail

        Comment number 1.

        20th November 2013 – 19:59

        This uncontrolled EU Immigration only compounds the true reason as to why there are so many unskilled jobs available for the migrants to fill. The wages are almost criminally too low – too low for British nationals to take up, but fantastic for people struggling on 5 times less in their own country. Plus they are also entitled to benefits.
        The real winners = unscrupulous employers

Green Crap



Funny old world…the BBC absolutely refused to cover allegations, covered in depth by Guido, that Tim Yeo, as chairman of the climate change committee, was in any way compromised with so many green business interests resting on the decisions and advice of that committee.


Yeo was then put under investigation by fellow MPs concerning other allegations about lobbying (Sunday Times video on Guido)….and today it has been announced he is corruption free.


The BBC are straight in there cheering him on on the frontpage:

MP Yeo cleared by standards watchdog


The BBC reports this:

The paper said he had admitted telling a business associate what to say in evidence to the committee he chaired.


But then gives us this:

But the watchdog said the newspaper had used “subterfuge, misrepresentation and selective quotation” in its report.

The MPs criticised the tactics used by the Sunday Times in approaching Mr Yeo.

“We note the severe damage which is done to public trust by journalism which rests on a basis of subterfuge, misrepresentation and selective quotation,” the report said.

“Media investigations can have a role to play in ensuring high standards of public conduct, but we note that in this case Mr Yeo has broken no rules and the only misrepresentation has been that of the journalists themselves.”


Watch the video and he makes exactly that claim…that he told a business associate what to say in evidence.

Funny the BBC not mention that….nor indeed provide the video.

Funny the BBC not mention this conclusion by the watchdog about his words in that video:

“….they could give the impression of a senior member of the House who has little regard for the rules and can easily find his way round them in order to suit his own purposes.”

..and yet his fellow MPs still cleared him.


And these are the guys who the BBC wants to run Press regulation?

Of course what the BBC doesn’t mention are all his massive green industry interests which, without a shadow of a doubt, would compromise his position in the eyes of most onlookers…..though not a matter for this investigation by the standards watchdog.


Will read the Sunday Times with keen interest this week.





I was listening to an item on the Today programme this morning around 6.4oam. It concerns Obama’s request that NO more sanctions are directed the way of Iran whilst John Kerry and co are trying to cut a deal with the Mullahs. The reporter (with an Irish accent?) was plainly anti-Israel and she actually said that Obama’s legacy was as a President who ENDED wars. Syria? Libya? Afghanistan? Netanyahu was presented as intransigent and US jewish people seeking to influence opinion were presented as unhelpful lobbyists! Just a little Israel hatred to start the day… I can’t share the link to it as there is none but perhaps others heard this contemptible item?


Yesterday, the BBC gave huge prominence to a “suggestion” by the Attorney General of Northern Ireland that there should be no prosecutions of any terrorists pre “Good Friday Agreement” It has been almost universally rejected but the interesting aspect is the enthusiasm the BBC had for this immoral idea – an idea which Irish Republicans think may have legs. Today, the BBC via Panorama tonight, suggests that…gasp …British soldiers killed “unarmed civilians” aka IRA terrorists.

What sickens me most about all this is that the BBC  – via our license tax – are helping drive the IRA meme that all sides were as bad as each other and so a general amnesty is the way forward. The sheer immorality of this seems to fly high over BBC heads as they contrive to manipulate public opinion.

Behr Baiting



I did wonder what Newsnight would make of Milibandism (30 mins) as they had Rafael Behr, the New Statesman’s political editor, on to explain the new political force in the land and the ideas behind it.


What I saw was a slick, well produced party political broadcast….and I’m sure it will be immortalized on You Tube as such…..Behr did manage to get a dig in at Cameron…though sacrificing Brown to do so by saying that next to Thatcher and Blair others like Brown, Major and Cameron are intellectual also-rans……(possibly true)



Fortunately, or unfortunately depending on your outlook, what happened next was what could well be the future for Milibandism….a polished presentation followed by a shambolic reality….as indeed admitted by Behr when he said the best thing that could happen to the Tories might be to lose the next election and allow Miliband to win….when the wheels will fall off his bandwagon.

After the film was shown it was back to the studio and Rafael Behr was up against Phil Collins, a speech writer for Blair and now writing for The Times….with Paxman sitting back with a grin on his face letting them set to.

Behr put up a weak defense of ‘Milibandism’, which is odd as he has written a long article in the Staggers about it and produced this lovely film…so had time to think about it and work out a good line…..unfortunately he couldn’t and as mentioned, seemed to doubt Milibandism could even work on the ground….saying he could end up in No. 10 by accident rather than it being his policies winning the vote.


Collins, despite his past associations, put the boot in completely destroying Labour’s, Miliband’s, approach…..saying he had no policies….he said the problem with the Left is that they have no answer to what ‘they’ are for now…..asking ‘What are you for if you don’t have the money to spend?’…..Miliband has no policies on schools, the NHS, crime or welfare…..and he has no policy to reform the State.

Behr himself damns Miliband by replying that Miliband thinks voters aren’t concerned with that…..in other words Miliband is going for shallow, eye catching policies that don’t have any substance rather than committing to the boring, grown up statesmanlike policies that deal with real problems such as the way government actually works and structural problems such as the shape of the NHS and welfare….let’s face it even his own MP’s don’t think he is a man of substance:




So how did Newsnight do? The film was as I said a bit of a classic, and one Labourites will no doubt link to at every chance…however the actual policies of Miliband got a sound kicking from Collins…and by Behr himself ironically as he was battered into submission by Collins.

Paxman didn’t feel the need to intervene…which was fair enough…the discussion seemed pretty comprehensive with only the occasional nudge from him……

However as the film will have a separate life of its own and is so pro-Miliband, and produced by  someone who is so clearly of the ‘Left’,  it was probably an error of judgement for a politically neutral BBC to  air such a one sided film that promoted Miliband and his ideas so slickly.


All good fun…but how often do you hear that type of critical analysis by Collins of Miliband’s ‘policies’ from BBC journos?  What we get from John Pienaar is ‘the boy done good…he’s making the narrative’…but little, if any,  examination of the substance.