When he took over BBC1, Controller Danny Cohen said the Corporation was overrun with middle-class programmes. In his first speech at the Edinburgh Television Festival since moving to BBC1 from BBC3 in November, Mr Cohen, 37, said: ‘I want to get the balance right and for people to think that on BBC1 we have a greater diversity. Now he has turned his attention to crime drama, saying there are too many male detectives on TV.   Hideously white. Now Hideously male. As a Biased BBC reader pointed out to me; 

“Personally, I think
there are too many white, middle-aged, males at BBC, pushing political agendas
instead of doing their jobs – I trust that Danny Cohen will do the right thing
and step down!”

I guess it’s only when we have transsexual Islamic Detectives solving crime under Sharia Law that Danny will feel his mission is accomplished?