I managed to get through last night’s lamentable BBC2 How Euro Are You? programme, but only just, and what a dreadful waste of time it was, except as fodder for this blog.
As usual for the BBC, the term ‘Europe’ was used throughout instead of ‘EU’, nicely conflating two quite separate concepts – one a continent, the other a political organisation. The show was presented by Andrew Marr, a serious reporter, and Dara O’Briain, apparently a comedian.
It’s a pity that Marr and No’Brain got their roles mixed up – Marr clearly ended up as a comedian for getting involved with such tosh, whereas No’Brain was seriously unfunny throughout – especially with his numerous smart-alecky slots supposedly debunking ‘tabloid myths’ about Europe. He did however serve as a useful reminder about, though it wasn’t mentioned in the show, just how well Ireland has done out of the EU – even though comparatively rich these days, the Irish got the most per capita out of the EU15 in 2004.
Near the beginning of the show Marr proudly announced:
Marr: “We’ve got a panel who hold very different views on this subject, now, quite deliberately, because you hear politicians banging out about all of this all the time it is going to be a politician free zone”
…and then went on to introduce various contributors, including one Julia Gash, introduced in the following exchange:
Marr: “Julia Gash, you’ve got a lingerie company, and you trade, er, or you used to trade a great deal inside the rest of the EU. What do you feel about the Euro? Is it something that really helps you, does Europe help you as a businesswoman?”
Gash: “Absolutely, if I’m going to be buying collections in say, from Paris, I want to know what that’s going to cost when they actually go on sale in my shop, and I want to know it’s gonna be the same price throughout seasons. With the fluctuations in the exchange rate you can’t do that, except all the countries within the European Union who have the Euro can, which is why they don’t come to Britain to buy any more. So, having run an export led business, recognising how harmful it was for us not to have the Euro, I now recognise how good it would be for business, it’s just making it easy, making trade simpler, and trade at the end of the day is what made Britain great”.
Marr then introduced Bridget Rosewell, who does know about business and economics, and asked her:
Marr: “Isn’t what Julia said, about the practical business case for the Euro almost unanswerable?”
Rosewell: “The business case for the Euro, ‘would we all like to trade in one currency?’ is fine, but it might as well be the Dollar or the Chinese currency and so on. We’re an international completely global city and a global country, so I don’t think it’s about the Euro, and I think the big issue, I used to be very pro-Euro, pro-EU, and all the rest of it, I think Europe’s great, but the EU stinks”.
Marr: “Julia?”
Gash: “No, over 50 percent of our exports goes to Europe, so it makes sense, if you are going to have an international currency, we are working in a global marketplace, so we need these big currencies to actually trade effectively, it makes sense for it to be the Euro, we’re more aligned with the economies than any other country, I mean, I live in Sheffield, and the Yorkshire economy will be very different say to that in Kent or Cornwall, but actually, as a whole, we’re more similar say to Italy or France, despite the differences that do exist”
Marr: “Okay, well a big range of opinion, we’re going to hear a lot more from all of you later on…”.
As you can see, Gash had a lot to say about Europe and the EU, and Marr gave her plenty of time say it, unlike Rosewell, who barely got started laying in to the EU before Marr was back to Julia for a nonsensical John Prescott style rebuttal from her. It’s a pity he didn’t follow up Rosewell’s point quite so assiduously – e.g. “So Bridget, why does the EU stink?”!
What we weren’t told, though the BBC are very well aware of it, having had Gash on before, is that she’s a big-time Liberal Democrat activist and wannabe-MEP! So much for Marr’s “politician free zone”! The other thing we weren’t told is that Gash’s lingerie business, that which qualifies her to speak as the voice of business, amounts to a supposedly upmarket sex shop and an accompanying website (beware dodgy pictures)! One of the times I recall seeing Gash on the BBC before was on BBC LDN (as their London regional programme pretentiously styled itself then), at a second Gash store, in a puff-piece on London’s “first permanent Eurozone” in Kingly Court, near Carnaby Street – which was also featured on BBC News Online, where Gash gushed:
Now that 10 more countries will be joining Europe on 1 May, there’ll be lots more tourists who will be coming to London with Euros in their pockets.
Strangely though, the London store is no longer listed in the phone book, nor does it appear on Gash’s website or in the Carnaby.co.uk map of the area (Kingly Court, 2.3). Perhaps London’s ‘first permanent eurozone’ wasn’t quite the success it was supposed to be for Gash.
Unlike the BBC though, Gash’s profile on her own web site is honest about her background:
Julia Gash, 41, is the founder and designer of Gash lifestyle brand. Originally from Nottingham, she studied in London and Brighton before moving to Sheffield in 1990 where she still lives. She is also involved in British and European politics and is well known for her pro European and liberal views. She represented the Liberal Democrats in the European Elections in June 2004.
Julia writes a monthly column in Exposed Magazine (see Advice from the Gash Girls) and has a weekly phone-in radio show called Sunday Night Sex on Hallam FM.
Eve Magazine has rated her as one of the world’s top sex and relationship experts and Cosmopolitan (May 2004) gave Julia a “sex salute” in recognition of “her services to womankind”
– even if the photo looks more like “Julia Gash, 27”, rather than 41!
There’s so much more that could be written here about the BBC’s EUseless How Euro are you?, but life’s too short, both for reader and writer! For more on the programme see EU Referendum’s In the gutter.
Biased BBC Satire: Which of the above screenshots doesn’t
tell the truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth? |
Watch How EUseless Are You? online here: Low-res./Hi-res.
Update: The excellent EU Referendum has followed up on this again.