The irony must have escaped the BBC. Earlier this morning they read a news report on the jailing for life of the monster who fathered seven children by his two daughters despite doctors, nurses and social workers remaining oblivious to the abuse going on over decades in front of their very eyes. This then segued into an interview with Margaret Eaton, Chair (sic) of the Local Government Association whose primary concern was for those poor at risk…social workers – following the public outcry at the death of Baby P. She got a very sympathetic hearing from the BBC as she waffled on about putting in place best process and having urgent reviews, joined up multi-agency thinking and other gems from the lexicon of the bureaucratically anaesthetised. What struck me most was that Margaret Eaton fails to understand that social workers have a fundamental responsibility to exercise best judgement and so you can perhaps understand why the Jonathan Ross loving BBC is so sympathetic to Ms Eaton and her comrades in the LGA.