Biased BBC reader David Preiser has written the following for us:
On September 17th BBC News Online featured a video report on the front page showing University of Florida student Andrew Meyer being tasered by campus security at a public event.
Meyer, was shown asking failed presidential candidate Senator John Kerry a question, then engaged in a scuffle with campus police, who at one point tasered him. The BBC video and a report are here:
Stun gun used during Kerry debate. The voice over informs us that the student:
“…was trying to ask a question when this happened. Up to four officers tried to remove the student who had reportedly been speaking for some time. He had been asked to stop and his mic was cut off.”
We are told he was asking Kerry why he hadn’t contested the election results after losing to Bush, and why Kerry hadn’t called for Bush’s impeachment. The BBC reporter implies that the student was suppressed for asking an anti-Bush question. The accompanying article says much the same. In both cases we are led to believe that someone was having his right to free speech violated simply for having an alternative viewpoint, specifically an anti-Bush one.
Except this is not the full story.
Meyer jumped to the front of the queue from further back, after everyone was told “last question”. The last question had already been asked, and Kerry was in the middle of answering it when Meyer leapt to the mic and asked Kerry about contesting the election and impeachment. Kerry tried to ask him to wait until he had a chance to finish answering the original last question. Not having any of it, Meyer became belligerent, and you can see what happened next. We are not informed that Meyer was deliberately speaking out of turn, or that he was given a chance to stand down. See Michelle Malkin,
Student tasered at John Kerry forum, for more.
Does this look like a bit of public theatre? That’s because it is. As fellow reader dave t comments, Meyer is something of an instigator and serial irritant, one who had planned this all along: Questions Raised Whether Tasered Student Planned to Stage Incident at Kerry Forum. More evidence that this was a stunt can be found in the local paper, Police: Meyer calmer off camera, something that escaped the BBC’s reporter.
The BBC report gets the story completely wrong, showing someone apparently being suppressed for making a noise and spouting leftie shibboleths. This distorts what happened and twists the facts. The sheer volume of more accurate reports that can easily be found is nothing short of embarrassing. Instead the BBC went with their instincts and produced an inaccurate report leaving the audience to draw anti-Bush and anti-American conclusions – a report quite different from the reality.
Thank you very much David for writing this up. Most appreciated.