The BBC is the terrorist’s best friend, a willing ally in their propaganda war to convince us that these killers are at worst, simply misunderstood. Why, maybe we are even to blame for their barbarity? EVEN that rag The Guardian prints an article from someone who sees the menace of the BBC. ETA can count on the BBC do do them good..

“It’s noteworthy that the BBC refuses to use the term “terrorist” when reporting on Eta. Such an approach is unacceptable, since it results in a distortion of reality and misinforms the public. On this it may be useful to quote Hannah Arendt, who argued that “to describe the concentration camps sine ira is not to be objective, but to absolve those responsible for them”. In other words, to avoid referring to Eta as a terrorist group whose mere existence constitutes a threat to citizens – after having murdered hundreds of them – and which still poses a threat to a democratic society like Spain, is not rigorous journalism but a demonstration of the fact that sometimes terrorist propaganda can be successful.”

The BBC have made such obfuscation into an art form. They will not call terrorists for what they are and in doing so they do the work of the terrorist. The BBC = even further left than The Guardian!