I’ve become increasingly convinced that the BBC is part of an international conspiracy about ‘climate change’. It isn’t simply that the reporting is so biased; it’s also because there seems to be a concerted effort to make sure that whatever so-called sceptics discover, for example over Climategate, the warmists bounce straight back with a new set of warped theories or bent facts to support their arguments. The feed of material is relentless, as if it is coming from an organised source. Over the holidays, I’ve been doing some digging on this, and I wanted to share one of my first findings.

A BBC journalist called Peter Thomson is not a household name in this country, but he’s the environment editor of the BBC programme (made jointly with WGBH Boston and RPI) The World, which on a daily basis pushes out climate scare stories to millions of people. Mr Thomson, it turns out, is also the secretary of the Society of Environmental Journalists, a US organisation, the main purpose of which is to spread alarmism through a ‘guide’ about ‘climate change'(masked of course, under the cloak of ‘objectivity’). There can be no doubt that this is a campaigining organisation which wants to achieve political change because it believes that the world needs to reduce CO2 emissions.

Mr Thomson’s activism does not stop there. He’s also a member of the advisory board of the Metcalf Institute for Marine and Environmental Reporting, yet another international organisation with alarmist goals. It, too, publishes a guide to how journalists should cover ‘climate change’; in truly chilling McCarthyite terms, the introduction explains how anyone who disagrees with “the consensus” should be ignored and that journalists should frantically pester editors to publish ‘climate change’ scare stories.

So, to recap. One of the BBC’s most senior editors responsible for environmental reporting has formal roles at the epicentre of a worldwide coinspiracy among ‘climate change’ alarmists. Not only that, he is assisting in the international propagation of so-called science communication guides, the main purpose of which are to enlist other journalists to spread the same lies in which he also believes. I suspect there’s a whole phalanx of Peter Thomsons, all feeding the BBC’s insatiable appetite to feed us with moonshine.

Update: Richard North, of EU Referendum, has kindly provided further information about BBC propagandists. Nik Gowing, a prominent – and rather humourless – BBC World Service presenter, has a no-doubt lucrative sideline in chairing ‘climate change’ conferences convened by the alarmist-in-chief, IPCC head Dr Ravendra Pachauri.


The BBC remains predictably silent about the allegations against Dr Ravendra Pachauri, the head of the IPCC, despite further revelations about his conflicts of interests (to put it mildly) in the Sunday Telegraph and around the world. Meanwhile, the BBC World Service Trust, a body that soaks up cash from the UK Foreign Office and is the cosy-cosy gatekeeper to the UK’s international aid efforts, continues its frenzied efforts to spread Pachauri’s moonshine about ‘climate change’. This page says it all. In fact, the so-called Trust’s role is formally to spread such lies:

We aim to:
* Help people protect their food supplies and incomes as the climate changes
* Train and strengthen local media to raise environmental issues and stimulate debate
* Prepare local media to provide life-saving broadcasts during natural disasters; and
* Make sure all our work considers the effect on the environment

For “environment”, of course, read ‘climate change’. In the BBC’s eyes, the two are interchangeable.


The BBC, as we well know, will bust a gut to report anything that supports AGW. It is now also resorting to staging ludicrously simplistic rigged scientific experiments on Newsnight to persuade viewers that its ‘climate change’ crusade is legitimate. A What’s Up With That correspondent explains:

Here’s something I found shocking and that you don’t see every day: the British government’s former chief scientific adviser Professor Sir David King flagrantly lying on national television to boost the dubious idea that some foreign agency (the Russian secret service?) was behind Climategate.

This was in the context of BBC 2’s Newsnight staging a peculiar experiment, with a politically-correct black female “space scientist” heating two bottles – one containing “air” (last time I looked, that included carbon dioxide anyway) and one containing “atmospheric air with a greater concentration of carbon dioxide” (they didn’t say how much they were adding, of course, but I’d bet it was substantially more than 0.000388%!). Surprise, surprise — the latter bottle grew hotter… Of course it did. A greater amount of carbon dioxide will be warmer when heat is applied. This is not a surprise! The proportions are key, of course, as you know.

Newsnight itself characterised the effort right at the start as a “very unscientific experiment” — so why do it at all?! In fact the “science” as presented was misleading and selective to the point of deception.

The WUWT entry goes on to explain in detail why the experiment is an indicator only of the complexity and pitfalls of setting up such scientific experiements. Deception? The BBC misrepresentation of ‘climate change’ goes well beyond that. It’s systematic fraud.


On the web, it’s everywhere. The Russian Institute of Economic Analysis yesterday released a report suggesting that the ‘climate change’ mob at East Anglia’s CRU deliberately and massively rigged Russian climate records, ignoring stations covering 40% of the landmass and choosing only those sites which showed evidence of warming. On the BBC, it’s nowhere. Step by step, the ‘climate change’ scam is disintegrating. But you won’t hear about it on the BBC.


Hurrah! Most Russians don’t give a monkeys about climate change. And who can blame them? If I lived in Siberia, I’d be pretty keen to see a bit more sun, especially at this time of year. But for the BBC correspondent Katia Moskvich, evidently as right-on in her political views as her London comrades, it’s a bit of a problem. She’s thought very hard about it and come to the startling conclusion:

But there may also be other factors involved, such as the lack of political discussion – because of the absence of any real political opposition – and the non-existence of a powerful middle class that would not only worry about its children’s health but also be ready to stand up and do something about it.

So that’s it, then, case solved. The Russians are waiting for the rise of the middle classes before they see sense and go potty about climate change, just like the BBC. It can’t be because they are sensible and have seen through the whole freak show scam, it’s because they are idiots.

The misreport

Jobs could go to fund Afghan war
The defence secretary is due to detail cuts, which could see thousands of jobs go, to pay for new equipment in Afghanistan

I give you no more than the headline and the introduction (but the report is bad enough). It sounds from this as though the Government is pulling out all the stops for Afghanistan, doesn’t it? It sounds as if they have the priorities right and a spirit of sacrifice? In fact, the Government is cutting the Defence budget in a time of war (helllllloooooo?), because they will not cut elsewhere, because they have proved incompetent in managing any kind of budget for anything whatsoever. The idea that there is a positive side to this (ie. winning in Afghanistan) is just pure silage of Brownstuff, tying in with the Prime Mentalist’s ‘gallant visit’ so nicely promo’d by the BBC the other day. And the deeper truth is that Defence is one of the few targets the Mentalist’s “moral compass” will consider for cuts while he ringfences or even cushions HealthnEducayshunnBenefits to assist his election chances. The man is sick, obviously, but the BBC laps such putridity right up.

It is difficult to find a healthy approach to defence in the UK, but at least this report is closer to the truth.


For a truly mind-blowing analysis of how the new carbon dioxide-trading kleptocracy operates – and how it destroyed Redcar steel works with the full connivance of our own government – read this piece on EU Referendum (a distillation of Christopher Booker’s column in the Sunday Telegraph). Chances of the full sorry tale being reported by the legions of intrepid BBC staff in Copenhagen? Absolute zero. The Redcar closure story is still being reported without mention of the carbon trading dimension, despite Booker first mentioning it last week. And meanwhile, the BBC focus is on making the thuggish “protestors” in Copenhagen look like world-saving heroes.

If Only

Reproduced fully and without further comment by Melanie Phillips is a superb speech made by historian Andrew Roberts at the annual dinner of the Anglo Israel Association.
It is lengthy and all encompassing, touching on every aspect of the predicament of Israel and Jews, with particular emphasis on the Arabist sentiment that influences Britain’s conduct in Middle East affairs.

I have long been fantasising about a television series of the calibre of The World at War that would set the record straight. Now here’s a man that could make it.
If only.
If only the ignorance that abounds in Britain – perpetuated by the BBC – could be swept away by this man’s enlightening words there would be no need for me to keep troubling you with my constant whining about Israel and the Jews.


So far, the BBC is totally silent on the Copenhagen Climate Challenge, an open letter to the UN signed by 141 leading international scientists who work in relevant fields. It challenges them to provide hard evidence on 10 questions relating to alleged AGW, including whether CO2 rises are causing harm, whether surface station measurements are accurate, and whether there has been a threatening rise in sea levels due to ‘climate change’ or an increase in hurricanes. I would like to be pleasantly surprised by seeing this splendid initiative reported soon by the BBC – it would make a lively item on Today, for example. But I’m not holding my breath.