Those who toodled along to the Question Time liveblog last evening were all suitably impressed by the deference shown by Chairman David Dimbleby to Labour MP Chuka Umunna. Good ol’ Chuka got to talk sans interruption – not that he was worth listening to. So, perhaps it is not that surprising that on Today this morning, who pops up to share their thoughts on the future of the Northern Rock but…yes, Chuka. Naturally no opposing voices were permitted.I think Mr Umunna has what it takes for BBC elevation…..don’t you?


In it’s new position as official propagandist for Labour, the BBC lead news story today concerns the conclusions of research that it commissioned (sic) that alleges that Coalition cuts will most deeply effect the North of England and the Midlands where, oddly enough, State subsidy is highest as is support for Labour. The narrative is that the evil Coalition will bring endless misery to these afflicted regions by withdrawing State support, thus missing why these regions are so afflicted! I suppose this is one way to shore up Labour support in the heartland.

Then, during an interview with Nick Clegg, in the prime-time post 8am slot, up comes Coulsongate again. The BBC scents blood here and Labour could not be happier with the alacrity and persistence of the State Broadcaster in leading the charge against Coulson. This morning, Humphyrs was trying to drive a wedge between the Conservatives and the Lib-Dems on this issue.