Israel is “confounded”!

The BBC has now gone into full-on admiration for Gaza’s “rocketeers” – check out this gushing headline. No hint of bias there, eh? There are several remarkable aspects to this latest report from Al-Beeb. For instance, can anyone explain what is the actual difference between Hamas and the “Palestinian fighters” who are apparently “feeling the pain” of the bad Israelis attack? Who are these mysterious “fighters” – given that Hamas run this hell-hole? Whilst the BBC journalists who complied this report may admire the “political dexterity” of the Jew-hating Hamas, they also seem oddly unaware as to where the “better-manufactured” and “longer range” missiles Hamas use are coming from and also where the money which pays for all this terrorist artillery originates. During the Hezbollah war the BBC were to the fore in demonising Israel, looks like Hamas are to be granted the same immunity from any criticism. Come on Hamas – the BBC is in your corner so what have you got to fear? Makes you proud to be a license-payer….or sick.

General BBC-related comment thread:

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E-day fixe.

Dunno if you noticed, but “E-Day” was the day when the great British public was asked to turn off the lights to tackle climate change. Perhaps this was a good proposal, perhaps not – the British public appeared to hold the latter view – but it was certainly a political proposal.

Bishop Hill asks why the man behind the campaign (who was also the guiding spirit for the cancelled Planet Relief) had quite so much support from the BBC.

Don’t Panic, it’s the BBC.

I’m sure our more discerning readers will have had a wry chuckle at the news that Mohammed Hamid (Great name, eh?) – one of the most senior terrorist recruiters in Britain – a man who called himself “Osama bin London” – was himself the subject of a BBC documentary called “Don’t Panic I’m Islamic” broadcast in June 2005.

Hamid was recruited, by the BBC, from his stall on Oxford Street to represent ..ahem…the acceptable face of modern Islam. He was filmed, along with co-accused Mohammed al-Figari and 14 other men at a paintball centre in Tonbridge, Kent where they were seen ducking behind oil barrels and shooting at cut out figures before lining up to pray at the end of the day. The documentary was shot in February 2005 at the Delta Force centre because it was convenient for the TV crew but Hamid’s group returned four days before the July 7 attacks, this time bringing with them Ramzi Mohammed and Hussain Osman, who went on to launch failed attacks on July 21. The producer returned to talk to Hamid as the July 21 gang were on the run and said he admitted knowing them and was “agitated, concerned, and worried”, but the producer claimed her bosses took the decision not to notify the police.

The BBC – literally terrorist enablers?

General BBC-related comment thread:

Please use this thread for comments about the BBC’s current programming and activities. This post will remain at or near the top of the blog – scroll down for new topic-specific posts. N.B. this is not an invitation for general off-topic comments, rants or chit-chat. Thoughtful comments are encouraged. Comments may be moderated. Any suggestions for stories that you might like covered would also be appreciated!


Out of my sense of respect for those people suffering great loss, I didn’t comment on the Castro situation in Cuba a few days ago . I’m sure you will all noticed how upset the BBC was at the news that one of their (non) American idols had exited stage left. But now that the grieving process has started in full the BBC is now rushing out contrived articles of pure PR such as “Castro relishes chance to rest”

The night before, I slept better than ever,” he writes in Cuban Communist Party newspaper Granma, three days after announcing his retirement. My conscience was clear and I promised myself a vacation.”

If you force yourself to read the entire article, it smacks of pro-Castro propaganda, finishing with a flourish – an attack on the USA. Losing Fidel has been a mighty blow to the US-hating communist-thug worshipping element at the BBC and I think Castro will continue to get very positive media treatment from his dear fans at the Beeb.

General BBC-related comment thread:

Please use this thread for comments about the BBC’s current programming and activities. This post will remain at or near the top of the blog – scroll down for new topic-specific posts. N.B. this is not an invitation for general off-topic comments, rants or chit-chat. Thoughtful comments are encouraged. Comments may be moderated. Any suggestions for stories that you might like covered would be appreciated!


Right then, we can all argue about how many angels can dance on the head of a pin when discussing the degree of BBC bias but one area that really angers me is when the State Broadcaster uses its unique position of influence to recklessly undermine the brave men and women who serve in our British armed forces in war zones like Iraq and Afghanistan. My colleague Pete Moore over on A Tangled Web has made me aware of the forthcoming Panorama programme which claims that British troops murdered six Iraqi civilians (including a 14 year old boy), that they tortured others and mutilated the bodies of terrorists killed after ambushing Our Boys. According to a senior officer, the accusations amount to “the most serious and provocative made against the British Army in modern times.”

The allegations will be set out in detail at a Press conference tomorrow by the British solicitor Phil Shiner, representing the Iraqis involved and who collaborated with Panorama in the making of this complete propoganda. The programme will then be broadcast despite investigations by the Royal Military Police and International Red Cross both of which declared the allegations to be unfounded. Phil Shiner appears to make a living out of investigating Our Boys and was was made “Human Rights Lawyer of the Year” by the Joint Liberty and Justice Awards in 2004. That tells you all you need to know about this particular character. But what he does is for him and his concience, if he has one.

The BBC, however, will try – yet again – to blacken the reputation of our troops on the back of the contents of our bank accounts and under pain of imprisonment. It will do this knowing that these allegations have been investigated and discredited and it will do this knowing that its own programme will be used throughout the muslim world to rally more terrorist dupes. It’s quite possible that British troops will be attacked – killed maybe – because of the lies the BBC will broadcast on Monday. Why does the BBC have such visceral hatred of our military? Is it because they are revolted at the patriotism and bravery that runs through our armed forces? Might it be that the idea of people actually being prepared to risk their lives in defence of this United Kingdom appals the left wing rabble that made this programme? Throughout the period of the war on terror, the BBC has consistently shown itself prepared to believe the worst of our soldiers. In this regard, it is more dangerous than even the likes of Aal Qu’eda’s broadcaster of choice Al Jazeera – it is the enemy within and shows its true colours with this Panorama programme. Right beeboids, let’s hear you justify the unjustifiable when it comes to this calculated betrayal of the British Army.