Shock horror and diddums! The BBC New Yorks studios – along with most of the NY UN rat palace – have an infestation of bed bugs. I’ll refrain from the cheapest gibes, but this makes news, of course, only because it’s the usual BBC self-obsession. But actually, bed bugs are a growing problem across the whole of New York. And what you won’t read or hear on the BBC is that many believe that the real cause is America’s obsession with environmentalism. The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) banned the pesticide DDT in 1972 after Rachel Carson’s book Since Silent Spring falsely claimed it was too dangerous to use. DDT is the most effective weapon against the pesky bedbugs. So cleaners can no longer eradicate them effectively when they are found, and now, after years of gradually building up numbers, they are spreading like wildfire. A good account of the saga is here.

What you won’t also read on the BBC is that DDT is still the most effective treatment against malaria. The greenies have hampered its use in many developing countries and the consequence is millions of deaths. Rachel Carson, the EPA, the tranzis – and the BBC for failing to speak the truth – all have blood on their hands. I won’t say I’m pleased that they are suffering bed bug bites but sometimes I think there is a God.

Update: There are those say that bedbugs miraculously “developed resistance” to DDT before Rachel Carson (econuts have an answer to everything). But if you read this post and its responses, you will see why that’s a load of baloney, too.


As several B-BBC readers have pointed out, the BBC has spent countless amounts of our money developing a “carbon footprint calculator” – launched yesterday with the requisite worthy pronouncements about saving the planet – which henceforward all its employeees will have to follow. Not only that, the corporation in its wisdom now plans to foist this smug self-righteousness upon the television industry as a whole. My question is why the hell were the BBC not making such economies of energy use anyway? It’s public money and every penny of usage should be tracked. The need for such measures confirms profligacy, and to cloak them in weasel words and nonsense jargon is simply hypocritical, especially from an organisation that has among the most pampered and well-paid employees in the land.

What’s also terrifying about the footprint nonsense is that it underlines that the BBC is a lead partner in spreading the lies about climate change, and that those lies have infected virtually the whole of industry and the political class. I was at a presentation on Monday at big advertisers Ogilvy and Mather; they have a whole “sustainability” unit that peddles such moonshine among its clients. Yesterday, too, BBC eco alarmist-in-chief Roger Harrabin was busy chairing a conference held by the National Environment Agency (no cuts there, then!) of a whole legion of fellow establishment fanatics, ranging from the Bishop of Liverpool to Caroline Spelman from the government. All of them were intoning with religious fervour that our ways are wicked and that we are damned. If they weren’t gobbling billions of our money in their mad zealotry it would be funny. But it isn’t. It’s beyond parody.


As we all shiver in the November cold (remember how, according to the BBC, snow in the UK was going to be a thing of the past?), the impact of the government’s insane climate change measures could not be clearer, as is reported this morning by the Daily Mail. Because of artificially-escalating fuel prices (which madman Huhne seems to want to crow about), 3.5m pensioner households are now forced to spend more than 10% of their income on heating bills, and they are terrified of the cost. Not only that, 25,400 English pensioners died of cold related illnesses in the four offical months of last winter, making our death rate from lack of adequate heating the highest in Europe. It makes my blood boil that such injustices are being perpetrated because our political class have sold out to the global warming lie factory.

In the midst of this Everest of human misery, what does the BBC do? Find evidence to show how insane these policies are? Speak to pensioners to see what sort of pain they are enduring? Ask nutjob Huhne why he persists in his policy of torture? Expose the lies told by the energy companies as they rub their hands in glee at the unqualified permission they have been given to extract the maximum amount of money from the most vulnerable? Er, no. It gives maximum prominence without question to the latest UN fantasy handout about how temperatures are going to rise by four degrees this century. Richard North deftly explains why such nonsense should have been treated with a huge dose of salt and then binned. Note how among the weasel words in the BBC reporting is the implied threat that energy prices and taxes must go even higher than they are now. I weep.


Always remember than BIAS is in their genes. Consider the thoughts of  Katty Kay, the BBC’s Washington correspondent on the Tea Party…

“And the Tea Party is saying we don’t care about whether it’s in the country’s interest, in our foreign policy interest, in our economic interest necessarily to deal with the President. What we want is to be the party that obstructs Barack Obama. Many of them ran specifically on stopping and on checking Barack Obama, and so that is their priority. And the establishment is going to have to either listen to them or try and find a way to overcome that energy.”

What could be more fair and balanced than this, I ask you? The BBC despises the Tea Party, just as it loathes Sarah Palin, and never missed the opportunity to blatantly misrepresent what these people believe. To Katty Kay the Tea Party are nihilists.
Hat-tip to Big Journalism.


Everything that the EU does is mired in corruption, illogic and waste. Billions are being spent on recycling and CO2 measures, even thought they have zero beneficial effect and are the bureaucratic symbols of a jackboot centralised dictatorship of poilitical elites. The worst part of it all, of course, is the Common Agricultural Policy, a sharp-practice, mafia-like scam dreamed up by de Gaulle to protect French farmers in the 1950s, and virtually unchanged since (despite cosemtic changes). As a result of it, British farming has been put in a strait jacket of anti-competitive regulation and our agrarian lifeblood has been slowly been squeezed dry. Where once we led the world in innovation and ingenuity, we have been relegated into rape-growing, begging-bowl laggards.

The BBC, of course, does not give a damn. CAP is a major corruption scandal, a major thorn in the side of most British farrmers and a central reason why food prices are kept artifically high by market-rigging. And yet all the BBC does about this scandal is to file a desultory report or two approximately once a year or so when the EU overlords deign to hold “talks” about reform. What the BBC should be doing is ripping into the cant, exposing the lies, and explaining why the whole criminal scam is one of the biggest cons against British consumers every perpetrated. Instead, it meekly recycles a Brussels press release to tell us that “big changes” are on the way.

Don’t hold your breath. And do hang on to your wallets; our Brussels masters probably want a new CO2 tax on farm production – and let’s rein in all those dangerous, farting cows.


The prescience of BBC reporters knows no bounds. Here Michael Fitzpatrick, the latest “science and technology” guru on the web team, tells us in no uncertain terms that the world’s aviation industry as we know it is doomed. He intones/drones:

Facing a fate shared by other fossil fuel guzzlers, the jet will have to find alternatives to burning kerosene if it is to survive beyond the middle of the next century. Which is when, according to the most optimistic figures, the Earth gives up its final barrel of oil.

So there we have it. The BBC will have its heart’s desire – the likely end of all jets by 2150 unless “alternatives can be found to kerosene”. We are on offical warning, and of course, this will be a cause for massive celebration for the eco crusaders at White City because they can now sense we will be forced back to Shanks’s pony, and to live through subsistence farming in nice eco mud huts with windmills on top.

There’s just one problem that would have taken Mr Fitzpatrick – had he been so inclined – just a few minutes to research. As Matt Ridley eloquently points out in his book The Rational Optimist, Jeremiahs like Mr Fitzpatrick have been predicting such fuel shortages for time immemorial. In 1939, the US Bureau of Mines told the world that oil would run out in ten years. Jimmy Carter said the same thing in 1979. He did so so when known reserves were 550 billion barrels. By 1990, 600bn barrels had been used, and reserves totalling at least a further 900bn barrels had been found; on top of that, 6trillion barrels of reserves are known in the mountains of Venezuela. Of course, they will be costly to extract; but complexity and cost of extraction have not been the real barrier in most of the history of oil drilling. As Mr Ridley so eloquently points out, human ingenuity has consistently led to solutions that would once have been unthinkable.

The real agenda here, I suspect, is that the BBC hates aeroplanes because they allow nasty inferior social classes to go abroad; they fervently want this to stop.


For a truly chilling account of the dissembling, back somersaulting, contortionism and duplicity the broadcasting establishment is prepared to engage in to defend its alarmist approach to climate change, I recommend you have a good look at this masterly piece of forensic journalism by Tony Newton at Harmless Sky. Ofcom, Channel 4 and a spaghetti soup of useless, scheming, economical-with-the-truth “regulators” have decided that Al Gore’s An Inconvenient Truth is not a factual documentary, and is not a piece of outrageous, lying political propaganda, despite a high court judgment that it had to be treated with extreme caution. They make Pontius Pilate and his hand-washing look innocent. OK, Tony’s post is not about the BBC, but of course those who control Channel 4 (almost all its chief executives have been ex-BBC) and Ofcom are drawn from the same smug, elite lefty-liberal cadre. What Tony has discovered is simply jaw-dropping. How do these people live with themselves?