Mysteries (human)


Fashion Mysteries.

Why does everyone swoon over Michelle Obama’s hideous unflattering outfits?
Sarah Brown is endearingly dowdy; go Sarah!

Beeboid fashion mysteries:

Outside broadcast gear; Casual sporty anorak over formal collar and tie. All wrong.

Jeremy Bowen- cool dude/Country and Western/Brokeback Mountain. Denim shirt, drainpipes, fancy belt buckle, leather jacket. Occasional scarf /cowboy neckerchief (red)

You’re not a cowboy, cool, or a dude. Or a reporter.

Boris Johnson (almost Beeboid) at the olympic closing ceremony; fashion icon obviously Sir Patrick Moore. Awesome.

General Mysteries


  • It has been said that Alan Sugar has a built-up chair in the boardroom to make him taller, so why does he let the back of his chair be so high that it dwarfs him? (bit like “Dennis Waterman” in Little Britain?)
  • Why MMGW? (What about wimmin-made global warmin’?)
  • Would it improve the QT audience for the ‘lads’ if the BBC audience questionnaire included a cup size section?
  • Does the Data Protection Act cancel out the Freedom of Information Act?

These are some of the overarching mysteries of our time. (Some are more loosely connected with the BBC than others.)