The BBC….A Bulwark Against Tyranny?

Jonathan Freedland thinks the BBC is a bulwark against tyranny.

I beg to differ.

Opposed to tyranny? The same BBC that gave copious support to Saddam Hussein and cost the lives of British troops? The same BBC that even now spreads Iranian misinformation about its nuclear intentions and when the sabres start rattling does all it can to ensure public opinion pressurises government not to attack Iran? The same BBC that ran a campaign to free terrorists from Guantanamo but ignored the hundreds of genuine political prisoners on the other side of the fence in Cuba? The same BBC that eulogises Castro and the mass killer Che Guevara…not to mention the various Islamic terrorists excused and quietly applauded for their anti-Westernism? The same BBC that refuses to criticise probably the world’s most dangerous religion and yet feels otherwise free to denigrate all other religions but mostly Christianity? The same BBC that hankers after Marx and his acolytes but pillories Neocons? The same BBC that aims to see the destruction of the only true democracy in the Middle East, Israel, and replace it with an Islamic Fascist state run on grounds that would make Hitler blush?  The same BBC that refuses to admit that there is an Islamist war on Christians in Nigeria?

If that is what Freedland calls ‘opposed to tyranny’ then I guess all tyrants can rest easy in their beds…it doesn’t look like they’ll be getting a bad Press from the good folks at the BBC.

Hullo Hullo Hullo What’s All This Then?

Interesting snippet from Inspector Gadget about a ‘well known radio journalist’ and a fake ‘police’ blogger.

Gadget Note: I love this story because just after the retail-riots, a well known radio journalist suggested to me that Winter’s stories were far more  human and sensitive’  than mine, and that this fact made him more appealing to the public and more realistic’  than Inspector Gadget!

Now Who is a well known radio journalist?  Nicky Campbell…yes…or how about the more likely suspect….Victoria Derbyshire who just loves those riots?

It is exactly what you might expect her to say.


No Such Thing As The Big Society


This may shock you…not only has the BBC had something positive to say about a Coalition policy but it was the BBC nemesis of the Tory Party, Mark Easton, a man whose sole aim in life is to ensure no Tory policy goes undamned, who had some praise…notwithstanding he did find this ‘perverse’.

‘The Big Society’ gambit set out to much fanfare and trumpeting as the great white hope by Cameron seems to have kick started a youthful revolution where people are taking control of their own lives…or at least their youth clubs, setting out to organise, run and fund raise for them themselves.

It is quite startling to hear the dependably downbeat Easton…at least about any Tory policy, singing the praises of what seems a stirring of public spirit….people volunteering and creating active citizens.

Oddly the fly in the ointment was a man called Dominic Cotton who is the communications director for a youth charity, ‘UK Youth’….he is in fact a journalist employed to ‘spin’ I suppose you could say, for UK Youth.

Here though he seems perhaps to have got it wrong…as Youth UK seems to be exactly what Easton is praising…involving 40,000 volunteers and copious amounts of fundraising and subsequent good works.

I suspect toes are being trod on and the charity feels its own territory is threatened with rivals competing for money and volunteers rather than any strong argument against the philosophy or likely survival of these new groups.

The BBC didn’t question Cotton’s stand but perhaps it should have.

However that is really a side issue….where is the BBC bias in this story? Well none really other than it stands in stark contrast to its normal output which is unremittingly negative about just about every aspect of ‘Tory’ policy.

This morning the government’s new scheme, ‘Funding for Lending’ was raised on the BBC and immediately the new scheme was dragged down with doubts about how successful it would be with banks still being targeted as the villains of the piece…as being unwilling to lend.

I would like, just for once, the BBC to examine a business that claims to have been refused a loan and look at the business case being made to justify a bank’s trust to lend money….not something I have ever heard the BBC do, it continually highlights rejections but gives no context…after all the business might be a complete no hoper….any one seen a programme called ‘Dragon’s Den’? BBC should remember not every ‘bright idea’ is a business in the making….and remind themselves that firstly the banks are being told to build up their capital reserves and secondly that it was risky lending, and borrowing, that landed us in the mess we are in today.

If the BBC were to be more positive, not where undue, but where it is called for and merits, it would surely help to lift the country. Confidence is everything…it is the instigator of the ups and downs of the Stock Market, oil prices and consumer spending as well as business investment…if the future is grim no one wants to spend money that they might need to survive the doom predicted by a gloomy BBC.

The BBC’s relentless negativity, mocking and sneering about the ‘Big Society’ has I’m sure done more to make people think ‘I don’t want a part of that if it’s such a joke’ and stand back from the fray in many respects.

Having said that maybe the BBC has had a change of heart…recently there was someone on who said he organised a lot of volunteers to clean up a beach…and it was a huge success with more benefits than just a clean beach…unfortunately I can’t remember who and on what programme….essentially the ‘BS’ in action again.

I would have thought this was something that the BBC would in the normal course of events be all over….however of course it is ‘contaminated’ by the Tory brand for too many in the BBC.

It surely is something that would allow otherwise complete strangers who live near each other to come together, get to know each other and do something for their own community…and thereby, taking control away from a government body, into their own hands…something for them to build and own for themselves…and therefore be more likely to look after…and foster the old fashioned ‘community spirit’.

The BBC is involved in many projects from the Open University to schools and charities, not to mention paintballing for terrorists….and it wouldn’t run amiss to divert some of that energy, effort and resources towards the simple task of ‘introducing’ a community to itself and open their eyes to the possibilities that they can run some aspects of that community themselves and actually make it a real community rather than a group of individuals who don’t even know their neighbour’s name.

The BBC is in effect the ‘Big Society’, with community money being pooled rather than hours of voluntary work, in the interests of the country…to provide entertainment , information and education.

However it has been hijacked by a group with an ideology and mindset at odds with the very people who are the BBC ‘customers’ and all too often fails to bring them the service they deserve and expect…and pay for.


When the BBC produces such vastly distorted political propaganda as this from the Panorama team you have to start thinking that the time has come for  drastic  surgery  cutting out the gangrenous, festering, toxic, politicised heart of the BBC.  They have clearly decided to engage in an outright war of propaganda against ‘Austerity’, quite prepared to use lies and disinformation to spread ‘alarm and despondency’ amongst the population in the hope of inciting social unrest and a toppling of the Coalition.

Panorama is not alone….Victoria Derbyshire, Paul Mason and many others all raise the stakes by painting a picture of doom and hopelessness the only answer to which is taking to the streets…It is perhaps lucky for the BBC that their whole output is not examined closely by those with the power to take measures against them….the BBC should be the subject of an intense scrutiny that leaves no stones unturned, no places to hide…a rigorous investigation of its output to measure just how politicised it is…and then potentially close it down until it can be ‘decontaminated’ and can be trusted to be, not the voice of the people claiming to speak for them, but the source of accurate, impartial and reliable information wihout which no real democracy can function and which gives the people their own voices to speak for themselves and voice their own opinions.


Goebbels would be truly impressed that the BBC Panorama team have so readily and fluently adopted his methods and produced a jaw droppingly distorted piece of black propaganda designed to incite riots, violence and revolution.

It is an astonishingly blatant piece of half truths and lies mixed in with deliberately inflammatory and deceptive, provocative images which attempt build a cleverly constructed tissue of lies to point the finger of blame for the present crisis towards one person.

It is without doubt a shockingly politicised polemic that fabricates a completely false narrative of how we got into this economic mess and who is to blame.

Panorama’s view is that we have a lost generation now…..Youth on the scrapheap with no hope, no jobs and no aspirations.

It tells us that there is no confidence in the politicians…clearly meaning those in power now…to get us out of this economic mess.

The politicians are out of touch…another reference to ‘Old Etonians’.

There is an increasing sense that we’re not ‘all in this together’…another Old Etonian reference.

Panorama says ‘Clearly we’re not all in this together’

Well that’s fairly clear…it’s Cameron and the Bullingdon boys who are the enemy of the People! Hang ’em high!

Panorama tells us that there is growing inequality….its example?…footballers….well yes, they’re getting paid ridiculous sums but there is an even more egregious example of overpay and greed in the Panorama team’s own backyard….just how do they justify the eye wateringly high pay deals for the BBC’s own media stars?…maybe we aren’t all in this together as they say?

The whole premise of Panorama’s polemic is to scare us into believing that if we continue down the road of ‘Austerity’ the country is going to go up in flames as the youth, alienated, jobless and disenfranchised, go on the rampage.

In other words…stop the Austerity…adopt Labour’s Plan B….or else….

Otherwise we will go back to the 1970’s with mass discontent, destructive industrial action and another lost generation and mass disorder(so what did happen to the ‘lost generation’ of the 70’s then…no answer to that).

Who was to blame…well  ‘Thatcher became leader of the Conservative Party in 1975 when we last had a double dip recession’….but hang on…she wasn’t Prime Minister…in fact it was Labour in power!!…ignore that, ignore the Unions crippling industry, ignore the bad management….carry on regardless…‘Her answer was to unleash the full force of the free market….and it is the bankers who have benefited.’

Oh…so Thatcher is to blame for the housing bubble, massive bank deregulation since 1997, Libor rigging and massive government overspending in the last decade? …no mention, strangely, of 13 years of Brown, Balls and Blair!…but we did keep getting subliminal messages with endless clips of Thatcher….look into my eyes…it’s all Thatcher’s fault your kids are jobless and will die in poverty in the gutter!

Panorama kept insisting that inequality has grown and we’re all worse off because of it. Really? When I look around I see an enormously wealthy country with ‘stuff’ that people wouldn’t have ever dreamed they could own in previous decades.

The truth is that yes the very rich have gotten richer but the vast majority of people have also seen their incomes and living standards increase enormously.

Why have the rich gotten so much richer? Is it really unfair tax laws or the rich manipulating the system to ‘do us all out of our rightful dues’?

The reality is that globalisation has opened up vast new markets and possibilities that weren’t available in the 1970’s to such an extent….In reality it is not (just) bankers who are so destructive of an economy but firstly business men who sack a British workforce and ship the factory out to Poland or China where Labour costs are so much cheaper…the business owners make more money as margins are higher and become even richer but Britain’s economy and its workers lose out….and secondly it is the ever higher wage demands of the British workforce…ie the unions…and costs imposed by government regulation….and living costs in Britain which force up wages.

Panorama bases much of its poisonous attack on the ‘facts’ of youth unemployment and high housing costs which apparently mean youngsters just ‘give up’…they lose both aspiration and then hope as they cannot buy a house…or have to move miles away from where they work.

The example given is a professional couple working in London who have to make a daily round trip commute of 3 hours because there are no affordable houses in London.

However, you might ask just how much of their choice of where to live is actually purely based on cost and how much on life style?…after all, their choice of home was a very nice country house with a garden in a nice location.

Panorama insists there are no affordable homes in London…..really? Well maybe it depends on the ‘lifestyle’ you want…..

Two minutes on Google and you get some very cheap homes…and not necessarily ‘dumps’.

A two bedroom flat for £50,000, a two bedroom home with ‘shared ownership’ for £99,000, a two bed for £105,000.

And there were lots more…and they were in London close to the centre.

As for a ‘lost generation’….well where do all the immigrants get their jobs? And where do they live? Millions of them…literally. There are jobs there…if people can travel from China and Africa to get jobs here…and not speak the language half the time…well…you know…on yer bike.

And how about the long list of products that have risen in price….coffee? Er…that has risen enormously because of bad growing conditions. How about vehicle fuel…..well that has fallen at least 10p recently…well what about heating fuel?…risen mainly because of green taxes and subsidies…..what about beef?….feedstuffs have risen because the price of corn etc has risen enormously…due to conditions outside our control…such as Russian stockpiling…and crops going for biofuel instead of food.

So the picture is somewhat more complicated than Panorama presents…in fact completely different.

Panorama adopt a philosophy of gloom and despondency…‘deep cuts(?), high unemployment(?), no growth and no hope…we’re returning to the 70’s.’

The question Panorama asks is can we cope with the new age of austerity? Should we have to choose between buying shoes or food? Its answer is clearly no…and the solution…..

‘We caught a glimpse of what such social unrest might look like last summer in Clapham.’

Of course…we’d forgotten those riots weren’t caused by a few anarchist minded yobs out for a good time but by a Youth alienated and forgotten, dumped on the scrapheap by an uncaring Tory government….if democracy fails them then they must use the resources they have to make their voices heard.


Panorama is taking a highly irresponsible attitude…one that is not just ‘forecasting’ social unrest but  inciting it, presenting information in such a way that it deliberately incites discontent, fear and anger….and aims it at particular targets…the Tories and bankers.

This is highly politicised Television designed not to inform but to poison debate and stir up hatred and violence.

There could be good ground for a closer look at this programme from a legal perspective…..let’s see how ‘ghetto’ the highly paid media bumpkins are when they have to share a cell with a rioter.

Don’t forget kids…no job yet, no mansion in Chelsea, no private yacht moored on the Thames?

You know what to do……




Joy Through Striking!

Victoria Derbyshire interviews the new General Secretary of the TUC, Frances O’Grady.

However it wasn’t so much an interview as a chance to bang the drum for Labour Party policies in what was in effect a half hour party political broadcast.

O’Grady was pitching the Labour line that government cuts are slowing the economy, increasing unemployment, reducing tax revenues and therefore forcing the government to borrow more.

 No questions from Derbyshire…or none that she considered she really  wanted answering, and no other person on to dispute what O’Grady was saying.

So here’s a quick corrective….So far the government hasn’t cut spending overall which is why it is having to keep borrowing…. unemployment is going down….I think 800,000 jobs have been created in the private sector…far more than lost in the pubic sector….and government fiscal responsibility means that the money we do borrow is at far cheaper rates than we would get under a profligate Labour government who wish to borrow even more…with no idea how to pay it off.

 No sign of any thoughts along those lines from Derbyshire….her sole concern was that the TUC had been ineffective in forcing the government to stop the so called cuts in government overall spending.

She seemed quite keen to encourage further strike action…Derbyshire seems quite a fan of such actions…no student protest is complete without her and the 5Live broadcast team.

‘You need to go on strike to get the government to change their mind!’

I took that to be an instruction from Derbyshire…I could be wrong…but I doubt it.

I think Derbyshire is trying to re-imagine her  student days which she utterly wasted by swotting hard and helping orphans when she should have been rabble rousing and bringing down governments ….now she encourages others to rabble rouse and bring down governments.

The ‘callers’ to the show must have been handpicked ‘onside’ cheerleaders for the cause…..they didn’t exactly cause O’Grady any problems…

Caller 1. ‘I agree with everything you say’.

Caller 2. ‘I agree with everything you say but when are we going to have a general strike?’

 Caller 3. ‘I agree with everything you say but you haven’t done much to help Remploy workers?’

Which gives O’Grady the chance to say that Unions are not as powerful as they should be because of oppressive government anti-union legislation (which allows them to kick disabled workers onto the scrapheap.)and that this needs to be repealed and for more people to join the Unions. All in all hardly a balanced or very informative piece being purely from O’Grady’s point of view.

Remarkable that Derbyshire is so unwilling to ask any difficult questions or demand any actual answers to ones she does ask. An obvious question is why should the Unions have any political clout at all in a democracy? Why can a Union Baron, or Baroness, take his membership for granted along with ‘their’ money and hand it all over to a political party. Where is the democracy in what is essentially mob rule?….and that’s assuming that the 6.5 million union members actually support Labour or the policies the unions want to be implemented…which I doubt severely….At least half must be Sun readers.

No such questions from Derbyshire…..the whole show was basically turned over to O’Grady and quite probably broke every rule in the BBC Charter.

Blackbeard…The Pirate?

Certain this must be a sweep stake in the BBC news room…how fast will some one notice the deliberate evasiveness?…..

‘Three men from Birmingham have appeared in court accused of plotting to attack members of the English Defence League.

Our correspondent says the defendants, all with dark hair and beards, wore black sweatshirts and trousers as they sat in the dock at Tuesday’s hearing.’

Guess I’ve just won someone a tenner!




If you want a laugh, I suggest you tune into this programme on BBC Radio 4 this afternoon.

In No Extremists Please- We’re British! Trevor Phillips, the chair of the Equality and Human Rights Commission, conducts a personal investigation into why extremist parties have never gained a significant electoral foothold in Britain; he asks whether there’s something inherent in the mindset of the white working class voter that makes us as a nation immune to the appeal of extremist politics; or is it just a question of time before what’s happening in Europe happens here?

Evidently “extremism” only runs way and does not include those who detonated themselves on our transport systems and who plot daily to find ways to kill us. Maybe Phillips can follow this programme up with “No Jihad please – we’re Muslim?”


Anyone catch the Today programme this morning and the BBC doing it’s very best to extract an apology from Hague for Osborne suggesting that Ed Balls “had questions” to answer over the fixing of Libor? My goodness but Ed must be happy with his pals at Broadcasting House and their valiant attempts to protect his good name. I mean the very idea that those people in the Labour Government with responsibility for the economy and banking could have ever even contemplated discussion on such an obscure issue as LIBOR is just an outrage, right? Cough.

Who do the BBC think they are fooling with their rush to embrace the thoughts of Paul Tucker? His opinions are afforded Papal infallibility. He could be right, of course, but he also could be wrong. The latter idea is dismissed by the BBC as it moves to undermine Osborne. Even worse, the witterings of Conservative  Andrea Leadsom are now given national import since they may damage Osborne further.

The LIBOR scandal is awkard for the BBC and Labour but the idea is that it was all perfectly innocent, nothing to see, just evil bankers doing what they do, and just when will Osborne apologise for impugning the good name of sociopath good egg Ed Balls?

You’ve Never Had It So Bad


Listen to this, Marr’s ‘Start the Week’, and you will hear some outlandish stuff though standard fare for the BBC.

First an ‘ex-Muslim radical’, Maajid Nawaz, who helped found Quilliam along with also ex-Muslim radical Ed Husain….having read the books and heard them speak I conclude the ‘ex-radical’ may be a bit premature…they seem to still aim for the same ends just with a softly softly approach.

Then an Observer/Guardian journalist, Robert Chesshyre, who blames Thatcher for WWII, the Black Death and the end of the Roman Empire.

Then ex diplomat Christopher Meyer who tells us that East Europeans want a return to Communism because it was such a simple life style and so er ‘communal’.

Tory Liz Truss was also on but was far too polite to make any radical suggestions and catch anybodies interest.

Nawaz made some BBC pleasing noises….white racist thugs drove him to become a radical Islamist (and not a violent and empire building religious ideology)….he first thought he was targeted because of his race but when the Bosnian war began he realised that it was really his religion that was the problem.

He goes onto claim that it is a battle of ideas and not race that is now the driving force behind attacks…and that evidence of this is proven by Sikhs joining the EDL in an alliance against Muslims….a ‘new form of intolerance’.

One long practised by Muslims.

But he also upsets the BBC apple cart, though ignored by Marr….by saying that the EDL is not racist…it is fighting the ideology of Islam…a battle of ideas….and that in Islam Mosque and State are one body…there is no separation between them……both concepts apt to ruin the BBC’s day as the BBC presents the EDL and all ‘Islamophobes’ as purely racist without any reason for their dislike of Islam, and that radical Islamists have politicised Islam…when Islam has always been about politics.

I personally think people like Nawaz and Husain are merely conducting the ‘war’ in another form…the intent is to promote Islam and spread its influence and power by using willing, if naive, aides in the Establishment who channel money and give credibility to groups such as Quilliam….Nawaz and Co are following the injunction that ‘the ink of the pen is more powerful than the blood of the martyr’….a phrase Mehdi Hasan likes to use.

Everything Nawaz says has a hidden agenda.

Look at his response to Marr’s question….‘What do you make of people coming here and living in sub groups not speaking English and unable to communicate with the majority culture?’

Nawaz…‘Communities that are victimised respond in a way which is understandable…a siege mentality, they isolate themselves…they are victims and may become extremists…it is the majority society that has placed these limits on their aspirations and social mobility.’

The answer…not that they refuse to join in because of their religious convictions and social mores but that they hide from a racist wider society….they are victims….and then become radicalised.

Chesshyre pipes up…‘If Id been black or Asian I’d have been radicalised also…very dangerous to have isolated sub groups.’


He continues…‘…Christian evangelism is a political ideology dressed up as Christianity…and Islamism is a response to a very aggressive Western pro-Democracy Christian movement…if Christian evangelism were to diminish would Islamism diminish?’

Nawaz….‘Islamism emerged as a resistance movement against colonialism and attempts to merge mosque and state…a mirror image of the Reformation where Church and State were separated.’


Really? Self serving rubbish….Islamism began in the 7th century with the man who dreamt up the Koran….Mohammed…..Islam has always been a ‘complete way of life’ encompassing every single aspect of life from social, religious to political….there has never been a separation of mosque and State.

Nawaz at face value served Marr’s purpose…white Racists, police, secular society and Christians are to blame for the creation of Islamic radicals….it’s not their fault…and certainly not the fault of the religion of peace.

Let’s be clear….Islam is all about politics…in fact more politics than religion, it has always been violent and intent on converting the whole world to its ideology…and Muslim isolation has nothing to do with the rest of society shutting them out…they made that choice themselves due to culture and religion.

All of this was intended to serve the BBC narrative…however it backfired hugely as Nawaz undercut the fundamental BBC line about EDL racism by admitting it was a ‘battle of ideas’. The other pillar of the BBC Islamic narrative is that Islamists are ‘political’ Muslims, a new form of Islam which leads to violence …all other Muslims are non political ‘moderates’….but Nawaz admits that Islam has always been a union of Mosque and State….in other words if you get Islam you get the politics too…and the ‘Laws’ i.e. Sharia.


Chesshyre is another star performer straight out of the BBC ‘stable’ guaranteed to offer up the Party Line.

He claims Thatcher ‘shook us to our detriment…miners were no longer wanted, they were abandoned  as have been the ‘underclass’ and problems we have today with the ‘underclass’ grow out of that abandonment…they are surplus to requirements.’

Marr jumps in and chunters on about the banks and the ‘loads a money’ culture apparently invented in the 1980’s.

Chesshyre goes onto say there are similarities between then and now…nothing has changed…the Big bang released the Bolinger culture.

When he returned to Britain in 1987 he claimed everything had changed in society because of Thatcher…we were less caring, less sympathetic, a less pleasant place to live, harsher.

Of course that is rubbish…what had changed was that people had become better off financially right throughout society…as income studies show…yes the rich got richer but so did everyone else….and the poor got more welfare.

Chesshyre made comparison with a book by J.B. Priestly, ‘English Journey’ in which he travelled throughout England in the 1930’s.

Chesshyre claims this showed us a Utopian England that was ruined by Thatcher and her industry destroying policies.

First off Thatcher didn’t destroy industry…the unions and bad management and cheap overseas competition did for that…when the Tories left Office manufacturing was around 22% of GDP, by the time Labour left Office it was 11%.

And was the past such a golden era…lets look at some quotes from the prefaces to that book:

1. ‘In the autumn of 1933 when Priestley made his rambling journey across England, the country was in the depth of the Great Depression. Things were as bad as they were because Britain had lost its mastery of world trade. The prosperity of the nineteenth and the first decade of the twentieth century, which stemmed from a tremendous increase in wealth from coal, cotton, iron and steel, as well as ship building and railways, was over. After the First World War, the world neither needed our products nor heeded our advice.

By 1933 half of Lancashire’s pre-war overseas trade in cottons had vanished, never to return. A similar shrinkage appeared in the overseas trade of other industrial products. We became bewitched as one foreign country after another became independent of our supplies. Step by step Blackburn, the thriving cotton town in which I grew up, became known as ‘dole town’.

As he made his way further north to the mining villages of the Durham coal pits, the situation became more desperate. County Durham, he called ‘a nightmare sprawling among the muck’. Northern shipyards and marine shops were empty; shipyards had been idle since the end of the war. Newcastle he thought might have been carved out of coal, a black steaming mass surrounded by people without work.

 2. The second England was a much grimmer place : ‘the nineteenth-century England, the industrial England of coal, iron, steel, cotton, wool, railways…slums…sooty dismal little towns, and still sootier grim fortress-like cities’. Finally, there was ‘the new post-war England…of arterial and by-pass roads, of filling stations…of giant cinemas and dance halls and cafes… But what Priestley identified most sharply of all was the ‘North-South Divide’ long before that term came into common use : in the South reasonably civilised and prosperous places in which to live; in the North places of wretchedness, decay and deprivation. And although there is bitter condemnation about this latter state of affairs the book is full of the common warp and weft of daily life, the determination of individual human beings to make the best of things, the diverse tapestry that was England in the 1930s.

3.  In his fiction he was not good at inventing villains. In his non-fiction he had no hesitation in condemning the Nazis when the time came as out and out villains; but here he blames the baser aspects of human nature for the mess and squalor the Victorians created and left scarring the countryside – greed, selfishness, pomposity and hypocrisy. I have often felt we needed much of the 20th century to pass before we could escape from the cloying influence of the Victorians. And he looked back joyfully to the vigour and merriment of the 18th century, for all its faults. And this is another of his themes, that life should be enjoyed.



That final comment is of course the most telling…Priestley looked back to his own ‘golden age’…that of the 18th century….just as Chesshyre looks back to his own Utopia, but one built on dreams and half remembered ideas and memories… never existed….and ‘progress’ has brought enormous change and benefit.

Thatcher’s Big Bang brought enormous success to the City and huge rewards to all, ones that flowed into the Chancellor’s coffers… 2000 the economy was thriving and in ‘profit’… was not ‘Capitalism’ that ruined it all but greed and recklessness of a few and the tax and spend of the Labour government.

And what of Casino Banks so beloved of the BBC, Miliband and Vince Cable?….well it was high street banks making bad loans to people wanting mortgages essentially that pre-empted the crash not huge investment banks ‘going for broke’ so to speak. The investment banks then bet on those loans…in the US they knew some loans would be ‘bad’ but they ‘knew’ that only a proportion of the market would collapse…more than compensated for by the areas that didn’t….they judged wrongly…..the whole market collapse right across the US….maybe bad judgement….but based on previous experience…or recklessness with all their eggs in one basket….but some perspective is needed on this…..and more thought rather than knee jerk ‘populist’ soundbites and subsequent bad laws and regulations by equally craven politicians.