Important: The BBC apology that is anything but an apology, or:
Getting to the bottom of the Children’s BBC Newsround 9/11 Scandal is proving a tough battle. First we have lots of complaints on September 11th 2007 about the BBC’s Why did they do it? page, the one that says:
The way America has got involved in conflicts in regions like the Middle East has made some people very angry, including a group called al-Qaeda – who are widely thought to have been behind the attacks.
In the past, al-Qaeda leaders have declared a holy war – called a jihad – against the US. As part of this jihad, al-Qaeda members believe attacking US targets is something they should do.
When the attacks happened in 2001, there were a number of US troops in a country called Saudi Arabia, and the leader of al-Qaeda, Osama Bin Laden, said he wanted them to leave.
…which as anyone can see, clearly suggests that the 9/11 atrocities were the result of American foreign policy, rather than, for instance, murderous islamist hatred that stretches back at least several decades to the days of Sayyid Qutb, the foundation of the Muslim Brotherhood and beyond (that’s not to suggest Newsround should be that detailed – but their coverage is clearly unbalanced as it stands).
On September 12th 2007 that page (and the other pages in the CBBC 9/11 Guide) was pulled from the CBBC Newsround website, returning a ‘404 page not found’ error when accessed.
Then, later in the day on September 12th 2007, a new single page ‘guide’, setting out a timetable of events on 9/11 (and nothing more) appeared in place of all of the pages in the offending CBBC 9/11 Guide.
At the same time, those who complained to CBBC Newsround received an email from Sinead Rocks, Newsround Editor, explaining that the offensive page was an old one that should have been removed, was probably written on 9/11 itself and that she was “genuinely sorry that this article has appeared and that it has caused offence”.
That night I blogged about Sinead Rocks’ apologetic email, asking a number of questions about contradictions between what she had said and what had apparently been removed from the CBBC Newsround site. I also emailed Sinead Rocks about my questions and suggested that she should post a full explanation of events on the BBC Editors Blog.
At 1.19pm on September 13th a post from Sinead Rocks, her first, duly appeared on the BBC Editors Blog, entitled Appropriate language. Great I thought, another victory for commonsense and transparency.
Then I read what she had written:
It was clear that the majority of people had clicked through to a story that had been written almost six years ago, had our old style graphics, and should not have been available on the site – we had replaced it with a newer version some time ago, but somehow the original version mistakenly remained on the servers. As such, I took the page down and sent emails of apology to everyone who had contacted us, pointing out our error and that it had never been our intention to offend. As a BBC site, Newsround’s core values include impartiality and objectivity and when something goes wrong, we hold our hands up to it.
It later transpired that some blogs were actually objecting to the newer version of this guide (which you can find here) to the events of September 11th and my apology was interpreted as being about this.
…which is just so much horse manure. The version that Sinead Rocks thinks is the ‘newer’ version is the version that people are, rightly, objecting to – the ‘newer’ version has been at the same url since at least July 10th according to Google’s cache of it. It was blogged about here at Biased BBC (halfway down) by my colleague Natalie on June 18th 2007. On June 28th 2007 Natalie reported that CBBC’s 9/11 Guide had been updated, with the addition of some new content.
There is no mistake about which version was online on September 11th (the version that people are complaining about) – it is the so-called ‘newer’ version, not any earlier version that Sinead Rocks assumed was still online. For proof of this, see Google’s cache of the page in question – it is clearly the same page as the so-called ‘newer’ version, and was retrieved by Google from the BBC site on 10 Jul 2007 at 04:48:34 GMT. If anyone is mistaken about which version is the subject of complaint it is Sinead Rocks, unless Google is lying.
After digesting Sinead Rocks’ horse manure (not pleasant), I tried to figure out just what she meant about different versions (as now explained above), and then checked out the CBBC Newsround 9/11 Guide again, only to find that all of the original pages from September 11th 2007 (and earlier), the ones that people had complained about, were back in place, and still are!
All those who think that CBBC Newsround made a mistake, corrected it and apologised for it are themselves mistaken.
There has been no apology and no mistake, and Sinead Rocks and the BBC are standing full-square behind their so-called ‘newer’ version of the CBBC Newsround 9/11 Guide – the one that implies the Americans are to blame for causing 9/11. Unbelievable!
Given Sinead Rocks’ apparent confusion about versions, I’ve taken screenshots of each of the CBBC Newsround 9/11 Guide pages to show the ‘before’ (as cached by Google) and ‘after’ (as current on the CBBC Newsround site). Most of these pages are uncontroversial, but you never know when the goalposts might be moved again.
Why did they do it?
(Google’s cached copy):

This is the page that everyone was complaining about on September 11th 2007. The page on the left, cached by Google on July 10th, is the same as the page on the right, captured on September 13th. The only differences are the timestamps, a change of picture and some line breaks. Other than that they’re identical. Nothing has changed.
What happened?
(Google’s cached copy):

These pages are identical. Their content is not controversial, though it implies that Flight UA93, the fourth plane, merely crashed, without mentioning the heroic fightback of those on board. This page is what appeared in place of the CBBC Newsround 9/11 Guide when it was taken down (temporarily it turned out) on September 12th.
Who did it?
(Google’s cached copy):

These pages are identical, and are again uncontroversial, though could be better written.
What is al-Qaeda?
(Google’s cached copy):

These pages are identical, and are fairly uncontroversial, though could be better written, for instance, AQ doesn’t just believe it is fighting a holy war – it is fighting a holy war, unless all those attacks are just ‘beliefs’ too, and as for “Al-Qaeda hopes…” its hopes extend considerably beyond those stated by the BBC.
How did al-Qaeda start?
(Google’s cached copy):

These pages are identical, and are again largely uncontroversial, though could be better written (for instance, what’s with the comma after ‘Al-Qaeda’ in the first line? And wouldn’t it be worth explaining the ‘place called the Soviet Union’ and why the Afghans were fighting them?).
How many people were killed?
(Google’s cached copy):

These pages are identical, and are again largely uncontroversial, though again could be better written (for instance, “The number of dead also included about 300 New York firefighters”, might be clearer and more informative if it read “About 300 New York firefighters were also killed”, perhaps adding “while trying to rescue people from the burning buildings”).
What’s happening to the WTC site?
(Google’s cached copy):

These final pages are also identical, and are uncontroversial.
A call to action:
Clearly, most of the CBBC Newsround 9/11 Guide is fairly anodyne, even if the language is very basic in nature (i.e. at the bottom end of Sinead Rocks’ stated 6-12 year old target age range) if the children I know are anything to go by.
However, the Why did they do it? page, suggesting as it does, that 9/11 was all to do with American involvement in the Middle East is clearly overly simplistic, one-sided and offensive.
Sinead Rocks’ evident confusion about what was being complained about and what she thought she was apologising for has clearly exacerbated matters – not helped by the BBC’s penchant for stealth-editing stories without updating timestamps properly (see footnote re. stealth-editing).
And still, after all this, the offensive Why did they do it? remains online, complete with Sinead Rocks’ defiant pledge that she and the BBC “stand by the more recent version”.
This is clearly not acceptable. British children, British tellytaxpaying parents and BBC News Online’s global audience deserve better. I don’t usually implore readers of Biased BBC to complain directly to the BBC, but on this occasion it seems sadly necessary. Here’s what to do:
- Telephone BBC Complaints on 08700 100 222.
If you wish to avoid subsiding the BBC with an 0870 premium rate call, call them direct in Northern Ireland on 02890 338000 and ask for BBC Information/Complaints (from If they try to fob you off with the 0870 number be firm and remind them that you are a TV Licence payer!
If you are calling from outside the UK, dial your international access code, followed by 2890 338000 and follow the procedure above. For example, from mainland Europe or North America dial 00 2890 338000.
Make sure they log your complaint and give you a case or complaint number.
- Use the BBC Complaints formto log your complaint online.
- Complain direct to CBBC Newsround here or comment on Sinead Rocks’ blog post, though I expect the Newsround people won’t show any more sign of listening than they have already.
- If you live in the UK, complain via your Member of Parliament using the excellent WriteToThem.comservice. Your MP may well then write to the BBC with your complaint too.…or do all of the above!
Please also ask any bloggers or journalists you know to cover this story and help get the BBC’s Newsround team to do the decent thing and tell the truth about the causes of 9/11.
Thank you!
Teaching our children that 9/11 was America’s fault. The BBC – it’s what we do.
Update (12:16pm): Sinead Rocks has responded to comments received so far on her blog post at 11:06am. I have just posted a reply to her. I’ll post it here if it doeesn’t get published there.
Update (Saturday evening): Several pages of the Children’s BBC Newsround 9/11 Guide, including the Why did they do it? page have been revised for the better. So much for “we stand by the more recent version”! See above, It looks like we’ve had a result, for more details.
Update (Sat. Sept. 29th 2007): Further to the above update, Dame Pauline Neville-Jones, a former BBC Governor and all round high-powered establishment superwoman, blazes away at the BBC for their Newsround 9/11 guide and general approach to reporting terrorism. Great stuff.
With regard to the BBC’s penchant for stealth editing, can we please have BBC News Online adopt a Wikipedia style system for tracking and displaying the edit history of pages? It would improve BBC News Online no end, with much better attention to detail and quality control from journalists, and complete transparency for us, the BBC’s tellytaxpaying customers. If John Leach can provide his excellent Newssniffer Revisionista service then the BBC can certainly do it too – if the BBC is interested in honesty and transparency that is.