For the BBC, it’s simple. It’s about a constant stream of newthink and newspeak, telling us that we should accept immigration, that any form of patriotism is evil, and that fear of danger from minorities – especially from Muslims – is idiocy.
Thus, this story about the Great Fire of London becomes an exercise in Goebbels-style propaganda. The facts are that back in 1666, Britain was in the middle of a major war with the Dutch; it was a battle for markets, against trade protectionism and much more; those who lived here at the time thought it was a vital cause and a just cause. Arguably, the actions of the brave men and women back then secured Britain’s place in the world and our future prosperity.
National security, unsurprisingly during war time, was a major issue – soon after the Great Fire, the Dutch mounted a major blockade of the Thames which led to the Battle of the Medway, a vicious action in which they attacked the fleet at its moorings. So when the Great Fire broke out in September 1666, it was hardly surprising that one theory about the causes of its outbreak was the Dutch.
But heck, for the BBC, any thought that Londoners should have been worried is just nonsense; it’s purely xenophobia at its worse that carries lessons for today. In this major re-writing and distortion of our past, I quote from the Meriel Jeater, the “expert” chosen by the BBC to play the Goebbels role. She says:
The dark side was that the fire burst on to the surface religious tension and paranoia about national security…It’s a tale with echoes today, says Ms Jeater. “When I was curating the exhibition, it wasn’t long after the 7/7 bombings and when I was reading about the reactions against Catholics and the Dutch, it struck me that there were a lot of similarities with the backlash against Muslim people after the bombing. A lot of suspicion about people living in London”.
So that’s it then. We should all ignore that many Muslims are busy trying to undermine us, just as back in 1666, we should have rolled over, forgotten about national interests and patriotism, and let the Dutch invade. And of course, our ancestors were nasty, xenophobic, insentient morons. In the US, they revere their founding fathers; here; the BBC leads the charge in denigrating and insulting them.