Biased BBC’s Alan reports;

2The truth of theallegations against Jimmy Saville are not proven in any way and that is not thepoint of this… the BBC felt that the mere accusation was enough to’tarnish’ the BBC’s reputation and so they filed the report away never to beseen.
 BBC ‘buried Savile sex abuse claims to save its reputation’
The BBC shelved a Newsnight investigation into allegations that Sir JimmySavile sexually abused a teenage girl in his dressing room at TelevisionCentre, it has emerged.
It makes you wonder why they have similarly ‘buried’ the Balen Report and spentÂŁ300,000 in legal costs ensuring the public do not get to see its contents. What does it tell us about the BBC’s coverage of Israel and the Jews? Can’t begood news can it?It was Mark Thompson who told us that ‘we provide a bridge to the world, abridge to freedom, it is very important that the story of Gaza is told aroundthe world.’ So we know whose side he is on anyway.