More BBC double standards. They ran an item this morning concerning whether tape recorded confessions of IRA terrorists made at Boston College in the States should be handed over to the Police. There is information in these recordings which allegedly nails Provo boss Gerry Adams so you can imagine the “sensitivity”. The BBC brought on two people to discuss this. One was quangocrat Baroness O’Loan (pro IRA appeasement) and journalist Barney Rowan (pro IRA appeasement). For some reason, they decided NOT to invite someone who was a VICTIM of IRA barbarism. Nicely loaded. All points of view except those who suffered at the hands of the IRA.


Have a read of this report from the BBC on the nature of the “dissident” IRA threat. The Dissidents claim that
the vast majority are it’s members are ex Provisional IRA but on the same page the BBC’s correspondent  says there is a small number of ex Provisional IRA. How odd! It’s almost as if the BBC is lining up behind the peace process establishment which would, of course, be bias.


Today marks the 25th anniversary of the bombing of the Grand Hotel in Brighton by the Irish terrorist group the INLA. (Good article here by Lord Tebbit, btw for those who care to read)

Yesterday, the BBC covered the news that this terror group was “renouncing violence” just in time for Hillary Clinton’s arrival in Northern Ireland. Now I am glad when any terror group ceases to kill and maim BUT isn’t it odd that the BBC does not report the allegations that the INLA claims it will be in receipt of £7 million from the British Government for graciously agreeing not to kill us?