God Is Great…Well, Dunno Really…Someone Told Me He Was

The BBC finally admit ‘someone’ jumped an Olympic torch bearer and shouted Allah Akbar whilst doing it:

‘A boy who tried to grab the Olympic torch as it was carried through Kent has been ordered to pay compensation to the torchbearer and a police officer.

The 17-year-old boy, who cannot be named, attempted to grab the flame in Rochester Road, Gravesend, on 20 July

The court heard as he went for the torch the 17-year-old shouted Allahu Akbar – Arabic for God is great.

He did not know what it meant but had seen people shouting it on TV, the court heard.’

 That’s alright then….he had no political motive behind the action….just did it for the hell of it?  This report says he did it to impress his friends…..but also says :  ‘Defending the youth, Wayne Crowhurst said: “He doesn’t get out of the house very often – he spends most time at home on his computer.’

Just what websites does he visit…and which friends did he want to impress?


Wonder if Nicky Campbell will now do a show asking if TV is radicalising our youth?

The BBC’s Favourite Tory

No sign of this story from the world’s biggest news provider, which is unusual, as they are normally pretty keen to dig the dirt on Tories falling out…..


Climate committee chairman Tim Yeo under pressure over industry links

Conservative MP Tim Yeo is facing a backlash from his colleagues on the Energy and Climate Change Select Committee over his paid roles within the renewable energy sector, it was reported.

MPs on the Government committee were said to be plotting to remove Mr Yeo as chairman over his £140,000-a-year earnings from green power companies.

The former environment minister has promoted low-carbon energy sources, even claiming it may be necessary “to bribe” communities to accept wind farms.

Mind Your Ps And Qs…and The EDL

The BBC continues its demonisation of the EDL with a ‘report’ that is merely an excuse to try to malign and abuse EDL supporters and label them all as racist…no such thing as a ‘moderate’ EDL member apparently.

According to this report they are all drunken, racist hooligans….really?

Note the positively scary Big Brother attitude of Leeds City Council which sacked an EDL member for being in the EDL….apparently his private personal views do not meet the approval of the thought police. However I’m sure that there are many Muslims employed by LCC whose racist, homophobic and anti-Semitic views do seem to meet their approval…obviously, as they’ve still got jobs.

And read the attached piece from Harry’s Place….will the BBC be doing such a hatchet job on this mob as well?

From the BBC:

“Tony Smith”, the Bradford organiser of the EDL’s political arm – the obscure British Freedom Party – eventually admitted his surname was Sutcliffe and that they were forced to protect their identities.

“I believe that’s because people are scared to be labelled racist; to lose their jobs; to have their neighbours associate them with something that they’re not.

“So in some instances the alcohol and the frustration take over. They can be labelled a demon, a Nazi, a racist – that’s not the case.”

Clearly, many take a different view.

On the same day as the Keighley rally it emerged that Leeds City Council had sacked one of its staff who had been exposed by a national newspaper as an EDL supporter and prominent contributor to far-right web pages.

Chris Knowles, who worked in the school governor support team in the children’s services department, told the BBC that he not broken any laws and his dismissal breached his civil liberties.

In a statement Leeds City Council said that after an investigation it was found that his views were incompatible with the multicultural policies which every member of staff has to follow.’




Homophobic hate preachers set to gather in York

Cross-Post, August 14th 2012, 1:00 pm

In just under a fortnight, over the August Bank holiday weekend, Thorpe Underwood Estate in York will play host to the Islamia Village, a weekend retreat organised by the Islamic Network Project. According to its advertising literature the Islamia Village is a four day retreat which “combine incredible lectures with amazing recreational activities you get a truly breathtaking Islamic experience. Learn, relax, and be inspired in peaceful Islamic surroundings. Islamia Village is a dream come true, a hidden gem in the heart of the countryside.”

The range of activities in such a setting does seem truly impressive, that is until you look a bit more closely into some of the speakers set to address the event. Among them are several who preach extreme hatred against homosexuals, including calls for them to be killed.


Funny how Germany and France’s fall from economic grace is caused by their export market to southern Europe collapsing….whilst the British economy stagnating is all the fault of Osborne’s Plan A and nothing to do with European economic meltdown on our doorstep at all (or Gordon Brown).



BBC not happy that Government is using CPI rather than RPI as inflation measure to calculate public sector pensions, amongst other things. Jonty Bloom had an item on Today this morning about this with the not so subtle meme that basically this change will drive us all into poverty. Talk about inflating hype!  I suppose expecting the BBC to look at it from another perspective, namely cutting the bloated Public Sector and its totally unaffordable benefits is to be unrealistic?

Hide, Wait, Run

The BBC is always rigorous in its work when it comes to certain subjects….Israel, George Bush, the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan and undermining the Tory Party…it is also well known for attacking ‘America’ itself, its values and customs, its legal system and health care, its gung ho attitude to life.

Here is an ex-pat American, who has now fled back to America (presumably because he knew one day Justin Webb would be back here) who has noticed the BBC’s curious attitude:

So, to sum up, for the year 2005 the BBC covered the executions of 5 specific individuals (and clemency grant of 1) with 21 articles, and touched on the death penalty in the US more generally in an additional 7 pieces. This, in a year in which 60 convicted criminals were executed throughout all of the US. Even if we ignore the BBC’s Tookie Williams campaign and count all of its 11 articles on him as one, the BBC still averagied more than an article a month about the US death penalty.

The BBC also repeatedly reminded its readers that the US ranked 4th behind leader China in total number of executions for the year 2004, a fact which presents us with an interesting comparison.

A definitive figure on the number of executions in China for the year 2005 could not be found, but Amnesty International estimates that the figure was “at least 3,400”. How many articles do you suppose can be found on the BBC website specifically about executions in China? TAE did a google search on the BBC’s site for “china execution [month] 2005”. The relevant results were:

January – none
February – none
March – none
April – none
May – none
June – none
July – none
August – none

UN envoy cautions China on human rights (with a specific mention of executions).

China top court gets power to review death sentences.


– none
November – none
December – none

So, 3,400 executions in China merits only 2 stories on the death penalty in general, and zero stories on any specific execution, while 60 executions in the US merits 7 stories in general and 21 stories about specific executions. Or, put another way, executions in the US, which total only 1.76% the number of executions in China, get 1,400% of the amount of coverage given to executions in China. And the 1,000th execution in the US since 1976 is, for the BBC, a “landmark” and “milestone” requiring 3 stories, while the 1,000th (and 2,000th, and 3,000th) execution in China since January 1 last year passes by entirely unremarked upon.

Just what is it about US executions that so attracts the attention of the BBC?


Many of the BBC profess a liking for the Chinese way of doing things…Andrew Marr, Richard Black, and John Humphrys who told us the Chinese invasion of Tibet brought great progress to the country as  the new Chinese built rail road encroached ever more upon the Tibetans bringing with it a swarm of Chinese settlers…no problem with these settlers….unlike the Jewish ones elsewhere!

The Sunday Times reveals the traumas that the Chinese have brought to Tibet.

‘Hide, Wait, Run’

‘The girls hugged the ground as the soldiers scanned the forests and mountain foothills, their torchlights bobbing in the distance.  The girls, aged 12 and 10, were running for their lives and their story is far from unique….with thousands of other child refugees from Tibet they trek to India in search of a new life away from the persecution they receive in ‘China’ (ie Tibet).’

Marr did an interview with the Dalai Lama who has been in exile for 50 years but failed to ask why he was in exile or ask what is happening in Tibet….or why Tibetans are burning themselves to death…Marr said they must be ‘desperate’ but no clue as to why.

The BBC’s lack of interest in events in Tibet is all the more surprising considering its concentration on Israeli affairs which is remarkable, as is the BBC’s implicit condemnation of Israeli actions, remarkable because whilst several thousand people have been killed in the conflict their numbers pale into insignificance beside those of the Congo where over 5 million have died due to conflcit in 10 years, or the 1 million killed in Tibet since the Chinese invasion, or the 40,000 who have been killed in the Turkish/PKK conflict over 10 years in which hundreds of Kurdish villages have been wiped out.

Only recently the Turks launched a two week offensive against the PKK ‘terrorists’ as the BBC like to call them…..but we heard hardly a peep (compared to what it puts out in Israeli coverage) out of the BBC despite over 100  people being killed.  Where is the constant stream of reports coming out of Turkey from Jeremy Bowen claiming these attacks are ‘disproportionate, murderous and probably war crimes’ as he has with Israeli assaults on ‘terrorists’…where is Orla Guerin claiming ‘this is Turkish terrorism, this is the Kurd’s 9/11’?

The BBC can’t claim that they have no access to Turkey as they do with other hard to reach, or hard to work freely in, countries.  Turkish tanks gets a free pass, but the Jewish ones do not.



30 Pieces Of Silver

The BBC, the police, academia, local and national government all conspire to hide the truth about Islam in our midst…..They tell us that Al Qaeda doesn’t exist, bombers are just criminals perverting a peaceful Islam, Muslim rape gangs targeting non-Muslims don’t exist, ‘extremists’ don’t represent the vast majority of Muslims….all untrue.

The real, inconvenient, Truth is much more complicated…and all the more frightening.

Read this from Der Spiegel and contemplate the future and not just for Turkey…or indeed Europe should Turkey be allowed to become a member but also for individual countries with large populations of activist Muslims:

The Shadowy World of the Islamic Gülen Movement

By Maximilian Popp

Millions of Muslims around the world idolize Turkish preacher Fethullah Gülen, who likes to present himself as the Gandhi of Islam. His Gülen movement runs schools in 140 countries and promotes interfaith dialogue. But former members describe it as a sect, and some believe the secretive organization is conspiring to expand its power in Turkey.

Germans have devoted a lot of attention to Islam in recent years. There are conferences on Islam and research projects on integration. But the German public knows almost nothing about Gülen and his movement, even though it has more influence on Muslims in Germany than almost any other group. “It is the most important and most dangerous Islamist movement in Germany,” says Ursula Spuler-Stegemann, an Islamic scholar in the western German university city of Marburg. “They are everywhere.”

The Gülen movement has two sides: One that faces the world and another that hides from it.

In one of his sermons, he called upon his students to establish a new Muslim age. He advised his supporters to undermine the Turkish state and act conspiratorially until the time was ripe to assume power. “You must move in the arteries of the system without anyone noticing your existence until you reach all the power centers … until the conditions are ripe, they (the followers) must continue like this. If they do something prematurely, the world will crush our heads, and Muslims will suffer everywhere. (…) You must wait until such time as you have gotten all the state power (…) Until that time, any step taken would be too early — like breaking an egg without waiting the full 40 days for it to hatch. It would be like killing the chick inside.”

Gülen’s influence in Turkey was enhanced when Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdogan’s conservative Islamic party, the AKP, won the Turkish parliamentary election in 2002. Observers believe that the two camps entered into a strategic partnership at first, with Gülen providing the AKP with votes while Erdogan protected the cemaat.

Many civil servants act at the behest of the “Gülen brothers,” says a former senior member. “They were our students. We trained and supported them. When these grateful children assume office, they continue to serve Gülen.” In 2006, former police chief Adil Serdar Sacan estimated that the Fethullahcis held more than 80 percent of senior positions in the Turkish police force. “The assertion that the TNP (Turkish National Police) is controlled by Gulenists is impossible to confirm but we have found no one who disputes it,” wrote James Jeffrey, the then US ambassador in Ankara, in a 2009 cable. 

All of this sounds harmless, tolerant and peaceful. But Ilhan Cihaner experienced in Turkey what can happen to critics. “Anyone who messes with Gülen is destroyed,” says the former chief prosecutor. He has been a hero among secular Turks since he investigated the Gülen community in 2007. Cihaner says that he had received information about illegal financial transactions within the cemaat. But then, in response to pressure from the government, he was taken off the case. He was arrested in 2010.

Cihaner was accused of being a member of the ultranationalist Ergenekon organization, a group of conspirators who had allegedly planned to overthrow the government. Even Cihaner’s political rivals believe that the charges against him were absurd. The former prosecutor had acquired a reputation for his staunch campaigns against mafia-like networks. And now he was being accused of working with Ergenekon and planning to plant weapons in dormitories where Gülen supporters lived so as to discredit the movement. The prosecution based its case on statements by anonymous witnesses. Cihaner was eventually released because of insufficient evidence against him. He is now a member of the opposition in the Turkish parliament.

Istanbul-based journalist Ahmet Sik suffered a similar fate. He was arrested in March 2011, shortly before his book about the Gülen movement, “Imamin Ordusu,” (“The Imam’s Army”), was to be published. Security forces searched the offices of his publishing house, and the manuscript, in which Sik describes how the Gülen movement has allegedly infiltrated the police and the judiciary in Turkey, was confiscated. The investigative reporter was charged with being a member of Ergenekon. Ironically, it was Sik who, together with a colleague, had exposed the secret coup plans of an Ergenekon admiral in the weekly magazine Nokta in 2007 and who had repeatedly targeted the Ergenekon network. Sik was released a few months ago, following international protests.

In September 2010, Hanefi Avci, a former Turkish police chief and former Gülen sympathizer, was arrested and accused of having participated in the Ergenekon conspiracy. He had just published a book in which he accused Gülen members in the police of illegally wiretapping their enemies’ telephone conversations and manipulating trials.’


You will never see such a report on the BBC…it is too close to home and too likely to raise some very awkward questions about ‘multi-culturalism’.

 “You must move in the arteries of the system without anyone noticing your existence until you reach all the power centers … until the conditions are ripe.”

Remember, this is in essence what Mehdi Hasan says…Muslims must get into positions of power, especially in the Media, so that Muslim influence can increase and hence the power that Muslims can wield will also increase.

Yet again we have the ‘Establishment’ carrying out a policy that has highly controversial consequences, possibly dangerous ones for Democracies, and all criticism is suppressed and silenced.  Not only that but Islam is actively promoted by the BBC and all without any balancing critiques.

When the end game starts to play out  many of the people who implement these policies will ‘adapt’ and bow down before the new regime and take the silver pieces on offer.  They know that just as in Communist society the privileged still live a life of privilege unencumbered by the normal rules and laws of society…look at Muslim royalty and high flying businessmen…..drinking, gambling, womanising…..and yet the morality police back home are hunting down women for driving cars or going out unescorted by a male relative.

Those at the top now figure that come what may they will still be in charge and enjoying the good life never mind what happens to the ‘small people’ and whatever new regime takes power.



The BBC is supposed to hold such people to account…and yet it has become those people  itself.

In his now infamous speech, John Humphrys argued that: “If we were not prepared to take on a very, very powerful government indeed there would be no point in the BBC existing — that is ultimately what the BBC is for.’

Shame he doesn’t live up to his own ideals by taking on very, very powerful vested interests.


Yet more relentless socialist, green propaganda from the BBC:

 Secret Life of the Motorway –

3. The End of the Affair

‘When the first motorways opened they did so to national celebration. But after the first 1,000 miles had been built, their impact on both town and country was becoming apparent and people started to protest.

Middle England rose up and disrupted public inquiries to voice their frustration at motorway building, but it continued and over time the frustration gave way to concerns about saving the planet. In the early 90s that meant young people willing to risk everything to stop the motorways being built. The programme shows how we began to question the promises made by the motorway and along the way found our voice of protest.’

Was that really the case?  Wasn’t it in fact just Swampy and his mates tying themselves to trees who ‘risked everything’ to stop roads being built…& ‘everything’ being his roll up fags and social security card.

Of course the BBC are right…no one ever uses the motorways now.

Do you get the feeling that whoever wrote that was also one of the ‘protestors’ before getting a proper job at the BBC to pay the rent? 

I wonder when they will be doing such a programme about something more current…such as windfarms and the massive protests across the country from all sectors of society against them?