Regular readers of Biased BBC may recall that I have previously revealed that BBC environmental ‘journalist’ Peter Thomson is also a political activist in that he is secretary of the Society of Environmental Journalists (SEJ), an organisation which, while masquerading as ‘objective’ on climate change, is actually a world leader in warmist propaganda. American Thinker, the influential US blog that the BBC doesn’t mention because it’s right-wing, has been doing some digging in this area, and it makes fascinating reading. Writer Russell Cook has found that the excuses for not putting on air so-called climate sceptics sound eerily similar among news organisations, and for this, he blames the efforts of the SEJ. The BBC also trots out similar wording when it is challenged on the topic – for example, Today editor Ceri Thomas.

Mr Cook. also notes that of 212 items about climate change/global warming since 1995 on PBS (for which Mr Thomson also partly works, because the relevant BBC US initiaitive is jointly with PBS) only three (yes 3) contained material from sceptics. I haven’t done the precise equivalent sums for the BBC in the UK , but my bet is that on this front too, they are in tune with the SEJ-inpsired PBS agenda.


The vile Prescott’s wife, Lady Prescott, is joining BBC1’s The One Show to front roving reports and as a presenter. The show’s editor, Sandy Smith, says that, “having been in the position she was…makes her a good person for us. We think she is, in a number of ways, typical of our audience”. What more can you say about the BBC’s editorial mindset?


I posted a couple of days ago about the ludicrous and slavish BBC reporting of a paper which suggested that the US would be swamped by Mexican immigrants forced out by global warming. The internet has done the job (that the BBC does not do) of providing balance. This article shows that, according to GISS, Mexico is not warming; and second, the statistical basis of the claimed correlation between crop yields and movement of people is utter nonsense. What are BBC journalists being paid for?


Another day, another BBC climate change scare. Maybe I am wasting my time by writing about these items, they are so predictably biased and so blatantly political; but I hope that charting the extent to which the BBC churns out this relentless tide of propaganda is of interest. It’s our money and the fact that the BBC pours shedloads of its resources into this mindless drivel is obscene. Don’t just take my word for it; even ardent greenie academics like Dr Denis Rancourt now think the whole climate change hyopthesis is a mental disease. To the BBC, of course, he’s just another denialist nutter.

Today’s BBC scare is that Mexicans will become so hot because of climate change that almost 7m of them will flee to the US by 2080. It’s made by a team led by a member of the Inter Governmental Panel on Climate Change (not biased, of course) and the findings are presented, as usual, without a word of balancing comment from someone with some sanity. Or mention that the US has just gone through its snowiest winter on record, and that South America is currently in the middle of its biggest cold snap in living memory. So maybe those Mexicans will head the other way!


Richard Black, in his weekly BBC propaganda column, disgracefully suggests that those who won’t swallow climate change lies are linked to the white supremacists Stormfront. He argues that those who have advocated massive global warming taxes such as Stephen Schneider – who died this week – have been subjected to unwarranted abuse and are working under a constant barrage of nasty threats from sceptics. He doesn’t spell it out, but the implication is very clear; those who deny climate change are immoderate, right-wing thugs.

I challenge Richard, therefore, to write something equally as trenchant about warmists in the context of the tale of obfuscation, brick-walling and sheer bloody minded obstruction that met Australian scientists Jennifer Marohasy and John Abbot when Mr Abbot approached the Met Office in the UK under the Freedom of Information Act to obtain the data that underpinned the notorious hockey-stick. This is their conclusion:

This case study provides evidence that there is a culture of antagonism towards anyone who may wish to make independent appraisals of information relating to climate change and particularly if it relates to variations in global temperatures and greenhouse gas emissions. This is shown through both the CRU emails and the approach to Mr Holland’s request to the Met Office. The reluctance to comply with the Fol legislation does not result from bureaucratic misunderstanding of relatively recently enacted legislation. Instead it stems from an antagonism by institutional climate scientists towards those who may wish to independently examine evidence for climate change and its causes. The dangers revealed lie both in operating an effective Fol system, and openness and transparency in an area of immense scientific importance.

It’s a long read, but I urge you to persevere; it illustrates that to warmists, there is nothing they will not do to cover up shortcomings in their data. Chances of Mr Black covering this to balance his outpouring against sceptics? Don’t hold your breath. After all, to him, the likes of Marohasy and Abbot are something you find under your shoe.

PS. Richard, the paper containing the information is not published on the sceptic blogs you often sneer about (and occasionally threaten to sue)from your BBC ivory tower. It’s in the peer-reviewed journal Environmental Law and Management.


I cheered today when the government announced that it was closing the useless and highly wasteful quango, John Prescott’s Orwellian-sounding Sustainable Development Commission. I hissed when I read that burqa-loving Caroline Spellman, the Cleggeron environment secretary, said that the government remained as green as ever in its aims, and clearly believes that the Commission’s work will continue through Defra.

To the BBC, of course, it’s an unmitigated disaster. Their environment fanatic Mark Kinver reports on the closure, turning mainly to his chums at the Friends of the Earth for comment. Like him, they are in mourning, and take any chance they can to kick the Tories. But as James Delingpole notes in his Telegraph blog, the real story is the terrifying news that the Carbon Trust – a quango that gobbles an astonishing £86m a year – has not been axed.


The greenies at the BBC hate coal as a central tenet of their religion. Despite the fact that it was the bedrock of the industrial revolution, despite the fact that it brought – and continues to bring – heat and light and comfort to billions round the world, it’s a nasty, noxious substance, because when it burns, it emits that “poison”, CO2. The leader of those trying to stop its use, and force us back to fuel poverty, is, of course, the EU. Aided and abetted by fanatical green lobbyists such as Greenpeace, they have a declared suicidal agenda of shutting down as many coal mines and coal-fired power stations as possible, even though this will seriously harm the economies of almost every member country. Today, they have announced in true, jack-booted EU Commission style that they are stopping subsidies to “uneconomic” coal mines, forcing 100,000 miners out of work, and further precipitating the decline of European competitiveness.

The BBC have reported the story here. But guess what’s missing from their finely-honed propaganda? There’s not a mention of the real story, that it’s the green fanatics inside and outside the Commission that have forced the loss of 100,00 jobs. To the BBC, it’s been sanitised so that the closures are necessary only because the mines are “uneconomic” and “loss-making”. Astonishing, even by BBC standards.


Checking the BBC website today, it’s clear that there’s a relentless, systematic torrent of climate change propaganda, without a breath of a dissenting voice. Yet all of the measures described are gobbling vast amounts of our cash, most of which is being poured down the drain. Richard Black fawningly reports Tim Yeo’s suicidal call from his parliamentary select committee to “de-carbonise” the UK economy, and introduce obscene new taxes on cars, energy and the air that we breathe (via carbon credits). Then there’s a report about David Willetts launching a new multi-million pounds “earth observation hub“, the main purpose of which seems to be to reinforce lies and prejudice about climate change. And last, but certainly not least, is the EU’s sickening 12% increase in its science research budget with the prime intention of hobbling EU economies still further by introducing yet more green taxes and climate change idiocy. That’s another 5.4bn euros wasted.

Meanwhile, China powers ahead. The importance of this is totally lost on the morons who call themselves BBC journalists.

Surprise, Surprise……BBC is MIA over US Black Panther Voter Intimidation

In Philadelphia on Election Day 2008 two members of the radical New Black Panther Party were filmed intimidating voters outside a polling station. Subsequently the US Justice Dept began investigating the case.

Conservatives were unhappy when last year US Attorney General Eric Holder, the Democratic hack who heads the Justice Dept downgraded the case for what Holder’s officials claimed was lack of evidence. But recently a former Justice Dept official claimed Holder and his senior staff had an alternative agenda.

he believed the case had been narrowed because some of his colleagues in the civil rights division were interested in protecting only minorities. “There is no doubt that some people were hostile to this case,” Adams said in a phone interview.

The US media were all over this story….well, some were – others ignored it. The Washington Post claimed it was missed due to staff overload. A CBS ”journalist” who interviewed Holder on his show did not ask about it because he had been on holiday when it all blew up.


…and the BBC, of course, was MIA over this. As far as the Beeb was concerned this was no story at all. However they did have time to bring up the NAACPs accusation that the Tea Partiers were RACIST!!!!!!!!

No double standard in play, of course – nothing to see here, keep moving……
It’s what we do…..

A Jeremy Bowen Moment In Grenoble?

Just another lively night in Grenoble according to the Beeb website….an armed gang robbed the local casino, police chased them, one of the robbers fired back and wounded an officer. The French police, instead of assembling a team of negotiators and counsellors, shot him dead.

Parts of the city then erupted in riots as “protestors” demonstrated against police brutality.

At first sight his sounds a little strange – is Grenoble the headquarters of the French mafia? Is every other local a gangster?

But then the BBC drops a clue. The dead robber’s name was Karim Boudouba who, it seems, has three previous convictions for armed robbery. Naturally he now becomes Mr Bourdouba – and you know the the Beeb is salivating…..

Mr Boudouda, 27, had three previous convictions for armed robbery.
The riot erupted after a memorial service for Mr Boudouda.