The BBC and Labour have been making hay whilst the sun shines and headlining serious allegations of child abuse against a ‘leading Thatcher era politician’.
Not having any proof what so ever they have had to refrain from naming him…..and now it seems the victim may not have named him at the time either (and he still refuses now claiming he is too afraid of being sued) One website from 1997 does claim to know the names….having said that, reading the articles the claims are either genuine and horrific or entirely mad and include just about every Tory they could think of as well as…..MI5, arms dealers, high finance, blackmail, assassinations, spy rings and Tory big wigs burying children on their country estates….David Icke wrote some of the material.
Still that hasn’t stopped the BBC from making the wildest and most damaging allegations that they can themselves….and they keep slipping in the thought that there was, and there still is, a cover up going on to protect any accused high profile offenders…..a cover up by whom?…they leave that thought hanging….is Cameron involved????? are they trying to suggest very subtly?
And what do they mean by Thatcher era politician?….do they mean the abuse happened during Thatcher’s term as PM, or just that the man worked with Thatcher at some time?
The accuser, Steve Messham, said he first made his allegation to police in 1977, then again in 1979 and then in the 1990’s….which presumably led to the Waterhouse Inquiry.
Now that suggests the abuse took place before 1977…..Thatcher was only voted into government in 1979…..so the particular accusation of abuse was not ‘Thatcher era’…..there was no ‘paedo ring in No10’ as the Mirror likes to portray it.
One question…..how did a young teen recognise any politican at that time…..how many teens could recognise many today other than say Cameron and Miliband?…and even then get the wrong Miliband….and it seems that confusion over identity is possible…‘A man who bears the same surname as a prominent Conservative supporter. Two witnesses have told the tribunal of a rich and powerful man who belonged to the alleged ring.’
Interesting interview with another ‘victim’ on Victoria Derbyshire the other day…..asked if he was abused he said he couldn’t remember…..apparently ‘it’ was so traumatic he’d put it to the back of his mind….he couldn’t remember a single detail…..not saying people are making stuff up and the BBC are falling over themselves to give airtime to anyone with a ‘damning story’ but it does give that impression.
Let’s look at the instigator of all these rehashed allegations…….Tom Watson….but first a question….yesterday Evan Davis was questioning Theresa May about why she had set up an inquiry into these allegations in Wales.
Davis wanted to know why she had done that….because he stated….there is absolutely no new evidence….so my question might be why have the BBC decided to headline the allegations if they were found to be without any merit by Waterhouse and there is no new evidence?
Back to Watson….look at his biography and you might notice that Tom Watson is mainly concerned with…Tom Watson…and his self promotion. I don’t believe for one minute that he has the interest of the victims on his mind….he sees a political opportunity and a chance to grandstand yet again. No doubt the book will be out soon.
Why do I not think he has the interests of the victims at heart? Because if that was the case he would have raised the fiasco that was Operation Ore…..conducted under Labour’s regime and which named two Labour MPs as possible paedophiles.
Two Labour MPs join rock star Townshend in child porn inquiry
Former ministers reported to be on list of suspects who accessed site
or this:
In the 19th of January edition of The Sunday Herald, Neil Mackay sensationally reported that senior members of Tony Blair’s government were being investigated for paedophilia and the “enjoyment” of child-sex pornography:
“The Sunday Herald has also had confirmed by a very senior source in British intelligence that at least one high-profile former Labour Cabinet minister is among Operation Ore suspects. The Sunday Herald has been given the politician’s name but, for legal reasons, can not identify the person.There are still unconfirmed rumours that another senior Labour politician is among the suspects. The intelligence officer said that a ‘rolling’ Cabinet committee had been set up to work out how to deal with the potentially ruinous fall-out for both Tony Blair and the government if arrests occur.”
and don’t forget this from The Sun:
Crime Editor
A TOP aide to MPs at the House of Commons was yesterday charged with
having child porn on his computer.
Senior clerk Phillip Lyon, who arranges the weekly Prime Minister’s question Time for Tony Blair, was arrested after vice cops raided his commons office.
Lyon, 37, is accused of making indecent images of children.
Lyon is a highly trusted senior clerk to the Commons select committees.
His main duties are arranging Question Time on Wednesday afternoons. He has daily contact with senior backbench MPs and sits in on private sessions of the select committees as they cross-examine witnesses.
Lyon has a pass to the Commons guaranteeing him full access to the building after being vetted. A Commons source said: “He was a highly respected member of the civil staff who was implicitly trusted by colleagues and MPs.”He was in a position of great responsibility. The allegations against him are shocking.”
I haven’t heard the BBC mention any of these allegations and yet they are happy to rehash the Tory claims.
Operation Ore was a total failure by the police……but there are still 3000 people on the investigation’s list who haven’t been questioned by police. Given that, and Watson’s concern about getting to the truth and bringing injustices to light and offenders to book….shouldn’t he be pressing for that Operation to be included in any inquiry?
And as he hasn’t so far, shouldn’t the BBC be questioning his impartiality and whether he is merely conducting a highly partisan and politicised smear campaign regardless of the thinness of ‘evidence’?
The BBC might ask that question of themselves…..it looks merely that the BBC are keen to deflect the barrage of criticism they have received over Savile and are ‘delighted’ to find a Tory in their sights, and one who has a connection to Thatcher so they can put her in the frame as well, smearing her by association.
Angus Stickler, the BBC Newsnight reporter said: “My view is that these are allegations that weren’t investigated by Waterhouse.” He said they needed to be investigated “in the light of the new public mood” after the Jimmy Savile revelations.
Where are all the BBC staff, Jonathan Dimbleby included, rushing to say this is all nonsense…the victims are being forgotten…there is a ‘disturbing relish in the witch hunt of Tory politicians‘?
There may turn out to be truth in the allegations….but….it seems there one set of rules for the BBC and Labour politicians and another set for Tory politicians when it comes to making explosive claims based on flimsy evidence.