Nothing to see here- routine BBC race policing…

If anyone wonders why Boris Johnson allowed the resignation of his advisor James McGrath over alleged racist comments one ought to consider the blatant misrepresenation which the BBC made in their initial report of the affair. In the poisonous media environment we live in, most often cheer-led by the BBC, potentially racist comments will be misrepresented maliciously- indeed they will be fabricated where it is possible.

The BBC reported, in quotes, that McGrath said “Black people who didn’t like it here should go back”. Ignore personal feelings for a moment- consider that this doesn’t even sound like a quote but was reported as one in the sensitive conditions we live in.

In fact they changed their article, without admitting their “error”, and said that (as was closer to the fact) ‘“Responding to a claim that some black people might leave the UK if Mr Johnson became mayor, James McGrath said: “Let them go if they don’t like it here.”‘. This “error” would probably not have come to light were it not for the observation and screen save of Tony Sharp.

Though not as bad, the latest BBC version is disingenuous- article here. The question posed by the journalist Mark Wadsworth was referring to a previous comment from Darkus Howe about whether older Carribean migrants might leave if Boris Johnson won the Mayoralty. Now this a detailed scenario in fact, and the BBC had (and still have really) wilfully simplified it.

Of course the fact was that this was a journalistic “sting” operation by a moronic sub-public interest leftist. The BBC fully approves.


I’m not a fan of the Conservative Party here in the UK because I don’t think they act as conservatives under the leadership of Mr Cameron. However, I can understand the huge problem Cameron has to overcome when faced with the relentless pro-leftist agenda spewed out by the State Broadcaster and so I suppose it inevitable that he triangulates ever leftwards if only to escape the savage mercies of the BBC guardianistas. You see I don’t think the BBC will EVER bring itself to actually like the Conservatives and instead when push comes to shove, it will always cheer-lead for the Left. This is evident in a trio of stories leading BBC news this morning.

First up comes the news that despite the (now admitted) influx of 800,000 migrants from eastern Europe, (I thought Labour told us it was going to 14,000?) there is NO evidence that this has led to an increase in crime. Phew – what a relief for nice Mr Brown and his ten year long support for the multiculti nation without borders project. Yes, there has been the odd bit of bother here and there but let us be clear; overall crime has NOT risen despite this massive increase of eastern Europeans – those Romanians and Bulgarians are a law-abiding lot apparently – from the moment they hit these shores. The BBC runs this as if it were definitive. It’s not. The “investigation” is purely based on anecdotal reports from “detectives and community officers” and since the nationality of offenders is not even recorded, on what factual basis can any serious judgement be made?

Next up, good old Labour are showing how tough they are on cracking down on terrorism by announcing that 300 police officers “will be moved”into “helping dissuade” a small minority of people from being “radicalised.” How they will actually do this is left unclear and the BBC point blank refuses to tell us precisely which group this “small minority” might belong to. Ssssh – don’t mention ISLAM. Jacqui Smith’s so-called announcement is risible but the BBC are, in anything, worrying that it might be too tough and could alienate that “small minority.”! Last time I checked out a poll it indicated up to 10% of UK muslims supported Jihad attacks – with a UK population of at least 1.1.6 million British Muslims this means that up to 144,000 support terrorism. And 300 plods are going to sort this one out?? Really?

Finally the dear Leader himself is in the States today and preparing to tell Wall Street to “come clean” apparently about the financial losses they have made. Why doesn’t he do the same and why doesn’t the BBC ask this question? Also, in another PR makeover for Gordon the BBC is telling us that he is going to force a UN security council meeting chaired by Thabo “Crisis, what crises?” Mbeki to deal with Zimbabwe even though it is not an agenda item! The idea that Brown is going to get the corrupt African Union, and the even more corrupt UN, to do ANYTHING of substance here is laughable, and yet this is put out as if it were credible.

Labour is spinning like crazy these days and the State Broadcaster is doing as much as possible to help Brown and his dismal crew. There is little, if any, attempt made to query the substance of what the NuLabour masters put out. The more desperate Labour gets, the easier the ride given by the BBC. Preserving leftism in power is the number one objective at play here and you and I are being made to fund it through the taxation policy of the State Broadcaster.

What The BBC Miss Out – or The Mysterious Vanishing Far-Left Again

David reported yesterday on the hefty BBC coverage given to the views of one Paul McGarr, “a teacher from east London“, who doesn’t like our armed forces much. He featured prominently in news bulletins as well.

Alas, there were one of two things about Mr McGarr that the BBC didn’t care to share with their listeners, viewers and readers. A pity, as they may have provided much-needed context.

Oliver Kamm reports that Mr McGarr is a former council candidate in Millwall for the far-left Respect party. He also links to this piece by Mr McGarr in the far-left paper Socialist Worker, written just before the military campaign against Saddam Hussein.

Socialists have done and continue to do all in our power to build the movement to prevent war and to stop war when it starts. But if war starts the very worst outcome would be a quick victory for the US and Britain.

The best response to war would be protests across the globe which make it impossible for Bush and Blair to continue. But while war lasts by far the lesser evil would be reverses, or defeat, for the US and British forces. That may be unlikely, given the overwhelming military superiority they enjoy. But it would be the best outcome in military terms.

Mr Kamm puts it better than I can :

In short, and given the fact of the Iraq War, Paul McGarr and Socialist Worker wanted Saddam Hussein to win and our armed forces to be defeated. This is not what I say: it’s what they say.

I find it impossible to believe that the BBC would give several paragraphs to, say, a BNP activist talking about immigration, without (correctly) letting viewers and listeners know the political allegiance which informs their speech. Yet a far-left activist who actually wants our soldiers to be defeated is given a free ride. Is it that their journalists know, but don’t care ? Or are they too lazy to type a name into Google ?

The BBC have previous when it comes to this sort of thing. And it’s worth noting that the annual NUT conference is one of only FIVE recorded occasions when BBC News online have detected the presence of a British ‘far-left’. Admittedly the detection took place in 1999.

Hat-tips – DB and other B-BBC commenters, who also point out :

Reporter Hannah Goff is a union activist (I was once an NUR shop steward, mind, so I can’t talk)

Who produced this puff-piece about the keffiyeh-wearing chap who wrote this and this ?

Who fails to mention the fate of resolutions (p90) proposing that curriculum material be provided by CND-except-Iran, the Stop The War Coalition and the Palestine Solidarity Campaign ?


The BBC’s showcase political TV programme in Northern Ireland is called “Hearts and Minds” and it is broadcast on a Thursday night. As has been mentioned before here, I am on occasional contributor being the token right-winger and anti peace-processor. Last night it ran an item on the US election and both points of view were represented – Hillary and Obama’s!! Disgracefully, the programme could only find US students living in NI who were democrats, and so the entire discussion was about the Dem fortunes. The presenter, Noel Thompson, also approvingly quoted Dan Rather, in evident admiration. (Given Rather’s ignoble exit from his job, I would have thought it might be better to keep quiet about him) GOP candidate John McCain got one sentence. This is all part of the co-ordinated cheer-leading for the Democrats on behalf of the BBC and it without doubt unfair and unbalanced.

Meanwhile back in National BBC land, did you see the “Shami Chakrabarti show” aka Question Time? What a dismal spectacle this was – with a panel that was yet again loaded! We had the gormless Labour MP and Secretary of State for Culture, Media and Sport Andy Burhham. (Left) We had the ubiquitous Shami Chakrabarti (Left), we had Lib-Dem Julia Goldsworthy (Left), we had Glaswegian entrepreneur (Left) and to balance, Chris Grayling, a Conservative MP and former BBC producer. The audience came from Liverpool (hard left). As ever, it was well chaired by Dimbleby – but the left wing view prevails on every issue. This programme is institutionally dysfunctional I’m afraid. The selection of panelists is bias incarnate. Can you imagine a QT programme where four of the five panelists were from a conservative background? Of course not – it would not happen. But having four out of five from a Leftist background seems so very reasonable, right?

Then to finish, Five Live – and the morning programme hosted by Nicky Campbell. I caught it just after 8am and it covered the Sharia Law news story by getting… the view of some Muslims on it. Anyone who tuned in would have heard some classic Islamic dissembling and some very meek and mild questioning from Nicky Campbell who was obviously reluctant to pursue exactly what the Muslim spokemen were claiming. Listening to the gentlemen from Peterborough mosque speak, why one would conclude Sharia law is a wise and kindly form of judgement. And naturally, he added that NO-ONE is suggesting that the criminal aspect of Sharia be implemented in the UK. Heaven forbid.

Just three snap shots of the BBC in 24 hours pumping out unbalanced opinion. And we pay a mandatory tax to facilitate this?