Start the Week Thread 20 January 2020

THE New Conservative MP for Solihull -Julian Knight- is campaigning to become the new chair of the Parliamentary Digital, Culture, Media and Sport (DCMS) select committee- replacing a BBC remainer fan called Damien Collins . Mr Knight wants a Commons inquiry into the future of the BBC because of its’ bias ; as well as being ‘out of touch ‘ with those who pay for it . It’s worth watching for signs of the real change this site is looking for .

Midweek Thread 15 January 2020

The biased BBC is going through the motions of box ticking on Operation Augusta – the failed inquiry by Greater Manchester Police into the sexual exploitation of young girls by Pakistani Muslim Paedophile Rape gangs .The report will be forgotten in a day , lessons won’t be learnt even after a report on it. The fear is that in forgotten towns in Britain vile sexual crime against young girls is still going on with both police and so called social services looking away with the Main Stream Media (BBC) complicit in failing to confront it. But let’s spend more media time talking about an American actress who married an English Prince .

Start the Week Thread 13 January 2020

18 days until the UK leaves the EU. Last week the legislation finalising our leaving passed through the Commons with barely a mention by the Biased pro EU BBC; and at the moment it is busy with royal issues . Perhaps it is at a stage of organisational grief combined with a feeling of hopelessness that the General Election didn’t go the way the BBC wanted .

Weekend Thread 11 January 2020

The Far Left BBC is in a tricky position with regard to the non ‘cooperation ‘ of government ministers going forward to be harangued by BBC employee ‘journalists . Their bias has destroyed their ability to present fair views to the public which pays for them . The BBC is not accountable to the diminishing number of people who still pay for it . That’s got to change .

New Decade Thread 1 January 2020

Happy New Year / Decade to all readers and contributors . With a fair wind this decade will see the end of the Far Left Biased BBC . Let’s make it a New Year / Decade Resolution .

If there is one thing which was revealed in 2019 – it was that all the anti Brexit Far Left propaganda heaped on the British Public every day by the BBC counted for very little. That has damaged it beyond repair .