It’s Friday, time to start chilling down, and what better way to start than to read this article by Johann Hari in the soon to be extinct Independent. Johann is very concerned that the much loved BBC is going to be broken up by the evil Tories. Now read on….

Let’s start with the good news. The BBC works. For just £2.60 a week, the British get a package of the best television and radio in the world. We get the best comedies, the best drama and the best news. There’s a reason why we have won seven of the past 10 international Emmies, and the BBC News website is the most popular on earth. As soon as he took power, Nicolas Sarkozy asked how he could make French broadcasting more like ours. It is a model for the world of how to create journalism that isn’t contaminated by either corporate advertisers and proprietors on one side, or state ownership on the other. Three independent polls have found that a large majority of Brits would happily pay more for it.

What say you, dear reader? I can but wish that Johann’s worst nightmare comes true.