I’ve said it before, but the BBC greenie fanatics are forever on the hunt for new scares, even when it’s so cold that global warming stories are scarce. Today’s alarmfest centres on the cuddly polar bear. Overpaid ecofreak scientists in Denmark have now decided that it’s not only melting polar ice that’s a threat to our ursine friend, but also nasty chemicals from industrial activity. There’s no such thing as a happy greenie, of course; if it’s not ‘climate change’, it’s breathing, farting or simply being here at all that’s putting us in peril. The BBC loves to report it all, with knobs on; note especially the rigged graph in the item, and the complete lack of mention – as usual – of alternative views, such as this, which points out that even the alarmists-in-chief, the World Wildlife Fund, say that polar bear numbers are on the up.